Strange mountains and rivers

Chapter 598 Volume E: Rebirth, Decay

Wu Tianen and Gou Yiwei both stood outside the door with solemn expressions.

Although it was outside the door, Chen Huaisheng could still be clearly seen lying on the stone bed.

The entire body exuded a fiery aura, and the face and even the exposed parts of the body showed an abnormal red color.

This is the sequelae caused by the fire poison of the fire-maned lion's original fire.

Fang Baoqi and Min Qingyu stood in front of the stone bed one after another, with worried faces on their faces.

Xiong Zhuang has returned to his human form, but there are still burn scars on his dark face.

Wu Tianen and Gou Yiwei had long heard Chen Huaisheng mention Xiong Zhuang's origins, but they had never seen him.

But this time there was no other way. The entire army was wiped out and all were seriously injured, but fortunately, they all still survived.

This was because Xiong Zhuang arrived quickly and intervened in time to save the four people, but the Winged Fire Snake was completely disabled and fell into a state of suspended animation.

"The fire-maned lions escaped, but what is the specific situation? When I arrived, I only saw one that must have been seriously injured, while the other one fought with me and retreated, but I felt that it was not injured." Xiong Zhuang didn't have much on his face. His expression was very calm: "If that guy comes again, I'm afraid I won't be able to resist him."

"If we come again, we won't be able to withstand it." Wu Tianen laughed at himself: "A few more of us building foundations will not help. It will only add a few lives in vain. I am afraid the only thing we can do is rely on the magic circle in front of the Dongfu Taoist Temple, which may be able to support a Second, the northern magic circle is a fire magic circle, which will only be counterproductive for the fire-maned lion. It’s bad luck..."

It was only the second day, and we were forced to retreat to the last line of defense. It was scary to think about it.

"Is it too late to retreat to Longlin Plain?" Fang Baoqi walked out and asked.

"With this situation, I'm afraid it's too late. In these dozens of miles, the third-order monsters that have appeared now include the fire-maned lion, dire wolf, and blood vulture, plus the second-order monsters including the thunder leopard and the red-haired mammoth. Yun Baidiao was targeted as soon as he stepped out..." Gou Yiwei shook his head repeatedly: "This is no different from throwing yourself into a tiger's mouth. There may be a chance of survival at the gate of this cave temple."

"Now we don't know what the situation is over at Longlinyuan. Don't withdraw there just in time to catch up with the gathering of monsters. Then we will fall into a trap." Wu Tianen sighed, "I never expected that this wave of monsters would come like this. Violent, Huaisheng kept talking about it before, I thought he was making a fuss out of a molehill, but now it seems that he is making a fuss out of a molehill. "

Xiong Zhuang actually didn't expect it either, so he didn't care that Bijiao Yuanjun didn't come to Hebei. But now it seems that it was a big mistake. He should have insisted on letting Bijiao Yuanjun come, and at that time, Bijiao Yuanjun In fact, the attitude of refusal is not that firm.

He knew that Chen Huaisheng had released the spiritual dove to ask Bijiao Yuanjun to come north, but he roughly estimated that it would take at least seven or eight days to arrive. No one could predict what would happen in these seven or eight days.

"Then what should we do now?" Fang Baoqi's calm demeanor had long been forgotten, and he seemed a little anxious at this time: "Huaisheng has not woken up. I fed him green zhizhi juice, but it had no effect..."

Gou Yiwei is still the calmest, perhaps because he has tested Chen Huaisheng's Tao physical condition, "Only wait, Huaisheng's situation is slightly better than the others, although I don't know how he became like this. Logically speaking, even if Huo is The poison is not like this, and the meridians of his Dao body have undergone great changes. I once thought that he had self-destructed his elixir, but his elixir was intact. Could it be that the energy of the fire-maned lion impacted his meridians? ? But if that were the case, his meridians could not be like this, but would have been burned and exploded long ago..."

Gou Yiwei was considered a proficient healer in Yunzhong Mountain, but after checking his pulse and bones, he couldn't understand why Chen Huaisheng's Taoist body was like this.

The spiritual roots are weak, similar to those in the middle stage of Qi refining, but full of vitality; the Tao bones are thick and solid, but some cracks appear after being impacted, which is normal.

The meridians were damaged but stronger, and there seemed to be an acupoint hidden behind the alchemy that he couldn't detect.

This shocked him extremely.

He didn't know if it was the Yuan acupoint, but it seemed that there was no other explanation other than the Yuan acupoint.

And the Yuan acupoint is only in the Zifu Runpo realm where the jade pills are gradually formed. How could the Yuanding, which is preparing to carry the golden elixir, appear on Chen Huaisheng?

Gou Yiwei was also confused by so many doubts, but he was not a professional doctor after all, so he could only make a rough guess, but could not be sure.

"I don't think Huai Sheng's condition will get worse now, but it's hard to say when he will adjust. Maybe tonight, maybe tomorrow, maybe ten days... Zhao Sitian and the others, on the other hand, may not be able to recover within three to five days. It will take a long time to recover, and whether it can be restored to its original state is uncertain..."

Since we can't be sure whether going to Longlin Plain is a disaster or a blessing, we can only stay behind for the time being. Fortunately, Xiong Zhuang is sitting at the entrance of the Taoist cave, and Gou Yiwei is personally controlling the formation. If the fire-maned lion really wants to break in, then He still has the strength to fight.

