Strange Comes: I Loaded The Boss Template

007 BOSS skills... The grip of inextinguishability!! The Frost Fighter and the Frost Demon Spirit!

007 BOSS skills... The grip of the inextinguishable!! The Frost Fighter and the Frost Demon!

"Indestructible Grip: BOSS skills, exclusive skills, active skills. The elite skill 'Mage's Hand' is a superior functional skill sublimated after being sublimated into mysterious power, consumes (total mana value * 10% + 5000 points) mana value, Create a powerful magic palm. The magic palm can be driven at will, the control range is spiritual attribute * 100 meters, and the upper limit of the bearing capacity is spiritual attribute * 10T. Continues to consume 500 mana per second.

Same as Pyroblast.

After being sublimated to the upper-level skill of this department, the Indestructible Grip sublimated from the hand of the mage, whether it is to release or maintain the required mana, has increased by several times!


The mana consumed by his BOSS skills comes entirely from the conversion of his health; the total mana he owns is only -3000 points.

It is a typical card bug with the help of the special effect of the [Blood Demon Conversion] template feat.


Every time a boss skill is released, 10% of the total mana will be consumed. No matter how much mana he has, he can only release it seven or eight times at most.

How can it be like now, with millions of HP as the backing, all BOSS skills can be played casually!

"From the hand of the mage to the grip of immortality.

"The name of the skill is quite domineering."

Looking at this new BOSS skill on his skill bar, Wang Yan pondered.

Mana consumption has increased several times.

The control range is ten times larger than before.

Based on his current spiritual attribute of 300 points, the original control range of the mage's hand was 3,000 meters centered on him, but now this distance has become... 30,000 meters!

Wang Yan was speechless.

This is still the result of choosing load-bearing as the main sublimation direction. If you choose the range as the main sublimation direction... 3000 meters can't be turned into 300,000 meters?!

With his current eyes and perception combined, he can't reach this far!

at last.


Bear the weight!

After being upgraded to a BOSS skill, the upper limit of the load-bearing grip of the Indestructible Grip has changed from the original spiritual attribute*10 to the spiritual attribute*10!

and many more!

Looks like something is wrong?

Previously, the upper limit of the load-bearing of the hand of the mage was spiritual attribute*10. Now after being upgraded to the BOSS skill, the upper limit of the load-bearing of the hand of the indestructible is still the spiritual attribute*10?

Did you choose the wrong direction of sublimation?

hold on!

Wang Yan rubbed his eyes and read the system description of the Indestructible Grip again.

Unit is wrong.

It turned out to be kg, which is kilograms.

Now it's T.




Wang Yan was shocked.

The value remains unchanged, the unit is converted, from the original kilogram to the current ton... This is a thousand-fold increase!


Wang Yan's thoughts moved, and a full 5,300 mana points were consumed, and a magic palm with a radius of one meter appeared in front of him.

compared to before.

Now the magic palm is clearer and looks more powerful.

The original magic palm is really just a magic palm, and it disappears when it reaches the wrist; the current magic palm, a part that continues to the forearm, gradually fades and disappears.

at the same time.

The magic palm created by the Inextinguishable Grip is more slender and powerful than before, and the five fingernails... even more animal-like sharpening, it is extremely dangerous at first sight!

"Is this the grip of immortality?

Wang Yan thought about it.

The magic palm that was in front of me suddenly pierced through the void, appeared on another mountain more than 3,000 meters away, and grabbed towards a hard rock tip!



Two kinds of visions spread out from the inside of the magic palm.

Wang Yan's original intention was to hold this rock tip, he was also used to the hand of the former mage, and subconsciously maintained the original control strength...


When this clearer and more powerful mage's hand held the rock tip, the hard rock tip was suddenly broken, and then was grasped into a pile of fine stone powder by this light blue hand!

"It's really three thousand tons..."

Wang Yan murmured to himself: "After the functional skills were upgraded to BOSS skills, are they so violent?

The Indestructible Grip, with a load-bearing upper limit of 3,000 tons, was more than enough even if it was regarded as an offensive BOSS skill of the main battle type.

The 3,000-ton Indestructible Grip can be photographed with a slap, and it is estimated that even the sixth-order and seventh-order adventurers can be smashed into flesh; the 3,000-ton inextinguishable grip can be grasped, purple perfect quality equipment, legendary species The level of monsters are unbearable!

All will be squeezed by the incomparably huge force, turned into pieces of debris, or turned into a pile of mud!

The key is……


The control distance of up to 30,000 meters can even allow Wang Yan to carry out some over-the-horizon strikes! If his vision and perception can keep up, he can control the precise operation of the magic palm...

