Strange mountains and rivers

Chapter 599 Volume E: Crisis at every step, dilemma of whether to stay or go

It doesn't stop there.

There are still a large number of monsters outside Longlin Plain looking for loopholes, waiting for opportunities to break in.

The magic circle has been fully activated, and all the formation gates are ready.

If it is a second-order monster, the ambushing monks can basically kill these monsters according to the established plan and rely on the power of the magic circle. But once a third-order monster breaks in, especially not one or two, but in groups. If it is a third-level monster, or a third-level high-grade monster, then they will not be able to suppress it.

The ghost jackals were just like this, swarming in. Although they used magic circles to block them, You Shaoyou and several other high-level Qi refiners still couldn't resist them, allowing them to break through the defensive circle and cause huge damage.

Li Yu's urgent arrival could only barely contain the deterioration of the situation, but the three ghost jackals had already entered the core area of ​​Longlinyuan.

The restriction can only be barely controlled, but it cannot kill these three ghost jackals, not even with Li Yu.

Unless these three ghost jackals are expelled or lured to the gate of another formation, they can be killed with the help of the formation, and Zhu Fengbi probably has to join in and join forces with Li Yu to do it.

The question is, can I leave?

Although the red dragon seemed to have left, Zhu Fengbi's spiritual sense sensed that the other party had not gone far and was still wandering around the periphery. With the red dragon's appetite and greedy temperament, it was impossible for it to eat five people and then leave.

In fact, it is not a red dragon, but a red dragon. This red dragon has not yet evolved into a dragon, not even a chi, but it is already on the verge of ascension.

Zhu Fengbi didn't know if the other party would immediately ascend and evolve into Chi after swallowing five monks.

If he evolved into a Chi, his appetite would be even greater. Zhu Fengbi shuddered at the thought.

In addition, there was a warning signal coming from the periphery, and the fire-maned lion and blood vulture were discovered, which made Zhu Fengbi's heart burst.

Although it only appears in places far away from the periphery, appearing in the periphery is a very dangerous sign.

Why you came, why you came, you can tell without asking, it was for the hundreds of people here in Longlinyuan.

Maybe they won't stop until they eat up all the monks here.

Xiangyang Valley is still asking for help, but Zhu Fengbi can no longer take care of it. Even if Ding Zongshou turns against him in the future, there is nothing he can do. He really can't take care of it unless he leaves the mountain gate alone.

Moreover, Longlinyuan has attracted most of the attention. Unless Xiangyang Valley encounters another disaster like yesterday, Li Minghao and Ding Yuangao should be able to withstand it.

If you really can't resist, then you should come to Longlin Plain instead of huddled in Xiangyang Valley.

As for retreating to Longlinyuan, some people will be sacrificed on the way, isn't that normal?

There are so many dead and injured even in Longlin Plain, why can’t you, Xiangyanggu Ding family, not kill anyone?

Did Li Minghao and Ding Yuangao think this was children's play?

Thinking of this, Zhu Fengbi had another splitting headache.

The mountain-protecting formation of Longlinyuan originally seemed quite grand and rigorous, but after going through this test, I discovered that no matter how good it is in theory, it becomes full of loopholes once it encounters practical challenges.

Of course, this may have a lot to do with the fact that the scale of the monster tide has exceeded expectations.

Recalling that Chen Huaisheng had "talked endlessly" about the possibility that the tide of monsters would be unprecedentedly ferocious, Zhu Fengbi somewhat admired this guy's ability to predict.

But can his Yun Zhongshan bear it?

Hearing that Songtao Taoist Temple had been destroyed only made Zhu Fengbi slightly moved.

There are seven or eight Taoist temple caves outside Longlin Plain. Since you dare to stay and not withdraw to Longlin Plain, you must have the courage to bear the responsibility and price. There is nothing to say.

It was at this moment that my mind wandered, and now I was facing the dilemma of Longlinyuan.

The red jackals are wandering outside, the fire-maned lions are rushing towards the Dragon Scale Plains, the blood vultures have appeared, and there are three ghost jackals trapped in the Dragon Scale Plains. There are many second-level monsters outside. The only lucky thing is that they haven't been discovered yet. A fourth-level monster, but this is only now, what about tomorrow, what about three or five days later?

Zhu Fengbi had no way of telling when the climax of the demonic beasts from the Forbidden Land would reach the south, but he knew that if this continued, the hundreds of disciples and Taoist species in this mountain sect, as well as the monks and Taoists from various clans outside, would be destroyed. If planted, it will be difficult to preserve.


The news Xiong Zhuang brought back was as expected.

"I only saw the blood vulture hovering above, flying down from time to time, grabbing one or two human bodies,..." Xiong Zhuang's words were not fancy, "I also sensed the fire-maned lion from a distance, It should be that one, but you can't see the one that was seriously injured by you. Maybe it's dead, maybe it's hiding somewhere to recuperate, and dire wolves also appeared, like two wolf packs, one with three wolves, and the other with about three wolves. Five heads,..."

Wu Tianen and Gou Yiwei both looked at each other. This situation was worse than imagined.

There are no fourth-order monsters, but there are so many third-order monsters. Can the mountain-protecting array still be able to withstand it?

Now it seems that the magic circle is still functioning normally, and these monsters have not been able to break through yet, but can they persist?

"Brother Xiong, where are we outside Yunzhong Mountain?" Chen Huaisheng had to consider retreating, but going to Longlinyuan seemed not a good idea, but if monsters kept appearing, the risk of continuing to stay would be too high. Big.

"I only encountered one Aolong, more than 20 Qingfang Bianwolves, and three Moyun White Eagles were living on the trees outside..." Xiong Zhuang paused, "They all seemed to be wandering around this area, and they didn't seem to be completely sure about attacking us..."

Aolong is a third-level low-grade monster, but Qingfang Bianwolves and White-backed Jackals are second-level monsters active in the northern grasslands of Youyun and Youyun in the north. They are quite large in number, but they are rare in Yan and Jin in the south. Why did Qingfang Bianwolves also go south?

If these things go south on a large scale, it will be really troublesome. They are much more threatening than red-tailed and black-tailed strange wolves, especially when they are in groups.

After two hours of breathing, Chen Huaisheng's condition was slightly better, but he was not able to fully understand the condition of his body. He still needed some time to slowly explore and sort out his Tao body that was messed up in this battle.

But his intuition told him that abandoning his old spiritual roots might be a very wise choice, and it might bring him a brand new path for future practice.

Of course, it was still a bit far-fetched to think about those things now. What he needed to face was what would happen to Yun Zhongshan's group. His original confidence in holding on was now somewhat insufficient, especially after hearing about the appearance of a large number of second-order monsters, the Green-fanged Border Wolf.

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