The monitoring road policeman looked at the monitoring screen in a daze.

at the same time.

Chunhua Road, the intersection.

Zhang Wei and Li Junfei got out of the car and walked up to the driver of the car accident.


The ghost in the car accident was extremely tragic. After being repeatedly driven and run over by Zhang Wei, his body was in tatters, his whole body was mutilated, and no part was intact.

【Ding! The car accident ghost was in extreme pain before he died, feeling that not only his body was crushed, but his entire soul was crushed by the car]

[Host obtains system points +50]

"Kill... Please, kill me."

The ghost in the car accident was dying, and the crushing pain in his soul made his life worse than death.

Zhang Wei, Li Junfei, and Fatty showed no mercy at all, even though the ghost in the car accident looked miserable.

The opposite of.

Not only did they show no mercy, they also felt that the car accident was not miserable enough.

"Brother Wei, it seems to be dying."

After Li Junfei spat, he spoke.

He had seen the news photos of the car accident at the crossroads, and he knew the horror of this ghost. It was a ghost that had killed at least one person and made another person guilty of murder, so he couldn't arouse any sympathy for him.

"It can't die yet."

Zhang Wei's voice came slowly.

The words fell.

Li Junfei, Fatty, and Cao Yushan and his son who just got off the crashed BMW were watching.

Zhang Wei knelt down and looked at the car accident ghost, and asked softly:

"Does it hurt?"

"Does it feel painful?"

"Do you know it hurts now? Do you know it hurts?"

"Those who were victimized by you are also going through the same pain as you, even much deeper than your pain, because not only they have to bear this pain, but their family members also have to bear it."

in words.

Zhang Wei grabbed the victim of the car accident and dragged him to the side of the road.

He showed no mercy the whole time.

Even though the body of the car accident ghost being dragged was in pain, heart-piercing and screaming, and the pain was so painful that he cried for his father and mother, he ignored it and dragged it like he was dragging garbage.

【Ding! The car accident ghost is frightened and painful, please kill me, please! 】

[Host obtains system points +60]

It dragged for a full ten meters.

A long stream of ghost blood spread along the way.

Zhang Wei dragged the car accident victim to the bus station where the intersection was.

Pointing to the bus stop that has now been repaired.


In three short words, Zhang Wei stared at the ghost of the car accident:

"There used to be a man standing here. His name was Qian Chengping. He was fifty-nine years old. In the eyes of others, he might not be good enough. He was just a rural farmer who didn't even know how to use a smartphone."

"Such a person is very insignificant and ordinary to you, even to me, and to other people."

"But for his son, he is not ordinary. He is a father. He will travel thousands of miles when he hears that his son's work is not going well. Chicken, go where he's never been."

"A father who will ask strangers one by one where his son lives, just to make a bowl of chicken soup for his son."

"Even if he was hit by a car and died, even if his legs were bent and he turned into a ghost, he still missed his son and wanted to rush over to make chicken soup for his son."

Zhang Wei caught the driver of the car accident.

With a kick, it broke its crushed legs and knelt on the ground where Qian Chengping died.


"You killed a man, and you killed a man's father."

"That man can no longer drink the chicken soup his father made for him, hear his father call him again, and listen patiently to him complaining about work."


As Zhang Wei said, he pushed the car accident victim's head to the ground and hit the ground heavily.


The car accident ghost screamed, knocking his head until he had a splitting headache.

But Zhang Wei didn't pay attention, and a leisurely voice came:


"You let a father die, he will never see his son again, he will no longer be able to be happy and proud to boast of his son's excellence when chatting with others, and he will no longer be able to care about his son."

Three consecutive confession voices.

In the end.

Li Junfei, Fatty, Cao Yushan and his son had obviously seen it. Zhang Wei's shoulders were trembling, and he was resisting the urge to kill the driver of the car accident.

Also at this moment.

The car accident ghost screamed: "Kill me, please kill me."

It was in so much pain that its whole body was crushed by the car, but it couldn't die. Zhang Wei forcibly hung it and couldn't die.

To this.

Zhang Wei has no extra words.

Drag it until it hits the truck driver, and let him confess again.

It was still the three consecutive confessions.

Zhang Wei expressed the pain of the truck driver.

Because of ghosts, people in the world cannot know that he is not a murderer. He will be considered by others for the rest of his life. He is a murderer and a person who has committed a crime. If he has children and family members, his "sin" is more than It affects him and his family.

The car accident ghost made his family bear the burden of a father who killed someone by car and a husband who killed someone by car.

To be finished.

Zhang Wei looked down.

The car accident ghost is dying, and the blood of the ghost has dried up.

Following Zhang Wei's last words.

The ghost in the car accident drained the last drop of ghost blood, and couldn't hold on any longer, and died with that pain and Zhang Wei's 'repentance' again and again.

for a while.

Zhang Wei and the others were silent.

Even Cao Yushan and his son are the same.

In fact, as people in the Department of Health and Dao, even as senior officials in the Department of Health, they know better than Zhang Wei that they have dealt with too many cases of evil spirits.

for a moment.

After watching the car accident ghost dissipate.

Zhang Wei patted his face, calmed down, and walked towards Cao Yushan and the others.

"Mr. Cao, are you the person in charge of the Department of Health and Dao in Fumin?"

"Yes." Cao Yushan nodded.

The words did not fall.

Cao Yushan seemed to know what Zhang Wei wanted to say, and said bluntly:

"Don't worry, I will notify the relevant personnel about this matter, and I will definitely return the truck driver's innocence, and do everything possible to clear him of his 'homicide'. This is what our Department of Health and Justice promises to do."

"That's fine."

Zhang Wei grinned, revealing a mouthful of white teeth.

Immediately afterwards.

He changed the subject:

"Well, actually, I want to ask, what are you guys doing just now, how can you commit suicide so easily."

Zhang Wei stared straight at the BMW not far away.

Cao Yushan and his son: "..."

Although they knew that Zhang Wei was enlivening the depressive atmosphere, they felt inexplicably hurt.

"Cough, accident, pure accident."

Cao Yu made an embarrassing sound, said haha, and prevaricated:

"I wanted to support you just now, but for some reason, the brakes failed, and I was on a horse. This made me feel confused. Fortunately, I stopped the car in time, haha."

Cao Yushan also echoed:

"A broken cart, a horse-rider."

no way.

They dare not tell the truth.

I can't tell Zhang Wei honestly that they just wanted to snatch Zhang Wei's head, and they wanted to kill him. This kind of behavior, Cao Yushan remembers clearly, is what his son Cao Yu often said about playing the king, orphan operation.

To this.

Li Junfei laughed out loud without knowing the truth, and joked:

"Brake failure? Is your BMW modified by Tesla?"


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