Strange mountains and rivers

Chapter 570 Volume D: Finding a new way to cope with emergencies

Chen Huaisheng pulled himself out of the delicate entanglement of the beautiful woman beside him and pointed with his finger.

The window lattice was slightly open, and a touch of late autumn coolness rushed in, wandering around the whole room, making the pink jade arms exposed outside the thin quilt feel the coolness.

"Ah?" The sound hummed from the nose was full of charm, as if a little uncomfortable, and still a little confused, "Brother Sheng, what time is it?"

Chen Huaisheng had already stood up, and walked to the window naked, staring at the red and green autumn colors of the distant mountains outside the window.

A river of red leaves and fire dragon scales, and the ground was covered with yellow flowers and brocade beast eyes.

What a beautiful autumn scenery in the clouds.

I have been back for three days.

It was Qingyu's turn to sleep last night.

Chen Huaisheng felt that he seemed to be living a wonderful life mixed with the emperor and the gods.

Xuan Chimei was still a little shy. Facing Fang Baoliu's half-smiley eyes, the other party obviously saw that Chimei's melon had just broken. Xuan Chimei felt a little embarrassed, and she became estranged from him these days.

So, only Baoliu and Qingyu were there to serve him.

To serve a servant is to accompany him in practice and to serve him in life. This is the origin of the term "servant".

After being apart for many days, Baoliu and Qingyu became particularly passionate. Baoliu served him in bed for two consecutive days, and it was Qingyu's turn.

After a night of lingering, the dragon and the tiger were in harmony, and they were very happy.

Chen Huaisheng was not particularly keen on sex, but when he was with his beloved woman, he was inevitably a little indulgent.

He had already mastered the Dragon and Tiger Three Yuans Meeting Technique. He dared not say that he had mastered it to perfection, but he had already achieved considerable accomplishments.

Whether it was Baoliu or Qingyu, they would have to throw away their armor and be defeated after a few rounds on the couch.

Especially Min Qingyu, who was far inferior to Bao Liu and could not bear the attack.

Good days always pass quickly. Seeing that the frost has passed, the lower Yuan is coming, and then the light snow, winter is coming.

Although he thought he had made preparations in an orderly manner according to the worst plan, Chen Huaisheng was still unsure.

The premonition sensed by the Supreme made him think more. This winter is hard to endure. This is the vague but most real intuition in the Supreme consciousness.

He once wanted to give up Yunzhong Mountain and Bailu Taoist Temple and retreat to Longlinyuan, but finally gave up.

There is Xiong Zhuang to help at the foot of the mountain. If it is really useless, there is a letter from the Golden Eyed Spirit Pigeon to invite the Green Dragon Yuanjun. If it is like this, I still can't survive. It really means that God wants to kill me.

Hearing the jade woman on the bed asking, Chen Huaisheng did not close the window and walked back to the bed naked.

A soft jade, half covered with tender snow, Min Qingyu, who was struggling to get up, tried to cover her half-naked body with a quilt, and this half-exposed appearance was even more fascinating.

"It's just past the beginning of the morning, it's still early, you were tired last night, take a rest."

Chen Huaisheng went to bed, Min Qingyu had already considerately pulled the quilt to cover Chen Huaisheng, and the two of them just leaned on the bed, leaning on each other.

"It's okay, I slept for a while, and I smelled especially good, and I'm all recovered." Min Qingyu's cheeks were slightly red, she was a little wild last night, and she couldn't bear the pity, and she couldn't remember how she fell asleep.

Chen Huaisheng smiled, "Qingyu, the spiritual realm is improved, which also helps to nourish and strengthen the body,..."

"Brother Sheng, I know." Min Qingyu put her hot face on Chen Huaisheng's shoulder and murmured, "This kind of life is really good, it would be great if it could always be like this."

"Why can't it always be like this? Do you have so little confidence in me?" Chen Huaisheng lowered his eyes and asked with a smile.

"Brother Sheng has been saying that this winter is not easy, and everyone in the mountain is a little uneasy." Min Qingyu shook his head, "But no matter what, our mountain formation is gradually improving, and we still have Master Wu and Master Gou. By the way, didn't Sister Chimei say that we still have help? Is there anything to worry about?"

Xuan Chimei didn't mention Xiong Zhuang and Bi Jiao Yuanjun, but only revealed that a stronger helper than Chen Huaisheng was at the foot of the mountain, and there were also strong people to look forward to in case of emergency, so it was also a boost for everyone.

Chen Huaisheng realized that his words to make everyone alert and prepared seemed a bit too much, making everyone overly nervous or even fearful, which lost his original intention. Fortunately, Chi Mei realized this and released these news to remedy the situation.

"Maybe I'm too timid, but I still think it's better to be a little timid, better than being helpless when the time comes." Chen Huaisheng sighed, his eyes full of worry, "It will snow in a few days. I feel that maybe the day of the snow will be a key node time. Observe the situation on that day, and maybe you can draw a relatively reliable conclusion."

His palm drilled into the embroidered quilt for a while, and Min Qingyu's face became redder. He could only beg for mercy: "Brother Sheng, I can't bear it. Tonight..."

"Haha, Dragon and Tiger Three Yuan Meeting Secret, Qingyu, you can actually work harder, it will be good for everyone. I see that you are just trying it out and not seeking to improve."

