As expected, Zhao Hao agreed to the director's suggestion.

So in the following days, Zhao Hao began to partner with his senior brothers and sisters in turn, and he really lived up to everyone's expectations! Everyone who partnered with him did not return empty-handed!

At least, one or two thieves must be caught and brought back!

During this period of time, the detention center, which has always been empty, has been frequently visited. If a batch had not been released some time ago, it is estimated that it would not be able to accommodate them now.

It's a bit outrageous!

But it really happened in Huxi Police Station!

And all this is because of Zhao Hao.

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, Zhao Hao has been on the job for a month.

On this day, it was the turn of senior brother Fei Gan to work with Zhao Hao!

The old place is still the southwest area of the middle section of Zhongshan Road, Shuitou Street

"Brother Zhao, ever since we took down the criminal organization's den here last time, I've been thinking about partnering with you again!"

Fei Gan said excitedly,"Finally, it's my turn again. Brother Zhao, where do we start? Or should I say,……"

In front of a store on Shuitou Street.

Fei Gan came out of the store and took two bottles of drinks. He drank the small bottle himself and gave the big bottle to Zhao Hao.

He basically never stopped talking along the way. He was more excited than Zhao Hao, like a 400-pound child!

There was no other way, because he had partnered with Zhao Hao once and won a third-class merit, and also received a certain amount of bonus!

Later, the police station began to implement the policy of letting the police officers take turns to partner with Zhao Hao. Fei Gan watched Zhao Hao and his partner return with a full load every day, and Jill was so envious!

Today it was finally his turn again, so how could Fei Gan not be excited?

He had thought of the script!

He didn't ask for another criminal den or something, just to catch a few wanted criminals, and then catch some petty thieves, and then send them to the detention center!

Hey, then when the next evaluation is made, he, a small police officer who has been in the job for less than half a year, will also get a promotion and a raise, right?

Zhao Hao didn't hesitate to drink the drink. He took it and poured it into his mouth. After a while, he drank the whole bottle of orange juice.

Fei Gan looked at his empty bottle, then looked at the 500 ml Pulse in his hand.……

"Brother Zhao, I'm not thirsty yet, this bottle is for you too!"

Fei Gan handed the Pulse to Zhao Hao, and then said with a grin:"But speaking of which, Brother Zhao, where do we start? It's almost eleven o'clock!"

Zhao Hao was speechless.

This senior brother thinks too highly of me, doesn't he? He said he would catch a thief?!

You think there are thieves all over the streets in our Dragon Country!

If I meet one, of course I have to catch him. If I don't meet one, do I have to make up a few thieves out of thin air to catch for you?

So what if it's eleven o'clock?

It's eleven o'clock, and there are no thieves on the street...

Just thinking about this.

Zhao Hao's smell recognition suddenly detected that someone was not right, and this person was riding a motorcycle towards them.

After a while, the other party entered his identity recognition range!

【Name: Li Jiarong, 24 years old, professional robber, with two criminal records. 】

Zhao Hao casually responded to Fei Gan:"Brother, let's start from here!"

Fei Gan was stunned.

Start from here?

Start what?

""Catch the thief, robbery, help, the guy on the motorbike stole my bag!"

At the same time, a woman's voice sounded in the distance.

However, it did not cause much response, because not only did no one dare to stop Li Jiarong on the motorcycle, but everyone was afraid to avoid him.

At this time, Fei Gan realized what Zhao Hao meant by starting from now!

Damn, his eyes are too accurate!

The other person hasn't started to call for help yet, and Zhao Hao has already locked on the thief!


In the current situation, if it was a woman who called for help first, it would be nothing, and Fei Gan could also determine who the thief was!

But in fact, it was Zhao Hao who locked on the thief first, and then the woman's voice was heard.

In other words, when even the person involved didn't react, his junior brother , he had foresight and discovered the thief's trail!

This insight made Fei Gan astonished!

Before Fei Gan had time to think about it, the thief Li Jiarong on a motorcycle had already arrived in front of the two.

At this time, Li Jiarong also saw Fei Gan and Zhao Hao!

Damn, there are police!

Especially that big guy...

Oh my god!!!

The moment he saw Zhao Hao, Li Jiarong almost flipped over on the spot!

But then he thought, damn, so what if he's a big guy? I'm driving at almost 60, if you dare to come over, I'll hit you to death!

Li Jiarong, who has been in prison twice, doesn't want to go there for the third time!

Life in there is too hard!

I want money and women, I don't want steamed buns with pickles~!~


Li Jiarong closed his eyes, tried not to look Zhao Hao in the eye, and prepared to rush past!

After a few seconds.

Hmm? It's okay!

It turns out that he is a silver-gun candle head. He is so big for nothing, but he is a coward!

But think about it, how much does an ordinary police officer make a month? Is it worth risking his life for this little money?

Li Jiarong hummed in his heart, very proud.

Then he opened his eyes.

Hey? What a wide field of vision, am I driving too fast and flying?

After a second or two of silence.

No, where is my motorcycle?!

No, no, I......Where am I?

Who am I? Where am I? Where do I come from and where am I going?

Li Jiarong was stunned!

Until - bang! Bang!

The motorcycle flipped into the ditch. Li Jiarong woke up from his dream and looked down at the ground. It turned out that I was several feet off the ground!

Turning back, I saw


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