This time , Yu Qian once again defeated Guo Degang perfectly .

, Qin Xiaoxian hurriedly stepped aside .

As soon as this is said , it is a proper lore ~

There is absolutely no reason to refute it .

Guo Degang originally planned to ask Qin Xiaoxian for help to see if he had any other way .

Never thought that Qin Xiaoxian had already retreated to the side and cuddled .

Guo Degang at this meeting was very aggrieved .

for his apprentice , but in the end , he became the one who was bullied ~

What’s the point of this thing ?

now , all he can do is bite the bullet and rush forward .

After careful analysis , Guo Degang suddenly realized something .

” Hey , no , I seem to represent the cross talk world ~”

Yu Qian said his words and continued .

” Yes , but why do you make friends with the entertainment industry ?”

hey hey hey …

By the time Yu Qian finished saying this , Qin Xiaoxian couldn’t straighten his back with laughter .

Today, he has thoroughly seen Uncle Yu’s ability to hold mong !

This is too cruel !

This duel is won by Uncle Yu !

” You still have a smile ~”

” If it weren’t for you , would I be so angry ?”

Guo Degang saw that Cong Yu Qian couldn’t get anything cheap , so he simply shifted his target to Qin Xiaoxian .

” Master , don’t you bring this !”

” You can’t say that the uncle has suffered a loss , just ask me to vent your anger ~”

woo ~~

” It’s okay , Lao Qin , just get used to it . Your master often does this !”

hahaha …

Unconsciously , Qin Xiaoxian and Yu Qian, who were originally opposites, were in the same camp .

And Guo Degang became a loner !

” Actually, I’m too embarrassed to say that my animals not only won the big prize , but they are also loyal. So far , none of them have quit ! ”

woo ~~

Yu Qian had thoroughly enjoyed it today .

After complaining , he took the initiative to add .

” What program are we performing today ?”

” Isn’t it all about taking off the jacket , why did it get involved with other things ?”

hahaha …

Guo Degang knew that this would definitely be no match for the two of them .

He simply chose to admit counsel , and came to wave to change the topic .

At this time , if you should admit it, you have to admit it .

Appropriate recognition is for the next better counterattack !

Guo Degang has always been very transparent in this regard .

” Oh , is this back to taking off the jacket again ?”

hahaha …

Yu Qian didn’t plan to do that .

At this time, he did not forget the connotation of Guo Degang .

” Old Qin , go on and on !”

said directly to Qin Xiaoxian as if he hadn’t heard it .

Qin Xiaoxian was also decisive and continued to speak .

” Aunt Yu told me when I was leaving , she said that your uncle …”

Qin Xiaoxian just said this , Guo Degang and Yu Qian pointed at Qin Xiaoxian very tacitly .

” Your uncle !”

hahaha …

” Old Qin , can you keep your memory a little bit longer ? Your uncle has made me lose a lot of masters . Why do you keep your mouth shut ?”

” Old Qin , I told you that I’m a little nervous now . If you say these three words again , don’t blame me for not reminding you !”

The attitude of the old couple made Qin Xiaoxian in a dilemma .

” No , I’m just telling a fact , what’s the matter with you ?”

” Okay , then I’ll say it again . My aunt told me when she was leaving , and she said ummmmm ~”

hahaha …

Qin Xiaoxian directly silenced these three words .

” Old Qin , you can’t do it . You have to express what Aunt Yu said. You can’t change it casually . Can we understand what she wants to say ?”

Guo Degang was also at this time , deliberately embarrassing Qin Xiaoxian .

I don’t know if it was intentional revenge for Qin Xiaoxian’s defection .

” I want to say , you have to let it go ~”

, Qin Xiaoxian felt even more aggrieved .

He didn’t even know who was provoking whom .

‘s okay not to say this , as long as you speak , the greetings of the two will be guaranteed to be in place at the first time !

hahaha …

Qin Xiaoxian’s aggrieved appearance made the audience extremely excited .

Today’s horse jacket removal is definitely a work of conferred gods .

And looking at it like this , after Lao Qin’s version of the jacket , if others want to talk about this show , they have to think about it .

This rhythm is really good !

” Well , Aunt Yu told me , she said my man ~”

hahaha …

Hearing Qin Xiaoxian’s introduction , Guo Degang and Yu Qian said nothing .

Today is hard enough for Lao Qin ~

” She said that my man , talking outside , was covered in clouds and mountains and fog, and he didn’t know anything about it . If he was questioned outside , he would use our girls to spread the raft when he came back . You said that I was tired enough to serve your master all day . When I come back, I have to deal with you, Uncle Yu …”

hahaha …

” What are you doing to serve your master ?”

” Can you stop talking nonsense if you don’t have anything ?”

Yu Qian’s expression was very helpless .

everywhere ?

� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ??????????

” Oh , blame me , really blame me !”

” Hey , sometimes it’s not a problem to be too good , some people can’t stand it !”

woo ~~

hahaha …

Yu Qian shook his head helplessly .

Guo Degang nodded excitedly on the other side .

The contrast between the two is also very funny .

Sometimes top masters are like this , even if I don’t say a word , I can still make everyone laugh !

” I don’t care about the things between you , I’ll talk about Aunt Yu’s key advice , what she means is to let me take care of you outside , do n’t let you talk and be asked by everyone in the end, it won’t look good ! ”

After Qin Xiaoxian finished speaking , Guo Degang nodded seriously .

