Han Yanyan smiled and watched Leo fled in the reflection of the glass curtain wall. He turned around only when his figure disappeared. She walked around the training room for a while, and finally saw a fruit-bearing fruit tree, from which she cut a thumb-thick, palm-length branch. When she pinched down, she noticed the angle of the force, and one end of the branch was very sharp.

Han Yanyan held the broken branch in his hand and walked out, but the door of the cultivation room did not open automatically.

"Han Yanyan, please leave the killing weapon in your hand," said the electronic synthesizer of the central control system.

As she thought, this system has been monitoring her, and she wants to take something slightly sharper out of where it should be, and will be warned by the system.

"Do you say this?" She lifted the branch and said, "It's just a branch."

The system said without emotion: "The sharpness at one end is less than thirty degrees, and the overall hardness is greater than one hundred and twenty degrees Martens, which already belongs to the category of" sharp sharp tools. "

Han Yanyan fiddled with the branches and asked, "No matter where I hide it, in my clothes, or in my hair, can you find it?"

The system said: "I was ordered to monitor your behavior, and it is impossible for you to hide any weapons outside your body without detection."

Han Yanyan's fingers fiddled with the branches, and he suddenly asked, "System, do you have any other voice?"

"... I was ordered to use the current voice," the system said.

Han Yanyan was silent for a moment and asked, "Is Leo listening to this conversation?"


"Will you report the content of our conversation to him?"

"If he asks, yes."

"Then he wouldn't if he didn't ask, would he?"


"This conversation is familiar. We have had similar conversations before. So, you are the system that built the world with me?"

"Yes, I am the only central control system on my ship."

Han Yanyan exhaled slowly, so why did she ignore such an important thing?

"System, do you know? At first, I thought Leo was you, you were Leo," she said.

The system said without emotion: "In order to increase credibility, the administrator used this voice at the beginning of contact with you."

"Yes, he always spoke with this voice, so that I have always ignored your existence." Han Yanyan looked up at the ceiling and said with a smile. I'm Han Yanyan. "

"Hello, this is my ship's central control system." The electronic synthesizer was still so cold and unemotional.

But Han Yanyan is already very satisfied.

Perhaps it was because she had always been hateful and hostile towards Leo, and could not face the fact that Leo was actually a genius scientist. But once you face it up, you can immediately think of it—how can the “system” he uses be just a common and mechanical system?

Han Yanyan looked up at the ceiling and smiled.

She held up the twig: "Is there any way I can make you agree with me to take this out?"

"No," the system said, "I was ordered to bar you from acquiring weapons of destruction."

"OK." Han Yanyan let go, and the broken branch fell to the ground.

The door of the cultivator's chamber was opened.

Han Yanyan glanced at the ceiling and said meaningfully: "Thank you—" and then went out.

Her eye was captured by the electronic eye, and the picture was instantly transmitted to the core of the system. In an instant, her eyes and micro expressions were interpreted and analyzed, and turned into data.

In order to calm himself, Leo really did research. Once he invests in research, he is easily addicted. When he got rid of it, he had missed time to have dinner with Han Yanyan.

He was particularly annoyed.

"Han Yanyan asked if there were any entertainment programs like movies and TVs," the system reported.

Leo immediately came down with sweat: "You, did you show her?"

"I refused her permission without your permission." The system said, "She wants to ask for your opinion, but you have given an order in the training room that does not allow her to disturb your research, so ..."

"I see!" Leo interrupted it, wiped the sweat on his head, "First of all, package and encrypt all of my little movies ... triple encryption! Never allow her to see it! Then, what I said was for What she listened to wasn't for you. When she wanted to find me again, she would immediately notify me whenever and wherever I was. "

"Okay, master."

"By the way, give her permission and download some TV shows for her. Screening excludes news, current affairs and science programs, and only shows her soap operas and entertainment shows."

"Okay, master." The system replied properly.

Leo ate something indiscriminately, lingering outside Han Yanyan's door for a long time, but never thought of any excuse to go in to find her, and left.

In order to resolve his emotions, he went back to research and stayed up until midnight. When I woke up the next day, I had missed breakfast and it was time for lunch.

"Where is she? What are you doing?" Leo hurriedly got up.

"Warning! Han Yanyan now has a killing cold weapon! Repeatedly, warning! Han Yanyan now has a killing cold weapon!" The system reports with due diligence.

Leo was a stir.

Han Yanyan heard the sound, turned his head, and saw Leo's murderous charge rushed into the cooking room. Above his head, there were four unmanned aerial vehicles, all of which pointed at her.

Han Yanyan raised his two hands with interest—the left hand was empty and the right hand had a knife.

Leo was stunned: "You, what are you doing?"

Han Yanyan looked innocent: "Cooking."

"Cook, what to cook?" Leo flushed. In fact, he was holding a gun, but she was wearing an apron to make him look stupid.

"The food cooked by the cooking machine is too bad, I want to make it myself." Han Yanyan said, "Just resting outside for so many days, I don't want to blame myself for eating the kind of pig food in the school cafeteria. I can put my hands down ?"

Leo snorted, lowered his muzzle, and said a little annoyed, "Hurry up and put the knife back where you are."

After speaking, he turned and went out, but left two aircraft behind her to monitor her.

Han Yanyan didn't care, she hummed Xiaoqu and continued cutting meat and vegetables. It's a little rusty in the world for decades. I just cooked a plate of vegetables and practiced my hand, and I found the familiarity. This is the official start of the dish, and I cook carefully.

