Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 2 The Blood-Red Sky, The Bloody Handprints Of All Staff, And Dirty Things

A cold mechanical voice sounded in my mind.


Some information flooded into Zhang Wei's mind, it was information about the ghost killing system.

Brush ghost system.

As the name suggests, it acts on the system of demons and ghosts.

As long as you let the ghosts have emotions for you, such as happiness, fear, bewilderment, etc., you can get the corresponding 'system points', and at the same time, there is a probability to trigger a 'critical strike', and you can get extra rewards in addition to the 'system points' .

And 'system points' can be used to bless everything.


Things that are blessed by the system can gain special powers and have the functions of suppressing demons and ghosts.

The specific special power obtained is not the only one, it depends on the things that are blessed.

In addition, the host will not be killed by ghosts, and the system points that are blessed on things can be recovered...

With the influx of basic information about the ghost brushing system.

Zhang Wei's eyes blurred.

A system panel visible only to him emerged.

【Host】: Zhang Wei

[System Points]: 1000

[props]: none

at the same time.

The cold system sound came.

[Congratulations to the host for activating the ghost killing system. 】

[Open the ghost brushing system for the first time, and give 1000 system points for free]

Zhang Wei was taken aback for a while, and smiled inwardly.

After twenty years of waiting, it finally came, the belated golden finger.

He was just about to look at the system panel...

at this time.

The sudden change in the sky caused everyone in the class to be puzzled and discussing.

"what's going on?"

Li Junfei leaned his face against the window and looked out. He was sitting by the window, and the change in the sky made him subconsciously reach out to open the window and poke his head out.


There was a sound of exclamation.

His voice was full of horror.

Li Junfei, who was about to open the window, was startled, and turned to look at the class.

Not just him.

Many people present were frightened by the sudden scream, and they all followed the sound.

I see.

The new transfer student, Zhou Pingyun, did not know when, his already pale face became even paler, and he did not hide his panic.

Looking at the sky outside the window.

He was so frightened that he fell to the ground, curled up, his face full of panic, his hands clutching his hair and covering his head.

"Ah!!! It, it, it's here again, it's here again."

Zhou Pingyun seemed crazy.

After looking at the sky outside the window, he became crazy and couldn't stop talking there.

"It's coming again, don't, I don't want to die..."

"Please don't look for me... It's not me who wants to play the summoning game, it's Ma Yingying who wants to play."

His madness.

Let alone female students, the class teacher was frightened.

"Hey, hey, look!"


Li Junfei rolled his eyes and shouted to signal everyone to look out the window.

This look.

Everyone's eyes widened.

In the dark sky outside the window, black clouds overwhelmed the top, as if approaching night, but as the black clouds rolled, a smear of scarlet came down from the clouds.


The clouds surged, and a crimson moon appeared.

The whole dark sky turned into deep red in a blink of an eye. The red was deep, oppressive, and weird, like blood, as if a basin of blood had been poured on the sky, dyeing the whole sky blood red.

Immediately afterwards.

The head teacher opened the door and wanted to find the school doctor to see Zhou Pingyun.

turn out.

The classroom door cannot be opened.

Even the windows.

They were clearly not locked, but they couldn't be opened no matter what. A few people couldn't open the classroom doors and windows with all their strength.

Not only that.

They yelled outside the classroom door, is there anyone? After shouting, Li Junfei aggressively picked up the chair, smashed the glass of the classroom door, and tried to break the door out of the classroom, but... no one answered outside, and the glass did not move at all.

this moment.

Even the nervous students felt something was wrong.

It stands to reason that teachers and students in other classes must have heard them slamming doors and shouting, not to mention the drastic changes in the weather outside. After all, their school is not a school for the deaf and dumb.

But the truth is...

Everyone looked towards the classroom door.

at this time.

The classroom door was closed, but listening carefully, there was deathly silence outside the door, there was no movement at all, not even the sound of the wind.

