Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 1: Activation Of The Ghost Brushing System

"Have you heard that an important chemical leak occurred in the chemistry classroom of Fudong Normal University in the city next door, and 116 students died?"

"Ah! I saw this too, and it went crazy in Moments today."

It mentioned the major tragedy that happened in Fudong City next door.

The students are interested.

There was a lot of discussion.

"I also got a photo taken by the students of that school from a friend. It was so miserable that I didn't dare to enter the chemistry classroom after the chemistry class."

"Me too."

while everyone is discussing

Li Junfei opened his mouth abruptly, pretending to be mysterious, and lowered his voice.

"Actually, I don't think this is necessarily a chemical leak."

As soon as his words came out.

Attracted everyone's attention.

Even Zhang Wei, the only one in the class who was not participating in the discussion, who was sitting at the side, looked sideways.

"Think about it, Fudong Normal University is a prestigious university, better than ours, and the management of chemicals must be very strict."


"What kind of chemical leak can kill 116 students, and they all died overnight. This power is just a leak. If it is spread abroad, the coffin of scientists who study chemical weapons will not be able to hold it down."

Faced with Li Junfei's analysis, many students also felt that it made sense.

The study committee member couldn't help asking curiously.

"Then what do you think caused it?"

Li Junfei didn't show off, he looked around and confirmed that there were no outsiders.

"I think it's... haunted."

Words come out.



Everyone rolled their eyes, their expressions were surprisingly the same, and they looked at Li Junfei speechlessly.

"I thought you could name a flower."

"Nimma, Li Junfei, if you say it was done by a perverted murderer, I'll believe it. If you say it's haunted, aren't you trying to snatch the child from the mother chicken? It's all nonsense."

"Hey, don't believe it!"

Seeing that everyone didn't believe it, Li Junfei became a little anxious, and said bluntly.

"I have inquired about it. Before the chemical leak, four students of Fudong Teachers College played the four-cornered soul-calling game. They all seemed to have mental problems. Soon afterward, the chemical leak occurred. I suspect that this is something unclean. .”

"In addition, I also checked that three of the four students died in the chemical leak. No matter how you look at it, it feels like a chemical leak caused by dirty things."

"Hey, hey, don't go, listen to what I have to say."

"If you don't believe me, you can ask the fourth living student."

"I think he must know something. I've already found out. He transferred to our school today, so he still comes to our class."

this time.

The students no longer ignored Li Junfei, and all looked at Li Junfei.

Obviously aroused curiosity.

Jingle Bell.

But at this time.

The class bell rang, and everyone had to sit in their seats, thinking about asking after class, or waiting to see if there would be a transfer student coming later.

"Zhang Wei, don't you believe what I say."

Li Junfei sat back in his seat, but he was not reconciled and patted Zhang Wei beside him.

"What do you say?"

Zhang Wei glanced at Li Junfei.

For Li Junfei's words, Zhang Wei actually doesn't really believe it, but he doesn't choose not to believe it either.

He is a time traveler.

Accidentally traveled through rebirth, and came to this world, which is very similar to the previous earth in terms of technology, civilization and so on.

Since outrageous things like time travel and rebirth can exist and happen.

Then it is not impossible that there are ghosts in the world.

Think about it.

Zhang Wei couldn't help thinking...

Are there any ghosts in the world?

In fact, if it really exists, it seems pretty good, at least it should be quite exciting.

Reborn through time travel.

Zhang Wei's mentality is far beyond his peers. In this world, he has performed well since he was a child. He is what his parents call a "child next door".

But after two lifetimes.

Especially when this world is the same as the previous life.

When I think about the future, I will succeed step by step according to the experience of those successful people in my previous life.

Zhang Wei felt quite lost.

Although he was not that dick in his previous life, he had seen too many such deeds, and he was just reproducing this kind of 'deed'.

Rather than that.

It would be better if there are ghosts in this world, at least it won't be so boring.

Just thinking about it.

The classroom door opened.

Zhang Wei looked over and saw the class teacher walking in, followed by a boy. The boy looked in a trance, as if he was not in a good state of mind, and his face was a little pale. No matter how he looked, he looked like he was frightened. From our point of view, it looks more like introverted and shy.

"Students, before class today, I will introduce a classmate to you."

The teacher in charge signaled the boy to come forward.

"Zhou Pingyun, he transferred from the normal school of science this morning, and he will study with everyone in class from now on."

"I think you probably have also heard about the unfortunate incident at the Science Normal School. Zhou Pingyun was also a victim. You should get along well with him."


The head teacher looked at the seat.

Point to where a girl in the class is.

"Ping Yun, go and sit next to Lu Lianxue first. Lu Lianxue is the monitor of our class. You can ask her where the progress of our various subjects has been taught. See if it is related to your progress in the science normal school. no change."

Even if there are more than fifty people in the class.

Girls are still in the majority.

But sitting there, Lu Lianxue was still conspicuous and eye-catching.

The fair skin can be broken by blowing, the black long hair shawl outlines the delicate facial features, the thin pink lips are slightly pursed, on top of which is a jade-like nose, the slender eyelashes tremble slightly, and those eyes are as bright as stars. eyes.

She is so beautiful, even more beautiful than female stars, even if she wears ordinary clothes, her beauty cannot be concealed.

She is the monitor of Class 3, Internet of Things, Department of Computer Science.

at the same time.

Lu Lianxue is also the goddess in the eyes of the whole school.

For the teacher in charge.

Everyone was somewhat envious of Zhou Pingyun.

It was obvious that he wanted Lu Lianxue, the squad leader, to take care of him. After all, from Zhou Pingyun's face, it was obvious that he hadn't recovered from the chemical leak and his mental state was not very good.

at this time.

Even if Zhou Pingyun was absent-minded, he was stunned when he saw Lu Lianxue. He didn't expect that the monitor would be so beautiful when he transferred to another school.

It's just that this astonishment didn't wait for his reaction...

He just took a step.

When getting ready to walk to your seat.

"Huh? What's the situation? Is it going to rain?"

"Wori, why is it getting dark so quickly, thunderstorm? Total solar eclipse?"


Everyone stared at the sky outside the window in amazement.

Last second.

The sky outside the window is as blue as the sea, clear and high above the sky.

next second...

It seems that the day has suddenly turned into night, and the sky is dark and gloomy. Looking at the sky outside the window, there is even an inexplicable sense of depression, which makes people flustered.

To know.

It's not evening or night, it's 10 o'clock in the morning.

this moment.

Everyone is surprised.

Zhang Wei also looked up.


Before Zhang Guo could think, a cold mechanical voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

[Detected that the host encountered a supernatural event. 】

[1, 2, 3...10, the system is loaded successfully, and the ghost brushing system is activated! 】


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