But if you hold it back in the first place , you don’t think about the good at all .

So even if the actors don’t mean it , you can’t help but think of something else .

Therefore , there are no vulgar works , only vulgar audiences !

talking for a long time excitedly , Guo Degang turned his attention to the audience again .

” Our brothers have been talking here for a long time , and everyone is tired of listening to it . Next, I will call up the actors who participated in the performance today. How about we all follow along ?”

Good !

For Guo Degang’s proposal .

The audience below the stage also agrees .

They also want to see .

What kind of sparks will these people create when they talk to Guo Degang and Yu Qian ?

The first to appear is Qin Xiaoxian .

After Qin Xiaoxian came out , he stood beside Guo Degang very obediently .

” This actor should be familiar to everyone . This is the actor we just started , and he is also from the Deyun Society’s Xiaozi Branch . My apprentice Qin Xiaoxian !”

Guo Degang took the initiative to introduce Qin Xiaoxian’s name .

Qin Xiaoxian also greeted the big guy again .

” Hello everyone , my name is Qin Xiaoxian . I’m a cross talk actor from Deyun Club. I’m very happy and excited today to be able to appear on Master’s global tour !”

” I think I can appear on this stage , I must thank my master and all the teachers in the backstage !”

hahaha …

Qin Xiaoxian’s words directly made everyone happy .

All the girls are so beautiful ~

” Huh ?”

, Yu Qian ‘s expression changed instantly .

Guo Degang’s response was very quick .

” What ?”

” Is there no more under the stage ?”

hahaha …

woo ~~

Facing Guo Degang’s reaction , Yu Qian turned his attention to Qin Xiaoxian .

” Child , you are still tender ~”

hahaha …

Yu Qian’s rant is true enough .

” Then let me say it again , I want to thank my master and all the mistresses in front of and behind the stage !”

hahaha …

Hear this .

Guo Degang and Yu Qian also laughed .

“. ” You also have to thank Aunt Yu who is grateful to you. Without her , Deyun Club would not be able to get to where it is today ! ”

woo ~~

Guo Degang followed Qin Xiaoxian’s words and took the initiative to say .

” Go !”

How can I get involved in my house anywhere …

Yu Qian hurriedly stopped the road .

Originally, he was a melon eater .

Excited to see .

The result was unexpected .

After eating this melon for a long time , it even ran to myself .

What’s the point of this ?

Qin Xiaoxian looked at the two of them and couldn’t help but complain .

” Don’t talk about your rubbish things on the table !”

hahaha …

” Isn’t it right , do you know who your children are now ?”

” One biological , one suspected biological , one suspected biological !”

” This relationship is already so messed up , can you just stop it !”

hahaha …

” There’s nothing wrong with what Qin Xiaoxian said. I don’t know who Guo Xiaobao is now ! ”

” Hahaha , Qin Xiaoxian is brave enough . After this rant , I’m afraid there will be no chance to rant again !”

” The expressions of the old couple at this meeting are really wonderful ~”

” Indeed , this wave of complaints is very real !”

The audience applauded excitedly and agreed with such complaints .

Guo Degang and Yu Qian were both stunned .

They looked at each other for a long time and didn’t know how to respond .

Simply choose to ignore !

After Qin Xiaoxian was satisfied , he also changed the topic .

” Speaking of conscience , I’m really grateful to my master , and of course to Uncle Yu . It ‘s no exaggeration to say that without them , I wouldn’t be where I am now . Even when I went to a nightclub for the first time , they both led me . go !”

oh ~~

Hear this thread .

The audience under the stage was excited again .

Obviously , this is about everyone’s preferences .

Guo Degang and Yu Qian smiled .

” Master , you have to bring your apprentices to see the world more !”

hahaha …

” To be honest , I haven’t been to the nightclub , and I don’t understand the market inside , but my master understands ~”

” After I went , I said to the waiter without saying a word , come here , don’t you who are over 18 ~”

hahaha …

Yu Qian heard this . ( Wang Wang Zhao )

Looking at Guo Degang in disbelief .

” Guo Degang , I didn’t expect you to be fine !”

Qin Xiaoxian waved his hand when he heard the words .

” Sir, don’t pretend , you followed , and you asked for 4 ! ”

hahaha …

Upon hearing this .

The audience at the scene laughed extremely happily .

Guo Degang also pointed at Yu Qian .

” I didn’t expect you to be in good health !”

hahaha …

” Wait a minute , the two of us ordered four and two , what did we order ?”

Yu Qian had a very clear thinking about this meeting , and he had to figure out what the two of them were ordering .

Qin Xiaoxian’s face changed when he heard the words .

” What did you order ? You two don’t know ?”

” Do you have to let me say it ?”

Upon hearing this .

Guo Degang and Yu Qian were a little embarrassed .

Then he smiled shyly .

