Strange mountains and rivers

Chapter 498 Volume D Friendship between different practitioners, a priceless treasure

Chen Huaisheng's words made Bijiao Yuanjun unable to understand for a moment.

Chen Huaisheng didn't explain much.

This kind of darkness and obscurity inside, not to mention Bijiao Yuanjun cannot understand it, even ordinary people in the sect may not be able to guess it.

But for Chen Huaisheng, after the Chonghua sect was betrayed by the Jiulian Sect and had to move north a few years ago, the feuding and intrigues between the official family, the Taoist palace, and even these super sects and gatekeepers The dirty and dirty things are all obvious.

In Chen Huaisheng's view, once some unexpected anomalies occur, these sects and aristocratic families will definitely use these chaotic situations to attack their opponents.

Anyway, the situation is in chaos. Whatever happens can be attributed to unpredictable factors, whether it is monsters or hostile forces hiding in the dark, there is such a possibility, isn't it?

In this sense, perhaps the most dangerous thing is not the monsters, but those who use the name of monsters to engage in certain conspiracy activities.

Leave these words to Bijiao Yuanjun and let him slowly understand them by himself.

The group stayed in Bianjing for five days before completing their shopping and preparing to return north.

Xiong Zhuang is also planning to stay in Bianjing City temporarily, but he plans to go back to Yefenggou to live for a while.

After breaking through the Great Dao, he needed a long period of time to settle down to find the path to greatness. He needed to practice in the mountains and bathe in the fireworks of the world. How long this process took was unknown.

It took Bijiao Yuanjun more than fifty years, and he barely made any progress in the previous thirty years. It was only after he suffered a complete defeat in the battle of Biji Peak more than twenty years ago that he realized the painful experience, and finally began to experience the human world. Gain enlightenment.

How long will Xiong Zhuang last?

The lifespan of alien cultivators is much longer than that of human monks, so their enlightenment is also more difficult.

Chen Huaisheng is not worried about Xiong Zhuang. He feels that although Xiong Zhuang's character is more honest and honest than Bijiao Yuanjun, he understands the world of people more quickly and adapts better.

"I'm not worried about anything else, but brother, do you have a feeling that the wave of monsters may be particularly powerful this year..." Before leaving, Chen Huaisheng couldn't help but remind him.

It stands to reason that Xiong Zhuang has achieved enlightenment, even if it is only for a short time, but after all, it can be regarded as a cultivation level equivalent to the Zifu level. Ordinary second and third level monsters cannot pose any threat to him, but his intuition tells Chen Huaisheng that maybe this year's monsters The tide of beasts is not limited to third-level monsters.

Xiong Zhuang heard the voice of Chen Huaisheng's words and his eyes narrowed slightly, "Do you think there are more than just third-order monsters? There may be fourth-order monsters?"

Chen Huaisheng also knew that this speculation was somewhat unfounded and even outrageous.

Even here in Hebei, level three monsters are almost the limit.

Fourth-order monsters have also been discovered, but in the eighteen provinces of Hebei Province, the news of the appearance of fourth-order monsters may not be heard even once a year, and most of them appear accidentally on the edge of the forbidden area, and almost no news is heard. He said he went into densely populated areas.

As for Da Zhao, not to mention that third-level monsters are rare, and they are all in mountainous areas, let alone fourth-level monsters.

The news that Chen Huaisheng had heard about the appearance of fourth-level monsters was the appearance of a nine-yuan thunder beast more than ten years ago, which triggered many purple mansions and some foundations to encircle and suppress it. The result was a catastrophe. There were already those who had overcome the tribulation and ascended. There are also those who failed to cross the tribulation and died on the spot.

Xiong Zhuang trusted Chen Huaisheng very much. Chen Huaisheng pursed his lips and nodded: "There is no reliable basis for my judgment. Maybe it is just intuition. Fourth-level monsters. Haha, most monks may not be able to do it in their lifetime. After seeing it once, why do you think it will appear this year? Besides, even if it appears, if it appears occasionally on the edge of the forbidden area, it has nothing to do with the overall situation and we will not encounter it. I am a bit alarmist. "

"No, dear brother, I know your temperament. You don't speak lightly, and there must be a reason for what you say. If it is really your intuition, I think it is more likely." Xiong Zhuang has unusually strong confidence in Chen Huaisheng. , "The appearance of monster beasts in the past two years is indeed a bit unpredictable, but it is still a bit shocking to say that a fourth-order monster beast has appeared. I also thought that even if the third-order monster beast is almost there, I can also It would be troublesome to deal with the fourth-level monsters, especially those ferocious beasts."

Fourth-level monsters must also be distinguished. Those with the bloodline of ancient ferocious beasts. Even monks in the Purple Soul Condensing Realm cannot escape the poisonous hands. Those in the Soul-Running Realm all depend on the situation.

For example, the Nine-Yuan Thunder Snake that Chen Huaisheng knew before belongs to the category of ancient ferocious beasts. The peak of Zi Mansion uses it as a material to induce catastrophes in order to overcome the tribulations and ascend, which shows how ferocious it is.

Now Xiong Zhuang's strength is still far from enough. If he encounters a fourth-level monster, it will be a disaster.

Moreover, Yefenggou is located right on the edge of the forbidden area, which is what Chen Huaisheng is most worried about. If it is really in Langling City or Yiyang City, Chen Huaisheng thinks that there is a high probability that he will not encounter a fourth-order monster.

"Brother, otherwise, the worst time for monsters to appear is in late autumn and early winter. If you feel that something is wrong in Yefenggou at that time, then leave immediately. Come to Hebei or go to Yiyang City to take shelter. That's fine. Anyway, let's not take that risk. Yiyang Mansion is now a place that the Zijin Sect has worked hard to manage. I believe there must be real people above the Soul Condensing Realm of the Zi Mansion who are in charge, or even more than one. If we really encounter a fourth-level person, When monsters appear, they should be the first to come forward, otherwise they are not worthy of surviving in Yiyang Mansion..."

Xiong Zhuang is not the kind of person who doesn't know how to adapt, and he readily agrees with Chen Huaisheng's suggestion.

Of course, how to judge whether this situation is wrong is up to Xiong Zhuang himself.

But Chen Huaisheng reminded him that when the third-level monsters appear frequently and even become the norm, the possibility of the fourth-level monsters coming out is very high, and this standard must be mastered.

Chen Huaisheng actually hopes that Xiong Zhuang will follow him back to Hebei and choose a place around Yunzhong Mountain to practice in seclusion.

However, Xiong Zhuang obviously missed Yefenggou and felt that Yefenggou had more spiritual materials. In addition, he also planned to stay in Tiyunkeng to see if his old friend, the cunning rabbit girl, who he always cared about, had returned, so he did not accept Chen Huaisheng's suggestion.

In addition, because Chen Huaisheng had no time to go to Leigu Peak to find the sacred tree after the Xuanlei God Tree was struck by lightning, Xiong Zhuang also planned to look for it. If he could find a section, Chen Huaisheng would not have to make another trip.

While Chen Huaisheng was moved, he also secretly felt that it might be his luck to have friends like Xiong Zhuang and Bijiao Yuanjun who were cultivators of different sects.

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