"Sen Ross?"

Zhang Wei made a sound in doubt.

"Yes, Senros."

Huang Qingshan knew that Zhang Wei became a ghost exorcist halfway through.


He said in a deep voice:

"Zhang Wei, you became a ghost exorcist later on. It's normal not to know Senluosi. Senluosi is an organization composed of people and ghosts."

After hearing this, Zhang Wei recalled Huang Qingshan's solemn tone earlier, and asked curiously:

"Men and ghosts? Captain Huang, is Sen Luosi very powerful?"

Ask out.

Huang Qingshan was taken aback for a moment, and asked instead:

"Zhang Wei, do you think the incident in Northeast China is big enough?"

Zhang Wei responded without hesitation upon hearing the words:


He personally supported the Northeast Security Department, and was even more involved in the Northeast incident, knowing the situation of the Northeast incident.

This Northeast incident has a lot of implications. Since the Northeast incident alone, the frequency of ghosts and ghosts has increased tenfold compared to previous years. In just one month, more than ten thousand ghost incidents have occurred in the entire Northeast.

Thousands of ghost incidents, what is this concept?

This is equivalent to tens of thousands of 'crime incidents'. Such a high 'crime rate' is absolutely rare in history.

To know.

Compared with other regions, the Northeast is much more special. In addition to the Ministry of Defense, there are also five Northeast families. It is an absolute fortress-like place.

But this is the place.

The Northeast incident not only caused a shortage of personnel for the Northeast Security Department, but also had to call for support from other places.

Even the five families in Northeast China were affected.


What impressed Zhang Wei the most was the disappearance of the little granddaughter whom the eighth grandfather of the Hu family loved the most.

This incident was searched by the Hu family almost in full force, and with the help of the Northeast Health and Dao Department.

The whereabouts of the incident have been found.

The disappearance of Grandpa Hu's beloved granddaughter was not accidental, but related to the Northeast incident.

With this information alone.

It was enough for Zhang Wei to understand how big the incident in Northeast China was.

at this time.

Regarding Zhang Wei's response, Huang Qingshan said slowly:

"Yeah, the incident in Northeast China is very big, right?"

"But Zhang Wei, if I tell you that such a big Northeast incident is not the biggest incident that Sen Luosi has done."

Zhang Wei changed color in surprise:

"Captain Huang, are you sure you're not joking?"

Huang Qingshan nodded solemnly:

"No kidding."

"There are a lot of incidents caused by Sen Luosi, as recorded in the file Curry of the Guangwei Daosi, and if the Northeast incident is included, this Northeast incident is definitely not their biggest handwriting."

"There is something bigger than the Northeast incident."

"So Zhang Wei, what do you think, is Sen Luosi good?"

"That's not serious anymore, it's a natural disaster, a 'natural disaster' that's no worse than a natural disaster."

Words come out.

Even Zhang Wei was shocked.

There is such a big commotion in the Northeast, but it is not Sen Luosi's biggest movement...

At this moment.

Seems to know what Zhang Wei is thinking.

Huang Qingshan opened the mouth and said:

"Sen Luosi is terrifying. Since its establishment, the Department of Health and Dao has listed it as the 'highest level of encirclement and suppression targets'."

"However, in the encirclement and suppression again and again, the Department of Health's encirclement and suppression of Senluosi, although it has almost wiped out Senluosi several times, it is only close to nothing."

"Sen Luosi is like a Xiaoqiang who can't be beaten to death. He is wiped out again and again, and can be revived again and again."


"The resurgence of Senluosi does not mean that some people or ghosts worship them, so another Senluosi was re-established."

"But from the beginning to the end, Sen Luosi is the same Sen Luosi, and has never been completely destroyed."

Zhang Wei was shocked.

But it was too late to calm down the shock, he noticed the key point in Huang Qingshan's words:

"Captain Huang, did you just say that the Department of Defense's encirclement and suppression of Senluo Division has started since its establishment?"

Huang Qingshan forehead:

"Yes, because before the establishment of the Ministry of Health, the Senluo Division already existed."

"Our Ministry of Health has conducted an investigation and follow-up on Sen Luosi."

"The discovery of Sen Luosi, the earliest appearance, can be traced back to three hundred years ago."

"That's also what our company has investigated so far. It's the first time Sen Luosi showed up and caused a big incident."

"Of course."

"There are still some records and speculations that are not completely certain and have no evidence."

"Zhang Wei, you know, according to the folklore of my Daxia, the underworld is the place where people die and die, and there are ten halls of Hades in the underworld, and the place where the ten halls of Hades live..."

Words say so far.

Zhang Wei thought of something, and was the first to startle:

"Sen Luo Palace?"

Huang Qingshan nodded with a smile: "Yes, the place where the King of Hades lives in the ten halls is called the Senluo Hall."

"Some people speculate that what the folks say about the Senluo Temple in the underworld is actually what they say about Senluosi. It is Senluosi who spread the folklore about the Senluo Temple where ten Hades live in the underworld."


"There is no evidence for this, and the experts in Sili also judged that the possibility of it is very small."

"However, the conjecture spread by the light energy is enough to know how terrifying and difficult Sen Luosi is."

Zhang Wei finally understood.

Why did Huang Qingshan not hesitate to inform himself in the middle of the night as soon as he learned about the progress of the Northeast incident.

Although it is said that there is progress in the agreement, he will be notified as soon as possible.

But in fact, it will not be too late to inform you tomorrow morning.

without him.

Sen Luosi's horror made Huang Qingshan have to be cautious, and he had to remind Zhang Wei as soon as possible, so that Zhang Wei should be careful of Sen Luosi's revenge.

Think about it.

Zhang Wei couldn't help looking in one direction through the car window.

That is the direction of the boys' dormitory of the school.

"Brother Fat...Could it be Sen Luosi's?" Zhang Wei had a strange expression on his face.

He knows it.

Fatty came to kill him, but he wasn't sure whether Fatty was behind the Iron Coffin Zombie, or was sent to kill him by the Infant Ghost Force and Sen Luosi Force.

Immediately afterwards.

Zhang Wei and Huang Qingshan chatted about Sen Luosi again.

"Zhang Wei, you must be careful, don't take it lightly before you are sure whether Sen Luosi is after you."

"But don't worry too much, the Fumin region has sent Qilin guards to protect you, right? What's the matter?"

Huang Qingshan was halfway through.

The assistant beside him tugged at his sleeve and whispered something in Huang Qingshan's ear.


Huang Qingshan stared wide-eyed:

"What the hell??? Zhang Wei has reached Qilin Wei?!"

He learned from his assistant that King Qilin, the middle-aged uncle who protects Zhang Wei, reported the comic exhibition incident today and repeatedly named him in the report. He could not protect Zhang Wei himself.


The middle-aged uncle made it clear that Zhang Wei was stronger than himself.


Rather than saying that he protects Zhang Wei, it is better to say that Zhang Wei protects him. Let me ask, if the bodyguard is to be protected by the master, then why should he protect it?

After confirming again and again.

Huang Qingshan confirmed the situation, and was beyond shocked:

"Zhang Wei, you actually reached Qilin Wei...then you are stronger than me."

Zhang Wei laughed when he heard the words:

"Yes, he is a little bit better than Captain Huang, so Captain Huang, come on, call me senior to listen, let senior me have fun."


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