Strange Comes: I Loaded The Boss Template

009 Tombs of millions of people! Level 5 battlefield in Heizhou!

009 Graves of millions! Level 5 battlefield in Heizhou!

"Shen Wenyan is resigning?""

"and many more!

"Level 5 battlefield? In Heizhou?

I went to bed early last night and woke up early today.

It is rare for Wang Yan not to miss this conversation between Shen Wenyan and Zhao Jianguo.


He naturally also learned that Shen Wenyan was going to resign as the commander-in-chief of Jiangdong Base, and as a soldier and investigator, he went to the Level 5 battlefield in Heizhou.

"It was indeed the right thing to recruit Shen Wenyan as a mercenary."

If it wasn't for the conversation between Shen Wenyan and Zhao Jianguo, he wouldn't even know that there was still a level 5 battlefield in Heizhou! It was jointly guarded by Taixia and Baiying!


Wang Yan also heard other conversations between Zhao Jianguo and Shen Wenyan.

Wang Yan didn't feel very much about the attitude of the Discord Bureau towards the Lord of the Mist—that is, his third identity.

In all fairness.

If you are a high-level executive of the Discord Bureau, and suddenly encounter a stalwart who is suspected of being a god, you will remain vigilant even if the other party does something beneficial to you without knowing his origin and purpose.

From Tai Xia's standpoint, the Discord Bureau's approach was correct.


The reason why Wang Yan doesn't mind, and doesn't even have any grudges in his heart, is not because he has strong empathy ability and can consider issues from the standpoint of the Discord Bureau,

Totally because I don't care!

Whether the Bureau of Discord treats the Lord of the Mist friendly or hostile, it does not affect the ability to capture space cracks from the real world and generate new copies; it also does not affect the professional templates given to ordinary people or investigators to recruit mercenaries;

It will not affect your own strength improvement and advancement.

No more.

If you can't see the attitude of the Alien Bureau... Wouldn't it be enough to synthesize a few more professional templates and throw them away, and turn all the high-level officials of the Alien Bureau into your own gods?

A high-level officer of the Discord Bureau has become a favored person, and they may still be vigilant, pondering the intention and influence of the Lord of the Mist.

But what happens when all the high-ranking officials of the heterodox bureau become God-Blessed?

Even in the entire Taixia, all the investigators of the Abnormality Bureau have become God's favored ones?



At that time, as long as Wang Yan is willing, he can make the whole discord bureau his own in minutes!

Be wary of myself?

25 so.

Under this kind of rule-level crushing, Wang Yan didn't mind at all how the discord bureau treated him.

He only needs to upgrade step by step, improve his rank and strength, and then continuously synthesize attribute templates one by one and sprinkle them down.

Maybe some day.

He woke up.

The entire Blue Star's extraordinary people have all become their mercenaries and God's favored people!

Shen Wenyan went to the level 5 battlefield in Heizhou, which was a good thing.

Whether it's for him or Wang Yan.

After a few days, Shen Wenyan arrived at the level 5 battlefield in Heizhou, and he lowered his mental strength to check it out.

If Tai Xia and Bai Ying were well guarded, there would be no hidden dangers in that battlefield.

If that level 5 space crack is in danger of being lost...

Wang Yan was ready to come in person, to capture the permanent space crack and turn it into a permanent copy in his lord space.


speak up.

At present, the most useful space crack for Wang Yan is not the level 5 space crack, but the level 6 space crack.

After this period of brushing.

Wang Yan's level has not improved a lot, but the evolution of the next boss template, the epic boss template, has exceeded two-thirds.

In a few days, when the evolution rate reaches 100%, he will be able to make a breakthrough and evolve from a lord boss to an epic boss.

By that time.

For him, the 5th-level dungeon is just like when he is facing the 4th-level dungeon of [Taran Kingdom]. While he can easily destroy the adventurers who came to attack him,

The experience points and template fragments gained from battles are also relatively small.

Level 6.

Even Blue Star's only level 7 space crack is the space crack that best matches Wang Yan's combat power level!


Whether or not to capture the space crack will depend on the situation after Shen Wenyan arrives.

Generally speaking.

Wang Yan is not inclined to capture space cracks that have been guarded by officials and have no potential safety hazards and become permanent copies in the lord space.

On the one hand, the permanent dungeon will be opened at twelve o'clock in the morning, and at least one round of swiping is required to ensure that those adventurers who break in from another world will not invade the lord's space and bring unknown consequences.

It is the best choice to keep one or two permanent copies until one or two of the permanent copies can be guarded alone until the number of their relatives has grown and the number has reached a certain level.


When more dungeons are generated in the lord space in the future, he doesn't have to do anything every day, just brushing the book will be fine.

