Strange mountains and rivers

Chapter 591 Volume E: The cold river at the Wanli Pass, the smell of corpses and grass

Chen Huaisheng also felt his heart tighten suddenly. Is this the linkage between the Dire Wolf and the Black Thunder Leopard?

The real combat power of the Black Thunder Leopard is far less than that of the Dire Wolf, but its running speed is not weaker than that of the Dire Wolf, and it is even better than the Dire Wolf in close-range assault speed.

In other words, it is better than the former in killing cultivators and even Dao Seeds in the middle stage of Qi Refining and below.

And looking at the group of more than ten cultivators and Dao Seeds in front of him, there is not a single one in the high stage of Qi Refining.

Four in the middle stage of Qi Refining, seven in the initial stage of Qi Refining, eight or nine Dao Seeds, maybe this Black Thunder Leopard can kill more than half of them.

Three Dire Wolfs, one Black Thunder Leopard, if he hadn't come, it means that the entire Songtao Taoist Academy would be annihilated, and no one would be spared. Of course, maybe the Dire Wolf and the Black Thunder Leopard would not bother to bite and kill the more than one hundred mortals.

At this time, even Chen Huaisheng had to consider how to survive.

It is definitely impossible to defend, the magic array of Songtao Taoist Temple has been basically destroyed and cannot function, but can you escape?

Chen Huaisheng estimated that if he and Song Daoyang immediately joined forces to escape, they might have a way to survive, but none of these dozen cultivators and Dao seeds would be spared.

What to do?

Chen Huaisheng saw the fear and despair in Song Daoyang's eyes.

This guy, he has already collapsed before the battle.

No wonder, maybe he has never experienced such a situation in his life, and it is indeed different from people like himself who don't care about their lives and fight to the death several times.

Chen Huaisheng realized at this time that among the younger generation, it seems that among the disciples of the entire Chonghua School, no one can be better than him in the situation of risking their lives, even Wang Yao and Ding Yuangao can't compare with him.

Maybe they all think that the battle at Donghe Fish Market is a battle worth boasting, but in Chen Huaisheng's eyes, it is more like a journey without twists and turns.

You may not feel it at ordinary times, but once you encounter such a scene, it will appear.

After adjusting his mentality, Chen Huaisheng's impression of Song Daoyang changed slightly.

At least Song Daoyang did not abandon these people and run directly to Longlinyuan or his own Yunzhong Mountain when he knew that being with the Taoist temple people would lead to a dead end. From this point of view, this person's quality is still acceptable.

For this reason, Chen Huaisheng felt that he should help within his ability. Of course, he also wanted to help the more than ten people who could be taken out, although the possibility was very small.

Unless Xiong Zhuang was summoned.

But Chen Huaisheng did not dare to take such a risk.

The monsters have appeared on a large scale, and the same is true around Yunzhong Mountain. Without Xiong Zhuang's presence, it is too dangerous.

Thinking of this, Chen Huaisheng wanted to return to Yunzhong Mountain immediately.

He was not selfless enough to ignore the safety of everyone in Yunzhong Mountain for the sake of the people of Songtao Taoist Temple.

If a wolf pack with five dire wolves attacked Songtao Taoist Temple, could his group resist it?

If Xiong Zhuang hadn't been there, the result would not have been much better than the current Songtao Taoist Temple. At most, the magic array could have caused more casualties to the dire wolves, but once the dire wolves broke through the magic array and entered Yunzhong Mountain, it would definitely be a bloody massacre.

Facing the dire wolves, once they broke through the magic array and entered the mountain, even Wu Tianen and Zhao Sitian would have found it difficult to resist.

"Brother Song, Songtao Taoist Temple cannot be defended. If we continue to defend it like this, we will all be left here." Chen Huaisheng gritted his teeth and said, "We must retreat immediately. Mortals don't have to worry about it. These monsters will not attack mortals. We must retreat immediately, either to Longlinyuan or to my Yunzhong Mountain. We can't delay!"

Song Daoyang suppressed his panic and despair, "Brother Chen, I know, but if we withdraw, maybe only you and I have a chance to escape. I'm afraid none of the other brothers can escape. What should we do?"

Chen Huaisheng also felt it was difficult.

Even if he and Song Daoyang joined forces, they couldn't protect these people. The dire wolves and black thunder leopards were quite intelligent. From here to Longlinyuan or Yunzhong Mountain, the ten miles were the gates of hell. The dire wolves and black thunder leopards could easily find opportunities to tear these people to pieces.

Even if he released the winged fire snake, he could only hold back one dire wolf. The remaining two, he and Song Daoyang could use the Taoist temple house to block, but once they entered the wild, there were loopholes everywhere. The dire wolves could easily bypass the defense and use the loopholes to drag these people out one by one, tearing them to pieces and devouring them.

This didn't count the black thunder leopards.

Chen Huaisheng couldn't think of a better way, but he didn't have time to wait.

"Brother Song, I'm afraid we have no choice." Chen Huaisheng could see that Song Daoyang was already confused and unable to make a rational decision. "I suggest evacuating immediately and going to Longlinyuan, which is closer! If we don't leave now, we will all be stuck!"

Song Daoyang swallowed his saliva with some difficulty. He knew that what Chen Huaisheng said made sense, but he could not do anything to see his fellow apprentices fall into the mouths of wolves and leopards. These were all fellow apprentices who grew up with him and followed him for many years. This feeling was simply driving him crazy!

Seeing that Song Daoyang was still hesitating, Chen Huaisheng had no time to delay any longer.

The dire wolf did not move fast, but once this attack formation approached the Taoist temple, it would really be impossible to leave.

Not to mention the speed of the black thunder leopard, it was following closely, and no one could outrun it.

"You, you, you two, take the three of them, follow Senior Brother Song, use all the magic talismans, and take a triangular position. You and him will take the four of them. Remember, if you are in danger and self-destruct your elixir, it is important to save your life. .... As for you guys, just follow behind..."

At this time, Chen Huaisheng's voice was as cold as ice, and he pointed his fingers, "Remember, everyone should not act rashly, cooperate with your partners, only be responsible for attacking the dangers that may be approaching around you, and maintain the rhythm of action. Only twelve Li Di, according to our current running speed, we can reach it in two cups of tea. Senior Brother Song and I will cover the front and rear..."

These are all nonsense, but Chen Huaisheng has to say that it can at least give these people more confidence, but Chen Huaisheng doesn't know how useful it will be.

As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Huaisheng directly released the Winged Fire Snake, "Xiaohong, open the way!"

The Winged Fire Snake jumped out and quickly enlarged, bringing with it strong fire spiritual power that made the entire surrounding temperature suddenly become scorching hot.

On the way here, Chen Huaisheng had already fed it a Yuanli to prevent its Yuanli from being damaged. Now Chen Huaisheng fed it another Huoyuan Pill.

This is a stimulating elixir specially prepared for it, which can stimulate its spiritual power to the extreme, but once used, it will fall into a three-day coma, and will be in a low ebb for a month.

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