"Squad leader, what do you mean? Ghost curse?"

Li Junfei asked subconsciously.

Although everyone didn't ask, their eyes were the same as Li Junfei's.

To this.

Feel the attention.

Lu Lianxue raised her white slender hand, rubbed her forehead and sighed.

"It's the ghost's curse. You've all been cursed by the ghost. That bloody handprint is the ghost's curse on you."

Mention ghosts.

Everyone trembled violently, and everyone tensed up subconsciously. An extreme fear surged from their hearts, and soon enveloped their whole bodies.

"Squad leader, you, don't be joking, this joke is not funny, this is the curse of a ghost? Is there really a ghost?"

Li Junfei raised a smile that was uglier than crying.

In the end, he said, let alone others, he didn't believe his own words.

All the situations in front of me have long been beyond the scope of scientific explanation. No matter how you look at it, it is beyond the scope of the outline. Only "ghosts" can explain it.

But including Li Junfei.

No one wants to believe in ghosts.


The thought of facing a ghost.

Li Junfei and the others felt hopeless, and couldn't help but see bloody scenes in the ghost movies they had seen before, in which ghosts dismembered people, bit them to death, and so on.

It also reminds me of folklore about ghosts.

In movies and folklore, although there are many kinds of descriptions about ghosts, they all say one thing in common...Ghosts are not something ordinary people can deal with. There is only one possibility for ordinary people to encounter ghosts, and that is tragic death!

Lu Lianxue nodded.

"There are ghosts in this world, and you are actually very clear about it. There is no other explanation for what is happening now, except that it is haunted."

"As for whether it's a prank or not."

"Do you think it looks like this? Is that blood-red night made by people as a prank?"

"Could it be that the glass of those windows is an LCD screen, playing the picture of the sky." Li Junfei thought about the possibility.


Lu Lianxue shook her head.

"We still had people studying here last night. Who do you think can connect all the windows and replace them with LCD screens in less than one night without being discovered by us?"

With the last 'hope' shattered.

The classroom is quiet.

The silence was oppressive.

Almost everyone's face was filled with uneasiness and fear.

If it weren't for the fact that there are more than fifty people now, there are a large number of people, which gives some sense of security, otherwise someone would have been yelling and crying.


Not everyone is afraid, with two exceptions.

I saw Lu Lianxue's beautiful face, as cold as ever, it seemed that she was not afraid of encountering ghosts.

In Li Junfei's eyes.

Lu Lianxue is the class monitor and the goddess of their school.

But except this time.

She is also a priest.

He is a disciple of the orthodox Taoist sect "Longhushan" and is the 63rd generation disciple of Longhushan. In the future, he is expected to inherit the Taoism of Longhushan and become the 64th generation master.

at the same time.

She is also a member of the "Secretary of Health and Dao", the official department of Daxia today.

As a member of the Department of Health and Dao, which specializes in dealing with demons and ghosts, this is not the first time Lu Lianxue has seen a ghost, so how could she be afraid.

than meeting a ghost.

What made Lu Lianxue even more troublesome was that Zhou Pingyun's four-corner summoning game would attract a ghost with a ghost domain.

Now they seem to be in the classroom, but they are actually in the haunted area of ​​the ghost.

The blood-red night outside the window is the best proof.

And this leads to...

She couldn't suppress the ghost without being discovered. After all, everyone was dragged into the ghost realm, and even cursed by the ghost.

You must know in order to avoid panic among the Chinese people.

The country is silently eliminating ghosts, so that ordinary people are not allowed to find out that there are ghosts in the world.

at this time.

Lu Lianxue knew that the fact that there was a ghost could not be hidden from everyone.

She decided to implement the ninth rule of the "Department of Health": when ordinary people encounter ghosts, and the staff of the Department of Health cannot solve them for a while, they can only tell the truth, so as to prevent ordinary people from being caught by ghosts without knowing it.

