Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 10 The Talisman Of The Horse Immortal

the next day.

Northeast Daxing Airport gate.

"Brother Wei, after we finish collecting our luggage, we will go directly to the gate of the airport. I have already asked my dad to pick us up, and he will arrive soon."

Yu Xiaoqi checked the time on his phone.

Zhang Wei nodded, and continued to look down at the Northeast sightseeing guidebook he bought.

at this time.

Li Junfei whispered beside him.

"Brother Wei, do you think Lao Yu's father will treat us as charlatans?"

This time when he came to the Northeast, Li Junfei was curious about Yu Xiaoqi's father hitting a ghost, and Zhang Wei was there, so he followed him.

in addition.

Before coming to Northeast China, Yu Xiaoqi obtained Zhang Wei's consent and told his father about his father's possibility of causing dirty things, and said that he had a classmate who knew about it, so he invited his classmate to help.

"Be confident and remove the word "can't."

Without raising his head, Zhang Wei looked at the guide book and replied.

"Brother Wei, you are not afraid that Lao Yu's father will come and drive us away..."

Jingle Bell.

Yu Xiaoqi's cell phone rang, interrupting Li Junfei's speech.

"Brother Wei, Junfei, my dad just called me, and my dad has already arrived at the door."


Airport gate.

Yu Weihong got off a black Porsche and walked all the way to the airport gate.

at this time.

He didn't look good.

Originally, digging out the foundation was already enough of a headache for him, but he didn't expect to chat with his son yesterday, his son insisted on bringing his classmate over, and said that the classmate was very powerful, he was a Taoist or something, and he actually brought him with him early this morning. Classmates flew to the northeast.

to this end.

Yu Weihong wasn't in the mood to do errands on the construction site, so he dragged his younger brother Yu Weiming to the airport.

"Brother, don't be angry, Xiao Qi is also for your own good."

Yu Weiming waved his hand.

"Can I not be angry? I sent this stinky boy to college to study, not to be cheated. It's a good thing, he was cheated after only going to college for a year."

"Haha, calm down, big brother, don't just think about the bad, what if Xiao Qi and his classmates really have skills."

"Come on, what can a twenty-year-old youth do."

Yu Weihong rolled his eyes.


They entered the airport and met the three of Zhang Wei.

"Dad! Here, here."

Yu Xiaoqi waved towards Yu Weihong.

"Hey, uncle, why are you here?"

Yu Weiming laughed when he heard the words: "My eldest nephew came back from the university all the way, so I have no choice but to come and see him."

Yu Xiaoqi scratched his head heck.


He hurriedly introduced Zhang Wei to them.

"Brother Wei, Junfei, this is my father, this is my uncle."

"Dad, this is Zhang Wei I told you on the phone yesterday, and the other is Zhang Wei's roommate Li Junfei."

Although Yu Weihong was dissatisfied that his son was cheated.

But as a perennial businessman, he didn't show his face to Zhang Wei and the others as soon as he came up. After all, this was in front of his son, and he didn't want his son to lose face.


Yu Weihong extended his hand friendly.

"Hello, are you Zhang Wei? You are more handsome than what Xiao Qi told me, haha."

"Uncle Yu won the award, you are handsome, I said why the school committee is so handsome, it is genetic inheritance."

Zhang Wei smiled.

When he reached out to shake hands with him, he couldn't help but say.

"Speaking of which, you two Yu Uncles, the amulet on your body is not bad. Which senior from the monk family asked for the amulet?"


Brother Yu Weihong was stunned.

Facing Zhang Wei's sudden words, Yu Weihong responded subconsciously.

"What amulet?"

To this.

Zhang Wei smiled, and pointed to the mouth of the Yu Weihong brothers.

"It's in the liner pocket of your suits, the amulet."


Zhang Wei's eyes looked deep, with an ethereal light flashing past.

Through the eyes of heaven.

He saw brother Yu Weihong's mouth, there was a group of evil spirit emanating faintly, it seemed that there was something in the mouth of Yu Weihong, and that thing exuded evil spirit.


The demonic aura does not contain hostility or fierceness, it appears gentle, not like trying to harm them, but more like protection.

You know this is the Northeast.

Northeast, gentle and evil spirit, body protection... combined with various clues.

Zhang Wei already had the answer in his mind.

That should be something from the ghost exorcism profession of the northern 'Chuma Xian'.

The so-called Maoshan in the south and the horse in the north.

Zhang Wei knows.

In the north, there is a ghost-exorcism profession called "Chumaxian". They enshrine foxes, hedgehogs, weasels, mice, snakes and other animals, and use them to exorcise ghosts and subdue demons.

As for the things that Yu Weihong brothers said, they have a mild demonic atmosphere, which is characteristic in the north, and they are obviously the demonic atmosphere of the 'Xianjia' enshrined by the Chuma Immortal.


Zhang Wei has been a man for two generations.

He is very clear.

No matter in the south or the north, the richer people are, the more superstitious they are.

Because the richer people are, the more they cherish money, and they are afraid of losing their current status.

So they will do everything possible to ensure that they make money and make a fortune. That's why, they often hear that a certain rich person has made a geomantic treasure land, a geomantic arrangement at home, or even a big price to buy a body guard themselves, they believed, would bring them money.

As real estate developers, the Yu Weihong brothers are well-off.

Then combine that mouthful thing.

It is not difficult to judge that the Yu Weihong brothers probably obtained something like amulets from somewhere.

at the same time.

Follow Zhang Wei's words.

Brother Yu Weihong's expression changed, and his eyes widened even more.


Yu Weihong was so shocked that he couldn't speak for a moment.

Instinctively, he reached for the amulet in his inner pocket.

The amulet was his these two days. Because the coffin was dug up and another person died, he felt that everything was going wrong with him, so he bought two amulets from others at a huge price.

The key is……

He chatted with his son Yu Xiaoqi before, but he never mentioned that he had an amulet.

not only that.

He remembers it well.

The person who sold their amulet said that the amulet was said to be obtained by the other party from a master of the horse family.

this moment.

Even though Yu Weihong has been in business for decades and is sophisticated and shrewd, he was shocked.


Yu Weiming moved closer to Yu Weihong's side, his expression could not hide his surprise.


Yu Weiming also realized the situation, the other party not only accurately saw that there was an amulet in his pocket, but also judged the origin.

it seems...

I was really right just now!

The classmate invited by the eldest nephew is really a well-known person, and his ability is not small.


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