Look at the ghost lying in a pool of blood.

Cao Yu felt that the whole person was going to be ill, and said with a twitching mouth:

"Dad, what's going on, ghosts can be killed?"

Cao Yushan looked bewildered, wondering:

"If you ask me, I don't know. Damn it, how could a ghost be hit to death."

"Could it really be a problem with the car?"

Cao Yu recalled what Cao Yushan said just now, and asked uncertainly:

"Dad, I don't remember you telling me that a soldier has a righteous spirit and is protected by national luck, so it's as difficult as a ghost to get close to him."

"Dad, do you think it is possible, because Wuling Hongguang is made in China, so it also has the blessing of national luck, and it can hit ghosts,"

Cao Yushan shook his head and muttered:

"Uh, it's unlikely. If all domestic products are blessed, then the ghost will die if he eats an 'Old Godmother'."

in words.

He hesitated and guessed:

"There are only two possibilities. Either the Wuling Hongguang was made into a magic weapon by that young man, or it's the ghost's problem. It may be special and can be hit by a car. I think the second possibility is more likely."

Think of the first possibility.

The corners of Cao Yushan's mouth couldn't help twitching, no one should be so nonsense, turning the car into a magic weapon.

Also at this time.

Cao Yu said with a fucking face: "Refining cars into magic weapons? Dad, are you serious? Can this be done?"

As the secretary of health, how could he not know what the magic weapon is.

Magical tools are items used to deal with ghosts, such as mahogany swords, copper coin swords, etc. These are magic tools.

And as the son of Cao Yushan.

Cao Yu has seen a lot of magic tools, and he has also seen strange magic tools.

But the car is a magic weapon...

He could swear it was the first time he had seen it.

Can't help it.

The corners of Cao Yu's mouth twitched, thinking that others were carrying mahogany swords to drive away ghosts, but Zhang Wei stepped on the accelerator and drove to drive away ghosts.

"If it can be done, it can be done, but the amount of work is a bit large."

At this time, Cao Yushan's voice came over:

"Ayu, I told you that the refining of magical artifacts is to consecrate them to achieve a certain degree of restraint against ghosts."

"As for that car, if you want to drive away ghosts, you have to consecrate the entire car. Remember that the entire car must be consecrated inside and out."

Consecrated inside and out?

That is not to dismantle the car, from every component, from the car shell to the small screws.

Cao Yu's scalp is numb, this damsel has a lot of free time to do this kind of thing.

Think here.

He said: "It should be that ghosts are special, they can be hit by a car."

Cao Yushan nodded upon hearing this.

Just when he was about to say something.


From the corner of the eye.

"Ayu! The ghost is still alive!"

Cao Yushan noticed that the ghost lying in the pool of blood was still alive and hadn't dissipated, and he saw that the ghost moved its fingers and was still alive!

see this.

Cao Yushan didn't have the mood to pay attention to others, so he shouted:

"Hurry up! Hurry up!! Ayu, let's get in the car! Hurry up and drive over and hit that ghost, so the credit will be yours. Hurry up!"

They're a little farther away from the ghost now.

Because I got off the car earlier and wanted to exorcise ghosts.

Now if you want to make up the damage one step ahead of Zhang Wei and the others, you can only drive over there. After all, Zhang Wei and the others are also driving a car, and the running speed of a person cannot keep up with the car.

Cao Yu also understood what Cao Yushan meant.

Before he had time to say anything, he hurried into the car and slammed on the accelerator.

With a bang, the engine roared.

"Die to me!"

Cao Yu yelled, and the BMW galloped out and slammed into the ghost.

the other side.

At the intersection, the ghost who was lying in a pool of blood struggled to get up from the ground.

can be seen.

Most of its rotten face was sunken, one of its legs was broken, and its whole body was covered with wounds, bleeding continuously, making it scream in pain when it got up.

【Ding! The ghost in the car accident screamed in pain, and wanted to call the 120 ambulance, come to a ghost to save me]

[Host obtains system points +40]

When Zhang Wei collided, the driver of the car accident was maimed.


It was still struggling to get up.

【Ding! The car accident ghost wailed in pain and swore secretly that he would never dare to attack Wuling Hongguang again]

[Host obtains system points +50]

Although he didn't understand why he was hit by a car, he knew that he had to leave here. His body was disabled, and he would die if he stayed here again.

But wait for the ghost to get up.

It suddenly felt bright in front of its eyes, and when it looked up, its pupils shrank suddenly.

I saw a dazzling light ahead.

That's the light from the headlights.

A BMW was galloping, ramming towards it, yes, it was ramming towards it.

It was clearly visible through the front window of the car, and the driver was staring at it and yelling at it, 'Go to hell! ’, that crazy appearance, no matter how you look at it, you have seen it, and you want to hit it to death.

"Ah, no!!"

The ghost yelled in horror, his face full of despair.

Everything happened in a flash, and the ghost had no time to do anything except cross its hands to block the front.

However, the next second.


Accompanied by a bang sound from behind.

boom! ! !

The car accident ghost was stunned for a moment, looked at his 'intact' self, and then looked behind, with a look of surprise in an instant:

"Hey? Am I okay?!"

Unlike before, the BMW didn't hit it, but went straight through its body, and then with a sound of "Damn!" from inside the BMW and a sudden brake, the BMW hit the flowerbed behind go up.


The car accident ghost was overjoyed:

"Haha, didn't hit me? That's great, I'll just say..."

boom! ! ! !

The voice is not over.

The car accident ghost flew out

【Ding! The car accident ghost wanted to yell, to yell hysterically, Wuling Hongguang, step on your horse! ! ! 】

[Host obtains system points +60]

The driver of the car accident didn't have time to rejoice that he had dodged the BMW, so Zhang Wei ran into him again in Wuling Hongguang.

Immediately next second.

【Ding! The car accident ghost was terrified, and watched helplessly as the host reversed the car, causing it to be crushed twice. 】

[Host obtains system points +65]




Surveillance cameras at the intersection captured a strange scene.

A Wuling Hongguang galloped quickly at the intersection, and then passed a road, stopped with a sudden brake, then stepped back on the accelerator and stepped back.

The scene was indescribably weird.

Facing a bare road, Wuling Hongguang repeatedly reversed, drove, reversed, and drove..., rubbing against the road rapidly, rubbing back and forth, it was clear that the tires were worn bald.

And in the roadside flower garden next to Wuling Hongguang.

There was a BMW crashing there, the hood was smoking.

Until the road is full of tire marks.

Wuling Hongguang just stopped.

Then three young men got out of the car. They walked to the road and spit on it with a sneer.

This scene.

It happened to be seen by the monitoring road police on duty.

He was stunned:

"What's the matter, road rage? This is it."


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