Those lines are fragmented. Sometimes Han Yanyan would paint the bridge at random, sometimes draw the deck cabin, sometimes the bedroom area ... In short, it was messy and broken to the extent that even Leo Parker could not see it. Only she and Li Zhou understood the meaning.

Ding Yao didn't care. He bit his cigarette and stared at those busy in the alley. Of course, the most diligent are the ordinary people without abilities. After all, everything is about their own survival.

Ding Yao never looked down, so these people never got into his eyes. They were still alive, and in his eyes were not much different from zombies.

But at this moment, it is strange that Ding Yao felt vitality from these people. Like a faint little flame, but it is burning stubbornly.

The handsome guy with a dark complexion in the military coat appeared at a very appropriate moment, striding over with a steaming thermos cup, ignoring the existence of Ding Yao, and asked loudly, "Smoke, cold or cold? Come drink Order hot soup. "

Talking, she crouched beside Han Yanyan warmly and wrapped her arm around her. That posture was as if she could not wait to feed her with her own hands.

Ding Yao drew his lips and turned to admire the snow on the eaves.

Hearing Han Yanyan asked: "Do a few more plates of honeycomb coal, I will help dehydrate later."

Qi Lei held her little hand and said affectionately, "No need ~ The sun is good today, it just happens to be coal, don't be tired ~"

Ding Yao caught a cigarette in his throat, and the old cigarette was coughing.

Qi Lei asked with a smile: "Is Captain Ding all right?"

Ding Yao turned his back and smoothed his qi, turned back, and said politely, "It's okay, let's go forever."

After finally getting rid of the second goods, Ding Yao finally asked Han Yanyan: "How did you make this group of soldiers mobilize?"

If this is true, Han Yanyan knows that it is difficult for one person to do this and awaken the fire in everyone's hearts. Fortunately, this is a world built by her. As a builder, she has too many advantages and conveniences.

When the world was built, she fine-tuned the data of the end-world, and it wasn't just Qi Lei's face that adjusted. ,

It's like the author writes, even if she is too lazy to write the outline of the outline, when she writes, she must have the outline in her heart. Han Yanyan is really an excellent builder. She set the momentum, and then with a little push, it was all right.

"How can I evoke these people." Han Yanyan said, "Naturally they are willing."

If it's just Qi Lei alone, it might be that he is faint. Ding Yao went along all the way, and indeed he saw this large group of soldiers willingly to do something here. In Ding Yao's heart, there is always a sense of absurdity that cannot be said.

He took two puffs of cigarettes and bombarded the ashes, saying, "They are soldiers."

"You look like a soldier, too." Han Yanyan smiled at him with his hand up against the sun, "You have a narrow understanding of the 'Military.

Half of her face was covered in shadows, and half of her face was shining brightly by the winter sun.

At this point, only she and him. Where's the "you"? Ding Yao was stunned by her remarks, not paying attention to the contradictions in the remarks.

The attendant stood next to him and stared at the alley.

"Can she manipulate all these people?" He asked.

"No," Leo replied. "After the world has been successfully constructed, the logic is set, and she can only take advantage of the logic."

The attendant stopped talking.

Speaking of these things, Qi Lei did it better than Han Yanyan. Their organizational discipline is also much higher than those of abilities.

Qi Lei walked around and saw two of his brothers talking to a person who looked familiar to him. After thinking about it, I remembered that this man was also his uncle's soldier. But he was one of the few people with powers in the army. After the mutiny, he left with several other powers.

Qi Lei walked over and joined the conversation. After a few chats, a punch was placed on the man's shoulder, and the man's eyes became red.

"I want to come back," he said.

"If you want to go back, let's be sharp, and hesitate like a girl." Qi Lei scolded him.

A few people laughed. Laughing, sore nose. At first many things were angered, scolded, and resentful. Now, when we look back, everyone is wrapped in the world, and we can't help ourselves.

The man wiped his eyes and remembered that he wanted to tell Qi Lei something.

"Company commander, do you have a good relationship with Thunder's Han Yanyan?" He asked.

"OK, what's wrong?" Qi Lei asked.

The man hesitated and said, "There is a rumor ... no, it's not a rumor, it's the real thing, you know?"

He beckoned, several people put their heads together, and listened to him whispering, "I heard ... that Han Yanyan, in addition to water and ice, has another ability ..."

After the man was gone, Qi Lei and several soldiers were still frightened.

"is that true?"


"How could this be?"

"Company commander, company commander!"

Qi Lei looked back and saw a few pairs of eyes eagerly looking at him. He understood the desire in their eyes.

Power, who the **** doesn't want power! Outside are zombies! When the bullets are finished, sulfur is too difficult to get now!

If there is power!

Qi Lei turned and left!

A few people's eyes lighted up. The direction in which Qi Lei strode, Han Yanyan was over there! They glanced at each other and caught up. However, at the alley, I didn't dare to be too close.

The company commander walked to the side of Han Yanyan and told her something. Han Yanyan stood up and said something.

It's a perfect match for two people standing together ... Ahhhh, this is not the time to think about this!

A few people saw that Han Yanyan's expression was relaxed, but Qi Lei apparently even had tight shoulders. Is it true?

Can that Han Yanyan really excite others?

