Strange Comes: I Loaded The Boss Template

064 The auction of the super rich? Investigators at the auction venue!

064 Auction of the super rich? Investigators at the auction floor!


Xiao Wanqing underestimated the attractiveness of this gem—to be precise, its life-extending effect—to the rich.

She is still young.

Even though Wang Yan likes to call her an old lady...she is only 27 years old after all.

After eating the meat porridge of the purgatory dragon for several days in a row, after the process of evolution from mortal to extraordinary, Xiao Wanqing became several years younger overnight!

Her current physical condition is much better than many seventeen or eighteen-year-old girls!

Such Xiao Wanqing, naturally, can't understand the horror of the end of his life, and he can't empathize with those rich people who are already in their old age, or even about to die of old age.

She just made a rational judgment. Lifespan is very attractive to everyone, so she only set the auction reserve price of 2 billion.


Is this price high?


But not high either.

It's high because more than 99.99% of the people on Blue Star can't have a net worth of over 100 million, let alone 2 billion to auction such a life-extending gem.

It's not high because there are still many super rich people on Blue Star who are worth billions, tens of billions, or even hundreds of billions!

And such rich people are generally not too young.

They have entered old age, or are about to enter old age, they have begun to consider their own lifespan. Even before this, many rich people have invested in related life laboratories in an attempt to prolong their lives.

For such a super-rich, to give one-tenth or even one percent of their wealth in exchange for an extension of their lifespan... Are they willing?

Naturally willing.

Not just them.

Even today, these two dozen rich people at the auction venue are like this.

For example, Sun Lao.

He is already very old, and the need for this gem is extremely urgent.



Still cash.

Instead of real estate, factories, stocks and other wealth.

No matter how much he desires, there is nothing he can do.

Because he can't afford it.

In fact, Sun Lao did not think of other ways.

Such as human affection.

However, based on what he knew about Xiao Wanqing, Xiao Wanqing would not rashly set foot in the jewelry industry when Haisheng Group was already on the right track and showed a better and better attitude as a whole.

On the surface, this auction was convened by Xiao Wanqing and presided over by Xiao Wanqing... Who knows where these gems with incredible abilities come from?

I am afraid.

Xiao Wanqing is just one of their spokespersons, right?

space cracks.

Evil spirits invade.


God's favor.

Although basically no one of these rich people has personally come into contact with these unusual things that have only appeared a few years ago, their contacts and information channels have allowed them to know far more than ordinary people.

Investigator and God-given with extraordinary powers.

A magical gem with extraordinary effects.

It is impossible for no one to connect these miraculous transcendent gems and Xiao Wanqing with those equally miraculous investigators and favored ones.


Old Sun just sighed and didn't speak.

Because he knows.

Even if he opened his mouth, there is a high probability that Xiao Wanqing would be embarrassed and humiliated, making both of them uncomfortable.


In the end it all comes down to financial resources.

Whoever pays the highest price will be able to take away this legendary and mythical life gem!

In the auction venue, it was still deadly silent.

After a long time.

Only then did an old rich man with grey hair speak, and asked tremblingly, "Miss Xiao, how long can this life gem...probably prolong the lifespan?

“In general, the stronger the individual, the greater the benefits. 35

Xiao Wanqing glanced at the old rich man and said with a smile: "In terms of your old physical condition, it can be extended for eight to ten years.

This time is also estimated by Wang Yan.

Generally four-dimensional attributes, especially physical attributes, reach the level of third-order investigators, so the life growth and vigorous vitality brought about will extend a person's lifespan by fifteen to twenty years.

An old man's words... If you fold it in half, it will not be a problem to extend it for eight to ten years.


"2 billion 々"!"

The old tycoon was silent for a while, and then said nervously: "Miss Xiao, can you allow me to make a phone call? 35

2 billion.

And it's cash.

Even if he wants to take it out, it is not an easy task. Say no to sell some property or shares, or simply seek bank loans.

When the old rich man asked this sentence, the eyes of the other rich man suddenly lit up.

If so, then start the auction.

Among these twenty-odd millionaires, more than two-thirds are not eligible to join the competition, that is to say, they do not have more than 2 billion in funds, or are unable to mobilize 2 billion in funds.

If there is a buffer time... Maybe, they can still compete!

not only that.

