Strange Comes: I Loaded The Boss Template

008 Shen Wenyan: Organization, I want to resign and go to the level 5 battlefield!

008 Shen Wenyan: Organization, I want to resign and go to the level 5 battlefield!

It can be said.

Unless he loses his responsibilities, completely breaks away from the heterodoxy, and never participates in any events related to evil spirits again... Otherwise, one day in the future, his death due to depletion of vitality and potential is his doomed ending!

But now, it's different.

Body data.

With this kind of unreasonable ability that is close to the bottom-level rules of the world, no matter how many injuries he has suffered, as long as his health is not cleared, he will not die!


Regenerates 1/10th of blood every hour.

Just ten hours!

As long as the blood is full!

Even serious injuries, or terminal illnesses with no cure, will be completely eliminated in the process of returning to full blood!

【Name】: Shen Wenyan

[Template]: Excellent (Master) Occupation Template – Frost Fighter (Free attribute points +19, skill points +1 per level)

[Level]: Level 37

[Status]: HP 513/970, Stamina 970/970, Mana 1310/1310

[Talent]: Frost Erosion

[Attributes]: Strength 83, Agility 116, Constitution 97, Spirit 131

[Skills]: Ice Ring, Frost Blast, Frost Hand, Frost Blast

"Frost erosion: As a frost fighter, Frost is your closest comrade-in-arms. Every hit you have has the power of Frost, and every time you hit the enemy, the enemy will be eroded by the power of Frost, gradually being slowed down, frozen, frozen. Seal. 99

"Ice Blast: When the frost power you control invades the enemy's body and accumulates to a certain level, you can choose to detonate it with your own mental power, causing a lot of damage at one time."

Opened his attribute panel and stared at the various data above, Shen Wenyan had a better understanding of his current state.

Frost erosion, this talent should be the professional talent that comes with the "Seven Eight Seven" template of Frost Fighter, which makes his normal attacks all become elemental damage with frost enchantment,

And there is a certain chance that the enemy will fall into negative states such as deceleration, freezing, and freezing.

ice ring.

Frost burst.

Hand of Frost.

These three skills were originally possessed by him. When he was on the Northwest Front, he killed the evil spirits from [Another World] countless times, plundered their power, and gradually accumulated them.

Frost Blast was brought by the professional template of Frost Fighter.

Detonating the power of frost that penetrated the enemy's body at one time, causing a lot of damage, can be said to be an extremely powerful damage skill, and can be used as a big move.

Before this, Shen Wenyan had learned about the attribute panels of Song Qiming, Feng Huiran and others.

Generally speaking.

The God-Blessed One who integrates the basic occupation has one skill; the God-Blessed One who integrates the advanced occupation has two skills; and so on, the elite occupation should have three skills, and the excellent occupation has the skills. Should be four.


Frost Fighter's own four professional skills were occupied by three of his original skills, which made this professional fusion, and he only gained one more professional skill.


He is already satisfied.

Even if he hasn't actually fought yet, he just imagined it in his mind, and Shen Wenyan knew that there was just an extra frost erosion talent and an ice blasting skill.

Let his combat methods suddenly become richer, and his combat power also soars instantly without the level being improved!

At least twice as much as before!


This is not the main thing.


Looking at his attribute panel, he only had 513 health points, Shen Wenyan smiled.

970 HP, which is the HP that you should have brought about by your level and physical attributes; 513 HP, which is the HP you actually have after consuming too much HP and potential!

And now.

The gods are coming.

The attribute panel is opened, the occupation template is integrated, and the body is digitized... The rules from the Lord of the Mist begin to take effect and affect his body!

A physique of 97 points will automatically restore 97 points of blood within an hour.

While Shen Wenyan was staring at his attribute panel, in less than a minute, his HP jumped from 513 to 514!

Even with his body, it feels a lot easier! The few white hairs that originally grew on the temples... also quietly turned black at this moment!

"One hour, 97 o'clock.

"That is to say, in less than five hours...before dawn, all the health and potential that I have overdrawn will be restored!! 35

"This is body digitization!

"This is the property panel! 35

"This is... the divine favor from the Lord of the Mist!!

Sitting in front of the table, looking at his attribute panel over and over again, staring at his blood volume over and over again, feeling his body becoming lighter and more energetic, Shen Wenyan unknowingly indulged in it.

He was not mind controlled.

But at this moment, deep admiration and reverence for the Lord of the Mist rose in his heart.