” Then our body is indeed good enough !”

Yu Qian immediately complained .

Qin Xiaoxian was puzzled when he heard the words .

” How can this have anything to do with the body ?”

” Didn’t you order the fruit plate , don’t want anything over 18 , what do you think ?”

hahaha …

When Qin Xiaoxian said this question .

The audience under the stage was already laughing crazy .

before that .

They were obviously all thinking wrong .

After all, what Qin Xiaoxian said was really meaningful .

But this will be after hearing his explanation .

The expressions of everyone were not natural .

But they are the audience after all , that is, a crowd who eat melons .

Although I think it is crooked , but there is not much embarrassment .

Instead, he turned his attention to Guo Degang and Yu Qian very curiously .

I wanted to see how the two of them would respond .

Guo Degang was stunned , then glanced at Yu Qian .

” I thought it was beer !”

Yu Qian quickly nodded .

” That’s right , going to a nightclub means going for a drink , isn’t it ? Is there any other entertainment ?”

hahaha …

Yu Qian’s explanation lives on.

It was also Xiu’s mother who opened the door for Xiu , and Xiu is home ! .

Chapter 119 The king of coffins who is more powerful than the grave king , Lao Qin returns to sing the English version in bulk and kiss goodbye ! (4 more , please subscribe !)

Any other entertainment ?

Uncle Yu’s words raised the atmosphere of the scene to an unprecedented height .

This is definitely a pun , everyone who understands it ~

” Oh , he’s still a kid , how can you say that ~”

Guo Degang couldn’t help but complain at this time .

” Take it down , this child knows more than you , what kind of child is not a child !”

hahaha …

Uncle Yu’s God-made sword will never disappoint !

This wave of rants is real enough !

Qin Xiaoxian regained his seriousness .

” But speaking of conscience , for these two , I am really grateful from the bottom of my heart. In this life , I can’t repay it , if there is an afterlife !”

what’s going on ?

Both of them looked at Qin Xiaoxian curiously .

” If there is an afterlife , if I become the emperor , Master , I will make you the eldest prince !”

hahaha …

” Uncle Yu , I make you the second prince !”

hahaha …

Hearing Qin Xiaoxian say this , the audience laughed even happier .

This was the first time I saw my apprentice teasing Master so much on stage .

This is really no size on the stage, and there are rules under the stage ~

The content of this joke is too exciting .

Guo Degang and Yu Qian looked at each other , then shook their heads helplessly .

” That doesn’t make any sense !”

” How can you say that about your master and Uncle Yu !”

Guo Degang was the first to speak .

Yu Qian also nodded .

” Indeed , and there is absolutely no basis for what he said !”

” Why can you be the eldest prince ?”

hahaha …

According to normal thinking , everyone believes that Yu Qian will definitely refute .

But did not expect .

Yu Qian’s focus was not on Qin Xiaoxian .

But on the matter of canonization .

is no one else in this brain circuit …

Guo Degang looked at Yu Qian in disbelief , and his expression changed .

” You wait a moment !”

” I suggest you go see a Chinese medicine first , I know two experts who are not bad !”

” Is your head too messed up ?”

” Have you been drinking too much fake wine recently ?”

Yu Qian waved his hand .

” What fake wine ?”

” Mainly because I’ve never heard of it !”

” This is your eldest prince , and my second prince . There is absolutely no basis . Why are you the eldest prince ?”

Guo Degang was very helpless .

” Oops !”

” How can this be done !”

Speaking , he couldn’t help but complain to the audience .

” Can you distinguish the primary and secondary , and understand what the key point is ?”

” Why can’t I be the eldest prince ?”

woo ~~

Originally everyone saw Guo Degang’s behavior .

They all thought that he had already seen the point of this matter .

Did not expect .

When he did fight back , it was in this way .

This is really beyond everyone’s expectations ~

But at the same time .

It totally made everyone laugh .

The words of one of the apprentices actually caused the two elders to fight back and forth here , rushing to be sons !

This sounds fresh !

” Hey , why are you the eldest prince ?”

” You have to be persuasive to be the eldest prince. Come on , tell me , why can you be the eldest prince ?”

” At least you have to say what qualifications you have !”

Yu Qian will still be unrelenting .

Look at his posture .

Today , he has to figure it out !

Guo Degang didn’t admit it , and responded forcefully .

” What qualifications are needed for this ?”

” Isn’t this what’s on the bright side ?”

” First of all, let me say something , the father is my apprentice , and for this level of master-apprentice relationship , he also has to make me the eldest prince !”

hahaha …

Guo Degang’s father emperor absolutely exceeded everyone ‘s expectations .

Even Yu Qian smiled .

Then he complained directly .

” Look at what you said , you made everyone laugh !”

” People are asking about qualifications , not about the relationship between the two of you !”

” And if that’s the case , I’m still his uncle !”

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