Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 5 Physical Exorcism, Exorcism On The Bench, Triggering Special Rewards

"Zhang Wei!"

Seeing Zhang Wei pick up the bench and rush towards the ghost without hesitation, Lu Lianxue was in a hurry, and there was no need to draw the Five Thunders Curse.

Am I wrong?

Isn't Zhang Wei a ghost exorcist?

Before, Lu Lianxue would not have doubted that Zhang Wei was a ghost exorcist, but now she has to strongly doubt it, because the ghost Zhang Wei is right about is a spirit-type ghost.

If you are dealing with zombies, spirited demons and other entities.

It can be dealt with by physical attacks, which can play a certain role in containment.

This is basic common sense for exorcists.


For spirit-type ghosts, ordinary physical attacks are useless.

They are in the state of the soul, how can they be attacked by physical attacks, it is no different from hitting the air.

at the same time.

【Ding! The blood curse ghost burst out laughing inside, I was dying of laughter, this guy wants to fuck me with a bench? Hahahahaha]

[Host obtains system points +3]

cluck cluck...

There was a sound like bones colliding.

Facing Zhang Wei, he rushed forward.

Without saying a word, the blood curse ghost twisted its strange limbs like a coconut, and jumped from the wall to Zhang Wei.


boom! !

There was a muffled sound.

The wooden bench smashed into the face of the blood-cursed ghost who rushed forward.


Accompanying it, everyone heard the sound of bones colliding, but this time they heard it very clearly. It was not the sound of limbs and bones colliding, but the sound of skulls shattering.


'Ga Coconut' was hit by a bench by Zhang Wei and hit another corner.

Wherever you go.

Tables and chairs were knocked over, a mess.

And Gayako froze in the corner all at once, his face full of disbelief.

【Ding! The blood curse ghost was confused, and I was kicked away by the bench when I stepped on the horse? ? 】

[Host obtains system points +3]

Too late to think about it.

Zhang Wei's bench is at it again.

Adhering to taking advantage of his illness to kill him, never giving the villain a chance to breathe or speak.

After Zhang Wei shot the flying ghost, he walked like flying and rushed up again.

It's like a street fighter fighting on the street, smashing at the ghost in the corner.

boom! boom! ! boom! ! ! ...

The sound of banging and smashing continued.

this moment.

The classroom room was filled with dull voices.

Blood splattered everywhere.

Very brutal.

can be seen.

Ghost blood exuding evil spirits splashed out from the corner where Zhang Wei was.


It splashed directly on Lu Lianxue's face, but she didn't realize it. She wanted to stop Zhang Wei before and rushed up, but now she stopped and stared blankly at the man who was facing away from her and facing Zhang Wei. Zhang Wei who 'exported' in the corner for a while.

Lift up the bench, smash down the bench...


bang bang bang...

Blood was splattering.

as well as……


The shrill scream of the ghost.



Everyone stared straight at it and was stunned.

In the last second, they saw that Zhang Wei was like a Spartan warrior who risked his life. The ghost flew towards him from the corner. Ghost, in their opinion, Zhang Wei is no different from the npc supporting role in the horror movie who 'gives the head'.

But the next second...they will never forget it.

at this time.

The ghost was covered in blood, lying on its side and curled up in the corner, holding its head in its hands, screaming frantically.

Look at Zhang Wei again.

The slightly sick but extremely handsome face at the moment was splattered with ghost blood.

They were sluggish, and Li Junfei and others couldn't help swallowing.

The same idea popped up in my mind at the same time.

In the end... who is the ghost.

【Ding! The blood curse ghost howled, ah! ! ! It hurts! ! Why did this happen, why did the bench hit me. 】

[Host obtains system points +1]

【Ding! The blood curse ghost was stunned, why did the bench hurt so much when it was hit, it felt as painful as when someone was hit on the head with a brick. 】

[Host obtains system points +1]

【Ding! The blood curse ghost screamed, stop beating, please stop beating. 】

[Host obtains system points +1]

"Stop hitting, please stop hitting."

The ghost uttered a shrill begging cry for mercy.

This scene.

Li Junfei and the others looked dull, hallucination? ? Ghost begging for mercy? ? ?

However, Zhang Wei turned a blind eye and continued to commit violence.


There was another muffled sound.

The ghost in the corner kicked his legs, and the transparent body dissipated like smoke disintegrating.