He glanced at everyone.

Take a panoramic view of everyone's expressions.

Suddenly, when Lu Lianxue's eyes fell on Zhang Wei, she froze for a moment.


she found out.

Everyone around was afraid of encountering a ghost, and there was more or less panic and fear on his face, but Zhang Wei did not, instead of looking around like a normal person, looking around, looking around, looking like a curious baby.


Lu Lianxue didn't know if it was her own illusion, she seemed to have seen a flash of excitement in Zhang Wei's eyes just now.

Hell, is this exciting?

Lu Lianxue was stunned.

This guy is too nervous, or has a brain problem.

Didn't think too much about it.

The most urgent task now is to explain the situation to everyone.


Lu Lianxue spoke.

Tell some things about ghosts.

"While it's scary looking out the window, it's not true that the sky has turned red."

"We were just pulled into its haunted domain by the ghost."

"I think everyone should know that ghosts hit the wall. For example, if a person walks at night and can't get out, or walks in a certain place and lingers in that place and can't get out, this is a ghost hitting the wall."

"And ghost hitting the wall is actually the lowest level of ghost domain."

"You can understand that the ghost domain is the domain of ghosts, and we are now in its domain."


He also told about the bloody fingerprints.

This is the curse of the ghost. To put it bluntly, the ghost has lowered your head for you. As long as there is this bloody handprint, the ghost will find you and kill you.

Learn about the situation.

Everyone panicked.

"Squad leader, you know ghosts so well, can you take us out of the ghost domain, and I will treat you after we go out."

The study committee member hurried forward, pleading.

Others also hoped to see it.

Lu Lianxue shook her head apologetically.

"If this ghost domain only covers the classroom, I can still take you out, but this ghost covers most of the teaching building. I can't deal with it. I can only guarantee your safety temporarily."

"But don't panic, someone will come to rescue us. I have already contacted my friend just now."

"They're coming our way, coming soon."

I learned that I couldn't get out.

The scene suddenly became chaotic, and anyone with a discerning eye could feel it. Everyone's uneasiness increased. Even if Lu Lianxue said that someone would come to rescue them, who could guarantee that the ghost would not kill them before someone came to rescue them.

The study committee even grabbed Zhou Pingyun.

"It's all about you, damn. If you don't transfer schools, how can we meet ghosts?"

Some grumpy ones also rushed up.

Want to do something to Zhou Pingyun.


Zhou Pingyun was still in a state of madness, muttering from time to time, "It's here, don't look for me, wait for it."

As long as you are not stupid, combined with what Zhang Wei mentioned before, the gossip brought by Li Junfei, and Zhou Pingyun's words, it is obvious that they encountered a ghost, and Zhou Pingyun is inseparable.


They guess.

The so-called "chemical leakage" of Fudong Normal University is probably the work of ghosts.

Think about it.

Everyone exploded in an instant, and felt a chill rushing from their feet to the Tianling Gai. Many people were so frightened that their faces turned pale, and they couldn't stop trembling and fear.

That's a full 116 people! !

Just one night.

They were all killed by ghosts! ?

Panic spread like a plague at this moment, permeating everyone's heart endlessly. Everyone panicked and couldn't keep calm.

And when people are most frightened, they will always find something to vent, and Zhou Pingyun has become a vent.

Who called him the 'culprit'.

Lu Lianxue stopped the study committee member and others.

"Calm down, Zhou Pingyun played Four Corners to attract ghosts, but the ghost he encountered this time may not be the same ghost..."

The words are not finished yet.

The frightened Zhou Pingyun grabbed his hair and opened his mouth in horror.

"That's the ghost, it can't be wrong, Lin Feng and the others were all killed by it."

"Lin Feng and the others all have that bloody handprint on their hands, so they are all dead, and now that ghost has come to look for me."


Zhou Pingyun frantically wiped the bloody handprint on his arm, trying to wipe it off, so as to get rid of the ghosts coming to his door.


