” Partnership ?”

” In embarrassment ?”

” A nest of snakes and rats ?”

” Together ?”

“A raccoon dog on a hill ?”

” Same smell ?”

” Bang together ?”

hahaha …

After Qin Xiaoxian gave these words , everyone laughed very happily .

” Look at Yang Di , what kind of image do you have in Lao Qin’s heart !”

” The matter between you and Wu Tong has come out completely today !”

hahaha …

Jia Ling also watched the fun and didn’t think it was a big deal , and said directly on the side .

Yang Di’s smile also changed from a laugh at the beginning to a wry smile now .

and Wu Tong have no good words …

After saying so much in one breath , Ding Yuxi couldn’t react for a while .

After speaking seriously for a long time , he shook his head unhurriedly .

” Neither right !”

” Your relationship with Yue Yunpeng ?”

Looking at the examples of those two people , it is almost impossible to get any good results .

Ding Yuxi changed his mind .

My relationship with Yue Yunpeng ?

Qin Xiaoxian fell into contemplation .

At the beginning, Ding Yuxi was talking about the relationship between Wu Tong and Yang Di.

Now I talk about the relationship between him and Yue Yunpeng .

After combining these two , Qin Xiaoxian instantly thought of a word .

” College classmates !”

Yes !

Ding Yuxi nodded excitedly .

Yang Di was very helpless .

” Who went to college between him and Yue Yunpeng ?”

” Where did the college classmates say it from ?”

hahaha …

This round of games , everyone is really happy …

But this kind of happiness is based on the pain of him and Wu Tong .

After answering this question , the program team quickly gave the next question .

” Idol baggage !”

After seeing this topic , Ding Yuxi immediately thought of Yang Di.

” Yang Di has nothing ?”

Qin Xiaoxian was stunned .

” Yang Di ?”

” How many words ?”

After being asked by Qin Xiaoxian , Ding Yuxi instantly realized his problem .

Then he hurried to explain first .

4 times from left to right .

Qin Xiaoxian stretched out 4 fingers and understood that Ding Yuxi said 4 words .

” Yang Di has nothing ?”

After Qin Xiaoxian responded , Ding Yuxi continued .

” Why do you always use me as an example ?”

” Can’t you change someone ?”

hahaha …

Yang Di would be very sad to say this .

In the round just now , he was tortured miserably .

But Ding Yuxi at this meeting could n’t hear Yang Di’s complaints at all .

Still trying to describe .

” Yang Di has nothing ?”

” Fan Chengcheng has it , but Yang Di doesn’t have it !”

Qin Xiaoxian frowned .

” Neck ?”

hahaha …

After Qin Xiaoxian gave this answer , everyone laughed unconsciously .

This neck answer is too showy .

” You don’t have a neck ?”

“The one without the neck is the bastard . When did I lose my neck ?”

hahaha …

Yang Di was extremely helpless .

Qin Xiaoxian said that he didn’t look good , so he wouldn’t be angry .

After all, this is indeed the truth !

But now he actually said that he had no neck , which made him unable to bear it .

According to his understanding , only Wang Ba has no neck .

Doesn’t this make it clear that he is a king ?

Ding Yuxi saw that this situation would not work .

Changed my mind again .

” What is Fan Chengcheng ?”

” It’s human !”

hahaha …

Ding Yuxi still did not give up and described it again .

” What are they in the eyes of ordinary people ?”

” There’s a draft group , what do they do trainees in that 3.6 , what are they ?”

Qin Xiaoxian didn’t know what Ding Yuxi was expressing at this time .

Especially after Ding Yuxi said a lot , he completely lost his mind .

Just staring at Ding Yuxi blankly , watching him explain hard here .

” What do comedians need ?”

” What audience would laugh at ?”

Seeing that the situation was wrong , Ding Yuxi changed his mind again .

Should say or not .

His brain circuits are indeed very fast .

Always be able to find alternative words the first time .

Qin Xiaoxian is very familiar with the four characters of cross talk actors .

4 words in Ding Yuxi’s mouth .

He is so excited !

“A cross talk actor ?”

” That’s right , what do comedians need ?”

Ding Yuxi continued .

” What do comedians need ?”

Qin Xiaoxian was a little surprised .

” Need a sense of humor !”

” Need a thick skin !”

” Need to let go !”

hahaha …

Ding Yuxi stared at Qin Xiaoxian with a lifeless expression .

I don’t know how to describe it anymore .

It was at this time that Wu Tong stopped the two of them .

” Okay , it ‘s time !”