【Ding! Unwilling, the blood curse ghost swallowed his last breath. 】

[Host obtains system points +2]

[Trigger special rewards, get the eye of the sky, and get common sense information about demons and ghosts. 】

The cold system prompt sounded.

Zhang Wei finally stopped, wiped off the sweat from his forehead, and turned to look at Lu Lianxue.

"Squad leader, have you finished drawing the talisman? I should be restrained."


You're pinning down a ghost, you beat the ghost to death.

Lu Lianxue's small mouth opened slightly, and she didn't know how to answer for a moment.

Die with ghosts.


It was like a broken mirror.

The gloomy classrooms around and the bloody sky outside the window are broken like a mirror.

Li Junfei and the others regained their senses and looked again. The sky outside the window returned to the clear blue sky before, and voices were heard outside the classroom. It was teachers and students from other classes who came out of the ghost town.



School canteen.

"Squad leader, don't you really need to save that ghost? I think it died quite badly."

Zhang Wei was holding a dinner plate with rich food such as braised pork with preserved vegetables, scrambled eggs with green peppers, etc., and sat in front of Lu Lianxue's table.

Before, he was focused on earning system points, but he didn't stop for a while, and was beaten to death by the ghost.

He couldn't help wondering whether there would be some cause and effect for himself, after all, isn't it common in folklore, what kills people will have evil retribution, will damage Yin virtue, and wonders if killing a ghost by mistake will damage Yin virtue.

"That ghost really died a miserable death."

Lu Lianxue couldn't laugh or cry.

"There is no need to supersede it, you have already given it a physical supersedation, the ghost is dead."

Now two classes have passed since the encounter with the ghost. In order to avoid causing panic and leakage of the ghost, the staff of the Department of Health and Justice who came to support after the incident asked Zhang Wei and the others to go to class as usual.

But just to be on the safe side.

Fearing that Zhou Pingyun would attract more than one ghost by playing the four-corner game, he took Zhou Pingyun away.

As for Li Junfei and other ordinary people who knew about it, they signed a non-disclosure agreement according to the regulations, and got a lot of money to keep quiet.

"Zhang Wei."

After hesitating for a while, Lu Lianxue still spoke.

"Are you really exorcising ghosts for the first time?"

"Yeah, you see, I don't even know how to save lives. Isn't that obvious? I used to focus on my cultivation, and I didn't attack ghosts, and I rarely encountered ghosts."

Zhang Wei took a mouthful of rice and responded.

In order to avoid system exposure, Zhang Wei found a reason and told Lu Lianxue and the others that he accidentally met a strange Taoist old man when he was a child, and he gave himself a book of "Taoist Practice", and then he taught himself to practice, and now he has ability.


Zhang Wei said with emotion.

"Actually, I can understand that you, the monitor, were surprised, and I was also surprised. I didn't expect it. My place was broken by you, the monitor, with me."

Drive suddenly.

Lu Lianxue's face turned red: "What nonsense are you talking about, who broke up with you."

As the goddess of the school and a disciple of Longhushan, no one, her friends and classmates would dare to tease her like this, and she couldn't help but blush.

In order to prevent Zhang Wei from continuing to drive.

Lu Lianxue seemed to think of something, and hurriedly changed the subject.

"By the way, Zhang Wei, are you free after school today?"

"Squad leader, do you want to confess your love to me? It's okay. You don't have to wait until school is over. I can agree now." Zhang Wei grinned.

"Who confessed to you, no, the captain asked me to tell you, please come to the Department of Health after school."

Zhang Wei curled his lips and sighed.


He didn't intend to refuse. In fact, he was also curious about the Department of Health and Dao, and wanted to meet the Department of Health and Dao. He had heard from Lu Lianxue before that it was a department established by Daxia to target ghosts, and there were many capable people and strangers gathered in it.

It is said that there are not only Taoist priests in the Department of Wei Dao, but also horse immortals, Gu masters, Maoshan warlocks, etc., and it is even said that there are knife creditors, barbers, etc.

at this time.

"What are you talking about?"

I saw Li Junfei walking over with a dish.

As soon as he sat down, he flattered Zhang Wei at the Chitu level.

"Zhang Wei, no, Brother Wei, I really didn't expect, I have been your roommate and college classmate with you for a year. Under your seemingly gentle appearance, there is actually a domineering heart hidden."

"You exorcising ghosts today is really cool."


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