"Usually speaking to others, I will first ask if you have thought about what you want to do, what kind of person you want to be after having the power," Han Yanyan said, "It's chicken soup. But if you say This step can be omitted. "

"I only have one request. Qi Lei, I must follow in my footsteps at any time, can I do it?" She looked up at the face pinched by the servant's face as a template.

Qi Lei stared at her for a while, and Shen Sheng said, "Yes!"

Several people saw that Han Yanyan stretched out a hand and gently covered Qi Lei's forehead. Really blessing the world, the posture of the Holy Light shines.

Qi Lei then planted her head.

The great thing about the simulation world is that as long as the logic is self-consistent, the existence and development of variables are allowed within the logic. Zhao Yuxuan changed because of Han Yanyan's biggest variable driving the change of the world.

After Qi Lei, Zhao Yuxuan finally had the courage to ask Han Yanyan to give her power in person. Her people have also changed a lot these days, and those lost energies seem to be neutralized a lot.

Everyone's basic data is different, and the adjustable range is also different. Zhao Yuxuan has very little adjustable space on the data of power. However, after Han Yanyan carefully communicated with Li Zhou, he found a way out for Zhao Yuxuan.

When the fever was over, Zhao Yuxuan didn't get any kind of power, but she became a strong man. If she exerted her power, she could set off a car.

After Zhao Yuxuan got rid of the identity of "weak woman", the matter that Han Yanyan could give others power was finally passed on to Ding Yao's ear.

When Han Yanyan heard the knock on the door in the evening, he knew that apart from Ding Yao, he would not make a second guess. Opening the door, it really was Ding Yao.

Ding Yao saw the bath towel and wet hair on her shoulders, without asking her about the power, first asked: "Why don't you do it yourself?"

Han Yanyan himself is a water-powered person. Drying the honeycomb and drying clothes is a random matter.

"Hurt your hair, it's easy to split your fork." Han Yanyan shook the door. She and Ding Yao were not particular about it either. She walked over wearing cotton slippers, sitting casually on the sofa arm and wiping her hair, saying, "Now there is no place to oil.

Ding Yao walked over and took her bath towel to wipe her hair. Suddenly there was a sense of ambiguousness in the room.

"Anything?" Han Yanyan asked.

How can Ding Yao be so approachable? All Thunder, only Han Yanyan is not afraid of him. Qi Tongtong is already a member of the first level, seeing Ding Yao still met the cat like a mouse. Lin Ling also acknowledged his fear of Ding Yao in private. Speaking of it, this is his left arm and right arm.

Ding Yao helped her to wipe her hair, gentle like a lover. He even felt that way.

After enjoying a moment of warmth and tranquility, he said, "It's frozen, the zombies should all be frozen, and it's time to go out for activities."

"Let the other teams go out first, I have a few days on my side." Han Yanyan refused.

Ding Yao frowned, accusing her: "You have been too distracted recently, don't forget, you are a member of the team."

"It's just a few days late, there is no conflict." Han Yanyan turned and looked at him. "Ding Yao, there is no conflict of interest between you and me."

Talking about everything is false, and none of the benefits come true. This is Ding Yao's path, Han Yanyan thought.

But Ding Yao wanted to talk to her about feelings and something else.

He looked at her, gathered her half-dry and half-wet hair in her ears, leaned down and kissed her lips.

Han Yanyan's fingers blocked the kiss.

Ding Yao's nose touched the tip of her nose, and the two of them could breathe, looking at each other in the eyes of each other.

"Qi Lei?" He asked.

"No." She denied.

"Tongtong?" He guessed.

"It has nothing to do with her," she said.

Ding Yao stood up and looked at her and asked, "Why?"

Han Yanyan was relaxed physically and mentally. This world is much more relaxed than the last one. Not so many people set up, most of the time, she showed true disposition.

She smiled and raised her face: "Can't it just be a call without calling you?"

What is Ding Yao? It's just one person. What about even Duke Kling?

She has been tangling with him for so long, from Ding Yao, to Yao Chen, to Xiaoyao, and back to Ding Yao. Attentive, in love, hated, relieved, until now ... calm like water.

Han Yanyan thinks this is the best state. She hadn't moved Anger Callander even before this time.

He was just a dead person, and it was not his will to implicate her. Even without him, Leo Parker consumes the builder at a high speed, her hometown has long been his detection and monitoring area, and her brain waves are different from ordinary people. Sooner or later, Leo Parker will be captured and become another consumption Product.

There is a head for injustice and a debtor. Han Yanyan clearly knew who his enemies were.

Duke Kling has reached a critical point about to wake up, she tossed a little bit more, and he was almost there.

When he wakes up, everything in the "world" will cease to exist for him. He is a man destined to leave when he wakes up.

Han Yanyan was even too lazy to stimulate him, she even wanted to treat him gently and even tenderly.

However, Ding Yao surprised her tonight.

When Ding Yao left, Li Zhou said, "He didn't ask."

"Well," Han Yanyan said, "he didn't ask."

Ding Yaoming had already known about her ability to enable others to gain abilities, but did not verify with her in person. He even wanted to use hue tonight to develop a closer relationship with her to stabilize the relationship between them.

Han Yanyan thought, this shows that there is a crack between the Thunder's first and second leaders.

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