” Senior brother , I seem to understand this matter !”

” Listen to me and explain to you , what Mrs.-in-law meant , that is, when you were talking outside , one foot in the sky and one foot in the ground , she lent this jacket to Qin Xiaoxian , and it was also for you . When the time comes , I can make this statement come back !”

Yu Qian also understood Guo Degang’s explanation .

However, his expression at this meeting did not change at all, and he still looked shocked .

” Why are you listening to him ?”

” Why are you listening to him ?”

” Do you think he’s telling the truth ?”

Yu Qian said angrily .

hahaha …

” Am I talking about Yunshan Mist Cover ?”

” Our family calls so many jackets, can I cover the mountains and fog when I speak ?”

Guo Degang was very puzzled .

” What’s your family’s jacket called !”

hahaha …

Yu Qian looked very proud .

” To tell you the truth , there are more than 400,000 jackets in our family !”

” Actually , I can give him this jacket . I’m just afraid that he will get me dirty , so I have to wash it after taking it out !”

…… 0

Guo Degang was also very emotional .

” Your family has more than 400,000 pieces , do you still care about this half piece ?”

hahaha …

” No , if he takes it directly , I’d be happy , I’m afraid he’ll take it out for me !”

” Bring this back , don’t I have to work hard to wash it ?”

” You saw it two days ago . It’s so windy here . If he wears a jacket and goes out , how much dirt will it take , and how tired I will be at that time ~”

Guo Degang nodded .

” That is !”

Yu Qian’s eyes suddenly lit up .

” Hey , speaking of the wind the past two days , it was too big . You should know that I have a villa in Yanjing ~”

Guo Degang nodded .

“I heard something !”

Yu Qian continued .

” My dear , the wind is too strong . Even if I went to the suburbs of Yanjing , I didn’t escape !”

” Especially at night , the wind blowing is even more frightening . Oh , I dug a deep well in the yard to make it easy to eat sweet water , but I didn’t expect to get up the next morning and look at the well , and the well scraped directly against the wall . Go outside !”

” You said that what I said was the truth , where is it like a cloud cover ?”

Guo Degang was very helpless .

” Aren’t you talking about Yunshan Mist ?”

” Well , was the wind blown out of the wall ?”

Hmm !

Guo Degang was very emotional .

” Let’s just say that you don’t need to pay taxes for bragging , and you can’t brag too much ~”

” My dear , what kind of wind can blow the well out of the wall ?”

Yu Qian glanced at Guo Degang .

” You don’t believe it ?”

Guo Degang nodded .

” I don’t believe it !”

Yu Qian pointed at Qin Xiaoxian .

” You ask him ~”

” Oh , does he know ?”

Yu Qian is very sure .

” He came to see us !”

Guo Degang turned his attention to Qin Xiaoxian .

” Child , let me ask you something . A few days ago we had a strong wind in Yanjing . The wind was so strong that a well was blown out of the wall . Do you know about this ?”

Qin Xiaoxian stared at Guo Degang incredulously .

” Master , before answering this question , can I ask you a question ?”

Guo Degang nodded .

” You said it !”

Qin Xiaoxian continued .

” I heard that you have a stomachache today . Did you pull out your brain with all your strength ?”

hahaha …

Qin Xiaoxian’s rant is enough .

Guo Degang’s counterattack was also very fast .

” I listened to you , no matter how I heard it , it sounded like it came from the back of your body ~”

hahaha …

” Good guy , but normal people , who can say this ~”

” I even scraped the well to the outside of the wall , why didn’t I say that the house was also scraped away ~

, Yu Qian rushed to Qin Xiaoxian again .

” Okay , don’t say anything , take off the jacket quickly ~”

Qin Xiaoxian was very nervous .

” Master , isn’t it bad for you to take off people’s clothes at every turn ~”

” And you didn’t talk to me about the price.”

hahaha …

” What a mess !”

” Today , you must take off this jacket for me !”

Yu Qian’s attitude was very firm , and he had to take off his jacket when he said anything .

For such a situation , Qin Xiaoxian looked suspicious .

” My jacket is well worn . I still have to wear it to participate in the singer. Why don’t you wear it for me ?”

Hearing this , Yu Qian became even more angry .

” Nonsense , I just said that when I scraped the well out of the wall !” Wan .

Chapter 66: Uncle Yu can’t fix it , I’ll quit it (3 updates , please subscribe !)

Chapter 66: Uncle Yu Can’t Fix It

Qin Xiaoxian was stunned .

” Who said that ?”

Guo Degang said firmly .

” He said it !”

Qin Xiaoxian pointed at Yu Qian .

“What did he say ?”

Guo Degang took the initiative to ask .

” No ?”

Qin Xiaoxian replied very excitedly .

” Yes !”

who are familiar with the horse coats know that from this moment on , this show has officially entered the theme !

of Deyun Club , the frequency of appearance of the jacket is very high .

Each version of the jacket has brought a lot of joy to everyone .

But to say the most impressive , I’m afraid it has to be Qin Xiaoxian’s version of the jacket .

The three of them were completely let go today , and they were performing without any consideration .

In fact, the brilliance of the jacket is largely derived from the actors who are touted .

Guo Degang and Yu Qian have excellent adaptability .

No matter what kind of performance , they can handle it with ease .

As long as the praised actors can let go , they will never let the words fall to the ground !

The overall performance of Qin Xiaoxian’s version of the jacket is very good .

All aspects are extremely well done .

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