The robber Li Jiarong's scalp tingled.

He was suspended in the air for several seconds. He didn't even notice it until now. Then he came to his senses and fell into endless fear.

Zhao Hao lifted him to the same level as himself.

Then he looked at him with a smile and asked,"Are you still running?"

Li Jiarong shuddered.

He was terrified!

"No, no, no, I won’t run away, I won’t run away!"Since he was caught red-handed, he could only admit his defeat!

Running away at this time would be another matter.

Besides, in front of such a behemoth, he really couldn't afford to run away!

For now, he could only say goodbye to the money and women in his script for the time being, and then go in for a good transformation to add bricks and tiles to his career!

Zhao Hao threw him to the ground casually.

Then he said to Fei Gan:"Brother, it's yours!"

Whether it was credit or not, Zhao Hao didn't care about this at all.

Especially such petty thefts, he was not interested in it. He was satisfied with getting some experience points for basic comprehensive martial arts from the system.

Fei Gan immediately accepted the"head" happily, and soon put on a pair of silver bracelets for Li Jiarong.

At this time, the victim finally arrived at the scene.

"Thank you, police comrades, thank you!"

Taking the bag from Zhao Hao, the woman looked at him and subconsciously swallowed her saliva.

If it were normal times, she would have taken a detour if she saw Zhao Hao like this, but he just intercepted her lost property, so the woman should thank him.

Of course, Zhao Hao's police uniform also played a crucial role!

Otherwise, even if Zhao Hao intercepted her lost property, the woman might not dare to ask for it, and she would probably regard him as a gangster who robbed the gang!

Zhao Hao nodded and said nothing more.

He knew that other people's first impression of him was fear, so instead of speaking and making others terrified, it was better to say nothing.

Fortunately, Fei Gan was sensible. After handcuffing Li Jiarong, he immediately used his identity as a local police officer to negotiate with the woman in official terms about the follow-up procedures of this case.

"Brother Zhao, do you want to send him back to the station first?"

After handling this case, Fei Gan looked at the listless Li Jiarong, then looked at Zhao Hao, and then asked for his opinion.

Zhao Hao shook his head and said,"Let's patrol one more street. If we don't catch the thief again, we will take him back and have lunch by the way!"

Oh, it's not the first time Zhao Hao has done this!

So Fei Gan is used to it, and he is not afraid that Li Jiarong, the thief, will suddenly escape.


The two of them then walked to the next street.

Shuidong Street, which intersects with Shuitou Street, has a similar environment to Shuitou Street. The only difference is that this area is densely populated by foreign population.

So there will be more people from all walks of life.

"Brother Zhao, it looks like there won’t be any gains this morning!"

Fei Gan was not in high spirits, but a smile appeared on his face,"Fortunately, we did not gain nothing. We caught a thief who had been in prison twice. There’s a reward of nearly one thousand!"

At this time, Li Jiarong had confessed to his crimes, and they were all recorded by the law enforcement recorder.

Hearing Fei Gan’s words, Li Jiarong really wanted to say, if you let me go, let alone one thousand, I’ll give you ten thousand!

Of course, he didn’t dare!

And it was obvious that neither Zhao Hao nor Fei Gan would do this!

Zhao Hao also nodded and said,"Catching thieves also requires the right time, place and people. In fact, isn’t it better to have no thieves to catch? It shows that the public security in our area is good!" Fei

Gan pouted and said,"Come on, this area is full of people fighting, drinking and making trouble at night, and there are also......Selling milk tea!"

Zhao Hao smiled and said,"Then we can only say that those thieves are lucky and happened not to go out today?"

Fei Gan sighed and said,"It seems that this is the case. Alas, I was thinking that I could do something big today after finally partnering with Brother Zhao!"

"Ever since the last incident, I feel really bored when I’m on patrol now. Hey, Brother Zhao, do you think we can still catch a Class A wanted criminal or something like that today?"

"Wow, a Class A wanted criminal is a second-class merit, and there is also a reward of more than 30,000 yuan. It's so nice. If I can catch……"

Before he could finish his words.

Zhao Hao suddenly made a gesture to silence him.

Fei Gan was stunned. Is there something going on again?

But when he looked up, besides his fellow apprentices, there was only the robber Li Jiarong, no one else!

So he lowered his voice and said,"Brother Zhao, what's wrong?"

Zhao Hao sniffed and frowned.

Because at this time, within his odor recognition range, there was a faint smell that was quite pungent. Even though it would not affect his olfactory nerves, it made him feel very uncomfortable.

This smell... after systematic analysis, it was actually the smell of a rotting corpse!

It was very faint, and most people couldn't smell it at all. It was because he had the odor recognition skill that he could detect it!

"It’s hard to say!"

Zhao Hao responded to Fei Gan with a serious face:"Brother, follow me, remember to be careful and be ready to fight at any time.……"

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