It will definitely become more powerful .

This is for everyone .

Undoubtedly a happy thing .

of everyone here is to find happiness .

The higher the level of the actor , the better the performance .

Then everyone will be happier .

The satisfaction you get will be stronger .

From this point of view .

Qin Xiaoxian and Sun Jiuxiang’s opening scenes have already overfulfilled their tasks .

Qin Xiaoxian looked at Sun Jiuxiang who had been following his routine .

The whole person’s expression became more and more helpless .

You have to say that Sun Jiuxiang did it on purpose ~

But every time it is according to his request .

But you’re saying he didn’t do it on purpose ?

Every question he asks has a trick behind it .

Makes it impossible to guard against .

Apparently it was intentional .

have to say .

Sun Jiuxiang is really bad .

” You are so bad !”

” Didn’t I agree to let you cooperate with me , why are you trolling me everywhere !”

Thinking of this , Qin Xiaoxian complained directly .

Sun Liuxiang would look very aggrieved .

” I don’t have a routine for you , haven’t I been cooperating with you all the time , I’ll do whatever you want me to do , isn’t that okay ?”

Qin Xiaoxian heard this .

Immediately retorted .

” Since this is the case , then I also remembered a question , you can give me a guess !”

Sun Jiuxiang did not refuse .

” You can try !”

” Speaking of the tortoise and the hare , the bastard is the referee . Who do you think won ?”

hahaha …

Qin Xiaoxian this time .

It was clear that the question was asked for revenge on Sun Jiuxiang .

It may even be a random made up question .

This unreasonable way of revenge made the audience very happy .

funny actor , you have to get tough no matter what !

for such a situation .

Sun Jiuxiang’s answer was already on his lips , but he still swallowed it abruptly .

” You won !”

hahaha …

After that , he couldn’t help but complain .

” Don’t offend anyone who talks about cross talk , or he will really hold revenge ~”

hahaha ….

Chapter 118 Returning to partner the old couple , making them shy (3 more , please subscribe !)

Chapter 118 Returning to partner the old couple , making them shy (3 more , please subscribe !)

With the audience’s applause , Qin Xiaoxian and Sun Jiuxiang ended the performance perfectly .

Compared to everyone’s perfunctory applause when they first took the stage, the applause at this meeting was obviously a bit more excited and sincere !

won everyone’s respect with their practical actions .

Also use practical actions to let everyone see their strength !

Looking at Qin Xiaoxian and Sun Jiuxiang who came down .

Guo Degang was very pleased .

In any case , these two can be regarded as fulfilling their mission !

This makes their show even easier !

After the two ended , Guo Degang and Yu Qian also appeared on the stage .

However, compared to the applause received by Qin Xiaoxian and Sun Jiuxiang, the sound of the awards they received can be described as a tsunami .

10,000 spectators . _

All welcomed the two with both hands , and the shouting resounded throughout the stadium .

It looks like the house cover is about to be overturned .

such a situation .

It made Sun Jiuxiang and Qin Xiaoxian feel particularly emotional .

” This is the real master , this is the highest courtesy of a real cross talk actor !”

Sun Jiuxiang couldn’t help but sigh .

For him .

The applause he received just after stepping down had already made him very gratified .

At least the two of them have won respect with their strength , and everyone is sending them off instead of knocking them down .

But this will see the treatment of Guo Degang and Yu Qian .

Only then did he clearly realize the gap between himself and top actors .

It seems that on the road of cross talk , he still has a long way to go .

” It’s really different , this is the gold content of a golden signboard !”

Qin Xiaoxian was also very touched at this meeting .

If it is performed in the Celestial Dynasty , Qin Xiaoxian’s effect is similar to that of Guo Degang .

But came abroad .

There is still a small gap between the two sides .

From this point of view .

He still has a lot of room for improvement on the road of cross talk .

At least in the output of works , it should go further !

It seems that no matter when the actors are fighting, what they fight to the end is their strength , and what they fight for is their works !

who is recognized by the people can become a real good actor .

Guo Degang and Yu Qian were no strangers to such a big scene .

actor with nearly 18,000 people at the Mercedes Stadium in Modu City .

Created the history of the entire cross talk industry .

The situation of 10,000 people in front of them is nothing more than a small fight for them .

From the moment they hit the stage , they were in complete control of the rhythm .

The audience’s smiles did not stop .

Everyone has been immersed in the happiness that the two of them made

I really liked the performance of the two of them .

Actually a comedian .

In summary, there are two types .

One is that they can speak cross talk , and the other is that they ca n’t speak cross talk . .

This sentence looks like nonsense , but in fact it has a deeper meaning .

Looking at the entire cross talk industry , there are only a handful of people who can really speak cross talk .

It’s not that these people have poor basic skills , or that they don’t have the ability to please the audience .

