Han Yanyan has been hiding his strength since the beginning of the world. How could she treat Duke Kling with such a physique that he was four or five years old at the age of two?

This man is nothing to her. However, she deliberately showed weakness and made a noise to attract Ding Yao. In fact, she wanted to strengthen Ding Yao's thinking that "this world is dangerous" and "you are still too young to rely on me." She intends to hurt herself before killing Xiaoyao in a thrilling battle before killing the man.

The script was originally well designed, who knows that Mr. Ding changed the show without permission.

Han Yanyan pushed the man's body away, turned over and sat up. He wiped his nose on the back of his hand and wiped his nose with half of his face. He looked at Ding Yao with complicated eyes.

There is no need to disguise at this time. Anyone who sees a child under the age of three killing must have a complicated look.

"Give me ..." Finally, she held out her hand, palms up.

Ding Yao put a small blade into her hand.

A thin blade with only two knuckles and a sharp edge on one side. It's a bit like Han Yanyan's paper cutter.

"Where did it come from?" She asked.

"Pick it up," Ding Yao said calmly. His voice was not loud or weak, and he could not hear his emotions, like a good boy who answered his mother's question seriously.

Han Yanyan made a stroke with a razor blade on the belly of his finger, and a blood line appeared.

The knives she picked up from the junkyard were usually dull and rusty, and she had to take them back and polish them well before they could be used normally. The sharpness of this blade has far surpassed that of ordinary knives. This is the degree that a person skilled in knives can grind.

Han Yanyan remembered that whether they were Ding Yao or Yao Chen, they all liked knives. Ordinary people will say "play with a knife", but neither Ding Yao nor Yao Chen play, they really kill with a knife.

Han Yanyan now understands that this should be the preference of Duke Kling.

But Han Yanyanming knew the truth, and asked the drama, "Did you grind it yourself?"

Ding Yao reached into his left pocket and stretched out. There was a small round stone in his palm. He picked up the blade when Han Yanyan wasn't paying attention, and while Han Yanyan was busy collecting supplies every day, he sat in an all-terrain vehicle and slowly polished it with cobblestone.

A small stone, a small blade, fits his little hand.

A small sharp blade can kill an adult who is twice as big as him.

Han Yanyan's mood is very complicated.

In fact, she always felt that it was not difficult to attack Yao Chen, but Ding Yao could not be defeated because she was too naive and stupid.

But in fact, Yao Chen was placed in a society ruled by law, and laws, morals, and social rules between people framed him.

But when he was Ding Yao, when he lived in a broken world such as Zombie Era or Abandoned Mines, facing the law of the jungle, even if you compressed him into a child less than three years old, his The fangs are still sharp.

Big guys are always big guys.

After all, Duke Kling was not a weak chicken like Leo Parker.

When Han Yanyan found that he had a poor word and didn't know what to say.

Now that she can't make up the line because of the stuck shell, she simply won't make up. As soon as she supports the floor, she squatted up and put Ding Yao's small body into her arms, and pressed her face hard.

a thousand reader with a thousand hamurate. How to understand this body language depends on Ding Yao himself.

After Ding Yao was robbed, the rest of his life seemed to be too shocked Xiaoyan to hug tightly, slightly twitching the corner of his mouth.

After coming to this world, there were all kinds of depression and irritability in his heart, and this time he dissipated a lot. Although he is still weak, as long as Xiaoyan can protect him and grow up safely, he can be strong.

He even patted Han Yanyan's vest.

Han Yanyan was faintly aware of this change in his momentum. Her heart tightened. According to the character set she made, Xiaoyao's gradual strengthening will be fast and rapid.

And she couldn't let him go like this.

Although it is necessary to hinder Ding Yao's strength, things have to come step by step. This man is not an ordinary person, and Han Yanyan dare not question him with illogical behavior.

She pretended that Ding Yao's act of cutting her throat directly was a "coincidence." Ding Yao has seen her killing mice to skin and take meat, and she cut her throat directly. This makes sense.

Ding Yao did not have any doubts. If there is peace, it is estimated that anyone who sees a young child killing will be shocked, afraid or disgusted. But people who live in this harsh environment will not. For example, in the last days, people were attracted to him and gathered around him.

