Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 8 Eye Of The Sky, Folk Customs Are Not Groundless

Shunfeng Express storefront, on the second basement floor.

Different from the express storage on the first basement, the second basement is more like a casual office, with computers, sofas, etc., and some fitness equipment. This is the office of the Luxia City Health Department.

at this time.

After seeing off Zhang Wei, Lin Tong came to the second basement.

Put the transcripts of the previous conversation with Zhang Wei in his hand on the table, turn on the computer, enter the account number, and log in to Fang Ping, the Secretary of Health.

He is going to create an identity information file about Zhang Wei.

【Ghost exorcist】: Zhang Wei

【Sex: Male

【Date of Birth】...

Enter information in one pass.

Lin Tong pondered for a while until he wrote about [Ghost Exorcism Profession].


[Ghost exorcising profession]: Tentatively designated as a Taoist priest, with special means of exorcising ghosts. He once smashed spirit ghosts to death with a bench.

[Hobbies]: Physics supernatural.

When you hit 【Hobbies】.

Lin Tong glanced at his muscles. He thought that Zhang Wei had given him a meal in the conversation not long ago, saying that with his muscles, he could really try physical exorcism.

"Why don't I try to sprinkle black blood with my fists next time, and try to beat ghosts with my fists?"


the other side.

Luxia city center, pedestrian street bus station.

"Squad leader, don't send me off, I can go back by myself, you are so kind to me, I will fall in love with you."

As Zhang Wei said, he did not forget to stretch out his hand, crossed his thumb and index finger, and made a heartfelt gesture to Lu Lianxue,?( ′???` )

"I do not believe."

Lu Lianxue was amused by Zhang Wei's lip service.

"Really." Zhang Wei was about to say something when the bus drove over.


Zhang Wei took out a ticket from his pocket, which was the ticket for the comic exhibition that Li Junfei gave him at noon, and said casually.

"At noon, Li Junfei gave me two tickets to the comic exhibition, and I have an extra one, monitor, how about you?"

The comic exhibition will open in a few days, but besides Li Junfei, there is no one else who likes to watch the comic exhibition. Zhang Wei does not want to waste this ticket, and plans to ask his friends to see if anyone wants a ticket for the comic exhibition. He just became friends with Lu Lianxue, so he asked casually.

But he didn't give much hope, after all, this is a ticket for a comic exhibition, not a ticket for a concert or other tickets. Lu Lianxue looked gentle and quiet, not like a girl who knows about anime.



Before Zhang Wei could speak, Lu Lianxue took the ticket.


Sensing Zhang Wei's surprised gaze, Lu Lianxue knew what he was thinking and coughed lightly.

"I don't just study and exorcise ghosts every day. I also pass the time occasionally, watching anime or something."

"That's right, the class leader is also a human being, and he has to shit, and he also has to fart when taking the subway, and he will fart slowly, for fear of being heard."

Zhang Wei cast a look of "I understand" to Lu Lianxue.

"... Zhang Wei explained to you the reason, although it is very reasonable, but why I sound like hitting someone."

Before getting in the car.

Lu Lianxue seemed to think of something, pretending to be embarrassed to ask.

"Zhang Wei, I heard that you have to wear anime costumes to the comic exhibition. If I don't wear them, will I look out of place?"

"Look at you, not everyone who goes to the comic exhibition will wear it. As a veteran driver of the comic exhibition, I plan to wear it, because it is easy to pick up girls."


school dormitory.

As soon as Zhang Wei came back, he saw his roommate Li Junfei and the others going out for dinner, and called up the system panel to check the system harvest.

Carefully feel the extra information in your mind.

That is some basic knowledge about ghosts and ghosts, such as black dog blood can deal with ghosts, peach wood and willow branches have the effect of exorcising evil spirits and suppressing ghosts, etc.

"It seems that some folk customs can be passed down to this day, and it is not groundless."

Zhang Wei murmured.

In the past, he was not sure that there were ghosts in the world, and he only thought that folk customs and taboos sounded mysterious and magical.

But now it seems.

