Strange Comes: I Loaded The Boss Template

The real damage of the 005 nuclear bomb! The real power of the gods!

The real damage of the 005 nuclear bomb! The real power of the gods!

A certain type of pistol, damage value, 100.

A certain type of submachine gun, damage value, 95.

A certain type of rifle, damage value, 500.

A certain type of sniper rifle, damage value, 2000.

and many more.

Even behind these values, the attenuation of firearm damage caused by factors such as distance and wind speed is also specifically listed.

A dense swath.

From the least damaging security pistol to a certain sniper equipment that can be used to fight tanks, all types of firearms that may be encountered by the gods or investigators have been listed on this table.


At the end of this table, Song Qiming also saw the value of the psionic sniper rifle used as the trump card by Jiangdong Base: 3000-10000!

"So strong?"

Looking at the series of firearm models and the calculated damage values, Song Qiming asked out of curiosity: "Professor Zhao, since the damage values ​​of firearms can be calculated, can the damage values ​​of bombs and missiles be calculated? calculate?

"If it's a nuclear... bomb... how much damage can it bring?"

Through Song Qiming's eyes, Wang Yan had already seen the form.

According to the calculation method on the table, except for some large-caliber sniper rifles and some special firearms created with psionic technology, most firearms in the real world are in the two qualities of ordinary quality and exquisite quality. within the range of .


Whether it's Wang Yan's physical resistance or Boob's dragon armor, they're immune to damage from these modern guns.

What he is interested in is that above the firearms - that is, bombs, missiles, and even the ultimate killer created by human civilization... The damage value that a nuclear bomb can cause!


Under the influence of a trace of his own spiritual power, Song Qiming asked this question unexpectedly.


"You guys think long enough."

"Why, it's not long since you became a favored person, and you have just climbed to the third rank, and you began to consider the issue of physical body resistance to nuclear bombs?"

Professor Zhao joked with a smile.

"Isn't that... just curious!

Song Qiming's face was slightly red, even if he was teased by Professor Zhao, he still couldn't hide his curiosity: "You always tell me, can you calculate the damage value of these hot weapons?

"Why not?"

Professor Zhao pointed to the form on the screen and said, "When collecting these data, I already had a very detailed understanding of the data body of the God-Blessed One."

"Let's put it that way.

"The physical defense capabilities of the favored ones vary greatly according to your attributes, different occupations, and different skills; the physical defense capabilities of the favored ones of different levels are not simply added or multiplied. 99

"So, keep that in mind.

"The damage values ​​of these firearms and weapons calculated based on your body data are inconsistent with the damage they can cause in the real world."

"The same is true for firearms, bombs, missiles, etc."

"The ordinary bombs we use now are essentially no different from the bullets of firearms. They all use explosions to drive warheads or shrapnel to achieve the purpose of killing the enemy. 35

"So, the damage value that most of the ordinary bombs on the market can cause to the favored ones may not actually be higher than some of the firearms on this table.

"And missiles...because more ammunition is filled, more fragments are exploded, and the shock wave is larger, its damage value will increase by an order of magnitude."

"Simply put, the damage value of most bombs to the favored person is in the range of 10,000."

"As for missiles...depending on the amount of filling and the type of shrapnel, the upper and lower limits are also very large. Basically, the lower limit of missiles is about 50,000, and the upper least 500,000! 99

From hundreds of pistols, to thousands of sniper rifles, to 10,000 of bombs, and finally to 500,000 of missiles...

A progressive damage interval suddenly appeared in Song Qiming's mind.


Thinking that he had only a few hundred health points, Song Qiming exclaimed: "According to this calculation method, wouldn't the damage value caused by the nuclear bomb explosion reach millions or tens of millions?

"Mathematics is a serious subject, not for speculation like this.

Professor Zhao shook his head with a smile and said, "Since you mentioned the nuclear bomb, let's analyze the damage value that the nuclear bomb, the ultimate weapon of human civilization, can cause."

"You all know the three types of damage of nuclear bombs, right?"

Song Qiming nodded.

The few gods who were listening beside him also nodded subconsciously.

"high temperature."



After Song Qiming said it, Professor Zhao nodded and said, "Let's talk about radiation first. In fact, apart from the special dirty bomb, the current nuclear warhead reacts very completely after it is released, and the radiation left over is very short. In a short period of time, it can decay to an extent that ordinary people can bear.

"The recovery ability of the favored person is far beyond that of ordinary people. In fact, radiation, a damage method, basically does not need to be considered.