A gem that prolongs life.

And it can be extended for eight to ten years!

This is great news!

Even if they can't afford it, can't they find someone?

Whether it is domestic or foreign, those super rich who have not been invited, or simply the super rich that Xiao Wanqing has no access to... They don't need to extend their lifespan, don't they need such a gem?


When the old rich man said these words, everyone's eyes were focused on Xiao Wanqing.


Xiao Wanqing thought for a while and said, "After half an hour, the last auction will begin. However, in order to prevent some trouble, please don't go too far."

After saying this, Xiao Wanqing picked up the life gem on the table, put it in her bag, and walked towards a small room next to the auction venue.

The bait has been thrown out.


Depends on how much fish you can catch.

As for the other... For example, will there be some rich people who have a crooked mind and simply send someone to snatch it? Or the existence of the gem of life leaked out with the phone calls of these rich people, attracting other people or forces to snatch it?

These Xiao Wanqings are not worried.

This is Taixia Kingdom!

This is Zhonghai City!

This is the site of the Taixia Country Exotic Bureau!

Who wants to do things here, and it is a big thing like robbing super gems worth more than two billion... The first thing to face is the encirclement and suppression of the world's number one extraordinary organization!


When Xiao Wanqing didn't take any defensive measures, would he dare to auction off something as valuable as the gem of life?


"come out.""

Entering the small room, Xiao Wanqing put her bag aside.

she shouted.

Bo Bu, who was hiding under a table to catch up on sleep, opened his sleepy eyes and jumped to the seat next to Xiao Wanqing.

"Good daughter.

"So cute!

Xiao Wanqing picked up Bubu's dog's head and kissed it fiercely before letting Bubu continue to make up for her sleep.

A hand was placed on Boob's body, and he was stroking one after another.

Xiao Wanqing's heart is full of security!

More than two months ago, Boobu was the pure white beast who saved the entire Zhonghai City! Now, two months later, she doesn't know how powerful Boobo is.

She just knows.

There is Boob by his side.

She has nothing to worry about!


Wang Yan also said that he didn't break the law, and he didn't break the rules.

Confidentiality is best kept secret.

If it really comes to the critical moment... even if all this is uncovered, it will be fine.

half an hour.

This is Xiao Wanqing's time for the rich - and the super rich behind the rich.

During this interval, Xiao Wanqing took out the life gem again.

"I originally thought that the starting price of 2 billion for you was a bit high.

"Now it seems that the desire of the rich to prolong life is still underestimated."5

Xiao Wanqing muttered to herself.

If this gem was in the hands of the super rich, it would represent their lives, representing more than ten years of extra life; but in the hands of Xiao Wanqing...

It's really just a nice looking gem.

This is not to say that Xiao Wanqing is not interested in prolonging her life.

Just because...she's gotten better!

The gem of life, even the orange epic quality - this is the grade word that came out of Wang Yan's mouth - needs to be worn for a long time in order to improve one's body and improve one's physique little by little, thus prolonging effect of life.

But what about her?

That bowl of meat porridge with unknown ingredients, just that bowl... made her at least six or seven years younger! It also greatly improved her physical fitness!

If this gem of life is calculated according to the price of 2 billion.

That bowl of meat porridge is worth 1 billion, right?

And it is such a bowl of meat porridge with a price that breaks the sky... She has been drinking it for several days!


In the recent meat porridge, there are more and more unknown meat ingredients, her physical condition is getting better and better, and even her physical fitness is getting more and more abnormal!


It's really based on the price of the gem of life... I'm afraid, just the meat porridge that you and Doudou drank during this time, even selling all your property, is not enough?

"I originally thought that if I invested some money in Xiaoyan's company, I would be able to pay off part of the favor."

"I only know now that I owe more and more, so much that I can't afford it anymore..."

thought here.

A certain idea that once appeared in Xiao Wanqing's mind came out of her heart again.

She opened her bag.

Get out a small and delicate mirror.

Looking in the mirror, looking at his youthful and charming face, which is fatally attractive to any man, he muttered to himself, "Pure desire? Is this the word?

"That's why I don't want to fight.

"If you really want to fight... can the old lady be better than a little girl? 35


in the auction hall.

