When Qi Lei appeared again in front of Han Yanyan, he could bend a bus stop sign on the side of the road into a heart shape.

"I gave you the best gold power for battle," Han Yanyan sighed. "You used it to treat your sister."

"It's better than changing the sledgehammer." Qi Lei said with a smile.

The metal rod turned into a hard bow in his hand, even an arrow. Qi Lei took a bow with an arrow, and shot it with a sigh of silence that fell into the concrete wall across the street for several inches.

"Don't be handsome." Han Yanyan was expressionless. "With that bow and arrow, the zombies are biting into your face."

"I don't want to show this in actual combat. This isn't a demonstration for you." Qi Lei said, the long bow in his hand turned into several arrows. There was no need to bow the bow, and shot directly against the concrete wall opposite. The wall is deeper than the one just now.

"It's pretty much the same." Han Yanyan was finally satisfied and asked him, "What's for lunch?"

"There are rabbits and pheasants. Yan Yan, Yan Yan, Yan Yan!" Qi Lei chased her like a fart, "I have something to ask you."

Han Yanyan stopped and turned to look at him.

Qi Lei looked serious and said, "None of us has powers ..."

Han Yanyan turned his head to look at her, and the big and small guys behind Qi Lei looked at her with bright eyes.

Han Yanyan asked Qi Lei: "Ability is not a problem. The problem is, when you have all abilities, what are you going to do?"

Qi Lei smiled and said, "Should you ask, what are you going to do?"

It's so easy to talk to smart people. Han Yanyan said, "I want to hold the people's livelihood in Nanling."

Qi Lei took a breath.

Han Yanyan meant to win the management committee. The management committee has many resources in Nanling and is the largest piece of fat. Since the head of Qi group became independent, the management committee's own armed forces have not been strong. But it is not only "fat", but also affects the basic livelihood of the entire Nanling.

In the context of this world built by Han Yanyan, there is no such thing as "security" in people's hearts. Neither Ding Yao nor Captain Qi thought that Nanling was a long-lasting place from their bones, and they did not intend to take root here. In other words, we do not want to take the risk of merging with each other and seize the power of the management committee at the cost of our huge losses. Only then did the management committee continue to exist in the gap between the two forces. In this way, the three parties have maintained a delicate balance.

But Han Yanyan has no scruples. She only asked, "Can you do your uncle's master?"

Qi Lei pondered for a while and said, "I can. The question is, can you be the master of Ding Yao?"

Han Yan smiled at the corner of his mouth.

"No need to worry about you." She pulled him up and went to the old Wu's house. "Let's eat first and follow you to the barracks in the afternoon."

The coldest winter is finally over, the earth recovers, and everything grows. A lot has happened this spring.

Adjustments were made within the military department, and the head of Qi group retired to the second line and handed power to his nephew Qi Lei. At this point, more than half of the people in the army gained abilities. This is a force that has been deliberately suppressed by the creators, and now they are released from the cage.

In the resettlement area, a large number of new abilities appeared. They did not join any existing clan and only obeyed one person's order.

That person is Han Yanyan.

Han Yanyan walked in Nanling City, and no one did not know her.

Someone once called her virgin, half tadpole, half mocking. Later, she was referred to by the Virgin, with suspicion of unbelief in the gossip. In the end, no one dared to use this derogatory term to refer to her. The rumors were true. She turned her palms and changed the lives of others.

But some people still think that she is stupid, and questioned that she passed the knife into the hands of others, not afraid that the tiger would come out of the cage, and could not control it anymore?

Until one day, she saw someone in the street bullying.

This is the normal state under the law of the jungle, and Han Yanyan usually does not intervene-if she is the Virgin, she must be the coldest Virgin in history.

But one of the strong parties that day was an ordinary person, and Han Yanyan gave him the power. When Han Yanyan stood in front of him, he tried to quibble about his actions. Han Yanyan said nothing and turned away with a smile.

When several others were relieved, the man suddenly turned pale: "Power! My power!"

The turbulent and abundant power in the body disappeared without a trace.

After that no one dared to say anything about Han Yanyan behind his back. Even Qi Lei and his soldiers looked at her with awe.

In spring, when the people of Nanling didn't know, a tsunami occurred on the southern coast. The tsunami pushed the coastline inland and a large number of refugees will enter Nanling in a few months. Behind them are the zombie tide and the zombie emperor born in the zombie tide.

Han Yanyan broke with Ding Yao in this spring.

Ding Yao could not agree with Han Yanyan's plan to seize the management committee.

He and Qi Lei did not trust each other. He didn't believe that he would do it, and Qi Lei would not insert a knife behind him. But if he could not control everything, he would become Han Yanyan with Thunder.

In the final analysis, it is the interests that cannot be resolved.

Han Yanyan ended her career as a contract worker for less than a year and left the Thunder. Her team was all pulled away by her. Followed by Lin Ling and his wife also resigned to Ding Yao.

"You helped us back then, and I have followed you in the past few years. Our door has never been lazy. The couple worked hard for you, and the relationship has been paid off." She told Ding Yao, "Following Xiao Han, I feel Feel more secure. "

Ding Yao despised her so-called inner stability, which is undoubtedly a manifestation of the weak in the values ​​he has already formed.