You must know that it is early spring, and the weather is still very cold. From time to time, a cold wind blows in through the crack of the door, making a whining sound, but it is very quiet now, there is no wind at all, and it is the same when looking out the window. The trees on both sides of the downstairs corridor , the leaves are motionless.

at this time.

Zhang Wei, who had been silent before, suddenly spoke up.

"You said, this can't be haunted."

in words.

Zhang Wei squinted at the blood-red and dead scene outside the window.

It's not loud.

But it hit everyone's hearts like a hammer.

Zhang Wei turned around and looked at Zhou Pingyun.

The other party is still in a state of madness, talking endlessly, coupled with the current situation, people can't help but feel hairy, and dare not get close to him, only Lu Lianxue is watching Zhou Pingyun from the side.

"Do you still remember?"

"Li Junfei said before today's class that the science teacher had a chemical leak. There were gossip that it wasn't a chemical leak. It was actually haunted. It was Zhou Pingyun and his classmates who played a game of evocation, and ended up recruiting dirty things."

Words speak.

Everyone shrank their pupils and suddenly looked at Zhou Pingyun.

If they didn't believe Li Junfei's words before.

But now all kinds of weird situations are too coincidental...

Zhou Pingyun played Four Corners Calling Souls, and not long after, 116 students from the Science Normal School died. Now they transferred to their school, and just transferred, they encountered all kinds of strange situations.

The most critical point.

It was hard for them to believe what Zhou Pingyun was saying at this time.

Could it be...

Really ghost?

This idea popped up in the hearts of everyone in horror.

"Hey! Zhou Pingyun, please stop barking, what is it here, and what is it, please tell me clearly."

The always grumpy study committee member grabbed Zhou Pingyun's shoulders with both hands, and shook vigorously, wanting to shake Zhou Pingyun sober and ask about the situation.

Shaken by repeated questions, Zhou Pingyun couldn't help but look up at the student.

But it was the next second.


Zhou Pingyun yelled in horror, looked at the study committee member in horror, tried his best to break away from the other party, moved his butt crazily even if he was sitting on the ground, and crazily pulled his body back with his hands to stay away from the study committee member.

The study committee was taken aback.

Just about to swear, Zhou Pingyun, why are you so nervous.

But Zhang Wei grabbed his left hand.

"What is Zhang doing for you..."

"School Committee, are you getting a tattoo?"

Zhang Wei interrupted the other party, raised his left arm, and pointed to a 'bloody handprint' on it.

Said it was the blood mark.

It was more like a blood-stained hand, tightly grasping the study committee member's arm, holding it firmly, it was extremely weird.

"Ah!!! What is this?"

The study committee member looked at his left arm in horror, and hurriedly wiped it.

However, the bloody handprints were tattooed on his body like tattoos, no matter how much he wiped them off, they couldn't be wiped off.


When she screamed, she saw a female classmate slumped on the ground in fright, looking at her arm in horror. Just now she saw bloody handprints on the arm of the study committee member. When there was an extra bloody handprint.


Shouts sounded one after another.

Everyone found that there was a bloody handprint on their arm, even the class teacher's hand.

Zhang Wei also has it on his arm.

It's just that he wasn't as frightened as others. On the contrary, he looked at the bloody handprint on his arm with great interest.

"Not to mention, there are many bloody handprints on the arm, and this shape stands out, a bit handsome."


His voice was not loud, but everyone present heard it.

The corner of Li Junfei's mouth twitched violently, with a mournful face.

"I said Zhang Wei, what time is this, and you are still in the mood to think the bloody handprints are handsome, why don't you hurry up and find a way to erase the bloody handprints."

Facing Zhang Wei's nervous words, everyone's panic can't help but eased a lot.

despite this.

Everyone still couldn't completely let go of their fear of bloody fingerprints. They were using various methods, such as spitting, wiping with clothes, etc., to wipe off the bloody fingerprints. Handprints on the arms.

But at this time.

"You don't need to wipe it off, the bloody handprint is cursed by ghosts and cannot be wiped off."

The voice is cold.

Resounding in everyone's ears.

Everyone was taken aback, and they all looked at Lu Lianxue.


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