"Next, we talk about shock waves."

"Bombs, missiles, and even nuclear bombs, these types of weapons of mass destruction have similar principles and similar killing methods.

"Shrapnel, flames, shock waves.

"If the shock wave of the bomb is in the range of 10,000, and the shock wave of the missile is in the range of 50,000 to 100,000... The shock wave born after the explosion of the nuclear bomb, the damage value is probably in the range of 2 million to 5 million. .

"Up to five million?"

Song Qiming couldn't believe it: "Is this unlikely?"

"Then tell me, why is it impossible?" Professor Zhao was not angry, but patiently encouraged Song Qiming to speak out his thoughts.

"It just feels..."

Song Qiming thought for a while, and said hesitantly: "A bomb can only blow up one or two rooms at a time, a missile can blow up a building, a nuclear bomb... Once it explodes, a city will be gone! The gap should not be as simple as an order of magnitude.

"Your thinking is correct."

Professor Zhao nodded and said: "But you have overlooked a question. The question we are discussing now is the damage value caused by the shock wave caused by the nuclear bomb explosion to [a] God's favored person."

"From a room to a building to a city, what is expressed here is only that the damage range of the shock wave is progressive, not that the intensity of the shock wave is constantly rising."

"Actually, the damage caused by the shock wave after the explosion of the nuclear bomb to a favored person is really in the range of two million to five million.

"Only because its shock wave has a particularly wide coverage area, enough to instantly destroy a city, and enough to cause 2 million to 5 million damage to tens of millions of God-Blessed people at the same time, you will feel the shock wave of the nuclear bomb explosion. Much stronger than you think.""

"And the reality is, without considering other factors, as long as you have more than 5 million can survive the direct impact of the nuclear explosion!"

"Attention, it's a direct shock.""

"If you consider bunkers and obstacles, it will be complicated. This value may decay from a maximum of 5 million to 500,000 at once."

"What about the high temperature?"

Song Qiming was still struggling. The damage value of the shock wave of the nuclear bomb to the favored person was only dozens of times that of the missile, but Feng Huiran asked the last damage method.

"If it's hot...

Professor Zhao smiled.

He closed the table on the screen, called up the calculation software just now, modified several values, and then restarted the calculation.

Just a few seconds later, the software calculation was completed, and a new damage value also appeared on the screen.


a 1.

Eight 0s.

A full 100 million damage value!

"One hundred million?"

Feng Huiran's eyes were a little straight.

"That's right." Professor Zhao affirmed: "If you only consider the ability and health of the favored person, and do not add various skills and dodges, the high temperature of a nuclear bomb suddenly flashes when it is released... For the favored person The damage value caused is indeed 100 million! The fluctuation will not exceed 5%!

When a nuclear bomb explodes, the temperature of its core area can rise to hundreds of millions of degrees in a short period of time, and this temperature corresponds to a damage value of 100 million points.

Compared with the shock wave value of only two million to five million, it is much more convincing.

No matter how I felt before, when faced with this one 1 and eight 0s, I was convinced.

"Although the coverage of the hundreds of millions of degrees of high temperature in the core area of ​​the nuclear bomb is quite limited, far from being comparable to the coverage of the shock wave of the nuclear bomb, its lethality is beyond doubt.

"Just like you gods favored, at the third rank, you have almost a few hundred health points; even if you climb to the seventh rank, your life value is only tens of thousands of points?""

"The eighth rank counts as hundreds of thousands of your points, the ninth rank counts as your hundreds of thousands, and the tenth rank counts as your several million points... This is the limit.

"A few million points of health is an exaggeration in normal terms, but compared with the damage value of the core area of ​​the nuclear bomb, which is as high as hundreds of millions of points, what is it?"

"You are so favored by your gods, and those evil spirits from other worlds are not like this?"

"If it were in [Other World], I wouldn't dare to talk big, old man. After all, the rules of another world are very different from those in this world, and no one can say what will happen."

"But here, in our world, even if those evil gods break in, they will still be suppressed by the rules of our world; as long as it is hit by a nuclear bomb... whatever evil gods and gods it is, it will be transformed into hundreds of millions of degrees of high temperature. Ash's Ending! 99

"Of course, this is just my opinion of the old man. 35

"After all, I'm just a mathematician, and I only study theoretical values. I don't know much about those skills, injury reduction, space, etc., so I can't turn theoretical values ​​into real values."


