Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 98 Is This Domestic Car A Magical Artifact?

"Dad, what you said is true?!"

Cao Yu's face changed: "Secretary of Defense really wants to help the old willow tree ghost escape from the shackles of guardianship?"

in words.

His breathing was rapid, and the excitement in his eyes was hard to hide.

If the old willow tree ghost is released from the shackles, then the meaning of the old willow tree ghost will be different for him to be seen by the old willow tree ghost. Being able to contract or partner with a ghost king, not to mention other things, is equivalent to becoming a ghost exorcist who can compete with the ghost king .

You must know that to fight against the ghost king, you must at least meet Qilin Wei, which is still the minimum standard.

"Of course it's true. What did I lie to you about?"

Cao Yushan's eyes were full of light, and after glancing at Cao Yu, he said slowly:

"The recent incidents in the Northeast have been investigated."

"You don't need to know this for the time being. The focus is on the incident in the Northeast, which made the Department of Health realize that there is not enough manpower, and wants to recruit more active forces."

"That old willow tree has a kind heart for ghosts, and is a very good recruiting target."

"So we thought about asking the real dragon guards to help the old willow tree, and now is the time for you to perform well in front of it. Don't be too lucky, and get in touch with the old willow tree before anyone else."

"True Dragon Guard?!" Cao Yu's pupils shrank suddenly.

As a member of the Department of Health, he knows how powerful the True Dragon Guard is, and it exists like a pillar of the Department of Health.

If you can ask the real dragon guard to help.

The old willow tree ghost's escape is definitely a high probability of success, and once it succeeds...

The more I think about it, the more excited I get.

Cao Yu felt as if he had been beaten with chicken blood in an instant.

He changed his laziness before and paid more attention to exorcising ghosts, and stepped on the gas pedal a little harder.

Great opportunity! !

This is the first time I have eaten crabs.

at the same time.

Zhang Wei didn't know about the conversation between Cao Yushan and his son, so he drove as usual on Chunhua Road.

"Brother Wei, did you find out?"

"Find what?"

"The one named Cao Yushan, their BMW suddenly drives so fast, is this a competition with you?"

Li Junfei said as he rolled up his sleeves:

"Brother Wei, can you bear it? I can't bear it, you dare to step on Brother Wei, let me drive, I want him to know who is the most beautiful boy in Luxia City."

The fat man is also booing;

"Wuhu~Junfei is so handsome, Junfei, I am a god! Fuck him! Fuck him! Give him a qwer, and take him away."

Zhang Wei couldn't help laughing and cursing when he heard this:

"Stop making fooling around, I...huh?"

The voice stopped abruptly.

I saw a man with his head down suddenly appeared at the intersection with no one in front of him.

It all happened so fast.

Just as Zhang Wei was talking to them, the man appeared unexpectedly.

"Brother Wei! Front, front!!! Ghost!!!"

Not only Zhang Wei.

Li Junfei also noticed the person in front, no, that is not a person, he saw it...

As Zhang Wei's car approached.

The person in front who lowered his head suddenly raised his head, most of his face was rotten, a large number of maggots came out of his rotten face, one eye was covered with maggots, it was not a face owned by a living person at all, at this moment Grinning at them.

This scene.

Even though Li Junfei had seen ghosts many times, he couldn't help trembling, and felt a chill rushing from the soles of his feet to Tianlinggai.

He yelled in horror:

"Brother Wei, ghost, ghost has appeared, stop quickly!"

However, Zhang Wei didn't seem to hear it. Instead of stopping the car, he slammed on the accelerator instead.

【Ding! Blessing Wuling Hongguang 1000 system points]

at the same time.

At the intersection, looking at Wuling Hongguang in front of him, the moment he looked up, the speed of the car suddenly increased, and the corners of his mouth widened into a grin.

【Ding! The car accident ghost laughed, hehe...very good, another...ah! ! ! ! 】

[Host obtains system points +30]

boom! ! !

There was a loud crash.


The screams pierced the sky and resounded through this quiet intersection.

【Ding! The car accident ghost looked at the changing scenery around him, and was stunned, ah! ! It hurts! How could this be, I... was hit by a car and flew away? 】

"My Cao?!" Li Junfei yelled, his eyes were as big as copper bells.

He was dumbfounded.

Looking up at the sky outside the car window, I saw the ghost flying upside down, turning its body continuously 360 degrees in the air, and throwing a gorgeous parabola in the air.

His whole body was dumbfounded.

The ghost...was knocked into the air by Brother Wei? ? ?

Not only him.

The fat man was dumbfounded.

【Ding! The unknown ghost is confused, I Cao? ! what's the situation? ! 】

[Host obtains system points +100]

How could a ghost be hit by a car? Is that ghost a spirit? It's impossible to be hit by a car.


Could it be...

【Ding! The unknown ghost is extremely confused, grass mud horse, just kidding, magic weapon! Is this domestic car a magic weapon? ! 】

[Host obtains system points +150]

the other side.

Cao Yushan and his son were in the BMW.

just now.

When Zhang Wei and the others found ghosts, they also found ghosts.


Cao Yushan hurriedly shouted: "Quick! The ghost has appeared, stop quickly, Ayu, let's get out of the car and deal with the ghost."

"it is good!"

Cao Yu quickly nodded and stopped the car, wanting to get out of the car to deal with the ghost.

Just didn't wait for him to stop.

He was stunned: "What is that man doing?"

He saw that after the ghost appeared, the car Zhang Wei was in speeded up in vain and rushed straight towards the ghost.

This scene.

Cao Yushan and his son were stunned.

Immediately, Cao Yushan couldn't help crying and laughing: "Sure enough, the idle ghost exorcist doesn't have enough knowledge. He must be a novice. That ghost is not a solid ghost like a zombie. How could he hit...fuck!?"

The words are not finished yet.

There was a crashing sound.

Cao Yushan was dumbfounded and yelled: "Bump, bump, hit and fly?!"

for a while.

Cao Yushan and his son froze in place.

Staring blankly at the sky in the distance, the ghost that was knocked out turned 360 degrees continuously in the air, drawing a gorgeous parabola...


There was a snap.

The ghost fell to the ground like a broken rag, and the ground was instantly covered with ghost blood.


Zhang Wei hit the ghost hard.

Deathly silence.

They were stunned, feeling as if their cerebellum had been removed, they lost their ability to think, and there was only one thought left in their minds... Was the ghost killed by that young man? ?

"What the hell is going on, this, how is this possible."

Looking at the ghost lying in a pool of blood, Cao Yushan murmured in surprise, his face full of disbelief:

"Am I dreaming, or am I being fascinated by a ghost? How could a car hit a ghost like this?"


He looked at Zhang Wei's car:

"Can the domestic car Wuling Hongguang kill ghosts??"

Cao Yushan was in a daze, not to mention Cao Yu, who was even more dazed and sluggish, unable to understand what was going on.

As he heard Cao Yushan's words.

The corner of his mouth twitched, his heart ached.

Although I don't know what's going on, but if it is true that Wuling Hongguang can kill a ghost, then he will regret it to death. I bought Nima's BMW. Wouldn't it be nice to buy a domestic Wuling Hongguang?


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