Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 9 People Live In Houses, Ghosts Live In Graves, Demolition Of Other Graves Is Like Tearing D

"Fuck, the international situation, Brother Wei, you are also concerned about the recent... No, I almost took you astray, it's like this, it's not me looking for you, it's Lao Yu looking for you, wait a minute, I'll call Lao Yu over."

Li Junfei ran out of the dormitory door in a hurry.

Lao Yu, whose full name is Yu Xiaoqi, is the study committee member of the class and lives in the dormitory next door to Zhang Wei.

Speaking of Yu Xiaoqi.

Zhang Wei couldn't help but think of the haunting meeting in the morning. Yu Xiaoqi was in the ghost domain and wanted to beat Zhou Pingyun. If he hadn't stopped him, Yu Xiaoqi would have beaten Zhou Pingyun. The bloody handprint thing.


Li Junfei brought Yu Xiaoqi over.

"Brother Wei, I found you."

Seeing Zhang Wei, Yu Xiaoqi grabbed his hand excitedly.


Without waiting for Zhang Wei to ask, Yu Xiaoqi said bluntly.

"Brother Wei, I want you to help me drive away ghosts. I don't prostitute for nothing, I will give you money."


Zhang Wei looked at Yu Xiaoqi.

"What's the matter, school committee, are you so bad, you met a ghost in the morning, and now you're bumping into a ghost again? Judging by your face, you're not a lone star of evil spirits, you can't be scared out of your wits, you're suspicious of everything you see, Don't worry, you haven't encountered a ghost."

Has the eye of heaven.

Zhang Wei looked at Yu Xiaoqi, and he couldn't see any yin or evil energy on his body, as if he was haunted by ghosts.

"Brother Wei, you misunderstood."

Yu Xiaoqi opened his mouth and explained.

"I want to ask you to help my dad drive away ghosts. My dad...may have encountered a ghost."


Yu Xiaoqi told the whole story.

This morning's haunting incident, Yu Xiaoqi knew that there are ghosts in the world.

Not everyone is as big-hearted as Zhang Wei. When encountering ghosts, he is free to play tricks and eat with peace of mind.

More students are like Yu Xiaoqi, who have lingering fears and are afraid of the real existence of ghosts. Then what to do if they encounter ghosts in the future, they are too scared to go out at night.


Yu Xiaoqi called his family members, thinking about chatting with his parents, lazing about the daily life, and finding some spiritual comfort. After all, the Department of Health and Dao asked them to keep it secret, and they were not allowed to tell other people about ghosts.

Yu Xiaoqi called his father.

During the chat, Yu Xiaoqi accidentally learned that a life had happened in the company where his father worked.

Yu Xiaoqi's father is a real estate businessman, responsible for engineering construction.

Not long ago, I contracted the construction of a real estate building.

The day before yesterday, the foundation was dug, and a coffin was unearthed.

at first.

Yu Xiaoqi thought that the death mentioned by his father meant digging out the coffin, but it turned out not to be.

After the coffin was dug out, his father temporarily stopped the project. He was afraid that if the family of the coffin came, there would be a dispute, so he planned to find out whose grave it was and negotiate with the family.

It turned out that his father thought this was bad enough.

But the next day.

When the workers went to work, they saw the security guard on the construction site who was in charge of the night watch. He died beside the hanger. Looking at the security guard's death, he fell to his death. I guess it was last night. The security guard climbed onto the hanger and accidentally fell to his death .

In the past, Yu Xiaoqi would not think about ghosts.

He only felt that his father was very unlucky, digging coffins, and accidentally dying at the construction site.

But since I know there are ghosts in the world.

Yu Xiaoqi couldn't help but think about it.

The coffin was dug out the day before, and someone stumbled and fell to his death the next day. Is there such a coincidence in timing?

"Brother Wei, do you think my dad has run into a ghost, because he dug up someone else's grave and made the owner of the grave angry?"

Yu Xiaoqi said nervously.

the other side.

Zhang Wei opened the package of the hamburger in his hand, and said while eating the hamburger.

"It's not impossible."

"As the saying goes, people live in houses, and ghosts live in graves. For the dead, the grave is their home. If the person who lives on the grave has not been reincarnated, your father's demolition of its grave is like tearing down its home."


