But Wu Tong directly refused .

If you turn it down a little , this round of games will be meaningless .

Although it is a game , only reality can express the limitations of actors .

That’s what makes this show great !

After the two sides are all ready , the two people’s runaway lip language challenge officially begins .

first question given by the program group was the girl group dance .

Ding Yuxi’s description , Qin Xiaoxian guessed !

Since these three words could not be said directly , Ding Yuxi could only describe it in other ways .

” Rocket Girl !”

to girl groups , Ding Yuxi first thinks of Rocket Girls .

Then he also took the initiative to say .

” My neighborhood ?”

Since the singing voice in Qin Xiaoxian’s earphones is too loud , he can only rely on his mouth shape to judge what Ding Yuxi said ?

� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ??????????

from the mouth shape that Ding Yuxi is showing now, it is my community .

hahaha …

When he gave this answer , everyone laughed .

” What is Rocket Girl ?”

Ding Yuxi was still trying to describe .

” What is my neighborhood ?”

Qin Xiaoxian was stunned for a while, and the whole person looked incredible .

” How do I know what your neighborhood is ?”

” I haven’t been there yet !”

hahaha …

” Your neighborhood ?”

” Chaoyang District ?”

Qin Xiaoxian pretended to be clever and analyzed .

” Yang Chaoyue !”

” Rocket Girl Yang Chaoyue !”

Ding Yuxi was still trying to describe it .

Qin Xiaoxian’s brows were wrinkled .

” Your neighborhood committee ?”

” What ?”

hahaha …

Ding Yuxi looked at Qin Xiaoxian with despair .

In the end only had to choose !

According to the trend of the two, I am afraid that in three minutes , the two of them will not be able to answer a question .

The next topic given by the program group is the Persian cat .

…… 0

Ding Yuxi’s head froze for a while .

How do you feel that the questions are more difficult than the other ?


But in order to win , in order to be able to prove that they can do it .

He was still very firm in his description .


Qin Xiaoxian saw it very clearly this time .

Ding Yuxi nodded with satisfaction .

“And then what ?”

Qin Xiaoxian continued to ask .

” Shoot ?”

Then he guessed to himself .

hahaha …

Qin Xiaoxian’s guess directly made Ding Yuxi helpless .

“SHE ‘s song is not she ‘s pinyin !”

Then he quickly explained .

“She ‘s car ?”

” How do I know what kind of car they drive …”

hahaha …

Ding Yuxi was very helpless .

” It’s not a car , it’s a brother !”

” Poetry ?”

Looking at Ding Yuxi’s mouth shape , Qin Xiaoxian suddenly realized .

” This mountain is unusual ,”

” I like mountains and water !”

” I like mountains and water ,”

” This mountain is unusual !”

hahaha …

When Qin Xiaoxian finished saying this , several people present were already lying on the ground with laughter .

Fan Chengcheng even rolled directly on the ground .

This game , he thought it would be funny .

But never thought it could be so funny .

, Qin Xiaoxian’s analysis directly hit his point of laughter .

I felt every word he said made people extraordinarily excited .

Ding Yuxi was stunned at this meeting , wondering what Qin Xiaoxian was talking about there ?

” What’s the mess ?”

“She ‘s song , meow meow meow !”

Tucao returned to Tucao , he still explained patiently .

“She ‘s car , cat cat cat ?”

“What’s the matter ?”

Jia Ling wiped her tears , this time she really laughed and cried .

Qin Xiaoxian then took off his headphones .

Seeing this, Ding Yuxi also took off his headphones .

” Your mouth shape is more obvious , too fast , I can’t see it at all !”

Qin Xiaoxian’s rant once again hit everyone’s laughter .

Obviously he is the most disheartened one , but I can’t think of him going to complain about others now …

This cheeky gesture is worthy of talking about cross talk ! million .

Chapter 212 Lao Qin connoted Yang Di and Wu Tong , this is too cruel (3 more , please subscribe !)

Chapter 212 Lao Qin connoted Yang Di and Wu Tong , this is too cruel (3 more , please subscribe !)

Being complained by Qin Xiaoxian like this , Ding Yuxi would also be a little confused .

He thinks that his performance is quite appropriate , and what he describes is also in line with reality .

Unexpectedly, in the end , I was questioned by various …

Is it really what you described ?

Ding Yuxi couldn’t help asking himself !

” Listen, Xiaoding , let you describe it well !”

hahaha …

Yang Di , who is not too serious to watch the fun, also added here .

At this moment , everyone is very happy .

never imagined that a guessing game could become so happy .