Some of these folk customs and taboos are actually true!


He walked to the bathroom, looked in the mirror, and looked into his eyes.

Brush ghosts today.

In addition to gaining knowledge of ghosts and ghosts, he also gained "Sky Eye".

Watch your eyes carefully.

Discovered by Zhang Wei.

Although the vision of the eyes has not changed, they are brighter than usual, and there is an inexplicable ethereal feeling faintly.

Can't help it.

He looked at the system panel, the introduction about "Sky Eye".

[Sky Eyes]: People have three eyes, the human eye is the eye, and the earth eye is the p eye. In addition, there is also the sky eye. The sky eye is an upgraded version of the human eye. When the sky eye is opened, you can see things that ordinary people cannot see, such as Ghosts, yokai avatars, and more.

"nice one."

Zhang Wei was satisfied with his forehead. With the knowledge of ghosts and the eyes of the sky, he can be regarded as a qualified ghost exorcist, and he would not expose his system in front of Lu Lianxue.


That night.

A high-end apartment near Luxia University, room 123.

Lu Lianxue came out of the bathroom.

Humming to the Digimon theme song while wiping her scalp, she was clearly in a good mood with a smile on her face.

Open the bedroom door.

can be seen……

Unlike the imaginary girl's room, there are no so-called pink walls, and some are covered with various animation posters.

Next to the desk, computer table, and closet, there is a glass cabinet each, which is filled with a variety of anime figures, including anime One Piece Luffy, Zoro, Fairy Tail Natsu, Gray, Naruto Uchiha Madara, Sasuke, Kyuubi, there is a private tutor, Li Baoen...


Computer desktops are full of anime wallpapers.

No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like what Lu Lianxue said to Zhang Wei, occasionally watching anime, like an anime fanatic, or the kind who has a mine at home, there are too many genuine figures.

at this time.

When Lu Lianxue returned home, she completely let herself go.

Feipu was lying on the bed, swinging his long legs, looking at the comic show ticket in his hand, his face brimming with unstoppable joy.

"Now I can go to the comic exhibition."

In the eyes of others.

Even in the eyes of some close friends.

Lu Lianxue is quiet, cool, and dignified, giving people a full of literary and artistic atmosphere, and I can't help but imagine that if I meet her, I will be in the library, and she is holding a book of Shakespeare and watching quietly by the window. , the body is full of the holy light of the sun.

However in fact.

She is a serious anime geek, her hobbies are chasing fans, collecting anime peripherals, s, and chatting with people on the Internet for her favorite anime characters.

Just because I like anime.

Knowing that there is going to be a manga exhibition in the city, and invited the girl she likes, Lu Lianxue went to buy a ticket for the exhibition without even thinking about it.

God doesn't follow people's wishes.

On the day when the tickets for the comic exhibition were sold, she received a mission to exorcise ghosts, so she couldn't buy a ticket, and she was lost for several days because of this.

But now she is happy.

Because she has a ticket!

at this time.

She happily shook her little feet, holding the ticket in her hand, and murmured happily.

"Although Zhang Wei's words are rough, he is quite a nice person. I don't know what he wants to dress up. No, I have to dress up too."


Lu Lianxue got up and opened the wardrobe.

Except for half of the usual clothes, a large part is S clothes.

"This comic exhibition, what should I ask for?"


at the same time.

Luxia University, 5138 dormitory.


The dormitory door opened.

Li Junfei and his roommates were chatting and laughing, and when they came in, they saw Zhang Wei eating KFC takeaway.


Li Junfei's eyes lit up.

"Brother Wei, why did you come back so early? It wasn't Lao Yu who said, did you go out on a date with the squad leader?"

He dragged a chair and sat next to Zhang Wei.

"Hey, I was thinking that Brother Wei, you are dating the squad leader, and I will look for you later."

"Why do you want me? To discuss the international situation."

Zhang Wei picked up the Coke straw and took a sip of Coke.


(ps: The folk customs mentioned in this chapter are purely fictitious, don’t take it seriously! Any similarities are purely coincidental!)

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