He is an evil and powerful monster lord, and he is not a busy worker.

When you are in the mood, you can brush a few waves of adventurers to improve your level and rank; if you are not in the mood, let your relatives guard the dungeon and continue to live your own leisurely and comfortable life as a salted fish.

This is Wang Yan's daily life.

On the other hand, no matter how strong he is - even if he is promoted to a legendary boss in the future - he is still only one person after all.

The Alien Bureau, as well as this kind of official extraordinary organization of other countries, is not only necessary to exist, but also an important part of the entire Blue Star.

Only under these official extraordinary monitoring can those space cracks be found.

Under the extraordinary guarding of these officials, the real world can continue to maintain the present peace, stability and prosperity.

Only those countless ordinary people, and those who Wang Yan cares about, can continue to live their peaceful and happy lives.


Just like the northwest front of Taixia Kingdom, this one has been completely guarded and can be called the level 3 permanent space crack of the Taixia Country Investigator Training Base. Wang Yan will not capture it.

Even though Song Qiming and other godly loved ones were sent there to improve their strength a few days ago, and even Wang Yan knew the exact location of the Northwest Front, he remained unmoved.

The Northwest Front is the foundation of the Taixia Discord Bureau.

If there is no space crack where the energy intensity is neither high nor low, and the number of evil spirits is not too large or not, the difficulty of training investigators in Taixia Kingdom will be increased a hundred times a thousand times!


The fall of a hundred or a thousand warriors may not produce a qualified investigator.


This permanent space crack Wang Yan will not move.

The same is true.

If the level 5 space crack on the Heizhou side had been completely guarded, Wang Yan would still not move.

Level 3 Northwest Battlefield.

Level 5 Heizhou battlefield.

Level 7 Guardian City.

In theory, Wang Yan would not move these three battlefields guarded by Tai Xia alone, or participated in guarding them.

three levels.

Two steps at a time.

Just a gradient is formed.

An ordinary warrior of Taixia Kingdom will become a qualified investigator after being trained in the third-level northwest battlefield; when he reaches the third or fourth level, he can enter the Heizhou battlefield and move toward the fifth or sixth level. Investigator's target effort.

Once you become a Tier 5 or Tier 6 investigator, and you have enough strength, you can take advantage of the situation to transfer to the Guardian City and help guard this battlefield that is the most threatening to Blue Star.

in this way.

A whole advanced route came out.

The stronger Taixia is, the stronger the Discord Bureau; the stronger the Discord Bureau, the more stable the domestic environment; the more stable the domestic environment, the more energy it can continuously cultivate new investigators...

After the whole process, there will be more and more high-level investigators in Taixia Kingdom, and the strength against [Other World] will become stronger and stronger.

And what about Wang Yan?

When needed, with just one occupational template, you can take all this power and turn it into a favored person and a mercenary under your command.



This is under normal circumstances.

If there is a problem in a certain battlefield, there is a danger of being lost; or a certain advance of Wang Yan is stuck, which space crack in the battlefield is needed...

He will still shoot and catch it.

all in all.

A Frost Fighter's excellent professional template turned Shen Wenyan, the fourth-rank commander, into his God-Blessed One; this change brought him news of the fifth-rank battlefield.


Wang Yan just needs to wait in peace.

Upgrade your daily brushes and cultivate your own relatives.

Waiting for the day when Shen Wenyan goes to Heizhou and goes to the level 5 battlefield!

two hours later.

After careful discussion, the Headquarters of the Abnormal Investigation Bureau approved Shen Wenyan's resignation and request.

Two days later.

A new fourth-order investigator was transferred from the Northwest battlefield by the Discord Bureau, settled in the Jiangdong base, and became the new commander-in-chief of the Jiangdong base.

Also on this day.

Shen Wenyan officially resigned.

After staying at home for two more days, accompanied by his parents, wife and daughter, Shen Wenyan set off for Heizhou after the Jiangdong base was ready.

After a day and a half journey.

When the sixth day was approaching the afternoon, Shen Wenyan arrived at the level 5 battlefield in Heizhou.

Level 5.

A permanent crack in space.

This battlefield is located near the capital of a medium-sized country in Heizhou, and the larger area is located on the east coast of the central part of Heizhou, which is only about one hundred kilometers away from the coastline.


This was before.

The country where the 5th-level space crack was born was originally a war-torn country.

The current official and the rebels have been at war for many years, and various parts of the country have been dominated by indigenous warlords of different sizes all year round; the capital, with a permanent population of more than one million, was originally the most populous and prosperous city in this country.


With the opening of the level 5 space crack, this impoverished and war-torn country is completely unable to resist the powerful evil spirits like sea water gushing out from the level 5 space crack.

in a few hours.