At the same time, Ding Yao also knew that Han Yanyan not only grew stronger, but also split his power and shook his foundation.

Ding Yao knew in his heart that the correct way to deal with it was to find a way to curb her and even destroy her, but he had a strange feeling that he couldn't tell, and he felt it was like a dream.

From the winter that Han Yanyan suddenly turned into a Virgin, Ding Yao often chattered, often feeling in a dream.

Because of this feeling of hesitation, he did not rationally and resolutely adopt the correct approach. Just like an audience watching under the stage, they will not rush to the stage because of the love and hatred on the stage. Ding Yao is now in this state.

Han Yanyan wanted to stimulate Duke Kling in a repressive manner. Based on her understanding of him, this man is likely to think deeply that he can be side by side with the star, and being suppressed by a woman should be an unbearable humiliation to him.

Apparently, her analysis of him was correct. In the spring due to various events, Han Yanyan has suffered several small earthquakes. Obviously, the mental power of Duke Kling is fluctuating. However, he fluctuated, pressing against the critical line ... just not waking up.

"He's really difficult." Han Yanyan complained to Li Zhou.

Li Zhou smiled and said, "I said earlier, there is no need to be gentle with him. Before you died, three builders were dead. His mental power is not only stubborn but fierce. You have no meaning to his softness. "

"Know, this person is gentle with him. It's useless. He's just a shaking m." Han Yanyan rubbed his forehead, "then give him a wonderful performance, and the special effects should be done in a nice way."

Li Zhou smiled lowly: "You are satisfied with the special effects package."

He paused and said, "But I still want to say that compared to the previous worlds, especially the previous world, your means this time is too gentle."

Han Yanyan sighed: "I just felt that the last world was too cruel to him, and now I feel a little sad. But then, then ..."

At that time, in a desolate world, she was living a difficult life, eating unpalatable food, and facing a person day and night against a person who used to block her sword, and the deity had affected her to become a slave. She was indeed not gentle.

In this world, those violent inner beings have calmed down. The reason is because someone is accompanying.

Because of Li Zhou's existence, Han Yanyan did not worry that he would be lost in the world.

He would accompany her when she was bored, and correct her as she swiped on the sheets with her eyes closed. As long as she called his name, he was there, every moment, every minute.

Han Yanyan knew that he was not alone. And "not one person" is so calming.

"In the future, will every world come in to accompany me? Participate instead of who is attached to the sidelines." She asked.

Li Zhou was silent.

"Yes," he said after a long time, "until you leave."

What is the definition of departure?

Is it death? Is it crazy? Still free?

On a chilly spring night, Han Yanyan sat on the roof of her second-floor building in the resettlement area, staring at the stars.

The attendant stood next to her and looked up.

Long river, billions of stars. Under the stars, there are ridges of roofs, spreading and spreading into cities. Roads extend outward like blood vessels, connecting the world.

The world is complete, organic, self-running, and rejuvenated.

The attendant looked away and looked at the woman staring at the starry sky beside her.

She is a prisoner and has the world in her heart.

Everything is like the first round. A few months after the tsunami, a large number of refugees poured into Nanling.

But before that, Han Yanyan had broken away from the Thunder and established his own power. People didn't dare to say it face to face, but in their hearts they moved the Thunder team from the position of the strongest team in Nanling.

Han Yanyan seized control of the people's livelihood in Nanling City at a speed that was too fast to cover his ears, and put the management committee in his control.

Because Han Yanyan was doing this, the Thunder and the military did not move. Han Yanyan can be regarded as a soldier with no blood, and he has achieved what he wants.

When a large number of refugees poured into Nanling, Nanling did not fall into tension.

After Han Yanyan took control of the management committee, she integrated the resources of the entire Nanling with her own strength. She recruited and seconded wood-based abilities in large numbers and planted large-scale food in urban parks, green belts, and public green lands with half power and half manpower.

As long as the food can reach the level of food and clothing, people's hearts are stable. The factory started steadily, temporary schools were set up, seven or eight doctors came together, the management committee provided medicines, and Nanling finally had a hospital. In addition, a large number of her abilities took over the responsibility of managing the city's public order. Within a few months, the entire Nanling City had a vaguely pre-doomsday order. As soon as the newcomers arrived in the city, they passed away.

In a flash, it was summer.

Han Yanyan, who is in control of Nanling City, has no power over the past few months. Not to mention Ding Yao, even Qi Lei thought she was too crazy.

But because of this, Han Yanyan's prestige has reached the level of no one in Nanling City, and her order can be passed in Nanling City without hindrance. Both the military and the Thunder are willing to sell her face. She is a veritable ruler of the city.

Han Yanyan waited for a long time, and finally waited for the zombie tide and the corpse emperor.

Standing on the city wall and looking at the countless zombies that were blocked outside the wall, Han Yanyan smiled when everyone was pale and fighting.

Ding Yao, who was standing with her on the city wall, just turned around, and couldn't help but see her smile.

Of course, he didn't know. When everyone was scared and scared, Han Yanyan was seriously reminding Li Zhou: "The special effects must be done well."

He just couldn't help thinking about how Han Yanyan was wearing her white skirt when the **** battle was about to break out in such a tense time.

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