I'm afraid the enemy can't even see his shadow, and he will be slapped into flesh by his slap!

a functional skill.

After being sublimated to a BOSS skill, it showed extremely terrifying power!

If it weren't for the indestructible grip of the indestructible range... I am afraid this skill is enough to replace the status of Pyroblast and become his next main battle skill!

"Very good! 35

"Blood earns! 55

"The Grip of Inextinguishability is worthy of this domineering skill name!"

With a thought, he retracted his slender and powerful magic palm, Wang Yan's heart was about to move: "I won't brush the achievement store for now... How about trying to synthesize a few templates?"

After continuously brushing the copy of [Taran Kingdom] for a week, Wang Yan has already accumulated a large number of template fragments of various ranks.

First up is the elite template.

Ten united!

Elite Profession Template - Shield Warrior.

Elite Occupation Template - Enchantress.

Elite Monster Template - Tin Rhino.

Elite Monster Template - Swamp Lizard.

Of the ten elite templates, two are top-quality, two are top-quality, and the rest are ordinary.

The chances of this... should be very high!

Think about it.

Wang Yan simply took out 40 excellent template fragments and began to synthesize them.

Excellent Career Template - Frost Fighter!

Excellent Career Template - Wild Ride in the North!

Excellent Monster Template - Frost Demon!

Excellent monster template - deep sea monster!

Four excellent templates, three superb!


Is the luck buff tonight so awesome?

The red hands were a little suspicious of life, Wang Yan took out a hundred yuan advanced professional template to try again.


This time, his luck seemed to have really run out.

Among the ten advanced templates synthesized from a hundred advanced professional templates, only one can barely be seen; the rest are either ordinary or low-level.

Some do not believe in evil.

Wang Yan took out a hundred basic professional templates to try again... This time it was even worse, none of the ten synthesized basic templates could be seen!

"It seems that tonight's luck has finally run out.

The luck buff disappears.

Well used.

Wang Yan breathed a sigh of relief instead.

Putting away all the remaining template fragments, Wang Yan took out the four excellent templates and ten elite templates that he had just synthesized.

Of the ten elite templates, only two of the best are left, and the rest are put together with the ten advanced templates and the ten basic templates, and find a chance to sprinkle them.

These four excellent templates and two superb elite templates... but they cannot be thrown away at will.

Just like charcoal.

A top-quality elite template can easily create a powerful investigator or a powerful Beastmaster; a superb and excellent template... It can even make any investigator or Beastmaster transform into a path that is almost invincible. The way of evolution!

Wang Yan naturally has to be careful about the choice of these six templates.

Two superb elite templates, one is the elite professional template - enchantment; the other is the elite monster template - swamp monster.

All need Wang Yan to find the qualified person himself.

Excellent templates even more so.

As mentioned before, the upper limit of the template that ordinary people and ordinary animals can fuse is the elite template; starting from the excellent template, the success rate of ordinary people and ordinary animals fusion will drop sharply, and once the fusion fails, they will explode and die. !


For those who are qualified for the excellent template, Wang Yan will either look for it from the existing investigators or alien beasts and beastmasters, or he will simply ignore casualties and integrate like a guinea pig.

Among the four excellent templates.

The Northern Wild Rider is an advanced occupation of the knight class, and qualified candidates can only be found from investigators or mercenaries who have mastered the ability of knights.

The qualified person of the deep sea monster can only be found in the ocean... Could it be that he needs to go deep into the sea and spend a lot of time choosing the qualified person for him? Or, Wang Yan can go to the seafood market to try?

The Frost Demon is a humanoid monster template. Comparatively speaking, although the qualified candidates of the first two excellent templates are hard to find, they can always be found after spending time or opportunity.

Frost Demon...

In the real world, where does he go to find humanoid monsters? Is it difficult to find monkeys, orangutans and other animals that are closest to humans?

Another difficulty.

It's Frost Fighter... This is an excellent job template similar to the combination of Berserker and Frost Mage. Wang Yan has a good candidate in his heart!

Shen Wenyan!

That is, the fourth-order captain of the Jiangdong Base of the Discord Bureau!

A fourth-order investigator, the rank is the same as that of the Frost Fighter template, and can be easily integrated; Shen Wenyan masters the skills of the Frost Element, and his personal fighting style is also similar to that of a Berserker.

If even Shen Wenyan can't become a qualified candidate for the Frost Fighter... I am afraid that in the entire Jiangdong area, there will be no other qualified candidates!

The problem now is.

Do you want to give this excellent career template to Shen Wenyan!


why not!

For Wang Yan, an excellent professional template is only ten excellent template fragments, and he only needs to play ten fourth-order adventurers to get it.


After synthesizing, this occupation template has no other use to him.

