But the mule’s words .

A hybrid of two species .

It does have something to do with mules and horses .

But such an analysis .

Qin Xiaoxian did not have a clearer answer .

Immediately he shook his head .

” Are you sure there is an answer to this ?”

Sun Jiuxiang nodded .

” Yes !”

” Elephant !”

Elephant ?

” Why didn’t you say Sun Yue ?”

hahaha …

After hearing this answer .

Qin Xiaoxian was restless .

He didn’t think about it anyway .

The answer to this question turned out to be elephants .

” How could this be an elephant ?”

After careful analysis , Qin Xiaoxian did not find the corresponding answer .

” Are elephants similar to donkeys ?”

Qin Xiaoxian shook his head .

” No !”

” Is there anything similar between elephants and horses ?”

Qin Xiaoxian shook his head again .

” No !”

Sun Jiuxiang spread his hands .

” That’s it !”

” Elephants have nothing in common with donkeys , nor do they have any resemblance to horses . Isn’t that what is not a donkey and not a horse ?”

Hear this explanation .

Qin Xiaoxian had a new idea in his heart .

” Then if you say it like this , I’d say bears are fine too ?”

Sun Jiuxiang did not refute .

” Then you said it ~”

hahaha …

this moment .

Qin Xiaoxian suddenly realized .

” As long as it’s not a mule , any other animal is fine !”

hahaha …

” Looks like you haven’t reached that point of hopelessness !”

” At least we can analyze this !”

hahaha …

Hearing Sun Jiuxiang’s evaluation , Qin Xiaoxian felt very uncomfortable .

According to his plan just now .

Now his question should be able to answer it .

But the current situation .

No answer .

Instead, he was shown a wave of IQ .

This is so painful …

” Jiuxiang, you can’t do this , you have to cooperate with me , you can come up with the kind of questions that give me a choice , the kind of questions with clear answers , not such ambiguous questions !”

Thinking of this , Qin Xiaoxian asked Sun Jiuxiang again .

Hear such a request .

Sun Jiuxiang did not refuse either .

” Understood !”

” Please listen to the question !”

” Suppose you walked in the great desert and did n’t eat or drink water for seven days and seven nights , but now there are two glasses of water in front of your eyes , one is Guo Degang’s urine , and one is Yu Qian’s foot-washing water . If you choose one of them , you can continue to live . If you don’t choose , you will die . Which one will you choose ?”

hahaha …

This time .

I haven’t waited for Qin Xiaoxian to answer .

Sun Jiuxiang’s problems made everyone laugh directly .

is very interested in this issue .

Very much looking forward to the answer given by Qin Xiaoxian .

However, Qin Xiaoxian’s face was extremely ugly at this moment .

” Can’t you not choose ?”

Then he couldn’t help but ask .

Sun Liuxiang shook her head very firmly .

” No !”

” If you don’t choose , then there is only one dead end !”

” As long as you want to come out alive , you have to make a choice !”

After saying this .

Sun Jiuxiang whispered to Qin Xiaoxian again .

” This is as you said , a topic of choice !”

Qin Xiaoxian thought about it seriously .

Finally nodded .

This time, Sun Jiuxiang really asked the question according to his request .

There is a clear choice .

Thinking of this , Qin Xiaoxian gritted his teeth .

” I drink Yu Qian’s foot wash !”

hahaha …

And when he gave this answer .

The audience at the scene burst into laughter .

Sun Jiuxiang also gave Qin Xiaoxian a thumbs up .

” Or you are brave , and you have to drink Uncle Yu’s footwash as soon as you come up !”

Qin Xiaoxian was extremely excited at this meeting .

” Could it be that you want to drink Guo Degang’s urine ?”

the current situation .

Although the foot wash water is also difficult to swallow .

But compared to urine .

Foot water is still worth considering .

But Sun Jiuxiang disagreed .

” Why should I drink Guo Degang’s urine ?”

” I can drink those two glasses of water ~”

water ?

Qin Xiaoxian was completely stunned at this moment .

I don’t understand what Sun Jiuxiang is expressing ?

” I didn’t tell you just now , there are two glasses of water in front of you , a glass of Guo Degang’s urine , and a glass of Yu Qian’s foot wash !”

” There are two glasses of water here , why are you drinking urine ?”

woo ~~

hahaha …

this moment .

The audience at the scene was also stunned .

before that .

They didn’t find the doorway in the title at all .

But this time after Sun Jiuxiang’s analysis .