He thought it was normal. He even wanted to know how old Xiao Yan was when he first killed. Just considering that I'm still a child, I still didn't ask.

In the spacecraft that they used as their "home," the systems needed for their lives were already repaired by Han Yanyan. There was no living water near the spaceship, and the broken airship became their water reservoir. She took the pipe and introduced water into the spaceship. The water circulation system is online and after purification, the accumulated rainwater can be used for their daily life.

Han Yan was soaking in hot water and heard Ding Yao calling her: "Mom." She opened her eyes.

The gangster who can kill before the age of three, the young girl calls her mother without burden. He was standing beside the bathtub slickly, all covered with foam from hand soap.

"Good job," he said.

Han Yanyan wiped his face and sat up. He picked up the shower and drew along the bathtub to flush Ding Yao. She put down the shower, took him in the bathtub with both hands, and held it in her arms.

Since Ding Yao was a baby, they have been together like this.

Interestingly, both Ding Yao and Han Yanyan believed that such intimacy was necessary.

A daily conversation began in the quiet bathroom.

"Xiao Yao, are you scared today?" Han Yanyan asked.

"No," Ding Yao said, soaking his eyes in the hot water.

"Xiaoyao will definitely become very powerful in the future. When you grow up, no one will dare to bully us." Han Yanyan said.

Ding Yao gave a soft "um" sound.

Han Yanyan gently touched his head and said softly, "When Xiaoyao grows up, help her mother to avenge her, do you remember the name of the enemy?"

Ding Yao closed his eyes and said, "Leo."

Ding Yao understood that Xiaoyan was instilling her hatred in him. But Ding Yao didn't think there was anything to understand. Because Xiaoyan really sees him as his own child, it is natural to pass on hatred. This is human nature.

"Parker." Han Yanyan lowered his head, his lips were close to Ding Yao's ears, and repeatedly emphasized in his ears with a voice that only the two of them could hear, "His name is Parker."

Although Ding Yao killed a person when he was less than three years old, he was able to easily kill the other party, mainly because Han Yanyan restricted the other party's ability to move. An independent incident does not change his status as a child who has not yet grown up and is weak.

Han Yanyan's pseudonym "Nita", she wrapped herself tightly every time she went to town to prevent others from seeing her appearance. But her reputation as a mechanic has spread and she can always get work from her boss.

She lived away from the world and did not leave her boss alone. The boss was very happy and generously improved her commission.

Because of this, Han Yanyan can provide Ding Yao with a better life. The nutritional fluid is not a problem. Ding Yao grew up and became more agile and smart, only weak in physical strength and strength.

In the three years since his last murder to his fifth birthday, he and Han Yanyan have killed eleven people.

Three of them were scavengers hitting the garbage dump, two were attempting to kidnap mechanic Nita, and one happened to buy a nutrient solution and saw Han Yanyan buy a large amount of greedy and followed her, and the other five This is the appearance of Yan Han Yanyan.

Every time Han Yanyan goes to a place where someone smokes, he will disguise, but there are always some men with distinctive sharp eyes that can penetrate her camouflage and discover her beauty.

In times of trouble, red-facedness is often an unbreakable truth.

Fortunately, Ding Yao was always alert, and Han Yanyan was always calm. Although the two were weak, each time they became dangerous and dangerous.

But Ding Yao always felt that Han Yanyan's appearance was a burden. As she grew older, she became more and more pure, her appearance became more beautiful, and her body's curve developed more attractive.

He actually had the idea of ​​ruining her face more than once.

But he always relied on himself as a child, and felt that "little smoke" would not be noticed, and his thoughts and thoughts would not be concealed. However, Han Yanyan once loved Ding Yao in the last days, knowing that he was deep, and he could always detect the cruelty and coldness he occasionally showed.

Whenever this was the case, she was extraordinarily gentle to him. Gentle enough that people like Ding Yao can't help her.

If it is for survival at a time when life and death are at stake, Ding Yao probably has nothing to do. But in the final analysis, he would have such thoughts just to "convenience" and "reduce trouble", far less than "necessary".

So he had thoughts again and again, and again and again to dispel those thoughts.

He and Xiaoyan were so far away from the crowd, and lived calmly and fairly safely.

Until one day, Han Yanyan met another scavenger at the dump.

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