The entire city was destroyed, and countless evil spirits spread out from the space crack as the center, spreading to the surroundings, killing all living beings within dozens of kilometers with the space crack as the center... slaughtered!

From the birth of this space crack, to the news that the International Occult Union sent reinforcements, only two or three hours passed.

But in these two or three hours, a total of more than 1.5 million local indigenous people died; the number of other creatures devoured by the slaughter exceeded one million!

A seventh-order from Taixia, a seventh-order from White Eagle, and a sixth-order peak from White Bear.

The three extraordinary beings, who can be called the peak of Blue Star's combat power, joined forces and used various extraordinary abilities to wash the ground. Spirit destroyed.

And those sporadic evil spirits that had already spread, even let the International Occult Alliance send several teams, and after more than ten days of tracking, they were completely eliminated!


This level 5 battlefield has stabilized.

A large number of warriors from Taixia and Baiying brought a variety of equipment, and built a line of defense and a block of bunkers around the cracks in the 5th-level space. Countless guns were always aimed at the level 4 space The crack is several times larger than the level 5 space crack.

Hundreds of thousands of investigators from Tai Xia and Bai Ying, who are at least Tier 3, are stationed around the cracks in the space. , can be put into battle in the first time.

In addition to these Tier 3, Tier 4 and Tier 5 superhumans, there are even a few Tier 6 superhumans and two Tier 7 superpowers on this Tier 5 battlefield!

One Taixia.

One White Eagle.

In the current Blue Star, only the three kingdoms of Taixia, Baiying, and Baixiong have the existence of extraordinary people who have entered the legendary rank, so the seventh rank is called the supreme power.


The domestic pressure of the white bear is huge, and it is already very difficult to assign a part of the extraordinary to help guard the guarded city.


This level 5 battlefield was divided up by Tai Xia and Bai Ying.

Both guarding and training. 790

Send the third-, fourth-, and fifth-order superhumans of your own country to this battlefield, plunder their power by constantly killing evil spirits, and enhance their strength.

When its strength increases to a certain level, it will be transferred to the guardian city to perform the final training and battle.

One step ahead.

Step by step ahead.

When the space rift was just born on Blue Star, several kingdoms headed by Baiying, Taixia, and Baixiong went ahead of other kingdoms in cultivating supernatural beings.

When the Battle of Salvation ended and the Guardian City was established, the other kingdoms had been left far behind, and only Bai Xiong could barely keep up with Bai Ying and Tai Xia.

And now.

With the establishment of the Heizhou Level 5 battlefield, even the white bears could no longer keep up with the faster and faster rhythm of the war and the increasing intensity of the war, leaving Taixia and Baiying behind.

Guarding the battlefield is both cooperation and competition.

When there is a problem in the opponent's defense, we must decisively help to prevent the spread of the evil spirit ocean; we must always be on the lookout for the opponent's cold gun, to prevent the other party from using the impact of the evil spirit to stumble upon himself, or even directly assassinate!

This is the complicated relationship between Tai Xia and Bai Ying on this level 5 battlefield.

Shen Wenyan's landing site was at a small airport on the outskirts of the ruined city.

at this time.

This small airport has been transformed into a military airport, and a large number of fighter planes and helicopters take off and land at all times, or transport supplies, or patrol around.

When Shen Wenyan arrived, an investigator who also belonged to the Taixia Abnormality Bureau was already there waiting for him.

Meet Shen Wenyan.

The man who was also an investigator of the Discord Bureau hurried up, helped him with the luggage, and said with a smile, "Senior Shen, I've finally been waiting for you! You don't know, I learned a few days ago that you were before your application. When we came to this battlefield, many colleagues were already waiting!"

He is a Tier 3 investigator, and he is considered to be the bottom of the battlefield, and he will basically not appear on the frontal battlefield.

Facing the warm words of the middle-aged man, Shen Wenyan just gave a wry smile and said, "Stop the Shen team, I have already resigned, just call me Lao Shen."

"Besides, my little power can still be seen in China; on this level 5 battlefield of Hidden Dragons and Crouching Tigers... that is, a miscellaneous soldier.

"Ah (three sounds)~"

"You can't say that."

Taking Shen Wenyan out of the small airport, walking to the vicinity of a dilapidated off-road vehicle, and putting the salute into the carriage, the middle-aged man said, "You're taking yourself too seriously when you say that."

"Team Shen... oh yes, old Shen, let me tell you, your reputation here is not small at all, even in the guardian city, you have a certain reputation."

"The general person in charge of our Discord Bureau here, the seventh-order Xeon said it himself... Among all the fourth-order investigators, you are the most special group!"

"If you can get over a hurdle... even if you grow into a seventh-order Xeon in the future, there is great hope!

PS: The first is to ask for a full order~

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