Giving it to Shen Wenyan can not only further enhance Shen Wenyan's strength, but also make the entire Jiangdong region more stable... By the way, it can also increase his access to information!

・・・・Seeking flowers・

As the captain of Jiangdong Base, Shen Wenyan's status was much higher than Song Qiming and others.

The amount and level of information that was exposed was far beyond what Song Qiming could compare.


After turning Shen Wenyan into a mercenary under his command, can he also get some unexpected joy?


From a moral point of view, when the space crack was born in Zhonghai City, if it wasn't for Shen Wenyan, the commander-in-chief, who made frequent shots, he would have overdrawn his life and potential, and he would have to stop all the fourth-order evil spirits...

Without the support from Wang Yan, Zhonghai City has already fallen!

If Wang Yan is really an ordinary person... Shen Wenyan, and the investigators who are like Shen Wenyan, are really unsung heroes who protect them!

What he has done is worthy of this career template!

With a slight smile on his face, Wang Yan entered the spiritual space.

The moment he entered the spiritual space, his image switched from the second image to the first image of the "Lord of the Mist".

Then, through the connection between himself and the mercenary, he switched the soul ocean under his feet to Zhonghai City, found the Jiangdong base, and then found Shen Wenyan.

at last.

Tap with your index finger.

The excellent professional template - Frost Fighter, turned into a streamer and merged into Shen Wenyan's soul bead.

Zhonghai City.

Jiangdong Base.

in the investigator's dormitory.

Shen Wenyan who was resting suddenly woke up from his sleep and sat up.

"Some time ago, I was under too much pressure and had a dream?


"That's just my fantasy?"

Sitting on the bed in his dormitory, Shen Wenyan recalled the dream just now.

He seemed to remember.

In his sleep, he suddenly flew up, as if his soul was out of his body, and suddenly he flew out of his body, flying higher and higher, flying straight into the sky more than tens of thousands of meters.


In the swirling clouds and rolling mist... He seemed to see a particularly gigantic figure, and he seemed to hear a few very majestic and vicissitudes of life!

"This strong sense of sight..."

Isn't this what that kid Song Qiming described, when he got the attribute panel, he saw the mist master in a dream?!

Is it true that the Lord of the Mist has descended upon himself, or is it all just his own fantasy?

after all.

I had envied Song Qiming countless times, and envied those colleagues who had gained divine favor on the battlefield.

Thoughtful day.

Dream at night.

When there is an extremely urgent desire for something, it is reasonable to dream of the corresponding thing in a dream.

Whether it is a hallucination or not, the way to distinguish it is very simple.

With a feeling of excitement and panic, Shen Wenyan got up, got dressed, walked to the table beside the bed and sat down.


As Song Qiming had mentioned several times.

He silently recited in his heart... the attribute panel?

next moment!

A translucent attribute panel with a very mysterious and sci-fi sense that is similar to those described by the gods such as Song Qiming and Feng Huiran appeared in his field of vision!

This is real!

Not a hallucination!

On this extremely ordinary night, in his daily sleep... the legendary stalwart existence "The Lord of the Mist" really gave him a favor!

Let him also become a member of the God-Blessed One!

When Shen Wenyan had not obtained the attribute panel and had not yet become a member of the favored ones, Shen Wenyan's attitude towards the favored ones was extremely envious and longing.

Because only he knows how many battles and dangers he has experienced from an ordinary person to the current fourth-order captain.

Only he himself knows that he has overdrawn too much of his body's potential and even his vitality when fighting and saving crises again and again!

He is only 28 years old.

It looks like it's already thirty-four-five.

The vitality contained in the body...but it is close to an old man of fifty or sixty years old!

The reason why he aspires to become a favored person is not only because the favored person can fight monsters and level up and become stronger at a speed that other investigators can't imagine; it is also because of the ability of the favored person to digitize their bodies!

If he used his abilities infrequently and overdrawn his vitality and potential, he could probably live for thirty or forty years.

If he continues to overdraw his own vitality and potential as usual... Probably, within a few years, he will die because his vitality and potential are completely exhausted.

He has a wife and children, and is a very lovely daughter.

As a husband and a father, he naturally wants to maintain his current state, strive to live a few more years, grow old with his wife, and watch his daughter grow up.


As an investigator, especially the commander-in-chief of Jiangdong Base, his responsibilities make him unable to escape this kind of battle.

Once a new space crack is discovered, or there is a problem with several lines of defense that Taixia is in charge of, he must rush to the battlefield as soon as possible, join the battle, and fight against evil spirits!

And once there is a war, it will inevitably be dangerous, and it will inevitably continue to overdraw its vitality and potential.

PS: The fifth is for full order~


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