This may be an actor’s sense of variety show !

And under the leadership of Qin Xiaoxian , Ding Yuxi’s sense of variety was also brought out .

Both of them performed very well , which invisibly added a wave of traffic to Ding Yuxi !

readjustment , the two people’s guesses continued .

Ding Yuxi was still diligently describing .

But this time , he has more experience than before .

He first nodded three times from left to right .

” Three words !”

Qin Xiaoxian understood instantly .

” Three words !”

between the two this time surprised everyone .

that what Qin Xiaoxian said really worked .


“HH ” Seven Thirty Zero ” T?”

hahaha …

But as soon as everyone’s idea was formed , they were madly slapped in the face .

The two proved their incompatibility with practical actions !




This time , Ding Yuxi was very exaggerated , and his movements slowed down a lot .

Qin Xiaoxian suddenly realized .


Ding Yuxi made an OK gesture to him .

” Celestial dialect !”

” Celestial dialect !”

After Qin Xiaoxian repeated it , he quickly searched for relevant words in his mind .

SHE , Chinese dialect , cat cat cat !

When these words were linked together , Qin Xiaoxian instantly thought of a song .

” Persian cat !”

When he gave the answer , Ding Yuxi stood up even more excited .

” Finally right !”


hahaha …

” Look at the torture of the child !”

Jia Ling could not close his mouth with laughter at this moment , and said while covering his mouth .

After answering this question correctly , the confidence of the two increased greatly .

Then the program team gave the next topic , which is Deyun Club .

Ding Yuxi thought about it seriously , and nodded three times again from left to right .

” Three words ?”

Qin Xiaoxian asked .

Ding Yuxi nodded .

Then said loudly .

” What cross talk group are you in ?”

” My favorite idol group ?”

” Deyun Club ?”

Qin Xiaoxian responded subconsciously .

Hearing this , Ding Yuxi was very surprised .

Unexpectedly, Lao Qin actually came up with the answer !

” Wait a minute , Director !”

Fan Chengcheng and Yang Di couldn’t stand it any longer , so they walked over and took off Qin Xiaoxian’s headphones .

” Old Qin , can I interview you , when did Deyun Club become an idol group ?”

Facing Fan Chengcheng’s question , Qin Xiaoxian answered very calmly .

” Deyun Club has always been an idol group , the largest men’s group in Asia !”

hahaha …

“The name of the Celestial Dynasty is Deyun Club , the foreign name is dys!”

hahaha …

When Qin Xiaoxian responded , everyone broke the defense once again .

One is happier than the other .

Qin Xiaoxian is really hilarious . Any word from him can get another answer , which can make you extremely happy .

This is really rare !

” But why do you know, Xiaoding, that our Deyun Club is an idol group ?”

After Qin Xiaoxian finished explaining , he turned his attention to Ding Yuxi .

Inside Deyun Club , everyone teases each other that they are the largest idol group in Asia .

But outside of Deyun Club , no one knows .

When Ding Yuxi described it , he was talking about the largest idol group in Asia , which was incredible .

“What Xiao Ding said was your cross talk group ?”

” Where are you talking about idol groups , but you are quite good at putting money on your face !”

hahaha …

When he learned the correct answer , Qin Xiaoxian was a little dumbfounded .

Unexpectedly, this round , he actually hit the straight , very coincidentally !

After that , the two guesses continued .

” The topic given by the program group this time is college classmates !”

, Ding Yuxi turned his attention to Qin Xiaoxian .

a familiar recipe , and it still tastes the same .

Ding Yuxi nodded four times from left to right .

Qin Xiaoxian also instantly understood that he represented four words .

Then Ding Yuxi described loudly .

” What’s the relationship between Yang Di and Wu Tong ?”

” The relationship between Yang Di and Wu Tong ?”

Qin Xiaoxian heard it very clearly this time , but he was hesitant when answering .

” Shady relationship !”

” Steal the relationship !”

” Money transaction ?”

hahaha …

Hearing this, Yang Di and Wu Tong both laughed extremely happily .

What Qin Xiaoxian said was too heartbreaking .

Ding Yuxi nodded and was about to celebrate , but after seeing the title board , he hurriedly shook his head again .

His reaction did not escape everyone’s attention .

Everyone was smiling happily .

It seems that in his heart, he also agrees with Qin Xiaoxian’s description !

” No !”

right ?

When he learned that the answer was wrong , Qin Xiaoxian was shocked .

Besides , he really doesn’t know what the relationship between the two is .

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