Strange Comes: I Loaded The Boss Template

004 nuclear bomb?! How much damage can it cause?

004 nuclear bomb?! How much damage can it do?

Seeing that his partner's level has increased and become more powerful, Boob is also very happy; the number of adventurers with huge bodies rampaging on the battlefield, throwing black carbon and iron bones, is also increasing.

Black Charcoal and Iron Bone didn't reject Boob's kindness.

Even if the level has been raised, even if it is possible to hunt adventurers alone... but this is the experience points that come to the door, and it is also a kind of boob, how can they refuse?


When hunting these adventurers who have lost their resistance, the experience points obtained by black coal and iron bones are very low, but they cannot bear the large number of these adventurers, and the hunting efficiency is high.


Boob frantically threw the adventurers to the black coal and the iron bones, and the black coal and the iron bones were clawed one by one, frantically hunting these adventurers and harvesting experience points.

After just a few minutes, the charcoal and iron bones level up again!

attribute points.

Skill points.

When the new round of adding points is over, Iron Bone is enough to easily hunt down first-order adventurers; Black Charcoal is reborn again, even if he doesn't use his assassination ability, it is enough to kill a first-order peak adventurer with one claw. !

After half an hour.

The battle is over.

Wang Yan's level has not been improved, and Boo's level has not been improved; but Frost Wolf Iron Bone's level has been raised to level 5, and Fat Cat Black Charcoal's level has been raised to level 6!

Level 5 Iron Bones:

The strength attribute is 20 points, the agility attribute is 26 points, the constitution attribute is 25 points, and the mental attribute is 5 points.

Grade 6 black carbon:

40 points of strength attribute, 86 points of agility attribute, 40 points of physical attribute, and 10 points of spirit attribute.

Looking at the attributes of black carbon and iron bones, Wang Yan showed a smile.

The iron bones of this attribute are enough to join the battlefield of Tier 1 and Tier 2 adventurers; Black Charcoal is more than enough to face Tier 3 adventurers and defeat them!

Simply take a break.

Wang Yan started a new round of fighting.

Still the same as last time.

It came up with more than a dozen pyrotechnics, which burned the fourth-order adventurers and most of the third-order adventurers in the incoming adventurer battle group, and greatly weakened the number of remaining adventurers.

Wang Yan was guarding with Boob, and let Black Charcoal and Iron Bone hunt these adventurers alone.

This battle lasted for over an hour.

After all the adventurers in the magma cave were killed, the level of Iron Bone and Black Charcoal climbed to level 10 at the same time!

Level 10 Iron Bones no longer require support.

Level 10 black charcoal is more than enough to assassinate level 4 adventurers!

It can be said.

Just one night, just two battle groups of adventurers who came to crusade against him, Black Charcoal and Iron Bone, the two newly recruited family members of Wang Yan... they have grown up completely!

The second round of fighting is over.

The purpose of cultivating relatives has also been achieved.

Wang Yan is ready to go offline.


How to deal with their relatives is a problem.

Boob naturally went back to his own home, his own room; black charcoal... It seems a little lonely to leave it alone in the lord's space? Wang Yan is going to bring black charcoal to his home.

At most, when Han Xiaoxiao or Xiao Wanqing asked, they would say that this was a wild cat they picked up, and seeing that it had no owner, they brought it home and raised it.

Big bad wolf... Wang Yan is going to put it back on that mountain in the real world.

On the one hand, Iron Bone is a big bad wolf!

Even if you can take it home with a single thought, you can't keep it upright in the real world; once it is discovered, the subsequent reports and inspections will be a big trouble.

On the other hand, Iron Bone is the head wolf!

On that mountain, in that mountain forest, Tiegu has a wolf pack of his own! Although it is just an ordinary gray wolf in the real world, it is also its subordinate, and maybe it also has its wife and children.

It's always bad to keep them separate.

Anyway, every morning when he was hunting adventurers, Wang Yan could summon him from the forest and send him back without affecting the growth of his iron bones.

In that mountain forest, Iron Bone could be regarded as bringing his own pack of wolves to guard Wang Yan's property.

in addition.

There was a slightly evil idea in Wang Yan's mind.

Iron Bone is his family, and has evolved from the original gray wolf to the current frost wolf; such an iron bone, and the ordinary gray wolf in the forest... won't produce reproductive isolation?

If the evolved Tiegu favors the female wolf, and then gives birth to cubs... These cubs will inherit part of the bloodline of Tiegu and become extraordinary wolf cubs with frost blood,

Or do you automatically get a monster template at the moment of birth and become a monster recognized by the system rules?

