Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 4 Are You Exorcising Ghosts, Or Copying Guys To Fight?

Not long.

Wipe with a meal.


Zhang Wei blew off the eraser on his arm, and looked at his arm again, where there were bloody handprints.

The bloody handprint was... wiped away.

Look at the arm.

Zhang Wei smiled in satisfaction: "Hey, it's true that a boy should be clean."

【Ding! The blood curse ghost is confused, Nima, what's going on, my curse just erased it for you? ? are you kidding me! 】

[Host obtains system points +1]

at the same time.

Zhang Wei's words echoed in his ears.

The corners of everyone's mouths twitched.


Are you sure it's a question of whether boys are clean or not? !

Even the crazy Zhou Pingyun was stunned.

I even scratched my skin and bleed, and I didn't get rid of the bloody fingerprints. You just wiped them off with an eraser? ? ?

at the same time.

Feel the eyes of everyone.

Zhang Wei looked back.

"Huh? Why are you looking at me like that?"

He smiled.

The eraser in the hand sticks out.

"What's the matter, do you want to use it too? Here, remember to return it to me when you're done using it."

in words.

A system notification sounded in my mind.

[Whether the host reclaims the 1000 system points on the eraser]

Zhang Wei thought about it.

I don't plan to get back 1000 system points for the time being. After all, although he is stingy, his life is at stake. It's okay to use a little eraser. At worst, he will buy a new one.

"Hahaha, it's really wiped off! Look at it!!!"

"Quick, let me wipe it after wiping it."

"Wori, school committee, you bastard, don't rub so hard, the eraser will almost be wiped off by you, save some for us."

this moment.

Facing the eraser handed by Zhang Wei, everyone scrambled to use it.

And under the eraser wipe.

Everyone was so excited that the bloody fingerprints were removed.

That's it.

"Squad leader, do you want to use it?"

Li Junfei wiped off the bloody fingerprints on his arm, and handed the eraser to Lu Lianxue.

Lu Lianxue also got bloody fingerprints.

As a Taoist priest, she is not afraid of ghosts and curses.

But it was also as a Taoist priest that Lu Lianxue was confused.

This eraser is... a magic weapon?

She knew very well that only magic tools and the like could remove the ghost curse.

Think about it.

Lu Lianxue was shocked, an eraser?

She can swear that this is definitely the first time she has ever heard of a magic weapon that looks like an eraser.

No matter how you think about it, no matter how you look at it, the magic eraser is very precious.


If she remembers correctly, Zhang Wei used this eraser to erase pencil drawings before.

When Zhang Wei took it out just now, the eraser was half used up.

You must know that this is a magic weapon that can dispel ghost curses. It is so strange that Zhang Wei actually uses it directly to erase pencil drawings! !

If it is not used by other students.

Lu Lianxue really wanted to grab the eraser and not return it to Zhang Wei, please be a human being, don't be so violent for such a precious magic weapon.

Wipe off the bloody fingerprints on the arm.

Lu Lianxue handed the eraser to the next classmate.

The bloody fingerprints were removed one by one.

System prompts sounded in Zhang Wei's mind one after another.

【Ding! The blood curse ghost is at a loss, where am I, who am I, is my curse fake? 】

[Host obtains system points +1]

【Ding! The blood curse ghost wants to curse people, draft it, my curse, don't rub it, rub it! The ghost spirit of the blood curse finally exposed the northeast dialect before birth. 】

[Host obtains system points +5]


At this time, a female classmate screamed.

With a terrified face, he pointed to the tables and chairs not far away, and was too scared to speak.

She saw it.

The tables and chairs not far away suddenly moved, and it was empty and there was no one there.

It's like a chain reaction.

bang bang bang...

this moment.

Everyone felt as if their souls were falling into an ice cave, shivering, but they had no time to care about any temperature changes, and looked at the classroom in horror.

I saw the classroom.

