Han Yanyan and the scavenger stalemate at each other with laser guns at the other side for a while, the man slowly raised his left hand as a gesture.

"Don't be nervous." He said, "Do you want this? No problem. I'll give it to you."

He stepped back slowly and left.

Much milder than other scavengers.

On the way back, Han Yanyan said, "He looks nice."

Ding Yao said nothing.

Two months later they met the person for the second time, this time Han Yanyan talked to him.

"My name is Burke." He asked, "What about you?"

"Nita," Han Yanyan said.

They knew each other that they were speaking under a pseudonym. The scavengers are not too weak, at least have the ability to protect themselves. They leave the human settlements and live here for different reasons. Most of them hide their heads and hide their tails, and do not show their true names and names.

For example, Han Yanyan wore a bird's nest hair and a mask.

But those eyes exposed outside the mask were already beautiful.

"Nita, is this your child?" Abbek asked.

"Yes." Han Yanyan asked, "Are you alone?"

Abek evaded and asked, "Where's the kid's father?"

Ding Yao answered directly, "I went to town early in the morning."

It's already afternoon in the afternoon. If you go early in the morning, it means you will be back soon.

Han Yanyan didn't speak, and acquiesced in Ding Yao's answer.

Aburke said, "I'm good at making nutrient solutions. If you want to buy nutrient solutions, you can come to me and give you a cheaper."

Ding Yao looks very healthy and strong. At first glance, he is a child who often drinks nutrient solution. That's what Abek said.

Han Yanyan nodded and said, "I'm a mechanic. You can find me if you have this need."

But she didn't mention "child father". Both Ding Yao and Abbek noticed her flaw. Ding Yao glanced at her, but interrupted at this time, the flaw was more obvious, and he remained silent.

Aburke smiled.

He and Han Yanyan exchanged their communication numbers.

On the way back, Ding Yao warned Han Yanyan: "Don't trust him casually."

Han Yanyan said deliberately, "Fortunately, he doesn't look like a bad guy."

Ding Yao was unhappy. However, he couldn't say directly that Abek had a man-to-woman attempt on Han Yanyan. One is because he is still young and cannot be said. This normal intention was insensitive, and he didn't want to wake her up.

Abek and Han Yanyan met again several times, apparently intentionally. He also presented them with a nutrient solution in a small package: "I made it and you can try it."

Han Yanyan took the nutrient solution and tried it. The taste was much better than the one they bought before, and the quality was good.

"You can keep in touch with him later," she said happily.

Ding Yao frowned.

However, he could not stop Abek from appearing in front of Han Yanyan again and again. They gradually built up trust and became familiar.

Finally, one day, Abek said to Han Yanyan, "Nita, live with me."

"I'm twenty-nine, and I need a woman." He said, "You don't actually have a man at all, Xiaoyao doesn't have a father, right? He is not your child at all, I guess, it was picked up?"

Han Yanyan seemed to be caught off guard and didn't know how to react.

Abbe knew he was right.

"It's easier for two people to live together than one. You think about it," Abek said.

After he finished speaking, while Han Yanyan seemed a little confused, he suddenly reached out and took off her mask. He just wanted to see what she looked like, but he didn't want to see unexpected beauty.

Abbek was surprised, then realized: "No wonder you are a scavenger."

When she grows up like this, in the crowded place, she is being beaten by others for minutes. Without the ability to protect yourself, I do not know what will happen.

"Nita, my proposal, you think about it." He eagerly said, "You are over twenty years old, you will find a man sooner or later."

Han Yanyan didn't answer yet, Ding Yao suddenly appeared: "Mom, there is a machine tool here."

"Oh! I'll take a look!" Han Yanyan hurriedly pulled on his mask, and ran away as if to escape.

Absence of the calmness of drawing guns and confronting Aberk at first sight completely made Aberk feel good.

Ding Yao didn't follow him away. He came over and said to Burke, who couldn't help smiling, "Uncle, do you want to be my father?"

"Yeah, little clever ghost." Abek rubbed Ding Yao's head and took out a small packet of nutrient solution for him.

Ding Yao took it politely, sat beside him and tore it up and drank, acting like a real child.

Although he lied to Aberke when he first met him, he always believed that "daddy" or something was taught to him by Han Yanyan. How could he not have thought that the child in front of him was a traverser. Therefore, he was completely wary of Ding Yao, who was less than six years old.

He crouched down and asked tentatively: "If your uncle is your father, you will have endless nutrient solution. Xiaoyao, do you think it is great?"

Ding Yao sneered, but let go of his mouth and nodded strongly, "Awesome!"

Abbey was laughing and blooming, and Han Yanyan was back.

"Although it is old, the bearing can still be used, and other parts need to be replaced. It is too big, it can't be shipped once after disassembly. Pull the bearing back today."

