Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 6 The Secretary Of Defense Is Very Aggressive, And The Great Hermit Hides From The World

"Congrats, Junfei is worthy of being the favorite of our class. He speaks a lot of witty words. If he can speak, he can talk more. If he can't, he can publish a book."

Zhang Wei gave Li Junfei a "Brother, well done" look.

Li Junfei clasped his fists in response.

"Where is it, my literary skills and military strategy are not worth mentioning in front of Brother Wei who is the first in the school every time in the exam."

Zhang Wei laughed, and glanced at Li Junfei's big belly.

"Hey, Jun Fei is too high on me. I look at your appearance, you are full of knowledge. At first glance, you are the lower realm of Wenqu stars in the sky. If you have a chance in the future, you will definitely encounter a dragon of change."

The two exchanged a business meal.


Li Junfei quickly took out his meal card and paid for Zhang Wei's meal, calling it a thank you to Zhang Wei for his help.

"Brother Wei, I won't bother you to chat with the squad leader. I'll go get some food. By the way, this is for you. Thank you for helping us drive out ghosts."

before leaving.

Li Junfei took out two tickets from his pocket.

"What is this?" Zhang Wei took a look at the ticket: "Manga Exhibition?"

"Haha, we are going to hold a large-scale comic exhibition here in a few days. This is the first time we have prepared a large-scale comic exhibition in our city. It is said that we have spent a lot of money. We have invited many famous s to come. I am the front row of s's stage play. seat ticket."

Li Junfei smiled with a mouthful of white teeth.

"Brother Wei, haven't you played Yuanshen recently? This time, there are Ke Qing and General Thunder's s in the s display. They are amazingly reproduced. It took me a long time to get three tickets. You can take these two."


Zhang Wei did not refuse, after all, he helped them get rid of the bloody fingerprints and killed the ghosts.

at this time.

Since Lu Lianxue was sitting across the table from him, he didn't notice that when Li Junfei said it was a ticket for the comic exhibition, Lu Lianxue stared straight at the ticket, her beautiful eyes seemed to be twinkling with little stars .

It wasn't until Zhang Wei turned around that Lu Lianxue reluctantly looked away.


Luxia City, the center of Lihu District.

Central Pedestrian Street, Lihu District is one of the bustling urban areas of Luxia City. Countless pedestrians pass by the pedestrian street every day, and there are a variety of storefronts on both sides.

Among them is a two-story storefront.

The store is not too big. Compared with other stores in the pedestrian street, it is only a little bigger than the Shaxian snack store. However, although the store is small, there are many people entering the store.

"Shunfeng Express?"

Zhang Wei looked up at the signboard of this store, and glanced at Lu Lianxue beside him.

"Squad leader, is this the Department of Health in Luxia City?"

During lunch, Lu Lianxue said that the captain of the Department of Health and Justice in charge of the city came to him, and now that after school, he was brought here by Lu Lianxue. He didn't believe that Lu Lianxue brought him to the Department of Health and Daoism, and would act loose Pick up a courier along the way.

About the Department of Health.

Before Zhang Wei came, he had heard Lu Lianxue briefly talk about it.

Because ghosts and ghosts are different from people, they have no fixed residence, and no one can guarantee where ghosts and ghosts will appear.


In order to facilitate the discovery of ghosts and ghosts, the Department of Health and Dao can immediately send people to suppress and kill them.

Therefore, the Department of Health and Dao adopted a plan, which is to station a team of the Department of Health and Dao in each city. When ghosts and ghosts are found in the city, the stationed Department of Health and Dao will take action to solve them.

After all, if you use the dispatch method, wait until you find demons and ghosts in the local area, then send the news to the headquarters of the Ministry of Health, and then the headquarters will send people over, it will take at least half a day before and after, especially if it is far away from the headquarters, it will take a day or two, plus Go online to investigate and search for ghosts, and it is estimated that many people will die during the period.

as predicted.

As Zhang Wei guessed, Lu Lianxue responded with a smile on her forehead when she heard the words.

"This is the Department of Defense."

"After all, ghosts don't exist every day. We can't be idle. The Department of Health and Dao is not a student union. Not every member is a student like me. Many of them are adults and seniors."

"They are also idle every day, and they also need to find an identity to hide from others, so they got this Shunfeng Express, and they are free to deliver express, and they have the right to patrol."

The words did not fall.

Lu Lianxue seemed to think of something, and said with a smile.

"However, not every city's sanitation department does express delivery. The sanitation department in each city is different, and it is determined by their garrison staff. Some may be other stores, funeral shops, and snack bars. manage."