After making an analogy, he sighed, and by the way, he despised the evil gods and demons of [Other World]. Professor Zhao patted Song Qiming on the shoulder and said with a smile:

"Boy, work hard!

"Normally speaking, as long as you have more than 106 million HP points, you can complete the glorious deeds of [Flesh Anti-Nuclear Blast] that have never been seen before!"5

"It's all said, I'm just curious..."

Watching Professor Zhao's cheerful figure gradually fade away, Song Qiming's eyes returned to the screen again.

on the screen.

The value of "100 million points" marked in red font made his eyes hurt!

Jianghai City.

Guanlan District.

on the sofa in the villa.

When the old professor described all these types of injuries, even Wang Yan couldn't help sighing in his heart.

Based on Wang Yan's experience, most of what the old professor said is right, and there are some things that are wrong.

after all.

At the beginning, the old professor said that what he was studying was only theoretical values, and these damage numbers were only the final values ​​obtained by deducting other factors, only calculating the body defense of the God-Blessed One and the power of the thermal weapons.

Not to mention whether it is accurate or not.

It's definitely enough to use as a reference!

Judging from Professor Zhao's numerical research, the current Wang Yan... can basically ignore most of the thermal weapons in the real world except for nuclear bombs.

Including missiles!!

after all.

The amount of HP alone is as high as millions, even if it is bombed with missiles, it has to be bombed dozens of times in a row! If you add the damage immunity caused by physical resistance... this number will be doubled!


It's nuclear bombs and evil spirits.

How should I put it, Professor Zhao's remarks are half right and half wrong.

In the current environment of Blue Star, the nuclear bomb, the ultimate killer of human civilization, can indeed threaten the gods, and even kill the gods.

The reason is also as Professor Zhao said, the real world's suppression of otherworldly gods—that is, evil gods.

The space crack only appeared three years ago.

Since the birth of the space crack, energy, aura and elemental power from another world have been continuously pouring into this world, increasing the overall energy intensity of this world - this is the erosion of [other world] to the real world.

More than three years have passed.

Wang Yan estimates.

[Other World] The erosion of the real world is at most 10% or less.


The space crack with the highest energy intensity in the real world is only level 7.

In this case, the original rules of the real world still occupy an absolute dominant position; all existences above the seventh order - including those otherworldly gods - once they break into the real world... if they can, they will definitely suffer Repression from real world rules!

At that time.

The mystery is no longer, the power is not displayed, a goddess who is aloof, was smashed by a nuclear bomb... Naturally, it is reasonable.


If this is the only reason to despise those otherworldly gods... it is really a big mistake!

What kind of power the real gods have, Wang Yan is temporarily unimaginable.


With his authority in the lord space, Wang Yan can guess one or two (Zhao Qianzhao).

If the lord space is turned into a blue star, the plants in the lord space are turned into blue star creatures, and Wang Yan's authority in the lord space is converted into the power of the gods in the present's almost what a god really looks like. .

In one thought, open up space.

In the blink of an eye, the sun and the moon are replaced.

In a single thought, the four seasons are reincarnated.

In a single thought, all things are born and die.

Such existence, such authority, such power... How can a mere nuclear bomb be able to destroy it?

At present, all the nuclear bombs on the Blue Star are added up and multiplied by a hundred times, and they may not be able to destroy the top surface of the Blue Star.


Not just gods.

With the erosion of the other world, with the evolution of the world, in the near future, the role and deterrence of the nuclear bomb, the big killer, will decrease sharply!

For the time being.

The original rules of the real world still occupy an absolute dominant position. The destructiveness and deterrence of nuclear bombs are still there. As time goes by, this destructiveness and deterrence will become weaker and weaker!

This is not to say that the power of the nuclear bomb itself has been weakened or reduced.

But the world is evolving, growing!

For example, Black Charcoal, which combines the monster template of the Shadow Panther, has obtained the power of shadow.

The shadow leopard of the elite template is only lurking in the shadows; but the shadow leopard of the excellent template has been able to escape into the shadow space!

At first.

When he first got his real vision, Wang Yan had a careful look at the world and saw the interlayer spaces that were layered on top of each other and attached to the real world.

There is shadow space.

Now, these interlayer spaces are naturally very fragile, and maybe a missile explosion can cause it to vibrate and collapse on its own.


With the passage of time and the evolution of the world, when these interlayer spaces become more and more stable and larger, and finally form complete planes attached to the main world of Blue Star...

It's not something that can be affected by conventional means!

PS: The third is for full order~

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