Ding Yao said, "Mom, can't Uncle Abbe help us pull it back? His speedcar can also load things."

Han Yanyan gave him a surprised look.

Abek said immediately, "I can."

Han Yanyan hesitated for a moment, and said, "That will trouble you."

So Abek and Han Yanyan drove their own speed cars, towing the all-terrain vehicle. Ding Yao rode Han Yanyan and Ding Yao's home together, riding a children's shuttle specially assembled for him.

"This place is good." Abbey looked at where they lived and praised.

With a mechanic like Han Yanyan, the system on the spacecraft is basically online, and the missing Han Yanyan has assembled a separate system to replace it. It can be seen that she is a very good mechanic.

"Uncle, is there a place where you live?" Ding Yao asked. Although questioning, she looked a little proud.

Abbe laughed and said, "Not so neat, because my uncle doesn't have a wife."

But Ding Yao's words reminded him, he sent Ding Yao a positioning: "This is where I live."

He crouched down and bit his ears with Ding Yao: "Bring your mother, not only does the uncle have nutrient solution, there are many other delicious ones. The uncle is very good at planting, I have fresh fruits to eat there, but it is sweet ..."

Ding Yao smiled happily and said in his ear: "I will definitely go."

When Abek left, Han Yanyan repaired the machine and asked Ding Yao, "Do you like Abek?"

Ding Yao asked: "Do you like him?"

Han Yanyan avoided this problem, but just said to himself: "He is good at planting and making nutrient solutions. He is a man, he is stronger than me, and two adults take care of a child ... it should be easier."

It's like sorting out ideas.

In fact, Ding Yao had been able to talk to her in words for a long time, but Han Yanyan's self-talking problem could not be changed. Even if he didn't say a word, she could speak alone for a long time.

"Does the mother like or dislike him?" Ding Yao asked straightforwardly.

Han Yanyan took off his protective goggles and insulated gloves, his expression was a little complicated, hesitated for a while and said, "I don't know."

She sighed and said, "The others are fine. I am ... I am ..." She said, seeming a little at a loss.

"That's why I don't like it," Ding Yao said. "Go and take a shower. It's getting dark."

"It's so early in the dark." Han Yanyan sighed as he took off his clothes. "It seems that there is no summer at all this year. In the hottest days, you must wear long sleeves."

She took off her protective clothing and asked Ding Yao: "Will you wash it together?"

Ding Yao said, "Let's go first. I'll go out and see if the rat is caught by the rat."

"Be careful." Han Yanyan said, and went back to his bedroom.

Watching her leave, Ding Yao turned to the kitchen cabinet to find two cans of Han Yanyan snacks. The nutrient solution is too difficult to drink. Now that the conditions are good, she will bring in ingredients from time to time to make some snacks.

Ding Yao brought snacks and rode on his toy shuttle. It looks like a toy, but it is carefully crafted by Han Yanyan, and its performance is quite good. Ding Yao opened his mind and looked at the position that Abek sent him. He launched a shuttle and headed for that place.

Abbey is eating fruit. As he said, he is very good at planting. He has cultivated many plants, in addition to those used to make nutrient solutions, there are several fruits that are difficult to grow on this planet.

He was thinking of taking some to Han Yanyan tomorrow, and someone had triggered the alarm device he installed outside. He immediately got up and pulled out the gun at the back.

Before I went outside, I heard a familiar childish voice shouting, "Uncle Abbey, Uncle Abbey! Are you there? Mom asked me to bring you a snack."

Abram was shocked and happy, and ran out: "Xiaoyao?"

Sure enough, in the dark night outside, he stopped the familiar children's shuttle, Xiaoyao stood beside the shuttle, holding a jar in one hand, looking super cute.

"Uncle, come and pick it up," he shouted.

"Come here, here, why are you here alone?" Abek closed his gun, ran to him and crouched down, reaching for the two jars in his arms.

Ding Yao released his hand to him, and with his right hand, he swept across Aberkner's unsuspecting throat.

The cold luster between the fingers flashed in the light of the shuttle ...

Han Yanyan came out of the bath and did not see Ding Yao, she did not care. Ding Yao is five years old. This is not the stable environment in her hometown. At the age of five, she is naive. At the age of five, Ding Yao had already done many things.

She put on the helmet to do her own business. When she was young, she took off the helmet and found that Ding Yao hadn't returned yet. She called Ding Yao's newsletter: "Where?"

There was wind in Ding Yao's communication, and he said, "Go back immediately."

Not long after, Ding Yao returned.

Han Yanyan turned around and said, "Why so long, where to go ..."

Her voice stopped abruptly, staring at Ding Yao.

Ding Yao's clothes were all red with blood. Although his face was rubbed, those blood stains remained on his cheeks and neck. This is a large amount of blood spurting from the front.

Ding Yao threw a few mice with their throats cut to the ground and said, "I'm going to take a shower."

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