” Du Fu !”

” Then he asked Yan Hexiang again , who is the king of poetry ?”

” Yan Hexiang wiped her nose , the king of poetry is Xie Xun !”

Don’t tell me , Qin Xiaoxian really has a good look , and everyone’s sense of picture is very strong !

hahaha …

Yan Hexiang shook her head helplessly when she heard the words .

” You say I’m so naive to be able to call the Poetry King Xie Xun !”

” Then the King of Poetry has made it clear that he is a heartbreaker ~”

hahaha …

” As soon as I hear you, you have no culture . You are talking about the Lion King !”

Guo Qilin couldn’t help but complain at this time .

” Lion King , I really don’t know this , but I have eaten lion heads !”

hahaha …

The two sang together , which made the atmosphere of the scene more lively .

” I don’t know who the Lion King is , but the Poetry King is obviously Huang Feihong !”

woo ~~

hahaha …

Listening to Guo Qilin’s explanation , the audience laughed even more happily .

Should say or not .

These two really know a lot .

Although no one said the correct answer , everyone who said this is really a lion king !

” What you said is wrong , what Huang Feihong is about is the Lion King’s hegemony !”

” He didn’t write poetry either !”

, Qin Xiaoxian could only explain it himself .

” Huang Feihong’s father was taken away ?”

hahaha …

Yan Hexiang asked very curiously at this time .

Qin Xiaoxian’s expression was extremely helpless .

” Your father was taken away !”

” Why don’t you understand at all !”

Guo Qilin became more and more curious .

” Then, Lao Qin, tell me who the King of Poetry is !”

“The King of Poetry is Bai Juyi !”

, Qin Xiaoxian gave a standard answer .

” Oh , I really didn’t expect this , you actually answered it !

” Why am I a little bit down on the dog’s eyes ? ?!”

Yan Hexiang looked at Qin Xiaoxian very surprised , and didn’t expect him to answer this question at all .

Qin Xiaoxian was very curious .

” Who did you just say is low ?”

Saying that, Qin Xiaoxian’s eyes looked at Guo Qilin unconsciously .

, Yan Hexiang also subconsciously turned his attention to Guo Qilin .

Guo Qilin looked at the two innocently .

The expression was full of grievances .

” Aren’t people allowed to be short ?”

hahaha …

Yan Hexiang looked at Guo Qilin and said with a smile .

” Go ~”

, who couldn’t listen anymore , launched a counterattack at this time .

” Can you talk about cross talk well , what do you say about people’s height !”

” And I’m the standard height for men in the world. If you are taller than me , you are all sick !”

hahaha …

” It’s not easy for Dalin , I guess his dad used it to fool him !”

” Indeed , Master is not as tall as him !”

hahaha …

Qin Xiaoxian and Yan Hexiang looked at each other and saw sympathy in each other’s eyes .

this scene .

The scene was lit again .

can only say .

Guo Degang and Guo Qilin are both too miserable .

The stalks of the two of them are afraid that they will never go away .

” Can you continue to talk about things , why are you still holding this height !”

hahaha …

Seeing the expressions of the two , Guo Qilin couldn’t help shaking it again .

With his height , he really endured the pain that he couldn’t bear ~

Qin Xiaoxian regained his seriousness and continued to speak down .

” After the Chinese class is over , it’s time for recess . The three of us have a very good relationship . Every time we meet to go to the toilet together !”

Guo Qilin nodded .

” It ‘s true , let’s go have a company together !”

Yan Hexiang followed suit .

” That’s how everyone is !”

Qin Xiaoxian continued to speak down .

” At that time, Dalin’s height was not high , and it was a little shorter than now . I was considered middle among the three, and Zhuangzhuang belonged to the tallest one !”

“The three of us go to the toilet together . Every time I stand in the middle , Dalin stands on my left , Zhuangzhuang stands on my right !”

Neither Guo Qilin nor Yan Hexiang spoke , and listened carefully to his introduction .

” I was n’t very old at the time , so I was willing to make a joke or something . Sometimes I like to turn around when I’m halfway through peeing !”

Guo Qilin understood very well .

” The kids will be naughty !”

Qin Xiaoxian described it in a good manner .

” I first turned to the right , called Zhuang Zhuang , and then pissed my pants !”

” Then I turned to the left again , shouted Dalin , and pissed on my face !”

hahaha …

” As soon as you said this, I really remembered. Da Lin was really not tall when he was a child , and he was willing to agree when he spoke !”

” When you called Dalin from this side , he agreed , hey ~, not only did you pee on your face , but also on your mouth !”

woo ~~

hahaha …

Yan Hexiang’s mouth is also damaged enough .

What Qin Xiaoxian said was miserable enough , but he still felt a little unsatisfied .

Instead, he stepped forward and added .

This time , the audience below the stage laughed even more .

Today is definitely an unforgettable day for Guo Qilin ~

” After urinating , everyone went back to the classroom . This class is math !”

Qin Xiaoxian continued to speak down .

” Compared to Chinese , I’m not very good at math , and I don’t want to listen to it. I ‘ve been teasing Dalin and Zhuangzhuang in class ! ”

Guo Qilin was very angry when he heard this .