It's not bad fun.

It's a very likely thing to happen!

And the state of the wolf cubs born by Tie Gu also greatly affected Wang Yan's evaluation of Tie Gu.

If it's the former, that's all.

If it's the latter... This means that even if the fused monster template is average, Wang Yan's evaluation of Iron Bone's future will be greatly improved!

head wolf.

Wolf King.

If it is just Iron Bone itself, it is naturally extremely mediocre under the comparison of Boob and Black Charcoal; what if you add a group of subordinates who have obtained the template of monsters?

A wolf king with a group of frost wolves.

The future potential of this combination may not be much worse than that of Bubu and Black Charcoal!


This is just Wang Yan's idea.

How about the future...I still need to practice it myself!


Sending Iron Bone back to the mountain forest and Boobu back to his room, Wang Yan took the black charcoal and went offline from the lord's space and returned to his home.

After laying a nest for the black charcoal, Wang Yan lay down on the bed and fell asleep.

the next day.


Doudou and Boob meet.

As a little girl, Doudou maintains a strong curiosity and love for all furry toys and animals. After seeing the black charcoal sleeping on the sofa,

Doudou exclaimed, and crept forward, wanting to touch this black cat that he had never seen before.

Black Charcoal opened his eyes and glanced at Doudou.

Ignore it.

When the spiritual attribute exceeds 10 points, the intelligence level of Black Charcoal has been greatly improved, and the intelligence level is no less than that of Bubu.


Same as boob.

Even if its intelligence and intelligence are improved, it still maintains the way of thinking and living habits as a cat; it is still as lazy as before.

Knowing that this place is different from the forest and the lord's space, Hei Tan put away his irritability and hostility towards Doudou, a human cub who was close to him, but was too lazy to pay attention to her.

But when Boob came over, Hei Tan opened his eyes, stretched his waist, and let out a soft meow as a greeting to Boob.

Because of yesterday's battle.

Also because of Boob's support and feeding, after just one night, Black Charcoal accepted Boo.

Because of his lazy nature, taking the initiative to say hello to Boob is already the limit for Hei Tan to express his kindness and closeness.

"Black charcoal."

"Help with the kids.

Wang Yan, who was also languidly lying on the sofa, shouted, and the black fat cat who greeted Boob and was about to sleep could only get up reluctantly.

Slowly paced to Doudou's side, let the soft fur on his body rub against the human cub, and took the initiative to take on the job of raising the child.

The day before yesterday, it was a wild cat in the forest.

In addition to needing to avoid some more ferocious animals, it can live freely in the mountains and forests where resources are extremely rich and various small wild animals are abundant.

After eating and drinking enough, you can hide in the sun all the time on the branch.

Yesterday, it was an assassin in the lord space.

Even though the adventurer is ferocious and powerful and has a large number, it has initially grown up. Its powerful four-dimensional attributes and powerful combination skills allow it to easily kill a third-order adventurer.

I didn't expect it to be just one night...

Today, I have to restrain my minions and rely on my soft fluff and cute appearance to bring the child and help the master to coax this human cub.

Life is hard.

The cat is crying.

A dog, a cat, a little girl.. Li.

Seeing them (all of them being little girls) having a good time together, Wang Yan stopped paying attention.

Instead, he lay motionless on the sofa, his eyes dull.

It seems that Wang Yan is in a daze, but in fact a trace of his spiritual power has come to Song Qiming, and he is participating in and listening to a weapon test that is of great significance to him!

Jiangdong Base.

Three floors underground.

At this time, a large part of the training ground of the underground base had been cleaned out, and various precision instruments that were extremely tall at first glance were placed.

This is a test.

How useful would it be to test conventional weapons in the real world, for Song Qiming, who was loaded with attribute panels.

The person who presided over this test was an old professor from Longdu headquarters.

Participating in this test were five divinely favored people represented by Song Qiming and Feng Huiran.


Among them, Song Qiming, who has the best physical fitness and the highest health value, is the main force participating in this test.

The way he participated in the test...

It is to use his own body to withstand the attacks of various modern firearms and weapons, and then report the different damages caused by different firearms to him and inform the old professor!

It seems that this is a very cruel test.

Not so.

Because all firearms respond to simple configuration according to a certain calculation formula, and their power has been greatly reduced; even the strongest sniper equipment among these firearms... its power will not exceed Song Qiming's upper limit of health!

For each weapon, test it once.

When Song Qiming reported his lost health, the old professor's assistant filled it in a form, and then restored it through a formula.

In the real world, the real damage caused by a firearm to a God-Blessed One like Song Qiming was calculated.

at the same time.

