Strange mountains and rivers

Chapter 590 Volume E: The cold river at the pass thousands of miles away, heavy snow (blood) coverin

Chen Huaisheng could only sigh.

These monsters have successfully evolved some intelligence.

Unlike other cultivators, they evolved purely through the instinct of hunting and killing, and evolved entirely for hunting, survival and growth.

Therefore, they can cooperate, move tigers away from the mountains, surround Wei and rescue Zhao, and surround points for reinforcements. In short, they use their brains around hunting and survival.

Chen Huaisheng is still not sure whether the actions of these dire wolves are because they have a tacit understanding, and are the Ourei leopards and dire wolves just old ladies picking persimmons-looking for soft ones?

But in any case, the large-scale appearance of these monsters is an extremely dangerous sign. Apart from these peripheral Taoist temples, what about Longlin Plain?

Will the mountain-protecting array be able to resist without being broken through?

Chen Huaisheng is not very optimistic.

Although the mountain-protecting array is powerful, its coverage is too large, and monsters can also look for opportunities around the mountain-protecting array. As Xu Tianyuan said, the array may still be destroyed by monsters.

Suddenly I thought, didn't Song Daoyang ask for help from the mountain gate?

It shouldn't be.

"Tian Yuan, didn't Senior Brother Song ask for help from the mountain gate?" Chen Huaisheng asked quickly.

"When the Wu Lei Leopard was discovered, the mountain gate had already been alerted, but the mountain gate responded with a letter saying that there were a large number of monsters around Longlin Plain, and that they were being attacked by monsters, and they had no time to help. They urged all Taoist temples in need of help to evacuate to Longlin Plain immediately. Linyuan is under the unified command of Chuan Gong Academy..."

Chen Huaisheng paused and clenched his fists. Sure enough, he came anyway. He was in all directions as soon as he came. I wonder how large this wave of monsters is?

"You didn't say what kind of monsters they were attacked by?"

"I didn't say anything." Xu Tianyuan's voice was low, "The sect's mountain protection formation is so strong, it should be able to withstand it."

Chen Huaisheng didn't ask any more questions and went straight up the courtyard wall.

The courtyard wall is much higher than the houses inside the courtyard, especially the four-corner sentry tower. This is also the necessary warning when choosing to set up an independent Taoist courtyard outside. Installing a ban on the sentry tower can allow the four-corner sentry tower to ban Connect lines to form a defensive circle.

But this can only be used against first- and second-level monsters. Even the upper-level second-order monsters may be able to choke. A warning is fine, but whether it can block the kill depends on the situation.

The chaotic situation in the Taoist courtyard can be seen on the courtyard wall. Some people are healing the injured, using spells, elixirs, and spiritual plants. Others can only move the deceased to a corner in vain.

It was obvious that these people had never experienced such a terrifying day. All of a sudden, dozens of their companions who had been with them day and night were killed or injured. Even the teachers and commanders who usually relied on them were vulnerable to the monsters.

Many people's spirits have collapsed and they are standing there at a loss. Others are crying under the trees, perhaps because they have lost their closest relatives.

Chen Huaisheng felt his heart tightening. What if this scene happened in Bailu Taoist Temple?

Facing dire wolves, to be honest, he couldn't stop him. He couldn't even stop a dire wolf.

If he hadn't used the Taiyin Talisman to launch a sneak attack, and let the Winged Fire Snake take the blow to lock the dire wolf, he would not have been able to kill the dire wolf. This would also have relied on the ape spirit's soul-eating method.

Many factors can lead to such a result. He believes that when Song Daoyang faces the dire wolf, he may be the same as himself, or even worse than himself.

But if the entire Wolong Ridge is like this, can the Chonghua Sect still persist?

As soon as Chen Huaisheng climbed onto the courtyard wall, he attracted everyone's attention.

Song Daoyang looked very sad, and when he saw Chen Huaisheng, he just forced a smile and said, "Junior Brother Chen is here, thank you very much."

"How is the situation?" Chen Huaisheng looked far away, and his consciousness also extended, "The dire wolves are still there? How many are there?"

"Still in the bushes on the hill over there, there were two heads before, one was slightly injured, but there was another one just now..." Song Daoyang's teeth chattered a little, not sure whether it was nervousness or pain, when Chen Huai The student felt that he was greatly stimulated and emotionally unstable.

"Where's the Leopard?" Chen Huaisheng did not ignore the other Leopard.

Once a monster has locked its target, it rarely changes easily unless it judges that it is really difficult to succeed. But now that the dire wolf and the Ule Leopard have succeeded, at least five monks and Taoist species in Songtao Taoist Temple have been devoured, which will be extremely exciting. Their ferocity and greed make them even crazier.

There are still dozens of monks and Taoists in Songtao Taoist Temple, and they will not give up this coveted gift.

They are now dormant and hidden in the bushes on the hills, and they will never be easily evacuated.

"I don't know where it is hiding." Song Daoyang shook his head in frustration, seeming to become a little nervous, "It appeared first, and there were two of them as soon as it appeared. I thought this was the wave of monsters, so I asked Master Huang and the others to stay in the Taoist courtyard. Take precautions here, I will take Junior Brother Zhuge and the others out to chase and kill..."

Tune the tiger away from the mountain? Is it a collaboration between Ourai Leopard and Dire Wolf?

