Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 101 New System Of Exorcising Ghosts? The Behind-The-Scenes Of The Northeast Incident Were Fo

"Although your BMW is very Tesla, it's okay, at least you are all right."

Li Junfei said with a smile.

Cao Yushan and his son smiled. They knew why they were fine. They hit a ghost with their car, and they didn't really commit suicide.


We had a brief conversation.

Zhang Wei and the others did not stay long, and waved goodbye to Cao Yushan and his son.

Watching Zhang Wei and the others drive away.

Cao Yushan sighed, and glanced at the crashed BMW:

"This time the ghost didn't arrive, and even took a car. I really lost my wife and lost my army."

His words sounded.

But Cao Yu said:

"Dad, let's buy a new car this time. How about buying a domestic one and a big truck?"


"It's just... Dad, I want to say, why don't we try to light up the car too."

in words.

Cao Yu's eyes were burning: "Look at Zhang's opening for his car. It's so useful. When a ghost comes, just drive over and it's over. It saves time and effort. It's no better than chopping over there with a mahogany sword." The fragrance of ghosts."

"Then let's buy a big truck with a heavy tonnage. If we run into ghosts, we will surely knock them into the sky one by one."

"Although the amount of consecration work is huge, it's okay. I'll do the work and I'll do it slowly."

"I'll turn the big truck into a magic weapon after I've opened up all the parts from the whole body of the big truck."

The more I talk, the more excited I get.

Cao Yu has already started to make up his mind, he drove a big truck, faced with a wave of ghosts, he stepped on the clutch and the accelerator, he looked down on life and death on the spot, knocked the ghost to pieces, the ghost would not die, and the handbrake would not be pulled .

Think about it.

Cao Yu excitedly said:

"No! Not only big trucks, but also motorcycles and small motor vehicles are required. I will consecrate them one by one, so that I can deal with various terrains. It is not convenient for big trucks to go to the place where ghosts are exorcised. I will drive a motorcycle to hit them. "

"Really, Dad, let's give it a try, you see how cool Zhang Wei's collision is, it's really hilarious."

"Wait! I remembered who Zhang Wei is! He's on the list of potential rising stars!"

"Fuck! That must be it!"

"Dad, that Zhang Wei might be on the list of potential new stars with this car artifact."

"No! Dad, you have to buy me a car."

"As long as Dad buys me a car, I will have Wuling Hongguang with one hand and BYD electric motorcycle with the other, and I will definitely be on the list of potential new stars."

in words.

Cao Yu has made up his mind to start researching motor vehicles, he will be better than Zhang Wei, and become the first person to exorcise ghosts with motor vehicles!

The corner of Cao Yushan's mouth twitched.

Although I really want to refute my son Cao Yu, and even criticize him, I have to mention that what my son Cao Yu said is quite reasonable, and Zhang Wei has a deep understanding of driving into a ghost.

Think about it.

Cao Yushan hesitated and said:

"I'll buy you an electric motorcycle tomorrow, but let me tell you first, safety first. After all, that Zhang Wei, I remember that he has a strong physical body, and he can forcibly break the hand of a bronze armored corpse in Xishuangbanna. He can't compare."

"It's okay! Dad, I'll start exercising tomorrow, and then Dad, you can get me a body training similar to the Buddhist golden body. If I combine it, I will definitely be the first person to exorcise ghosts with motor vehicles."



the other side.

Zhang Wei didn't know that he unintentionally inspired someone to create a new profession of exorcising ghosts.

at this time.

Zhang Wei was driving Li Junfei back to school.

"Brother Wei, don't you really want to go back to the dormitory with us to have fun?" Li Junfei asked.

"Next time, I have something to do."

"Ah? Are you sure?"

Li Junfei looked at the time: "It's already 12 o'clock in the middle of the night, what else can you do, besides masturbation, I can't think of what you can do at this hour, Brother Wei."

The fat man took the words and said:

"Junfei, be more civilized, that's called repeated arm movement for muscle exercise."

Zhang Wei laughed and cursed after hearing this:

"You two are talking about chickens, I'm going to find Qian Cheng..."

Jingle Bell.

The phone rang, attracting Zhang Wei's attention.

Li Junfei frowned: "Oh, it seems that we guessed wrong, brother Wei is going to watch the sunrise with a girl, and by the way, a wave of girls will come out, let me see, which beauty is looking for brother Wei, huh? Huang Qingshan , this girl's name sounds very an, so masculine."

He glanced at Zhang Wei's mobile phone next to the gear of the car.

Found the caller ID - Huang Qingshan.

Captain Huang?

Zhang Wei was also taken aback for a while, he didn't expect Huang Qingshan to call him at this time.

Also at this time.

Zhang Wei and the others arrived at the gate of the school.

"Then don't bother Brother Wei, I'm busy, Brother Fat is gone, I'll take you to Baijin tonight."

Li Junfei thought that Zhang Wei was going on a date, so he hurriedly dragged the fat man back to the dormitory.

The fat man's face hurts.

He originally wanted to stage a wave of eavesdropping, but he could only stare at Zhang Wei's phone obsessively, and then was dragged away by Li Junfei.

He watched Li Junfei and the others leave.

Only then did Zhang Wei pick up the phone:

"Captain Huang, why are you looking for me so late, the Northeast incident has progressed?"

He is not a fool, Huang Qingshan called him in the middle of the night, there are only two possibilities, either he likes him, or he has something important to look for him, and obviously, the answer must be the latter.

as predicted.

As the words were asked, a voice came from the phone.

"Haha, yes, there is progress."

Huang Qingshan spoke heartily, apparently things in the Northeast are progressing, which makes him feel good:

"Didn't I make an appointment with you before, and I will notify you as soon as there is any progress. I will call you right away, right? I didn't bother you."

"I don't bother you. Captain Huang has found out something about the Northeast incident."

Mention the development of events in Northeast China.

Huang Qingshan stopped joking, and said seriously:

"That's right, Zhang Wei, you and Master Wu Nian were besieged and killed by ghosts before, and you captured a red-clothed ghost afterwards, didn't you?"

"After sending you out of the Northeast, our department interrogated the red-clothed ghost, but something happened, and the red-clothed ghost was killed."

"Fortunately, before the death of the red-clothed ghost, our Sili investigation team got some clues from it."

"Through those clues, we found the key clues."

"It's not accidental that you were besieged and killed by ghosts. It's related to the nine evils gathering ghosts, that is, the frequent occurrence of ghosts in this Northeast incident."

"It's the people behind the scenes who think you're hindering them, so they want to get rid of you."

"And the reason why we say we have found out the progress is that...we have found out who is behind the scenes."

As soon as his words came out.

"Who is it?" Zhang Wei's eyes lit up

"Sen Luosi." Huang Qingshan said in a deep voice.

Even over the phone.

But Zhang Wei could feel that when Huang Qingshan said the word "Sen Luosi" in his tone, he didn't hide his solemnity.


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