Leo hesitated to go to the restaurant for dinner, but did not see Han Yanyan.

"Where is she?" He asked.

"She said she didn't want to eat long-term frozen expired meat, only ordered porridge and vegetables, and asked me to take her to her room." The system said.

Doesn't she want to see him? Leo had some regrets and shouldn't lose her temper. She wasn't talking about him and his mother, she was talking about the life she was supposed to have.

This life was forcibly changed by him.

Leo randomly ordered some food and asked, "Did she download the TV show? Did she watch it? Do you like it?"

"She watched the soap opera in the room all afternoon, and according to the analysis of expressions, she didn't like it," said the system. "It's not like she doesn't like it. Her expression is very simple, and there are almost no superfluous expressions."

Yes, she was the "faint" dead look, as if she had seen everything through.

Leo suddenly understood Yao Chen's injustice. At that time, Yao Chen hated biting her shoulders and bleeding, probably because she hated her "faint" look.

The food was served quickly. Compared to natural cooking, the high-speed cooking machine uses laser roasting, which completes the cooking process from raw to cooked food in seconds.

Leo ordered the same food today and yesterday. He eats the same food most of the time.

He really has no desire or preference for food, clothing and shelter. When he was young, his mother was busy with hard work. As soon as he made a large bowl of food, he would go home every day to serve a full meal and eat enough to eat. Eating the same food every day, the taste is getting worse every day, until the taste buds on the tongue are numb, almost a pot of food is just finished.

Speaking of which, the food made by the cooking machine is much stronger than when he was a kid. He lived alone and was alone, eating such food every day, he did not feel bad at all.

Until eating Han Yanyan cooking.

A living woman personally cooks and carefully prepares food, awakening his taste buds and desires that have been sleeping for decades.

Suddenly, Leo lost his appetite as he looked at the perfectly cooked steak on the plate.

Han Yan Yan dinner is light porridge and side dishes. After dinner, she stayed in her room and opened a dozen light screens and a dozen soap operas.

The plot can be said to be very bloody, and Han Yanyan ignored these stories. She mainly observes people's life details and some values ​​from the play. Basically, there is not much difference between Sansan and her hometown. Because different TV series come from different countries in different star domains, there are some slight differences between each other.

For example, "Domineering Commander" from the Amikin Empire, the hometown of Duke Klin, although he has been telling the story of this domineering starship commander and "my" dog blood love, but the whole article is secretly " "Loyalty." Loyal to the nobles, lords, and imperial thoughts of the royal family.

Controlling people's hearts is actually the same.

Han Yanyan smiled with his dessert.

Leo gave her permission to use the atomic synthesizer, and she was not polite at all, and her room was greatly changed.

This was originally a standard single cabin with a small area. There was a cupboard in the left hand and a small double sofa and coffee table in the right hand. In the room, one side is a square single bed, and the other side is a desk. The desk is quite small, with the corners facing the two walls. There are portholes on the front wall. You can see the starry sky. There is a movable mirror on the side wall. It was broken by Han Yanyan.

Now all have been removed by Han Yanyan's request system.

In the current room, there is a large bed under the porthole, occupying the entire area of ​​the original "single bed desk". A new sofa and coffee table are placed not far from the bed. curtain. The entire room suddenly changed from a single dormitory into an exquisite boudoir, with comfort and aesthetics incomparable.

Han Yanyan leaned on the sofa and looked at a dozen light screens at the same time, receiving messy information without disorder.

Leo Parker's exclusive genetic improver is not a blow.

Just then the electronic sound of the system came from overhead: "Han Yanyan, the administrator invited you to meet him."

"He doesn't have a long mouth himself?" Han Yanyan asked.

"The administrator ordered me to pass information." The system answered.

"Is he in a bad mood?" Han Yanyan teased.

"Since yesterday, the endocrine system has been disordered and slowed down," the system answered in a serious manner.

Han Yanyan put down the dessert: "I see."

Han Yanyan followed the system's instructions and saw Leo with a somber face.

"Come here," he said indignantly, "let you see how you got here."

Han Yanyan paused and walked to him.

Leo opened in front of him not knowing how many light screens, densely packed, layer upon layer. He stared at the light screens and said, "It was about forty years ago that I started releasing these explorers one after another, and now, about a hundred thousand.

"These explorers have helped me explore the universe. Of course, I am constantly improving them."

"I started doing undead to awaken this business in these years. I need a architect. Not everyone can be a architect. It is good to have one or two out of 10,000 people. I studied it carefully and found out that People, the active areas of the brain domain are different from ordinary people, and their brain waves are different from ordinary people. "

"It's very convenient. I just need to search for a specific brain wave. These builders are how I found out."

"It's just that it's too much trouble to find a builder from an economically developed area. Once I found a man, a middle-aged man, he was a good builder. But he was a **** entrepreneur! Bring me Trouble with strings. "

"Why is a businessman's brain area so active!" Leo complained. "Hurt me for a long time."

"..." Han Yan's flute was speechless. "That really troubles you. Why don't I apologize for him?"

Leo snorted and ignored her sarcasm. He slides his finger to lock a light screen.

These screens clearly show different parts of the universe, some are civilized or even urban, and some are barren and unpopulated. What Leo locked in was a planet whose environment seemed very primitive.

The explorer quickly locked a beast.

The beast looked like a yak, but it was extremely fast and had terrible sharp fangs.