"The Wu Lei Leopard's movements were too agile. Junior Brother Zhuge and the others couldn't keep up, and they couldn't even play a role in intercepting them. In order to kill them, I distanced myself from Junior Brother Zhuge. As a result, the two sides of the Wu Lei Leopard suddenly separated. It caught me off guard..."

Looking at Song Daoyang's distorted face, Chen Huaisheng sighed in his heart.

Senior Brother Song still has too little combat experience. The combat effectiveness of a second-level mid-level monster like the Wu Lei Leopard may not be top-notch, but its short-term speed is comparable to that of the Dire Wolf. If both heads appear at the same time, it is a sign of weakness to the enemy. , tell you that there are only two of us. Once we follow out and want to wipe them all out, we will divide our troops, forcing you to be hard-pressed to take care of both ends.

"..., when I rushed back, Junior Brother Zhuge and the others had been attacked by another Black Thunder Leopard. Three of them died on the spot, and Junior Brother Zhuge only had half of his body left..."

Song Daoyang put his hands on the courtyard wall, almost crushing the bricks and stones of the courtyard wall.

"What about the dire wolf?" The Ule Leopard had caused so much trouble to Songtao Taoist Academy, let alone the dire wolf, but Chen Huaisheng still wanted to ask about the specific situation.

"The dire wolf raided the back door before we came back. The restricted array could not stop a third-level monster like the dire wolf. It is said that three dire wolves broke through the restriction in just a tea break, and only one dire wolf was injured. , but once they broke through, Master Huang and the others couldn't stand it any longer. They tried to use restraints and magic weapons to deal with it in the Taoist courtyard, but it didn't work at all. So that's what you see, dead and wounded everywhere. Master Huang and the others were all killed, and there were countless others. He was attacked and killed. When I came back, I happened to catch up with a dire wolf next to the central magic circle in the Taoist temple. I used the magic circle to release my spiritual power at once and killed one, but the other two, including the injured one, escaped. ,..."

Song Daoyang shook his head: "Actually, it doesn't count as escaping. It should be said that they were full at that time, or they were frightened by the magic circle at that moment, so they escaped, but I guess they have woken up now. You see They are now moving in the bushes, probably waiting for opportunities..."

"There were more than thirty people, and now there are only ten people left. The mortals are not too big, but they suffered from some disasters. About ten of them died, but these monsters are too lazy to bite..."

"Senior Brother Song, didn't you ask for help from Longlinyuan?" Chen Huaisheng frowned, "I'm afraid we won't be able to deal with the three dire wolves, and that doesn't include the faceless Black Thunder Leopard. You Songtao said The court's magic circle restrictions are too weak and are of little use..."

"It is still useful, that is, early warning, but the attack and defense capabilities are insufficient. Even if it is available, we can't afford it,..." Song Daoyang laughed at himself: "I asked for help on the other side of the mountain gate, but it seemed that the other side of the mountain gate was too busy to take care of itself. I saw The explosion of the twin dragon flame pillars..."

Chen Huaisheng was shocked: "Did the Double Dragon Flame Pillar release and explode?"

The Double Dragon Flame Pillar is an inner circle of the twelve magic circles of the Mountain Sect. It is a large fire magic circle. The sect has invested at least close to one million spiritual stones in this magic circle. Just activating this magic circle consumes a daily amount of energy. The spiritual stone cost is two thousand. Once the attack is launched, the consumption will be doubled or even multiplied several times. The entire six-mile-long protective line in the west must be carried by this magic circle.

Once turned on, the Double Dragon Flame Pillar will automatically ignite as long as it encounters an enemy attack. Generally, if a monster wants to break through the defense line and launch an attack, it will be hit by the fire dragon's violent roll.

Dire wolves will basically lose most of their combat power if they want to break through the Double Dragon Flame Pillar. Even if a third-level monster wants to break through, it will have to pay a huge price. Moreover, if there are monks above the middle stage of foundation building who can patrol this line, By waiting for an opportunity and working together, most foreign enemies can be killed outside this line of defense.

Perhaps the only drawback is that the defensive height of the Double Dragon Flame Pillar is only thirty feet, which makes it difficult to deal with birds and monsters. It needs to be combined with another magic circle - the Hammer of the Sky to achieve the perfect effect.

"Well, it broke out. It must have been attacked by third-level monsters or above, but I don't know how big the scale is. It's like this in the west, but I didn't see the situation in the north..." Song Daoyang exhaled a breath, " So it was expected that there would be no response to the letter for help. I thought it might not be my family asking for help, but more than a dozen Taoist temples. Even if some of them have withdrawn to Longlinyuan, there are still several others outside, such as the Ding family’s Xiangyang Valley. …”

Before Song Daoyang could finish speaking, he saw Chen Huaisheng's expression change slightly.

Wherever he looked, his face suddenly turned livid.

On the gentle slope about 300 steps ahead, there were dense trees, and you could only vaguely see some grass blades shaking, but it soon became clear.

Three dire wolves appeared one after another. The one on the far right was the one that Chen Huaisheng faced and escaped.

The three wolves formed an attack formation and slowly floated out of the bushes.

On a gentle slope about 150 steps away to the west of the dire wolves, a black shadow also passed by like a ghost, and the Ourei Leopard also appeared.

The entire courtyard wall was silent, and one could even hear the breathing of some monks and the rattling of clenched teeth.

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