After Wu Tong announced that the time was up , Ding Yuxi let out a sigh of relief .

Unexpectedly, this runaway lip language is so torturous ! .

Chapter 213 Lao Qin’s partner Lang Lang , the tacit understanding of the two Northeasterners (4 more , please subscribe !)

Chapter 213 Lao Qin’s partner Lang Lang , the tacit understanding of the two Northeasterners (4 more , please subscribe !)

Qin Xiaoxian and Ding Yuxi’s guessing game doesn’t feel like a guessing game , it ‘s more like Hei Yangdi !

Yang Di’s face at this meeting was very ugly , and he looked at the director aggrieved .

” Wu Tong , who are you inviting ?”

” I don’t think there’s anything wrong with your question , but there’s something wrong with the person you asked for . Isn’t this just trying to trick us both ?”

hahaha …

” I think it’s okay , both of them answered very seriously !”

Wu Tong retorted at this time .

hahaha …

Wu Tong’s answer made Yang Di’s face even more ugly .

” How do I feel that the two of you are whitewashing in this way ?”

” It ‘s not necessary at all . Who doesn’t know what happened between the two of you !”

” Isn’t it shady? Is n’t it just stealing ? It’s not a crime , it ‘s no big deal !”

hahaha …

Qin Xiaoxian’s complaints were unusually sharp .

and Yang Di feel embarrassed at this moment .

Both of them felt like crying without tears .

Now they can be absolutely sure that Lao Qin is the number one sunspot for the two of them !

” In this round of the game , Lao Qin and Xiao Ding answered two questions correctly !”

Two questions ?

Qin Xiaoxian and Ding Yuxi were both surprised .

” Director, are you sure you’re right ?”

Qin Xiaoxian couldn’t help but ask .

“That’s right !”

” You only answered four questions in total !”

hahaha …

” In that case , our answering efficiency is not bad !”

hahaha …

18 Ding Yuxi nodded in satisfaction .

” Who’s coming next ?”

” Me and Cheng Cheng , I think the two of us have a relatively tacit understanding !”

Jia Ling said actively .

Fan Chengcheng stood up confidently .

The two started a new round of answering questions .

Compared to Qin Xiaoxian and Ding Yuxi .

The answers of the two are obviously more tacit .

In three minutes , the two played a total of 12 questions .

And got 6 correct answers .

” Director , are you sure they have songs in their headphones ?”

” How do I feel like they can hear each other ?”

Qin Xiaoxian had questions about their answers .

You must know that when he was wearing headphones just now , the sound was terrifyingly loud .

Both sides can only respond by shouting .

Even if he could hear a few sentences occasionally , it would not be coherent at all .

You can only guess based on mouth shape and meaning .

But now .

Jia Ling and Fan Chengcheng both went well with their questions and answers .

It felt like there was no music in the headphones .

” Do you know what tacit agreement is ?”

” Do you know what cooperation is ?”

” Come and listen to the earphones, is there any song ?”

, Jia Ling and Fan Chengcheng directly responded to Qin Xiaoxian’s question .

In the end, Jia Ling even put the headphones on Qin Xiaoxian’s head .

When he heard the singing inside , Qin Xiaoxian took it off instantly .

The sound in the earphones was exactly the same as before , without the slightest change .

” Who’s the next group ?”

After taking off the headphones , Qin Xiaoxian came directly to Po selective amnesia .

Directly look at other people .

hahaha …

This faceless and skinless look , there really is no one else .

” Come with me and the whole body !”

Yang Di said actively at this time .

He is also very confident about this type of game .

In the past performances , almost every time has come out on top .

It is precisely because of this that he will be dubbed the title of stealing questions by everyone .

Today, the combination of him and Zhou Shi also showed everyone what strength is .

answered a total of 14 questions in just three minutes .

And got 8 correct answers .

This efficiency is unimaginable .

Even if you don’t wear headphones , you can’t guess so many questions just based on the description !

” Aren’t you even acting now ?”

” This question is too obvious to steal !”

Qin Xiaoxian complained again .

” I think so too . Between the two of them , this answer is too good !”

Ding Yuxi also agrees very much .

The strength shown by the two is indeed extremely surprising .

Some even can’t believe it .

” I think it ‘s not that the two of them are too strong , but the two of you are too weak ~”

hahaha …

Jia Ling complained at this time .

And her words directly spoke of the pain of the two .

The answering methods of the two are full of efficiency regardless of who they are .

” It seems to make sense !”

Qin Xiaoxian could n’t help laughing at himself .

The efficiency of the two of them is indeed a bit unreasonable …

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