Chen Huaisheng withdrew his hand with satisfaction, holding the soft jade and warm fragrance, and this taste is very enjoyable.

"Sister Chi Mei has also practiced?" Min Qingyu couldn't help asking.

"Well, everyone has their own destiny, and everyone has different endowments and constitutions, so the improvement they get from practicing the exercises is not the same." Chen Huaisheng said seriously.

"So their spiritual realm practice is faster?" Min Qingyu seemed to understand something. She also practiced the Dragon and Tiger Three Yuan Association, but she didn't spend too much time on it, and she always felt a little ashamed.

Chen Huaisheng suppressed his smile and nodded: "It's not without its benefits. You'll know after you try practicing for a while."

The Dragon-Tiger Three-Yuan Hui Jue does have some uses for spiritual practice, but it is nonsense to say it has much benefit in improving the spiritual realm. However, the Dragon-Tiger Three-Yuan Hui Jue emphasizes the dual cultivation of yin and yang, and it is fragrant and not enough for outsiders to understand. , only the relationship between husband and wife can understand the inner benefits.

Although Min Qingyu was smart, she didn't expect that Ai Lang would deceive her in this matter, and she still believed it and kept it in her heart.

"Brother Sheng, the red crucian carp blood is almost ready. Are Sister Baoqi and Sister Chi Mei going to attack the eighth level?" Min Qingyu couldn't help but ask: "What about me?"

"You can also prepare." Chen Huaisheng pondered for a moment.

He also considered Min Qingyu. In the face of the beast tide this winter, everyone needs to improve their strength so as not to be able to deal with it more easily when encountering monster attacks, and to avoid bringing burdens and encumbrances to others.

But Min Qingyu's strength is too poor. In comparison, Fang Baoqi and Xuan Chimei's improvement in strength from the seventh level to the eighth level of Qi Refining is much better than Min Qingyu's increase from the fourth level to the fifth level of Qi Refining, but this time Luo The trip to Yiyi yielded great results, especially when some spiritual treasures that could be used to make elixirs were unexpectedly unexpected. Therefore, after Chen Huaisheng came back, he discussed with Gou Yiwei to see if there could be more suitable alchemy techniques for targeted preparations. People in the mountains were refining elixirs.

For example, thousand-leaf black lotus seeds and water shield, as well as green zhizhi and poria are all excellent alchemy treasures. For an alchemist, these things are simply rare treasures that may be difficult to encounter in a lifetime.

It's just that Gou Yiwei's specialty is in the production of magic weapons and the structure of magic circles. He is much inferior to the skills of refining alchemy and making talismans. Of course, it's not that he can't refine it, but it may be due to the consumption of spiritual materials and the efficacy of the medicine. It's just not that satisfying.

So Chen Huaisheng doesn't have much to worry about now. It would be best if Gou Yiwei can find a more suitable alchemist to enter the mountain. If he can't find one, then Gou Yiwei will have to make do with refining it first. Everyone in the mountain who has the conditions to advance to one level will be promoted to one level. This will also give them a better chance of survival in the future beast tide war.

"Is that okay?" Min Qingyu was a little excited.

"You will know after you try it." Chen Huaisheng took a deep breath, "I will do my best to help achieve this goal."

Everyone was already nervous, even Wu Tianen and Gou Yiwei who were a little disapproving at first.

They couldn't imagine why Chen Huaisheng would make such a definite assertion. Although there were some signs, according to Chen Huaisheng's inference, this beast tide storm was simply unprecedented.

In this case, there is almost no difference between Longlinyuan and Yunzhongshan. Even Longlinyuan may be more dangerous, because the area there is larger and there are more key positions that need to be protected. Can the mountain guarding array be able to withstand it? , no one dares to say for sure.

"Uncle, I'm not being alarmist, but the situation is compelling. I even think that the collapse of the Beimang Secret Realm may be related to the changes in the weather, and the tide of monsters is also related to the changes in the weather, so I don't dare to underestimate it." Chen Huaisheng. Sighing, "So I also want to ask my uncle to evaluate himself and see if he can use spiritual treasures and elixirs to stimulate him in the next month or two..."

Wu Tianen looked at Chen Huaisheng, angry and happy, "Huaisheng, you are planning on me. If I can break through and advance, will I be lazy and not work hard? This kind of thing can be achieved if I want to. Have you achieved it? I know my own abilities. It is very rare for me to reach the fourth level of foundation building within three to five years. Can my qualifications compare with yours?"

Wu Tianen only succeeded in attacking the third level of foundation building this spring, and he also relied on the red crucian carp blood that Chen Huaisheng brought back last time.

Now it is obviously unrealistic for him to go to the next level.

Even if there are magical medicines and spiritual treasures to help, it is impossible to violate the law of heaven.

Being so disorganized or acting against nature is very likely to make Wu Tianen go crazy.

"Master Uncle's spiritual realm strength and spell combat power are quite average, without any special features. I also know that it is impossible to raise Master Uncle's spiritual realm to another level now, but his spell combat power is possible. It only needs to be stimulated in a targeted manner. and impact, and the disciples have some experience in this area. "Chen Huaisheng is confident.

Wu Tianen pondered, and he understood what Chen Huaisheng meant. Improving the magic combat power was to deal with the possible tide of monsters and be used as an emergency response.

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