In order to prevent Song Qiming from being seriously injured and affecting his body and mind, the Longdu headquarters even sent an investigator who has mastered the ability to heal.

This test is not meaningless.

It is both a research and a help.

Naturally, such a test would be meaningless to the ordinary investigators of the Bureau of Investigation.

But for those who are favored by God, it is of great significance!

Blessed by God, the body is digitized.

As long as the blood volume is not cleared, he will not die in any way. No matter how seriously injured he is, he can maintain the fighting power of the heyday!

This state is actually very scary.

Because in the real world, even if it is the peak combat power of the Discord Bureau, those elites who have already entered the seventh-order legend... After being injured, their combat power will also be greatly affected.

In addition, the favored person has an attribute panel, which can intuitively see their total blood volume and how much blood is left, and the control of their own survival has reached an extreme!


This is the test in front of me.

The damage test of the cold weapon to the favored person is meaningless; because the damage of the cold weapon depends not only on the cold weapon itself, but also on the user's attributes, status, skills and so on.

Firearms are different.

The damage of firearms is basically constant.

Through this test, it is calculated how much damage each firearm can cause to a favored person. When facing a firearm, the favored person knows whether they should endure, avoid or escape next. .

With these data.

In the future, when stepping into the battlefield or performing other tasks, the survivability of each God-Blessed Person will be improved several times, dozens of times!

This is why, even Wang Yan is very concerned about this test.

Because he also wants to know how modern firearms can harm God's favored ones. Of course, what he wants to know more is how much damage he has been able to deal with the weapons of mass destruction that he has always feared!

on the training ground.

The Dragon Capital Headquarters and Jiangdong Base have joined forces, and the test specially prepared for the God Blessed Ones has basically come to an end.

Start with the most common pistols.

to the rifle.

Automatic rifle.

sniper rifle.

and many more.

After the series of 783 tests were all over, Song Qiming took off all his equipment and walked to the edge of the training ground with a grin.

A female investigator with an ordinary appearance but an exceptionally soft temperament immediately stepped forward and released a soft white light from her hands that enveloped Song Qiming.

The wounds on his body that had just been punched out were also healing quickly.

Injury recovery.

Blood volume recovered.

Putting on his investigator's uniform, Song Qiming, who became alive again, leaned over to the old professor's side, and asked naively, "Professor Zhao, how are you?


The old professor with gray hair in a white lab coat smiled, pointed at the screen in front of him, a series of data and formulas that made one's scalp numb at a glance, and said, "Wait for it to be calculated."

"With these data, when faced with firearms, you will know what to expect."

"If there are new God-Blessed Ones in the future...their survivability will also be greatly improved.

"Professor Zhao, isn't our enemy an evil spirit?"

"Could it be that there are [other worlds] there... there are also such things as firearms?"

During the waiting time, Song Qiming couldn't bear his temper again and asked.

"Evil spirits are just our worst enemy."

"Not the only enemy."

Professor Zhao tapped on the keyboard, entered values ​​on the screen, and said indifferently: "From the time the space crack was first discovered to the present, it's a bit of a surprise that our soldiers and investigators have been killed by cold guns. A lot. 99

"There are some of them, but it is very likely that they will grow to the sixth or even seventh order! 39

"Blue Star, there has never been peace.

"It's the same now."

"When the whole world is facing upside down, it may be possible for all nations to come together and work together."

"But when the crisis brought by the evil spirits in [Another World] is less urgent?"


"When that country sees the gradual rise of Taixia and the strength of the Discord Bureau, will there be any careful thoughts and accidentally hurt a few of our investigators? 35

Song Qiming was silent.

Originally, he thought that what he had to face was only evil spirits.

did not expect.

Now that [Other World] is eroding, evil spirits are invading, and the frequency and intensity of space cracks in the entire Blue Star are getting higher and higher, they still have to beware of cold guns from the other side of the ocean?


The Headquarters of the Abnormality Bureau also specially came up with such a test?

Seeing Song Qiming like this, Professor Zhao just shook his head slightly.

In the eyes of the older generation like him, what kind of natural disasters, what kind of man-made disasters, even if it is an out-of-the-ordinary disaster such as the invasion of [Another World], it has never been a problem in front of more than one billion people in Taixia.

But the white eagle on the other side of the ocean... has always been stuck in its throat, it is a thorn in the hearts of all the older generation of Taixia!


The calculation on the screen is over.

The countless numerical values ​​and formulas that made the scalp tingle at a glance disappeared, and were replaced by an extremely simple and clear table.

PS: The second is for full order~

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