Leo showed Han Yanyan for a full minute from all angles, and felt that she had fully understood the terribleness of the beast before she said, "I'm optimistic."

With his operation, a white light shrouded the beast, as if it had covered Han Yanyan while driving.

The beast disappeared from the original land, the light screen moved to the side, and another light screen came over. It can be seen that the beast that was still free in the wilderness just now has entered the iron cage. Its disturbed beast growled and slammed into the cage with his body.

But a flash of current passed, and the huge beast fell to the ground.

The robots who looked very familiar swarmed up—also because of these robots, Han Yanyan could tell that this beast should be somewhere in this spaceship now.

It was captured by this white light flashing long-distance transmission technology, just like Han Yanyan originally.

"Don't close your eyes and watch carefully," Leo said vaguely.

Han Yanyan then saw those robots working together to peel and flesh. Large pieces are cut into small pieces. Once cut, the pieces are scanned by cold light, frozen instantly, and sent to the cold storage.

Within a minute of a beast, only bones were left, and it was clean and even the internal organs were treated.

"I advise you to be obedient. Disobedience, this is where you end up. What do you think of the dormant cabin, which will make me angry, is not to be able to peel you and cut it into pieces." ?"


Han Yanyan grabbed Leo's sleeve and pointed at the screen: "Stop them quickly, don't throw those bones, and save me soup tomorrow!"

"Hey!" Leo blushed and pulled his sleeves back roughly.


Leo reluctantly moved his fingers, and the robot quickly sealed the leg bones in the smoke phase of Han Yan and sent them to the cold storage.

Han Yanyan was very dissatisfied: "Don't pick so clean next time, it's all pure meat. Remember to keep some ribs."

Leo: "..."

Han Yanyan yawned and said, "Tomorrow you get up early, I will make fresh meat in the morning. It's too late, I'm going to bed."

After that, she left.

Leo stared at her back for hours, pondering for a moment and raising her chest: "The effect of scaring her is good, she has begun to please me with food."

"Yes, master," the system replied.

馄饨 This kind of food is also in the cooking machine. Leo remembered it before and it tasted average.

But for Han Yanyan himself, he couldn't help but look forward to it.

It is difficult for a person who stays up late for a long time to have a disordered schedule. In addition, he thought that he could eat Han Yanyan's elaborate breakfast the next morning, and he was so nervous that he couldn't sleep.

I woke up the next day and oversleep without accident. After decades of casual life, a person who wants to do whatever he wants to do is very difficult. Leo wanted to hit the wall with his head.

"Where is she? What are you doing?" He asked.

"Warning, Han Yanyan now has a lethal weapon in the cooking room! Repeatedly, warning, Han Yanyan is now in the cooking room and has a lethal weapon!" The system performed its duties diligently.

Leo's eyes lit up.

The restaurant has changed.

The original simple dining table was replaced with a small solid wood table, and a beautiful tablecloth was spread. The cushions and tablecloths of the chair are a pattern, very idyllic and very feminine. At this glance, it is known that a woman is carefully arranged.

There was even a beautiful glass vase on the table. Just empty, without any flowers.

Leo was very fortunate that this time he walked in elegantly in a clean white shirt, instead of being spoiled with gun pistol like last time. At least this time it didn't look so stupid.

He walked to the door of the cooking room, and when the hatch opened, a scent erupted.

"What's that smell?" He asked, moving his nose.

"Big bone soup." Han Yanyan answered as he was busy.

Given that this woman still has "destructive weapons" in his hand, although he cannot be killed, he can also be turned into a disabled person like last time. Leo Parker, who had an excellent IQ, stood wisely at the door of the cooking room, but refused to enter.

"Why are you here so early?" Han Yan said but still didn't look back. "It's going to be a while."

She uses natural cooking tools, and cooking with open flames is much slower than cooking with a laser.

But Leo was willing to wait.

Han Yanyan even looked back and watched him standing at the door, banging him: "Why stand there, there is soot, go, go there.

Leo made a stupid "Oh" and went back to the restaurant and sat at the rustic table.

As soon as he left, the hatch of the cooking room closed. He paused, and whispered that the system opened the door and kept it open.

In this way, sitting at the table, he can see Han Yanyan busy figure in the cooking room. Maybe it's for the convenience of cooking. The dress she wears today is very ordinary. She is very comfortable at home.

Leo felt unconscious. He immediately opened a light screen on the dining table, opened a calculation he had not completed, and continued to calculate. The full screen of data flow and complex calculations quickly calmed him down.

This is Han Yanyan's routine, he thought.

This set of measures is not new, he has seen it. Yao Chen's world was closely monitored throughout his journey, and he knew that Han Yanyan was like this.

He has seen it many times with his own eyes. Yao Chen, who was full of beatings and brazenness, returned home, leaning on the kitchen door and watching the busy woman inside. His face was gentle. look.

Leo outside the world is very happy to see the joke of Duke Kling.

It was a scheming dead woman who was good at playing tricks. The men who fell in love with her were stupid.

The clever Leo Parker will not be tricked by her in this way.

Leo, completely calm down, felt very clear-headed. He could see through everything and never deceive her, he thought so, and glanced up subconsciously.

Han Yanyan took a small dish and filled it with soup, tasted it, and then put down the dish in a hurry and fanned his mouth with his hand.

Ah, is it hot? Leo's heart fluttered, and his eyes never moved away from that figure.

In this world, there are more people who know that there is a pit in front of them and are still jumping down.

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