Strange mountains and rivers

Chapter 569 Volume D The cool autumn, the cold frost arrives

If we say that the biggest gain of the "trip" in Hualin Garden is spiritual fish, the first thing that comes to mind is spiritual fish.

Red crucian carp and salmon.

Red crucian carp blood has the effect of high-spirited burst, especially suitable for releasing spiritual bursts when in a bottleneck or plateau period. In many cases, it may be difficult to break through in three to five years, but once stimulated by the red crucian carp blood, you can suddenly break through the realm.

That's why Chen Huaisheng values ​​red crucian carp blood the most. Fang Baoliu and Xuan Chimei have reached this point. If the red crucian carp blood is used well, both women can be promoted to the eighth level of Qi Refining.

Salmon is another kind.

The whole body of the salmon is snow-white, about two feet long, and its meat is nourishing and exuding, which can effectively make up for the balance between spiritual realm strength and combat mana.

In other words, if your spiritual realm strength greatly exceeds your combat mana, it can help the sublimation of combat mana and achieve a certain degree of balance. Similarly, if your combat mana exceeds your spiritual realm strength, it can also achieve the solid growth of spiritual realm strength and try to match the spiritual realm strength with the spell combat power.

This kind of spiritual object that can make up for and optimize the spiritual power conversion in the body is quite rare. Of course, this does not mean that you can achieve it by eating a salmon. You need to eat it persistently and gradually adjust.

But the number of red crucian carp and salmon harvested this time really exceeded the best imagination.

Eighty-six red crucian carps and ninety-five salmon. No matter how optimistic I was before, I didn't expect it to be so many. The main reason was that I didn't expect the number of these two types of spiritual fish in Tianyuan Pond to be so large, accounting for more than half of the number obtained, and this was under the premise that the other party's group also caught a lot.

Such a large number of red crucian carps and salmon made Chen Huaisheng unable to figure out how to deal with them.

Originally, I only thought that if I could get the blood of seven or eight red crucian carps, it would basically meet the needs of Bao Liu, Chi Mei and several other people, but now such a large number of red crucian carps cannot be consumed in a short time, and I have to consider how to raise them.

In the storage capsule, the red crucian carp and salmon can barely survive for half a month, so Chen Huaisheng and his party must rush back to Yunzhong Mountain as soon as possible. If there is no suitable place to tame these spiritual fish, they can only dispose of them in advance. The blood, meat and fish organs must be processed and stored separately for emergency use.

Given the current situation in Yunzhong Mountain, Chen Huaisheng estimated that it would be difficult to tame these spiritual fish, and even if they could barely keep them alive, the lack of spiritual power would cause the quality of the red crucian carp and salmon to gradually decline, which would be unsatisfactory.

There are also Qianye Molian seeds and carp, two aquatic spiritual plants, which are also quite scarce. If they are just eaten, it is naturally good, but if there is a spiritual pond and spiritual ze for cultivation, it would be even better. It’s a pity that Yunzhong Mountain doesn’t have a good enough spiritual pond now.

There are only a few Feng Shui treasures like Hualin Garden in the entire Dazhao. Its spiritual energy is much more abundant than that of ordinary spiritual mountains and treasures, but its scope is too small to support the operation and survival of a sect.

I don't know how to deal with such a large number of aquatic spiritual plants.

For now, I can only take them back, but I have to deal with them within a month after taking them back, otherwise the blood and flesh quality of red crucian carp and salmon will decline.

Thousand-leaf black lotus seeds and carp are slightly better. They can be kept fresh for three months when they are packed in special jadeware, and they can be quickly found for alchemy and medicine after returning, and they can be used in alchemy.

No matter from which angle, the harvest of this trip to Luoyi is too big, beyond imagination. Not only the spiritual treasures in Hualin Garden, but also the killing of several cultivators, which also harvested a huge amount from their bags, spiritual sand and spiritual materials, even magic tools and elixirs, and even some sutras. It is difficult to identify their specific value for a while. I have time to think about it carefully after returning, but Chen Huaisheng is very satisfied with it.

Since he has gained a lot in spiritual sand, Chen Huaisheng did not skimp, and temporarily ordered some spiritual materials that can be used to make magic arrays and magic tools in Bianjing City, as well as a batch of Jiahe jade wheat.

This may seem a bit groundless, but Chen Huaisheng still thinks it is better to be prepared. It is hard to say how long the monster tide will last this winter and next spring. What if it lasts until next summer or even next autumn? Or even until next winter, what should we do?

It is good to think that the situation is more serious and more dangerous.

After everything was done, Chen Huaisheng, Xuan Chimei and Xiong Zhuang did not delay any further. Except for buying a pair of golden-eyed spirit pigeons in the market, there was nothing else to do.

This pair of golden-eyed spirit pigeons can achieve the purpose of sending letters through the spiritual sound of both parties, without special training. Although it is only a one-time use, if it is used a second time, one of them needs to be sent to the starting point and then continue.

Put the female pigeon here with Bi Jiao Yuanjun, and Chen Huaisheng took the male pigeon away. Once something happens, the letter for help can be brought back by the male pigeon, and Bi Jiao Yuanjun can come at the first time.

On the way back, Chen Huaisheng traveled day and night. Before crossing the river, Chen Huaisheng went to Chongyang Mountain in Ji County. At first, they agreed to go back to Wolongling together, but Chen Huaisheng knew that something happened in Beimang Secret Realm and Li Yu might not be able to fulfill the agreement.

Sure enough, only Qi Hongkui was stationed on the mountain, and Ding Zongshou and Li Yu were no longer there.

After Chen Huaisheng made some inquiries, he set off to return north.

On the bank of the Yellow River, Chen Huaisheng felt that the Aolong at the bottom of the river was ready to move and the Moyun White Eagles whistling in the sky above the river seemed to be more rampant than when they came.

This restless situation made Chen Huaisheng more determined in his judgment.

This year's monster tide is definitely beyond any previous year.

Only Shang Jiuling and Zhu Fengbi were in charge of the mountain gate. Linghu Zui escorted Duguo to Beimang, and Ding Zongshou also accompanied him. Li Yu had not returned yet. What made Chen Huaisheng curious was that Li Yu had left when he went to Chongyang Mountain, but why did Li Yu not return when he returned to the mountain gate? He didn't know where Li Yu went.

When he arrived at the mountain gate, Chen Huaisheng could feel the coolness that was completely different from the south of the river.

It was just after the frost, and there were still twenty days before the light snow, but the weather had already cooled down.

Coming out of Chonghua Palace, Chen Huaisheng couldn't help but look back at the hall.

It seemed that Shang Jiuling was going to Chongyang Mountain this winter, and only Zhu Fengbi and Li Yu would stay in Wolong Ridge.

This situation was not good.

If Linghu Zui and Duguo did not return to the north, with two Zifu Zhenren guarding, and Li Yu had just been promoted to Zifu, or was still in the initial stage of Yunsui, could he and Zhu Fengbi withstand the impact of this round of monster tide?

Chen Huaisheng was unsure, and was even certain that the Wolong Ridge's mountain protection formation might face an extremely difficult challenge, and might even pay a terrible price.

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