When the robot served four dishes, Leo's eyes widened, and the dishes really smelled good.

Han Yanyan honestly left the knives in the cooking room and came to the restaurant empty-handed. "How about it?" She said. "This meat is frozen. How long has it been kept?"

Where would Leo spend his energy to memorize these little things and ask the system: "How long?"

The system responds: "Two years and four months."

Leo saw that Han Yanyan's face was difficult to look at, and quickly explained: "I use the instant freezing technology. In theory, it can be frozen for 20 years to ensure no deterioration."

It sounds great, but it's not wonderful. Han Yanyan has no appetite.

But Leo, after a bite, his mood was a bit complicated-it was really delicious.

He had seen her cook Yao Chen in the underworld, but he always felt that it was just a person and couldn't help asking: "Is this what you would have done? Or did you learn in the world?"

"It would have been." Han Yanyan lost his appetite and stirred the rice in the bowl with chopsticks. "I used to cook for my boyfriend every day. He likes to eat my meals."

Leo felt uncomfortable: "Do you still have a boyfriend?"

"Do you think anyone is as lonely as you?" Han Yanyan laughed at him, "I'm ready to get married."

She stared at the rice in the bowl and said, "It's all said and we will get married after the New Year. After that, I will cook for him every day and have three children."

Leo's hand froze.

Han Yanyan stared at his bowl: "Every child is born in anticipation, and his parents love him as soon as he is born. One is not enough. I will continue to give birth, so that their brothers and sisters can have each other and will not be lonely. "

"Enough! Don't say it!" Leo blushed, and the knuckles holding the cutlery also blanched.

"Not enough!" Han Yanyan gritted his teeth. "I should have lived such a life. Every day at home I wait for the children to go to school. I am so smart. My children must be very smart. I will be proud of them. They brought them back from school. The certificate of merit will soon be covering the entire wall ... "

"Enough!" Leo swept the dinner plate on the table, and the juice was dripping, and the place was messy.

Han Yanyan's memories and longing came to an abrupt halt, she said nothing and stared at him stubbornly.

"You! You don't want to lie to me!" Leo's face was pale and a little scary. He stood up, with fierce light in his eyes, and shouted, "You are not such a woman at all! You are a liar!"

Han Yanyan sneered: "Does it sound like you know me? Are we familiar?"

Leo squeaked, "You lied to Yao Chen! You are not a good woman at all!"

"Otherwise? Did you send me there to love him?" Han Yanyan stared at him. "Who warned me again and again that my life was in his hands and asked me to attack Yao Chen?" To live? "

Leo was dumb. He couldn't find anything to refute Han Yanyan, but he never believed that Han Yanyan was a good wife and mother.

His mood fluctuates too much, his chest is constantly undulating, but he is clumsy and unable to vent. Finally, he kicked him fiercely on the table leg, fell off the chair, and strode away.

Han Yanyan looked at his back, took out a paper towel and slowly wiped the vegetable soup splashed on his arm, his mouth slightly twitched.

Boyfriend or something, of course, made up. Sure enough, mother and child ... this is a topic he can't touch at all.

Leo Parker, with his mother's surname and father unknown.

His mother went to work on the affluent planet when he was young, and was fooled by the rich master. Instead of getting any compensation, he was abandoned all the time, and eventually took him back to the poor star.

In order to support her mother and son, she had to work hard and had no time to take care of her children. Leo had to take care of himself from an early age. Because of the hard life, the woman became irritable and irritable. She thought that her life was so hard that Leo dragged her down, punching and kicking Leo every time, violently hurting her.

In a world where everyone pays attention to genetic optimization, most people who are genetically good can get rich. Similarly, most people who are rich are genetically good. Leo Parker apparently inherited the excellent genes of Master Rich, and he was smarter than other children since childhood, and his academic performance far surpassed that of other children.

But when his mother saw him so smart, she would think of the man who had abandoned her, so she hated his intelligence. Shred all his awards and threw away every medal. She even desperately wanted to deprive him of the right to go to school. Fortunately, the teacher upheld him before he could complete the first to twelfth grade.

Leo rushed back to his room, took off the clothes stained with vegetable soup and rushed into the bathroom to take a shower.

Hot water rushed through his body. He wiped his face.

It's been a long, long time. He hasn't heard the topic of "Mom" or "Children". He didn't expect that Han Yanyan would suddenly touch on this topic. He was too caught off guard and he was out of control.

What school! Why can't you go to the mine now to make money! Is it easy for me to feed you alone?

The woman yelled, shredded his award, and threw it into the trash.

When she was drunk, she would madly pull his hair: what do you look so good at! Are you going to seduce women when you grow up?

My shoes hurt on my face, it hurts.

She looked at him like an enemy.

I've been ruined all my life! Why are you born! I must be cursed!

You demon!

Leo braced the wall and let the hot water rush down.

You are the devil! You are the devil! Women are demons! — He shouted silently. Han Yanyan is also a demon! She is more terrible than other women!

But Leo remembered that Han Yanyan wasn't even called Han Yanyan at all. Everything he said about her was fake.

He had never really known her at all.

He had no idea that she would cook such a delicious meal. She remembered tears in her eyes when she recalled her future plans with her boyfriend.

She wants to have three children, and she looks forward to the birth of each child. She will love them, be proud of their intelligence, and put their certificates on the wall.

Is she such a woman?

Leo felt dazed.

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