Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 97 At The Crossroads, Start Catching Ghosts

Zhang Wei said.

Seemingly feeling something, looking not far away, I saw a car driving towards this side.


Zhang Wei drank the Nutrition Express in his hand, threw it into the roadside trash can, and walked to the car, which was parked by the road where Zhang Wei was.

"Brother Wei, I rented a car for you."

The car door opened, and Li Junfei got out of the car.


Zhang Wei replaced Li Junfei and sat in the driver's seat.

After having dinner with Li Junfei and Fatty, Zhang Wei came to the crossroads ahead of time, not wanting to miss the opportunity when ghosts might appear.


He also asked Li Junfei to rent a car.

At that time, Li Junfei asked Zhang Wei why he had to rent a car to catch a ghost.

To this.

Zhang Wei replied that according to the police information he asked for from squad leader Lu Lianxue, the truck driver was indeed as Li Junfei said the taxi driver said, and the truck driver gave a statement that before the accident, he saw a person appearing on the road.

The truck driver was trying to avoid that person, so he turned the steering wheel in an emergency to avoid it, and then crashed into the bus platform.

That's why.

Zhang Wei decided to drive on this intersection.

After all, the ghost obviously induced the driver to have an accident.

If he does not drive, if it is too late and there is no car passing by at the intersection, then the ghost will not appear. Driving by himself can avoid this situation, and it is also easy to attract the ghost's attention and see the ghost.

At this moment.

Sitting in the driver's seat, Zhang Wei looked at Li Junfei and Fatty who were sitting in the back seat of the car:

"Junfei, fat brother, don't you go back and play black?"

"Why don't you go back? There's no excitement in watching Brother Wei exorcise ghosts."

Li Junfei rubbed his hands and laughed:

"I'm right, fat brother."

Fatty nodded: "Yes, you can drive Hei at any time, but it's rare to see ghosts while driving."

Li Junfei continued:

"Brother Wei, let me and Fat Brother watch, just so we can help you."

"Think about it, it's only past 8 o'clock. If the ghost comes too late, you'll drive back and forth for more than 4 hours, and you'll be driving tired. Didn't Mr. Lu once say that you must obey the traffic rules as a human being."

"Then if we are here, we will take turns with you to prevent you from driving tired."

Zhang Wei joked:

"Is that so, I don't believe Mr. Lu said that, he will come up and confront you when I summon the soul."

"Giao, brother Wei, goodbye, it's midnight, let's not bother Mr. Lu to read in the underworld."

They played and slapped farts for a while.

Zhang Wei started the car and started walking back and forth on the road.

Time flies.

Went around until 10 o'clock.

As midnight approached, there were fewer and fewer cars on the road.

Also at this time.

When Zhang Wei drove through the intersection again, his eyes fell on a BMW passing by him.

Although no ghosts were encountered.

But there are new discoveries.

"Brother Wei, Brother Fat, you found out that you don't have that BMW, it seems like we are also driving back and forth here."

Li Junfei also noticed that the BMW car was strange.

Without hesitation.

Zhang Wei was going to catch up to see the situation.

the other side.

In that BMW.

Not only Zhang Wei and the others discovered each other's situation, but the other party also discovered Zhang Wei.

There were two people sitting in the BMW.

A middle-aged man and a young man, both of them look somewhat similar, obviously a pair of father and son.

"Dad, there is something wrong with that car." The young man who was driving looked into the left rearview mirror and said, "Huh? That car is chasing us."

"I know, Ayu, slow down and open the window."

The middle-aged man Cao Yushan looked at Zhang Wei and his car.

Cao Yushan, an exorcist of ghosts, is one of the people in charge of the Fumin area of ​​the Department of Weidao.

Recently, his son Cao Yuzi inherited his father's career and joined the Department of Health and Dao. In order to increase his son's practical experience, he learned that the place was suspected to be haunted, so he brought his son here to drive out ghosts.

However, the ghost did not meet tonight, but they found Zhang Wei and the others.


The two sides meet.

As soon as he came up, Zhang Wei said, "It's from the Department of Health and Dao?"

In his opinion, the other party's behavior is obviously the same as his own. He came to see ghosts. He was entrusted to exorcise ghosts, so the other party is likely to be from the Department of Health and Dao. After all, the Department of Health and Dao is responsible for exorcising ghosts. Come.

It's just that Zhang Wei was a little puzzled. They didn't seem to be members of the Luxia City Health Department, but were they sent from other places to support them?

is wondering

Cao Yushan's voice came:

"You are from the Department of Health and Dao of Luxia City? I am Cao Yushan from the Department of Health and Dao of Fumin District. Let me and my son handle this supernatural incident."

"Hello, Mr. Cao, I am not from the Department of Health and Dao."

"Huh? Idle ghost exorcist? It's okay, sir. Let us handle this matter with the Department of Health and Dao."

"Mr. Cao, I'm afraid this request will be difficult to obey. I was entrusted to exorcise ghosts, so I can't just walk away like this."

Cao Yushan couldn't help frowning.

"Entrusted by someone? Entrusted by whom?"

He had read the information about this supernatural incident. Except for the Secretary of Health who knew about the suspected supernatural incident and would come to exorcise ghosts, there should be no one else who entrusted him to exorcise ghosts. After all, neither the victim nor the person involved knew it was a ghost.

"A ghost old man, Mr. Cao, does Mr. Liu know about the old man Liu Shu in the house of horrors in Luxia City?"

Zhang Wei didn't hide it.

Before talking to Mr. Willow, he thought he would meet the Secretary of Weidao, so he asked Mr. Liu if he could tell it. Mr. Liu didn't mind. He just wanted to test Zhang Wei, and it wasn't some stealth.

"House of horrors? Mr. Willow?"

Cao Yushan seemed to have thought of something, his face changed:

"You mean that old willow tree in the house of horrors on Chunhua Road?"

As one of the persons in charge, how could he not know about the old willow tree ghost in Luxia City.

After being acknowledged by Zhang Wei.

Cao Yushan's egg hurts, and it seems that Zhang Wei can't be driven away:

Then he spoke:

"Since it's that one, forget it, but as the Department of Health and Dao, it's my duty to exorcise the ghosts in Luxia City, so if you find ghosts at that time, it's up to you."

He didn't intend to easily let go of the opportunity for his son to practice.


Zhang Wei nodded.

Immediately afterwards.

Watching Zhang Wei and the others drive off, Cao Yushan said to Cao Yu beside him:

"Let's keep going, find that ghost as soon as possible, and don't let the other party get ahead."

Speaking of which.

Cao Yushan added another sentence:

"Ayu, since that ghost was killed by the client of Mr. Willow, if you can get rid of it, maybe you can get Mr. Willow's fancy."

"Ah? Dad, the willow old man you mentioned is the old willow ghost you told me about before."

Cao Yu was a little puzzled and said:

"Isn't he a guardian spirit? It's useless to get him, and it can't help me. I just ask him to borrow some willow branches. I don't lack magic weapons."

Cao Yushan patted Cao Yu on the head:

"You know p, he was the guardian spirit in the past, not necessarily in the future."

"Ah? What do you mean?" Cao Yu looked surprised.

Cao Yufan took a look and explained:

"The recent events in Northeast China have also put the Ministry of Health in other regions under the watchful eye and are preparing to expand their staff."

"Our Fumin Department of Health and Dao is considering helping the old willow tree ghost to escape from the shackles of guardianship, and invite the old willow tree ghost to become a member of the Department of Health and Dao."

"If you can make a contract with the old willow tree ghost, or be a partner, you will be able to prosper in the future, do you understand?"

"After all... the old willow tree ghost is a ghost king."


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