Although, except for the illusory and stalwart figure revealed by the Lord of the Mist when he bestowed the favor of the gods, the existence of this suspected god's position has hardly revealed other miracles,

But for an existence like Shen Wenyan, whose life and longevity have already begun to elapse despite being in a high position and possessing great power,

No miracle can match an attribute panel, and no bounty can match the statization of the body.

more powerful.

The more you can feel the horror of the Lord of the Mist.

Just the dataization of the body... Even the researchers at the headquarters of Longdu and the investigators of the treatment department are helpless about his overdraft, but the dataization of the body directly eliminates it!


Is it already tampering with the underlying rules of the world?!

time flies.

From twelve to four o'clock.

Shen Wenyan sat in front of the table like this, staring at his attribute panel, watching his life value recover bit by bit, and feeling the vitality and potential that he had overdrawn, returning bit by bit.

Until... all health is full!

Nearly five hours.

Shen Wenyan didn't feel dull and boring at all.

The feeling of returning the lost vitality and potential little by's really wonderful! Even after he hadn't slept all night, he didn't feel the slightest bit of sleepiness, and he was still in good spirits.


When his HP returned to full, when his state returned to its peak, when the night was dawning, and when someone in the base had started to get up and take a shower, Shen Wenyan was still struggling with one thing:

He, do you want to report the fact that he has obtained the Lord of the Mist God's favor to the base and the headquarters of the Abnormality Bureau?

Time, more than nine in the morning.

Location, the office of Zhao Jianguo, the general manager of the Jiangdong Base.

Characters, the general manager Zhao Jianguo and the general captain Shen Wenyan.


"So, you're here?"

In the office, after listening to Shen Wenyan's remarks, Zhao Jianguo didn't know whether he should be happy for his colleagues or worried about the Discord Bureau.

Emotionally, he was happy.

Obtaining the favor of the Lord of the Mist, awakening the attribute panel, and turning on the data... Visible to the naked eye, Shen Wenyan, who originally looked like thirty-four or five-year-old, just recovered after a few hours. The way it should have been.

Even younger and more energetic!

Suddenly ten years younger!!

Shen Wenyan's state is not a secret among the higher-ups of the Discord Bureau; even if he doesn't say it himself... However, a fourth-rank chief investigator investigator has aged so many years in just over a year... ...does everyone else have to be blind to see?


Not just Shen Wenyan.

Most of the captains of the various bases of the Abnormality Bureau had some physical or psychological problems, and they were transferred back from the Northwest Front by the Abnormality Bureau to serve as the captains of the various branch bases.


The northwest front was already tight, and the city of protection was even more at stake.

Wouldn't it be beautiful to let them continue to fight on the northwest front, and when their strength was further improved, they would be dispatched to the Guardian City to ease the pressure there?

A godsend.

Shen Wenyan fully recovered.

Of course he will be happy!


Rationally speaking, he was a little confused.

At present, the attitude of the Abnormality Bureau towards the Lord of the Mist is to keep it at a distance, and the attitude of the Abnormality Bureau is to accept and utilize the power of the God-Blessed One, which originates from the Lord of the Mist, but it is not included in the core.

In simple terms.

Everyone who has received the gift of the Lord of the Mist can join the Discord Bureau and become an official investigator of Taixia.

You can even improve your status by leveling up or accumulating merits.


The sub-commander of the combat team, this is the limit.

At present, the Discord Bureau has no idea of ​​letting a God-blessed person sit in the commander-in-chief or other positions and become a member of the senior management of the Discord Bureau.

This is already a default rule.

after all.

The Odd Bureau represents the entire Taixia.

Every decision made involves more than a billion people and has to be done with caution.

Although everything the Mist Lord has done since he revealed his traces—including descending the gods, sending the beastmaster, and closing the cracks in space—has been beneficial to Taixia, its origin, identity, Its purpose, after all, no one knows.

In this case, it is naturally no problem to maintain a certain vigilance against the Lord of the Mist, a stalwart who is suspected of being a god.

There is also an unspoken rule that the favored person cannot become a high-level officer of the Discord Bureau.

And now.

Things have changed.

It wasn't that a favored person became the high-level of the Alien Harmony Bureau, but a high-level person of the Alien Harmony Bureau received the gift and became a favored person!


There are two.

This time, it was Shen Wenyan, the captain of the Jiangdong base. Next time, maybe it would be the head of a certain branch base?

No one can tell.


How should Zhao Jianguo treat the captain of Shen Wenyan, and how should the Discord Bureau treat the captain of Shen Wenyan... In a sense, it is a keynote.

If Zhao Jianguo and the Abnormality Bureau decide to keep the identity and position of the captain of Shen Wenyan, then most of the senior officials of the Abnormality Bureau who have won the favor of the gods in the future will also follow this principle.