” You said , if it weren’t for your influence , I would have won the Nobel Prize in mathematics now !”

cut ~~

In Guo Qilin’s words , the audience didn’t even have punctuation marks .

” Put it down , you don’t even understand Xiao Jiujiu , what the Nobel Prize in mathematics !”

” If it really can win an award , it has to be me !”

hahaha …

Yan Hexiang directly competed with Guo Qilin !

The two of them are faceless and skinless , and they are really cross talk actors ~

” Although what the two of them said is a bit exaggerated , I do feel very guilty . If it wasn’t for me to make trouble , maybe they could have achieved greater success !”

” And at that time, when I was in class , the teacher always criticized me !”

” Qin Xiaoxian , it’s fine if you don’t learn it yourself , can you not affect other people’s learning !”

” Do you know what you look like now , you are the stick that stirs shit between Guo Qilin and Yan Hexiang !”

Qin Xiaoxian imitated his teacher and expressed his emotions at that time .

But at this moment .

Everyone was stunned .

After everyone reacted , they all smiled .

hahaha …

Guo Qilin and Yan Hexiang looked at each other .

” Why are we so disgusting ~”

Then Guo Qilin couldn’t help but complain .

hahaha …

” That’s really disgusting !”

Yan Hexiang agreed at this time .

Then he continued .

” You are all talking about the past . If you have the ability, you can compare it to the present . Now let’s see whose culture is high and whose level is better !”

Hearing such a proposal , Guo Qilin also agrees with it .

” I think what my brother said is right . The past is in the past , and no one remembers the glory . If we have the ability , let ‘s see who is stronger now than we are now !”

Guo Qilin and Yan Hexiang’s expressions at the moment are definitely a pun .

They were not only talking to Qin Xiaoxian , but also conveyed such emotions to Cao Jin and the others .

Today their ideas are very unified .

Since everyone bumped into each other , let’s have a good touch .

Maybe 10 years ago , all three of Cao Jin were very good actors in Deyun Club .

He is also a very good actor in the whole cross talk industry .

But now , things are different .

10 years , it would be a bit shameless to talk about what happened before .

Now look at the present ability .

See who is the real king now .

” No problem , just compare , anyway, no matter when , you can’t escape my palm !”

Qin Xiaoxian also expressed his attitude at this time , and also showed the attitude of several people !

The brave who meet in the narrow road wins .

This time , they are going to use practical actions to prove that this time , who will be broken !

” Well , I think I am a bit too bullying compared to the two of you as a college student !”

” I won’t participate . I’ll be the referee for the two of you. How about you two pk !”

For Yan Hexiang’s experience .

Qin Xiaoxian and Guo Qilin also agree .

with their current level of education .

Yan Hexiang’s participation was indeed a blow to dimensionality reduction .

One of them did not graduate from primary school , and the other did not graduate from junior high school .

In total, there are not as many books as Yan Hexiang read alone .

It’s really if he gets involved .

A bit unfair indeed !

“. ” Well then , let’s talk about the most basic , from elementary school to fill in the words and make sentences ! ”

Qin Xiaoxian and Guo Qilin both nodded .

” No problem !”

” Then please listen to the question , the first question , in a sentence with prosperity !”

” Old Qin , you answer first !”

Qin Xiaoxian thought about it seriously .

replied confidently .

” This question is too simple , listen to me !”

” I know a girl , her name is Xinxin , and I find that Xinxin looks like Mama Rong !”

hahaha …

hmm ?

After hearing Qin Xiaoxian’s sentence .

Everyone was stunned .

Immediately afterwards, the audience burst into laughter .

” Prosperous , this sentence is too good !”

Yan Hexiang also gnashed his teeth in admiration at this time .

It was the first time he had heard such a sentence …

” What is this doing , Xinxin looks like Rong Momo , why don’t you say that Xinxin looks like Huang Ama !”

hahaha …

Guo Qilin was also very dissatisfied with Qin Xiaoxian’s sentence at the moment .

Listening to Guo Qilin’s complaints , Yan Hexiang showed a smile on his face .

” I also think that what Lao Qin did is nothing . You can show us a good one !”

” You make a sentence with one side and one side !”

Yan Hexiang wanted to look at Guo Qilin with anticipation .

Guo Qilin did not disappoint him either .

Very happy to answer .

” I have a very strict father . Every time I say something wrong in cross talk , he will beat me with a whip !”

hmm ?

hahaha …

When Guo Qilin gave the answer .

Yan Hexiang’s whole face turned green .

Originally, he was counting on Guo Qilin to restore some dignity .

But it turns out that he obviously thinks too much …

These two are typically half a catty .

This side is so fucking clever !

” What if I said you two didn’t graduate from elementary school ?”

” Can’t you make such a simple sentence ?”

Facing Yan Hexiang’s questioning , Qin Xiaoxian shrugged confidently .

” You’re right , I just didn’t graduate from primary school !”

hahaha …

Qin Xiaoxian’s answer made Yan Hexiang unable to fix it directly .

” Okay , since that’s the case , what else can I say !”

( Wang Qian’s )

” Please listen to the next question , please use a serious sentence !”

Compared to the previous thriving , this seriousness is obviously easier .

Yan Hexiang is also reducing the difficulty in time .

I hope that the two of them can make a good sentence smoothly .

Qin Xiaoxian is very confident this time .

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