"If this tomb is a treasured land of geomantic omen, then demolishing the tomb is not just as simple as demolishing a house, but also the luck and wealth of future generations after demolishing it."

"From ancient times to the present, choosing a place to bury a grave is just like buying a house for us. We will look at the size of the house and its geographical location before choosing to buy it."

"The grave is even more so, even more particular and important than buying a house for us living people."

"A tomb with good Fengshui is not only good for the person buried, but also good for the family of future generations. On the contrary, water can carry a boat and overturn it. A tomb with bad Fengshui will not only not be good for future generations, but also serious. You can cut off your children and grandchildren."

"If the grave your father dug is in a geomantic land, it will not only demolish his house, but also affect his descendants. You understand the consequences."

in words.

Zhang Wei thought of Yu Xiaoqi's father, a real estate developer.

As a real estate, the choice of land for building a house is naturally also very particular. Otherwise, how to sell a house, then the place you choose is a good place, and it is possible that it is a treasured land of geomantic omen.

at this time.

Yu Xiaoqi became even more nervous when he heard this.

"Fengshui treasure land?! Why didn't I think of this, Brother Wei, help me see if the land my dad chose is a Fengshui treasure land."

Then he hurriedly took out his mobile phone, and Baidu showed Zhang Wei a map.

can be seen.

The land his father bid for was really good, with a flowing river beside it, and it was located on an important road, so the traffic was very convenient.


Zhang Wei pointed to the map.

"This is indeed a treasure land of geomantic omen. According to geomantic omen, 'there is a river in front of the grave, and there is a way behind the grave, and the fortune of the descendants will not go away'."

"In feng shui, there are rivers and water that are wealth, and long-flowing water is better, and the source of wealth is endless. As for the road, it means that there is a future. How do you say that, oh, the road is ahead, and the future is full." It is right."

Possesses gained knowledge of ghosts.

Zhang Wei understood very well.

Once a geomantic treasure land is destroyed, it will no longer be a geomantic treasure land, and in severe cases, the ominous fortune of the geomantic treasure land may be reversed.

Realize the seriousness.

Zhang Wei stopped eating hamburgers and said bluntly.

"School Committee, why are you looking for me? It stands to reason that you should be looking for the monitor. It's not like you don't know that the monitor is from the Department of Health and Dao."

Yu Xiaoqi shook his head and sighed.

"Actually, I did. As soon as I heard my dad say that, I hurried to do so."

"But the squad leader said that my home is in the northeast, and I have to find the Department of Health and Dao in charge of my house. She said that she helped me tell her captain, and asked the captain to report it to the Department of Health and Dao at my house."

"I don't know when the Department of Defense will come over there."

"I heard from the squad leader that demons and ghosts appear frequently in the Northeast recently."

"The Northeast Health Department may not be able to get out of my body to deal with my family's affairs immediately. I may have to wait."

"This shit's life is at stake, why wait."

"Let's talk."

"Compared to the Secretary of Defense, I think you are more reliable, Brother Wei, so Brother Wei, please help me."

"How much do you want, 50,000, 100,000? Tell me a price, and I will definitely give it to you."


Yu Xiaoqi seemed to think of something, and hurriedly opened his mouth.

"By the way, brother Wei, you went out with the monitor today, and you may not know that the Department of Health and Dao stepped forward and asked the school to give our class a three-day vacation."

In order to avoid the psychological impact of students encountering ghosts, the Department of Health and Justice thought of giving Zhang Wei a break to see a psychiatrist or make psychological adjustments.

Not everyone is mentally strong, especially when encountering ghosts, most people are not in the mood to go to work or school.

"There are three days of vacation, Brother Wei doesn't have to worry about going to the Northeast to help my dad drive out ghosts, it will affect my studies."

"And Brother Wei, you don't have to worry about the expenses. I will cover all the food, accommodation and transportation this time."

Facing Yu Xiaoqi's plea.

With life at stake, Zhang Wei agreed to go to the Northeast.

"Let me tell you first, I don't guarantee whether there are ghosts. If there are no ghosts, you can't make me pay for food and lodging."

"Fuck, how could it be, it was me who felt that my dad might have bumped into a ghost."

"Okay, then you see when to leave."

"Is it okay tomorrow, please go early."



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