Everyone clearly understands the trick here .

Then the smile grew stronger .

Qin Xiaoxian’s expression this time became even more ugly .

For him .

It’s better not to have a choice .

The answer this time .

It can only prove more that he has no brains .

For him, this is definitely an insult to Chi Guoguo .

But now he .

You can’t blame Sun Jiuxiang .

After all, Sun Jiuxiang has always dealt with problems according to his requirements .

Not only has it changed from a question-and-answer question to a multiple-choice question .

And the title is very clear .

There was a problem with his own understanding .

Now, if he suddenly blamed Sun Jiuxiang , it really didn’t make any sense .

Not only can I not prove my IQ , but I still have a little bit of chicken intestines ~

After thinking about it , Qin Xiaoxian responded quickly .

” There are still two glasses of water ~”

” If there is water , then I will definitely choose two glasses of water !”

Although lost .

But Qin Xiaoxian hurriedly asked for a supplement at this time .

But this will be the audience .

Obviously didn’t buy it .

Everyone is still stuck at the beginning .

Staying in Qin Xiaoxian , choose the moment of Qianqian foot water .

” You have too many options , don’t you have that 2 -to- 1 option ? ”

To restore his image .

Qin Xiaoxian asked Sun Jiuxiang in a low voice again .

This is currently the case .

I want to restore my image .

It is impossible to understand by explanation alone .

The only way is by answering questions .

Only so .

It is possible for him to prove himself again .

Sun Jiuxiang faced Qin Xiaoxian’s continuous demands .

There was no irritability .

Instead, it continued to adhere to him .

Facing Qin Xiaoxian’s latest request .

He was also very happy to respond .

“The question just now , maybe I didn’t express it clearly enough , there is another question next , you listen carefully !”

Qin Xiaoxian was very satisfied with Sun Jiuxiang’s attitude .

This is the kind of awareness one should have .

” Indeed , there is something wrong with what you just said . I’m a little too relaxed , but this time I’m already prepared and will never be fooled again !”

Qin Xiaoxian also followed Sun Jiuxiang’s words and said .

Sun Jiuxiang smiled .

But nothing more was said .

But this smile is worth more than a thousand words !

Immediately afterwards , he asked downwards .

” Say there is a fish tank with a goldfish and a bastard in it. I put this fish tank in the refrigerator for a day and a night . When I took it out , I found that there were only bastards and no goldfish . Why ?”

Sun Jiuxiang’s question .

a pure 2 -to- 1 .

Qin Xiaoxian’s answer was also very pleasant .

” This goldfish was eaten by Wang Ba !”

Sun Jiuxiang first looked at Qin Xiaoxian , then shook his head .

” No !”

n’t that right ?

This time , Qin Xiaoxian was even more surprised .

If we talk about the previous question , it is true that he did not listen carefully to the question , which made the final answer wrong .

It’s his own problem !

But this time .

Just two options .

Goldfish and Wang Ba belong to the same fish tank , and then the goldfish disappeared .

That’s not what the bastard eats, what else could it be ?

It can be seen from the attitude of Sun Jiuxiang .

His answer is really not the best answer .

This can’t help but make Qin Xiaoxian have more questions .

Not sure what the final answer is ?

” Did the refrigerator freeze the goldfish ?”

After this .

He replied tentatively .

” No , the refrigerator can only freeze goldfish to death , but it can’t be frozen !”

Listen to Sun Jiuxiang’s explanation .

Qin Xiaoxian frowned .

” Then why , how could this goldfish disappear out of thin air ?”

Sun Jiuxiang nodded .

” Yes , Wang Ba is also wondering this time 667!”

hahaha …

” Oh , no , it really made me laugh to death !”

” Qin Xiaoxian is too miserable !”

” This is definitely the worst joke I’ve ever seen , no one !”

” It ‘s still the language of my hometown that has charm , and the culture of my hometown has connotations !”

” Indeed , the culture of the Celestial Dynasty is extensive and profound . If the same burden is expressed in a foreign language , it is impossible for everyone to feel the slightest happiness !”

” The first show that I appeared on today was so wonderful . I believe that this time the Deyun Club will not disappoint the overall show ! ”

” Deyun Club deserves to be the leader of the cross talk world. The quality of this show is really unbelievable , it’s really admirable !”

All the audience of this meeting .

The performance of both of them is also very recognized .

At the same time also began to look forward to other people’s performances .

Know that this is just the first performance at the beginning .

to present such a high quality .

Then trust the next performance .

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