If Zhao Jianguo and the Discord Bureau decide to remove Shen Wenyan from the core executives of the Discord Bureau... In the future, most of the senior officials of the Discord Bureau will receive this treatment.

That's a tone.

"Xiao Shen, you gave me a big trouble..."

With some headaches, he tapped his temples, Zhao Jianguo lit a cigarette, took a sharp puff, and asked, "You also know that unspoken rule, what do you think? 35


Shen Wenyan smiled candidly and said, "Minister Zhao, the first thing I do when I come here this time is to report the news that I have won the favor of the gods and become the favored one, and report to the Bureau of Discord; my second The only thing is to apply to go to the battlefield! The best is the level 5 battlefield in Heizhou!

Automatically apply and go to the battlefield.

This is another keynote made by Shen Wenyan for the incident of [the high-level officials of the Discord Bureau became the favored ones].

As long as Zhao Jianguo approves, the Discord Bureau will pass.

In the future, there is a high probability that another high-level person will become a favored person, and it will be handled in this way.

"Level 5 battlefield...

Zhao Jianguo lit a cigarette again, and light blue smoke gradually enveloped his face.

After a long time.

He just asked: "It's only been three or four months since you retired from the Northwest Battlefield... You haven't had a few days of peace yet, and you're going to the Level 5 battlefield again... Are you not wronged?"


how come?

Shen Wenyan shook his head gently.

If he had retired from the Northwest Battlefield because of his physical problems before he obtained the favor of God, and only after three or four months, he was asked to go to the more intense and cruel 5th-level battlefield, and he would naturally feel resentment in his heart.

but now……

Not the same.

He is not obsessed with power.


The investigators on the combat side of the Alien Investigation Bureau, whether they are the investigators of the branch base or the investigators of the Longdu headquarters, are basically not obsessed with power.

Most of them are fighters.

Even if a few are from other identities occasionally, they have been trained for so long on the Northwest battlefield, experienced so many battles, plundered the power of evil spirits in their lives, and become investigators with extraordinary power... They have also become a soldier.


How can you be obsessed with power?

What they - at least he - crave is battle! escalation! evolution!

If it was before obtaining the favor of the gods, he might back down; but after obtaining the favor of the gods, he has many rule-level abilities such as monster-killing upgrades, body dataization, etc...

He desperately wants to go to the battlefield!

Just like playing a game.

When you can see your progress every moment, feel that you are getting stronger every moment, as long as you keep killing evil spirits, you can keep transforming to a higher rank...

Will you stop fighting monsters to upgrade?


The game is so.

The reality is even more so!

Power is just a substitute that cannot become stronger.

When you can continue to become stronger, realize the evolution and transition of life, and finally gather thousands of mighty forces in one... What is power? Can you eat it?

Shen Wenyan believed it.

Not only did he think so.

Most of the gods think so!

Zhao 3.7 Jianguo and the Discord Bureau should be wary of the Lord of the Mist and the Favored by the Gods, which is right; but if they look at the Favored by the Gods with the eyes of ordinary people, for fear that they are obsessed with power and will not come down from the high-level positions... ...just so wrong!

for a life.

There is nothing more tempting than becoming stronger and evolving!

"I understand."

After pinching off the cigarette butt, Zhao Jianguo looked at Shen Wenyan's sincerity and indifference, and nodded lightly: "I will report it later, and there will be no comments from the headquarters."

"As the captain, you can stay for a few more days, you won't be using the base for a few days, and reunite with your family.

"Wait until the new captain arrives... it's not too late for you to go to Heizhou.


After bowing to Zhao Jianguo, Shen Wenyan walked briskly and left the office, ready to pack up and leave the base, and go home to have a good reunion with his parents, wife, and daughter.

before this.

Unless he thinks hard, he will go home.

On the one hand, because of his responsibility, as the captain of the Jiangdong Base of the Discord Bureau, he needs to be on call at all times, ready to deal with possible space cracks.

On the other hand, it is because of physical condition.

Every time he goes home, he grows a little bit older; he feels bad for himself, don't his parents, wife and daughter feel bad?

Even if he doesn't say it.

Looking at his aging face, gradually climbing the gray of his temples... His parents, wife and daughter, wouldn't they guess, wouldn't worry?

it's good now.

He is a goddess.

Once again youthful!

Shen Wenyan decided that he must accompany them this time and make his parents, wife and daughter happy!!


The Lord of the Mist is above.

Cleared my haze.

Let me start a new life.

PS: The sixth is for full order~

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