All the tables and chairs, together with the windows, and the classroom door were shaking violently, as if an invisible person was flapping and shaking.

Sudden change.

There was a look of fear in everyone's eyes, and some female students screamed in fright, left their original positions, and kept backing away.

next second.

Li Junfei and many other people seemed to have sensed it, and looked at a corner. He didn't look like a man of eight feet at this moment, and they all screamed in fright.

"Ghost!! Ghost!!!"


In the corner of the wall where the sunlight outside the window does not shine.

A transparent 'person' appeared.

Said it was 'people'.

That's more like a strange species.

The limbs were twisted irregularly, and the hands and feet were twisted and attached to the corner wall, allowing it to crawl on the wall. The long black hair seemed to be alive, and it crawled all over the corner automatically without wind.

Although it looked transparent, it exuded a strange black air, covering the entire corner, and spreading along the wall along with the hair, trying to cover the entire classroom.

Zhang Wei watched closely.

Through the loose hair, I saw the face of that 'person'.

That face was extremely pale, not the kind of sickly pale, but the pale face of a dead person who had been dead for more than ten days, covered with corpse spots.

ghost! !

Even if it was the first time they saw it, Zhang Wei and others understood it.

Squad leader Lu Lianxue didn't lie.

There are really ghosts in the world!

Stand before them now.

【Ding! The blood curse ghost can't sit still, if you don't come out again, you all have to wipe out my curse]

[Host obtains system points +2]

"Did you find out?"

Looking at the ghost in front of him, Zhang Wei spoke.

"This ghost looks a bit like Kayako."


Wo Ri, what time is it, do you still have the mood to care about this?

Li Junfei and the others were almost scared to pee, so they didn't care to pay attention to Zhang Wei's sound analysis.

At this moment.

Lu Lianxue's voice came.

"Zhang Wei, this ghost is very strong, help me contain it, and I will draw a spell to deal with it."

She looked serious.

This ghost is stronger than expected, and has reached the level of a fierce ghost. It is obvious that this ghost has killed many people before killing 116 students, and its evil spirit is very strong.

With her current strength, she couldn't deal with it alone.

Lu Lianxue looked at Zhang Wei.

In her opinion.

Zhang Wei should not be a member of the Ministry of Health, otherwise it is impossible for her classmates to not know Zhang Wei's identity. Combined with Zhang Wei's possession of the 'eraser' magic weapon, she guessed that Zhang Wei is very likely to be a folk 'ghost exorcist', after all Zhang Wei When encountering ghosts, it is much calmer than others.

If it wasn't for the ghost exorcist, how could it be so calm.

Lu Lianxue intends to ask Zhang Wei to help, contain and even kill this ghost.


Lu Lianxue exhaled foul air, and took out a piece of yellow talisman paper.

She intends to use the Five Thunder Curse, even though she knows that using the Five Thunder Curse will hurt her vitality, but she has to do it because there are more than 50 lives here, and she is a member of the Department of Health.

Just didn't wait for her to do it.

The whole person was stunned.

"Zhang Wei, what are you doing?!"

Lu Lianxue yelled.

this moment.

She was dumbfounded.

I told Zhang Wei to help restrain him, but what is Zhang Wei doing? Did he not hear what he said, or did he say he heard him, but is this restraining him? !

at this time.

Zhang Wei could hear Lu Lianxue's words.

He turned his head and nodded slightly at her.


He picked up the bench on the podium beside him and rushed towards the ghost.

"Drafting! You ghost! Eat your grandpa's bench!"

Lu Lianxue: "(o_o)?????"

She was stunned, and her mind was short-circuited for a moment... What is Zhang Wei doing? Brother! ! That's a ghost! ! ! Not human! ! ! You copy 'guy' to restrain ghosts, why copy benches! ! ! ! !

Also at the same moment.

A cold system sound sounded in Zhang Wei's mind.

【Ding! Take back the eraser 1000 system points]

[Bless the bench with 1000 system points]


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