It’s that they don’t know how to use their abilities flexibly ! .

What kind of performance for what kind of occasion !

What kind of audience has what kind of actors !

The performance style of cross talk actors is not static .

The same piece of work is not static .

Actors have to change their performances according to the preferences of the live audience .

Everything must be based on the perception of the audience .

Let everyone feel the happiness and accept the performance of the actors. This is what a cross talk actor can do .

Guo Degang and Yu Qian are obviously such actors .

They completely control the minds of the audience and are able to say their jokes just right .

Just this .

It is something that many cross talk actors never learn in their lifetime .

It’s also the reason why many actor specials can’t open !

The first performance of the two was very effective .

Especially with the performances of Qin Xiaoxian and Sun Jiuxiang , they made it very easy for them to perform .

is no need to work too hard at all, and the audience below is already happy to lean forward and back together .

After the two left the field .

Zhang Helun and Lang Heyan relayed onto the stage .

This partner has also stood the test .

And the blasting ability is also good .

Their final presentation to everyone did not disappoint .

Still let the scene fall into a sea of joy .

as the show progresses .

The mood of the audience is also getting higher and higher .

The actor’s performance is also more vigorous .

It’s time for the last show .

Guo Degang and Yu Qian also showed their housekeeping skills .

Here comes a very challenging civil and military experience for you .

in the audio industry .

There are two works that no one wants to touch .

That is to say, the so-called text is afraid of the article meeting , and the martial arts is afraid of the big bodyguard .

These two soundtracks .

Every piece is taken out to give the cross talk actor a headache .

And because they are all literary programs , the performance effect will not be very good .

Basically not many people try it .

But today Guo Degang and Yu Qian .

Instead of flinching , he moved all these two works to the stage .

And merged into a brand new work – both civil and military !

Guo Degang’s cross talk skills are paired with Yu Qian’s ability to make jokes .

that everyone was afraid of become extremely brilliant .

Difficulty and wonderful are corresponding !

difficult the cross talk to express , the better it will attract everyone’s support .

It’s just that many times , the actors themselves are not good at grasping !

Today’s scene , for the audience .

Not only harvested happiness , but also saw real skills .

I saw the real talent and real learning of cross talk actors .

This makes every audience very satisfied .

And with the regular performance of the show ended .

The special performance also ushered in the most lively return .

of Deyun Club is still famous even in foreign countries .

Even many famous scenes , all appeared in the return .

The audience who came here today also understands this very well .

Even though it was late at night , no one left at all .

Everyone was looking forward to the most exciting part .

was also very emotional when he looked at the enthusiastic audience below the stage .

“I can’t think of this point , there are still so many viewers , I really want to thank you all , thank you for your support ? ?!”

Face this audience every time .

In addition to expressing his feelings with thank you , Guo Degang really didn’t know what to say .

I always feel that a thousand words are not as sincere as a thank you .

Yu Qian on the side .

He also nodded .

He and Guo Degang have the same emotions .

A huge thank you to the audience .

I can tell everyone the best cross talk on the stage and bring the greatest happiness to everyone .

This is the hope of every cross talk actor .

Now .

Their happiness is multiplied by a thousand times .

This feeling is really indescribable !

” Speaking of which, I have also worked in this industry for half my life . I started studying art at the age of 7 , and it has been a small achievement until now , but when facing you , I will still say something , I am still the one who talks about cross talk . Elementary school students !”

” Shushan has road diligence as a path , and learning is boundless and hard work . On the road of cross talk , we still have many shortcomings . Thank you for your continuous support and tolerance , and we will continue to learn and create . We will strive to present more and more exciting works to everyone !”

Guo Degang , who was impressed, said a few more words immediately .

Then his eyes changed .

“The official performance is over , so next , you can talk nonsense in a serious manner !”

hahaha …

woo ~~

I heard Guo Degang say this .

Everyone’s anticipation became more intense .

This is the moment they are most looking forward to !

Immediately after .

Guo Degang talked about Teacher Yu and his family .

And the audience offstage .

He was also very happy at this time .

Compared to the kind of rules and regulations of normal performances .

When returning to the field, you should appear more casual and free and easy .

in terms of expression .

You don’t need to pay too much attention .

Just be happy !

This is for Guo Degang .

Really too good at it .

And when it comes to the teacher’s family , Guo Degang’s eyes also shine !

When I talk about it, I can only think about it , and I can’t stop talking !

What the audience listened to was also very enjoyable .

And there is a bit of wretchedness in his eyes .

Obviously, this expression with a certain color is what everyone likes the most .

A gentleman is lecherous but not obscene !

knows and is curious about the topic of color .

There is no need to avoid this problem .

of content expression ultimately depends on how everyone views this matter .

If you look at it with a pure heart, look at it with an appreciative eye .

So even if the expression is vulgar , in your eyes he is still an elegant art .

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