When Xiao Wanqing said that the last auction would start half an hour later, and left the auction venue on her own, the more than 20 rich people in the venue suddenly became busy.

Some call their assistants or finance to start raising funds; some call other rich people they know well, and they are going to borrow some money; Opportunity to catch a line...

In short.

Everyone has their own ideas.

And among the more than 20 rich people and the dozen or so young people who came with them... Liu Shi is the most special one!


He is an extraordinary man!

An investigator affiliated to the Jiangdong Base of the Discord Bureau!

Anomaly Bureau.



God's favor.

When the Headquarters of the Discord Bureau chose to disclose information in a limited and gradual manner, these words were no longer uncommon words on the Internet of Taifuguo.

Almost people who are used to the Internet understand what these words mean, and it is because of the appearance of these existences that the Taixia Kingdom has remained stable and has not fallen into chaos like other countries.


To know is to know, and to understand is to understand.

This kind of information learned from the Internet or from other channels... After all, there is no real or shocking experience that I have seen with my own eyes.


For the vast majority of the citizens of Taixia Kingdom, the Abnormality Bureau is a legendary organization, investigators and favored by the gods... It is also somewhat similar to the meaning of the members of the dragon group in the online novel.

Just hear the thing, but not see the person.

Not just civilians.

Even the rich do!

With the strength of the Alien Bureau's control over the Taixia Kingdom, being able to obtain some information beyond the commoners from the Alien Bureau or its subordinate departments is already the limit of these rich people.

Want to put your hand into the Alien Bureau? Or recruit an investigator from the Alien Bureau or a God-Blessed Person to be your own bodyguard?

This is pure courting death!

Any individual or force who dares to use the extraordinary power of investigators and God-Blessed Ones at this time will inevitably be hit by the merciless attack of the Discord Bureau!

Do you know how many resources it takes to train an investigator? How many soldiers do you need to sacrifice?

Even though the birth and growth of the God-Blessed One has reduced the pressure on the Discord Bureau too much, the resources and sacrificed warriors needed to train an investigator have also been reduced too much...


The Discord Bureau - especially those seventh-order legends who can be called the pillars of the town - has never forgotten the most difficult two years of the Discord Bureau!

Not that no rich man has reached out.

But only the second day.

Several seventh-order legends jointly set the tone. The super rich man with hands and eyes, who is known as the number one business district in Taixia, went bankrupt overnight because of various incidents, and was finally imprisoned.

As long as there is no violation of the law or violation, the IOM will generally not take action against its own investigators.

Quite the opposite.

Because they know the dangers of these investigators (Qian Nuozhao), and because they know that they are maintaining the stability of Taixia and guarding the world, the treatment of the investigators of the Irregular Investigation Bureau is actually very good.

It's not just the salaries and bonuses that are extremely generous.

Even the house, car, the elderly, children... and even finding a partner, these will involve the worries of an investigator's energy, and the Disorder Bureau will try to solve them as much as possible.


These are still incomparable to the conditions offered by the rich and super-rich.


When encountering a rich man extending his hand to the Investigator, or to the investigator... Generally speaking, the Investigator will not do anything to the investigator, but will only beat the rich man mercilessly. Lose!

Every investigator is an indispensable force against evil spirits, other worlds, and even against white eagles and white bears.

What about the rich?

It's gone, it's gone.

Except that there may be some turbulence in the industry or field he occupied before...other, it really doesn't matter.

It is because of these.

In the territory of Taixia Kingdom, when faced with supernatural powers such as the Discord Bureau or investigators... the gap between these rich and common people is actually not large.

See, maybe see.

But the real touch...then forget about it.

As long as he didn't live enough, the super rich man who was the number one in the Taixia business district would go bankrupt the next day, go to jail, and finally died of an anal prolapse because he put his hand into the alien bureau. After the circle of the rich spread, no one dared to take the initiative to contact the Bureau of Investigation or the investigators.


Liu Shi, the real rich second generation, is an investigator affiliated to the Jiangdong Base of the Dispute Investigation Bureau.

More coincidentally is the country.

With a rare opportunity to rest for a few days, he was dragged by his old man to attend the banquet and the auction, witnessing the entire process of the auction.

I also witnessed...the existence of those extraordinary gems!

In particular, the last piece, at least level 6... Life Gem!!

PS: The third is for full order~

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