Strange mountains and rivers

Chapter 497 Volume D Friendship is worth a thousand gold

Of course, meeting Bijiao Yuanjun is more than just a meal to deepen the relationship.

Since someone gave him the Dragon-Tiger Universe Luck Emperor Flag so generously, Chen Huaisheng felt that he still had to have a good talk with him.

During this period of time, Chen Huaisheng has been thinking about how to use this Dragon-Tiger Universe Luck Emperor Flag.

Bijiao Yuanjun was unwilling to give this item to the Chonghua Sect for a simple reason. He had no connection with the Chonghua Sect and gave it to Chen Huaisheng purely out of his personal friendship with Chen Huaisheng.

But for this imperial flag to be effective, it must have an independent territory.

Yunzhong Mountain is too small. Even if the imperial flag is hidden in Yunzhong Mountain, there may be no danger in a short time, but it will be discovered sooner or later, and Chen Huaisheng will not be able to explain to the sect easily.

You can't just say that the proceeds from the alien cultivators you have befriended are given to you as gifts. You don't want to be associated with the Chonghua sect, so you can restrict its use, right?

No matter how hard you hear this, it will cause unnecessary trouble.

Therefore, this imperial flag can only be hidden for the time being, placed here in Yunzhong Mountain for a while, and then look for another opportunity.

In addition, Chen Huaisheng also plans to talk to Bijiao Yuanjun about the other party's future opportunities to find a way.


"Okay, I'll ask you to call me Huaisheng."

Bijiao Yuanjun's pupils can freely switch between dark green and purple-brown. When he is happy, he is purple-brown, and when he is in a battle or angry state, he is dark green.

He was in a good mood now, especially after drinking a pot of Jade Immortal Brew. He felt a little drunk and even more casual.

"Don't call me senior either. If it makes your ears blocked, just call me Lao Long or Brother Long."

Bijiao Yuanjun chewed the pig's trotters in his mouth, making a squeaking sound. The bones of the pig's trotters cracked under his hard chewing, and all the taste overflowed into his mouth, which was particularly refreshing.

Chen Huaisheng didn't know whether to accept such a request or not. He was hundreds of years old, so calling him "Old Long" was not disrespectful. Calling him "Brother Long" seemed to be a step too far.

"Hey, you humans are so coy and pretentious. You and I just want to be honest and frank when we interact with each other. Why do we care so much? Isn't it just a name?" At this time, Bijiao Yuanjun was even more comfortable than Chen Huaisheng, "It's just a title. Why should I be so rigid? What, if you call me "Lao Long", I will feel looked down upon, or if you call me "Brother Long," will you feel superior?"

Chen Huaisheng laughed. He was so generous. If he still hesitated, it would look like he was being pretentious. "Okay, I'll just call you Brother Long."

There is Brother Bear and Brother Dragon. Chen Huaisheng found it particularly interesting when he called out Brother Dragon.

He and his fellow disciples in the sect, whether they are Tang Jingtian, Xu Tianfeng, Wang Yao, or Zhao Sitian, treat each other as brothers.

Brother and brother, it sounds a bit more formal and reflects respect, but it is a bit less close, close and natural.

Chen Huaisheng didn't even understand why he was so attached to these alien cultivators.

It’s okay with Xiong Zhuang. After all, he has saved his life, and it is reasonable to be close to him. But Brother Long slowly became familiar with him purely because of his gluttonous desire, and he got to where he is today step by step.

Is it really just that he has this cooking skill and the effect of "Three Courts of Royal Food"?

I'm afraid not entirely.

You have to ask whether the other party has had little contact with human monks over the years. There must be a lot of them, but it is difficult for him to find anyone he likes.

Chen Huaisheng felt that the biggest reason may be his own mentality, and he never regarded them as different.

In this way, we can deal with people of the same kind openly, speak, act, talk and discuss as people of the same kind, neither humble nor arrogant, and interact as equals.

Perhaps it is this quality that makes the other person subconsciously feel comfortable and less constrained.

Later, when we communicated more and became more familiar with each other, it became more natural and transparent. After so many times of sharing joys and sorrows, friendship was established in this way.

Chen Huaisheng's words of "Brother Long" made Bijiao Yuanjun startled and even more satisfied. Old Long was too casual and Brother Long was a bit raw. This call of Brother Long got into his heart.

He was satisfied in his heart, but didn't show much expression on the surface. He just raised the wine cup, gestured to Chen Huaisheng, and took a big sip.

Chen Huaisheng didn't care, raised his glass and took a sip, "Brother Long, this imperial flag..."

"I have already said that the imperial flag is given to you and it is your business. You don't need to tell me. I don't understand the use of this thing. You can handle it yourself." Bijiao Yuanjun waved his hand.

"Okay, then let's talk about Brother Long, your path to enlightenment through practice." Chen Huaisheng stopped being polite and got to the point: "Brother Long has roughly found the direction, so I can also help. But I think Brother Long needs to continue to understand and understand. If this kind of opportunity happens often, it is not called an opportunity. It still needs to be encountered once in a normal life in order to improve. Perhaps through countless accumulation, in a certain A big step forward will be made in an instant..."