Chen Huaisheng woke up earlier than everyone expected.

Maybe it was the effect of green zhizhi juice, or maybe the Yinming ghost arrows shot in advance played a role in resisting the fire poison. Yin Zheng, he woke up.

But after waking up, my whole body is still in an indescribable state of emptiness.

"I'm fine." Chen Huaisheng saw the people gathered in the room, suppressed the feeling of collapse in his body, and waved his hand: "The fire-maned lion's Yuan Power is too strong, I took it hard, and the meridians and Tao bones... My spiritual roots have been impacted, and the fire poison still exists in my Dao body and has not been completely eliminated. The green zhizhi juice is somewhat useful..."

After reassuring everyone, Chen Huaisheng asked Zhao Sitian about the situation of the others. As long as they were not dead, everything would be easy. As for recovery, that would only happen after they got through this.

"..., we can't go to Longlin Plain. I guess the situation in Longlin Plain is not much better now. We are all being targeted by the third-level monsters. They are not much better over there, and the area of ​​Longlin Plain is so big. Even if it’s big, the pressure on Master Zhu and the others will not be small,..."

"But if the fire-maned lion comes again..." Xiong Zhuang was also a little worried.

"The water-based ice-based magic circle at the entrance of the Taoist Temple's Cave is enough to contain the fire-maned lion's fire element mana. The reason why the previous battle magic circle couldn't work is because the attributes are the same. That's why we were so passive. But in the Dongfu Taoist Temple At the gate, our advantage is back, and I think that with the wisdom of the fire-maned lion, it may not be willing to suffer another loss. Wolong Ridge is so big, and there are countless villages after leaving the mountain, and there is Zhai on the south side of Fuyang Road. Valley Road, Tangshui Road, and Hanshan Road, why do you have to hang yourself from this tree? "

Regarding this point, Chen Huaisheng is very sure: "This wave of monster beasts will last for a long time. The number of monster beasts coming out of the forbidden area is very large. Our location in Wolong Ridge is not very good, just at the southern foot of Hengtian Mountain. , as soon as the monsters came out, they came right at us, but once they found out that our place was not cost-effective, they would quickly go south, unless there was something too tempting here, so I was worried about Longlinyuan. In comparison, ours is much less attractive.”

"Huaisheng, do you mean that the monsters that are heading south might be reluctant to give up the Dragon Scale Plain?" Wu Tianen asked in surprise.

"It is very possible that there are too many people in Longlin Plain, and they are all monks. This kind of induction is too sensitive for the monsters. It is so strong, how can they give up easily?" Chen Huaisheng replied: " As long as there is an error in the magic circle on the Dragon Linyuan, and these monsters get a taste of the success, it will be a big trouble. They will be more ferocious and persistent in looking for flaws and intend to break through. I am worried that Master Zhu and Uncle Li Yu may not be able to take care of it. Gotta come."

"Huai Sheng is right. As long as these monster beasts are allowed to taste the sweetness, they will not leave easily. Only by fighting to the death from the beginning and giving them a heavy blow will make them feel that it is not worthwhile to stay here. That's why Maybe go south and east and stop wandering here..."

Gou Yiwei agreed with Chen Huaisheng's point of view.

"So, I would like to ask Brother Xiong to go to Longlin Plain quietly. Don't get too close. Under the premise of ensuring your own safety, go around Longlin Plain to see what's going on there..."

Chen Huaisheng's request is also targeted. Not only is Xiong Zhuang already at the Zifu level in terms of strength, but the key is that he is a foreign cultivator. Monsters are more sensitive to humans, and it is easy for foreign cultivators to regard them as the same kind. Unless you meet in person.

Only by taking a trip could Xiong Zhuang avoid being discovered and getting burned. Only by clarifying the situation could he make a decision.

Xiong Zhuang did not refuse.

We have to wait until dawn tomorrow to check the situation.

At this time, Longlinyuan is facing the greatest crisis.

Several consecutive places were invaded and breached by monsters, causing the entire mountain protection circle to explode continuously. Almost every place encountered the most ferocious attacks. With the help of the power of the circle, the monks were doing their best to stop these monsters who wanted to break in. beast.

But the number and scale of the monsters were too great. From the second-order monsters to the third-order monsters, they were almost pervasive. The mountain-protecting formation was broken through in three places at the same time. Zhu Fengbi and Li Yu both rushed to the rescue at the same time, and they were able to defeat a dragon. And beheaded with a blood vulture.

But when a group of ghost jackals and a red dragon appeared, this reluctant balance was broken.

After paying the price of two dead, the seven-headed ghost jackals broke through the magic circle and rushed into the east side of Longlin Plain. Four foundation-building monks led by Liu Zhengfeng and Han Huang and many monks with advanced Qi refining levels were unable to stop them. Unable to withstand the sudden advance of this group of ghost jackals, more than twenty monks were killed on the spot and seven of them were devoured.

If Li Yu hadn't arrived in time and introduced this group of ghost jackals into another temporary prohibition circle, a heavier price would have been paid.

However, due to Li Yu's departure, Zhu Fengbi, who originally wanted to kill the red dragon, fell short. The red dragon successfully broke through the magic circle and ate five monks at the south end of Longlin Plain before leaving happily.

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