"Maybe Zhang Wei, when you went to other cities before, you passed by a noodle restaurant for dinner, and that noodle restaurant is Wei Daosi."

Zhang Wei nodded and said bluntly.

"Secretary of Health's mastery is hidden among the people. It's very powerful. The sense of sight that is hidden in the city is very coquettish."

"But I have a question."

"What if there are demons and ghosts in a city that the local health department cannot solve."

Lu Lianxue led Zhang Wei into the store and answered.

"Well, if there are some relatively powerful demons and ghosts, but the scene is not uncontrollable, you can recruit the local 'ghost exorcist' forces, or send help to the local or passing local idle 'ghost exorcist' forces. Application."

"The Department of Health and Dao was established after the founding of the People's Republic of China. Although in the past dynasties, some imperial courts also established departments to exorcise ghosts."

"But apart from the imperial court, there are also some powerful ghost exorcists who have established their own forces. They are the foundation of the enduring ghost exorcists. For example, the forces of Longhu Mountain, Maoshan, Chumaxian, and Miaojiang Gu tribe have been passed down by the people since ancient times. great power."

"Now that the Great Xia has been established and the Department of Health and Dao has been established, these forces are also under the supervision of the Department of Health and Dao as a guarding force guarding various places."

"So when necessary, the Department of Health and Dao can send an application for help to the guarding forces."


"Not all guarding forces are free, so the local idle 'ghost exorcists' will also be asked to help."

"Actually, the number of these idle 'ghost exorcists' is the largest. After all, they can be called guarding forces. They are all famous families, such as Longhushan. The recruitment depends on qualifications. Many people actually pass Some like digging out antiques from the street stalls, or exorcising ghosts passed down from ancestors, and learning all kinds of exorcising ghosts."

"For example, Zhang Wei, according to the overall planning of the Department of Health and Dao, you belong to the category of idle ghost exorcists with no power."

"Of course."

"If it's the kind of monster that can't be controlled, even the local guards can't do anything about it."

"For example, when there are demons and ghosts that can destroy a city, the local Department of Health and Dao will report the news to the province, and let the 'True Dragon Guard' or 'Qilin Guard' stationed in the province suppress it."

That's all for words.

Lu Lianxue's beautiful eyes flickered.

To this.

Zhang Wei looked over.

This is the first time he heard the words 'True Dragon Guard' and 'Qilin Guard'.

"Squad leader, the real dragon guard and Qilin guard you mentioned are related to what you said before. You are a member of the Eagle Guard class in the Department of Health and Dao. Is there any relationship between the two?"

Zhang Wei remembered that when Lu Lianxue brought her to Luxia City's Department of Health, she said that she was an Eagle Guard member of the Department of Health.


Lu Lianxue didn't hide anything, anyway, there's nothing to hide, any ghost exorcist who knows about ghost exorcism will know the classification of the Department of Health.

Immediately afterwards.

she said.

"Ghosts are strong and weak. According to the folklore, ghosts are divided into ghosts, ghosts, ghosts in red, ghost kings and so on."

"Ghost exorcists are also strong and weak, but there is no clear classification of strength like ghosts."

"In order to facilitate management, the Department of Health and Dao has made a detailed division of strength among the members."

"From low to high, they are: Dog Guard, Eagle Guard, Tiger Guard, Qilin Guard, and True Dragon Guard."

"Dog guards: the largest number of personnel in the Department of Health and Dao, generally only responsible for arresting ordinary ghosts, ghosts and ghosts."

"Eagle Guard: One of the backbone of the Department of Defense, who can kill ghosts alone, is the Eagle Guard. Therefore, the Eagle Guard is responsible for capturing ghost-level demons and ghosts. I am the Eagle Guard."

"Huwei: The main force of the Guardian Division, each of them is a strong man who can stand on his own, and can deal with red-clothed ghost-level demons and ghosts alone.

As long as you reach the Tiger Guard, you can serve as the captain of the Department of Health and Dao in various places."

"Qilin Guard: The top combat strength of the Department of Defense, if placed in the civil forces, can establish a sect, be the leader or foundation of a sect or sect."

"As for the True Dragon Guard..."

Mention the True Dragon Guard.

Zhang Wei could clearly see the undisguised reverence and awe on Lu Lianxue's face.

"True Dragon Guards: The highest combat power of the Department of Defense. They are the most remarkable people. They are in charge of each province. There are only 34 of them. Each guards a province."

"Even the folk forces that have been around for hundreds of years and thousands of years, when they see the real dragon guard, they have to be courteous."

Zhang Wei nodded.

Just when he was about to say something.

"Lianxue, you're here, is this Zhang Wei?"


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