Bijiao Yuanjun still attached great importance to Chen Huaisheng's suggestion. After the cultivator attained enlightenment, it entered a new stage, but the distance between it and the Dacheng stage was still quite long.

There are countless steps of various sizes that need to be climbed in this process. Just like the last time he got some special insights while tasting delicious food, he understood that he should have passed a step at the right time.

But he was not sure how many steps there would be and whether each step would feel the same.

But he has to keep walking unswervingly, and one day, these steps of different sizes will come together, allowing him to reach the highest peak and then step into Dacheng.

"Food is an important part of the fireworks in the world, or it can be attributed to a part of the essence accumulated by human beings for thousands of years. It happens that Brother Long is also particularly sensitive in this regard. I even doubt that Brother Long was a glutton in his previous life. ?”

Chen Huaisheng's words made Bijiao Yuanjun amused.

As someone from Qingjiao, he also knew that Chen Huaisheng in front of him might have noticed his origin a long time ago, but he didn't care.

Even as a foreign cultivator who took the form of a blue dragon, it seemed that it was nothing to be a Taotie in his previous life. After all, Taotie was a glutton for food and was an ancient ferocious beast. This statement did not have much of a derogatory connotation, and even had the flavor of praise.

"Huaisheng, are you praising me or making fun of me?" Bijiao Yuanjun said with a smile: "Taotie is one of the four great beasts. If he has a bad character, does my temper also have a bad temper?"

Chen Huaisheng also responded with a smile: "So, the gap is quite big. Although Brother Long likes food, he is very particular about food, which is different from Gluttony. As for the power of Gluttony, Brother Long only needs to cultivate the Great Dao , It won’t be much inferior, right? Keep your own personality, I don’t think it’s a big deal, it’s normal that Brother Long doesn’t like to interact with ordinary people.”

Bijiao Yuanjun nodded slightly.

He doesn't like to interact with ordinary people, and he knows this very well. It's rare for him to fall in love with Chen Huaisheng. He feels that he doesn't have many friends, just one or two are enough.

"Brother Long, if you plan to live in Bianjing for a long time, you might as well read more books on food culture in the bookstore. It can also be regarded as cultivating your sentiments. You can also get some unique flavor feelings when tasting delicious food. This is a suggestion from my younger brother. In addition, if Brother Long doesn't mind the trouble, he can also collect some rare and delicious food in advance as ingredients. As long as I have time, I will definitely serve a delicious meal to Brother Long, and I can also enjoy it. "

"Oh, Huaisheng, your suggestion is very good. I have been thinking about it. Since I fall in love with this bite, how can I maximize my feelings from this bite? I have also thought about it. As you said, look I want to combine the delicious food with the inner heritage, and maybe get a new level of understanding.”

Bijiao Yuanjun stroked his beard and was quite moved by Chen Huaisheng's suggestion, and he also realized that this might be a direction for his breakthrough and promotion in the future.

"But Brother Yu doesn't have much knowledge about the rare and beautiful people you mentioned. Can you make a list for me? In my spare time, if I can meet them or go out to look for them, I might be able to save some."

Chen Huaisheng was prepared before he came, and he took out a list of all kinds of ingredients one by one, from mushrooms to birds and animals, from rare fish and turtles in the water to all kinds of underground roots. Seeing the fruit, Bijiao Yuanjun's eyebrows danced with joy.

"Can these things be eaten?" he asked enthusiastically.

"Of course." Chen Huaisheng said proudly: "But there are many things that cannot be stored for a long time. If Brother Long comes across it, he has to consider how to store it. If Brother Long doesn't mind a trip to Fuyang, I will welcome Long at any time. Let’s talk to each other when my eldest brother returns to Hebei.”

Bijiao Yuanjun nodded: "Huaisheng, what do you mean, you have returned to Fuyang this time, and you won't be returning to Da Zhao in a short time?"

"That should be the case." Chen Huaisheng hesitated, "Actually, if possible, I hope that Brother Long can return to Hebei. I don't know if Brother Long feels it. The frequency of monsters in the mountains has been uncertain in the past few years, but in the past two years, The situation will change greatly in 2018. The situation in Bianjing City may be smaller, but the situation in Hebei and some counties in Yijun, Huaijun, and Wanjun that rely on forbidden areas is even more severe. I am worried that maybe starting this year, monsters will come out. The variety, grade and density will be very different from previous years..."

Chen Huaisheng's words made Bijiao Yuanjun a little surprised. He thought for a moment and then said: "As you said, this kind of sign has actually been there for a long time. Our feelings may be more sensitive than yours, but since the place near the mountain is dangerous, we shouldn't Is it better to stay in the city?"

Chen Huaisheng smiled, "The places near the mountains are more dangerous. They are just monsters. The sect naturally has countermeasures. If someone takes this opportunity to cause trouble in Bianjing City, it will be even more terrifying."

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