Until he scratched the skin with his fingernails, blood flowed out, but the bloody handprints were like tarsal maggots, unable to get rid of, and branded on the flesh and blood.

This scene.

Scared everyone.

"I don't want to die here."

"Squad leader, squad leader, you know ghosts so well, you must have a way to take me out, you should think of a way."

"Who will save us?"

Some female students with weak psychological defenses were so frightened that they cried and squatted there unable to stop crying.

The cry echoed in everyone's ears.

It intensified everyone's panic even more.

Lu Lianxue was helpless.

She had expected this kind of reaction from ordinary people when encountering ghosts, but she didn't expect that Zhou Pingyun's mentality would collapse like this. She could only try her best to tell everyone not to be nervous.

under intense fear.

The study committee members didn't bother to pay attention to Zhou Pingyun, and the current Zhou Pingyun looked scary, like a ghost.

He turned his head to look at Lu Lianxue, and stepped forward to beg.

"Squad leader, if you can't take us out, can you help us get rid of this bloody handprint?"

All neatly.

Everyone is paying attention.


If you can't take us out, you can also get rid of the bloody fingerprints. Didn't Zhou Pingyun also say that the ghosts will find those with bloody fingerprints, and if they are gone, they will not be able to find them.


People are in a hurry to go to the doctor.

They surrounded Lu Lianxue, and some students knelt down in front of Lu Lianxue crying for help.


Lu Lianxue sighed.

"I can't get rid of the bloody handprints. It's a ghost's curse. It can't be wiped off with a towel or saliva."

"There are only two ways to get rid of bloody fingerprints."

"One is to get rid of magic tools, such as talisman paper and talisman water."

"Another way is to kill the ghost cursed by the blood handprint."

in words.

Lu Lianxue touched the pocket of her jacket. In fact, she had talisman paper on her body. As a Taoist priest of Longhu Mountain, how could she not have props to exorcise ghosts, but the amount of talisman paper in her hand was only enough to remove the bloody fingerprints of some people. You know, this is more than fifty people.

She is very clear.

Once she takes out the talisman, fear of death, it is absolutely impossible for the people present to be selfless and willing to give up the bloody fingerprints, and they will inevitably fight for it, and the scene will be even more chaotic. Instead of this, it is better not to take it out and save it for later Ghost use.

"Is there really no way, monitor."

A female student was crying, apparently too frightened to hold back her tears.

The study committee also spoke out.

"That's right! Boy urine is okay, we must have virgins here, isn't it in movies, and folklore, it is said that boy urine is a weapon against ghosts?"

Lu Lianxue shook her head.

"I can't help it. It's true that boy urine is a sharp weapon against ghosts, but it's for dealing with ghosts, not against ghost curses..."

is talking.

With a flick of the corner of her eye, Lu Lianxue couldn't laugh or cry, she looked at Zhang Wei.

Zhang Wei picked up the eraser on his desk and wiped the bloody handprints on his arm.

Any idiot can see it.

Zhang Wei wanted to use an eraser to wipe off the bloody fingerprints.


Lu Lianxue couldn't laugh or cry.

"Zhang Wei, as I said, bloody fingerprints cannot be wiped off by normal methods, but you can't wipe them off with an eraser... huh?????"

The words are not finished yet.

o(?Д?)っ! !

Lu Lianxue was stunned, her beautiful eyes widened, and she had a ghostly expression on her face.

Not only her.

When the people present heard Lu Lianxue's words, they all looked at Zhang Wei.

this moment.

Like Lu Lianxue, they were all stunned, their eyes widened.

"My Cao?! Erased?!!"

Under all eyes.

Zhang Wei picked up the half-used eraser on his desk.

It's like rubbing a pencil.

Wipe the bloody fingerprints on his arm.

As the rubber scraps flew out, a corner of the bloody handprint was wiped off...


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