Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 96 Are You A Ghost Who Continues To Do Things In His Lifetime?

Response by Zhang Wei.

Qian Chengping was stunned for a moment, and finally someone was willing to help him, and he nodded repeatedly and replied:

"Yes, yes, go to the spring community, that is, the spring of spring, summer, autumn and winter, the weather, the spring community."

"I've never been to this neighborhood."

After listening, Zhang Wei took out his mobile phone:

"But it's okay, Uncle, I'll check it for you with my mobile phone."

Not long.

Zhang Wei found out the address and instructed Qian Chengping how to get there.

Qian Chengping was grateful: "Thank you, young man. It turns out that the mobile phone can check the address in this way. I just found out. No wonder my son insisted on changing it for me, saying that the mobile phone is very convenient now."

"It seems that I have to study the mobile phone when I go back this time. Otherwise, I don't need to ask someone for directions. I can just check the mobile phone. It's really convenient."

in words.

He thanked Zhang Wei again: "Young man, thank you so much, please check for me."

"Uncle, you're welcome, don't bother me."

Zhang Wei waved his hand.

"Speaking of which Uncle listens to your accent, you are not from the local area."

"Yes, I'm from Wenling. I came to Luxia City this time to visit my son. My son works in Luxia City."

When it comes to his children, like most of the older generation, Qian Chengping is no exception, talking non-stop, boasting about his son, why he works in Luxia City, and married a wife in Luxia City, etc.

"Uncle, your son is very powerful. The job you mentioned should be a sales supervisor. It is not easy to be promoted to a sales supervisor at the age of thirty."

"Really, is the sales executive really that powerful?"

Zhang Wei nodded noncommittally, and simply explained to Qian Chengping what a sales executive is.

As soon as Qian Chengping was overjoyed, he almost showed his pride on his face.

But only for a moment.

He soon became sad:

"It's good to be a sales executive, but it's also very tiring."

"Yes, very tired." Zhang Wei explained to Qian Chengping.

Qian Chengping sighed when he heard the words:

"It turned out to be so troublesome, no wonder I called my son yesterday, and he complained a lot. I don't know much about these jobs as a farm worker, and I even told my son to change jobs, which made him mess up. this is."

After saying that, Qian Chengping stopped chatting and went to find his son to make up for him.

Before leaving, Qian Chengping did not forget to thank Zhang Wei again, and even gave Zhang Wei some vegetables tied on his back.

Zhang Wei refused with a smile.

"Brother Wei."

Li Junfei's words sounded.

Zhang Wei withdrew his gaze towards Qian Chengping and turned around to look over.

At some point, Li Junfei and Fatty got out of a taxi and waved towards him.

"Brother Wei, I didn't expect that we came so soon."

Li Junfei trotted over:

"Brother Wei, what were you doing standing here just now?"

"No reason, an uncle asked me the way, and I will show him the way."


Li Junfei looked around in a daze, looking around:

"Uncle? Where is it?"

in words.

Li Junfei did not hide his doubts. In his eyes, there was no one around Zhang Wei.


When they came by car just now, they looked through the car window, and there was no one around Zhang Wei. They only saw Zhang Wei standing there, talking to himself as if in a drama.

And let alone an uncle, the person closest to Zhang Wei is several meters away from him, and she is a female office worker.

"Where is Uncle, he just left."

Zhang Wei pointed in a direction with his finger.

In his eyes, Qian Chengping has gone far away, leaving only a small back.

Li Junfei was confused: "Just left? Why didn't I see anyone?"

through its sight.

He looked at the place Zhang Wei was pointing at, the road over there was empty, and there was no one at all.

To this.

Zhang Wei didn't seem surprised, patted his shoulder, smiled and said slowly:

"You can't see people, because... I didn't say that uncle is a person."


When Li Junfei heard this, he was so frightened that he almost swears.

not human?

Could it be...

He reacted quickly, his pupils constricted, and he felt a chill down his spine.


Brother Wei was talking to a ghost just now.


Li Junfei quickly asked: "Brother Wei, did you see a ghost in broad daylight? Is that uncle a ghost?"

He didn't notice that when he was asking Zhang Wei...

The fat man next to him was also looking in the direction Zhang Wei was pointing.


It is different from Li Junfei.

In his line of sight, the road over there is not empty, but there is a figure.

It was a man covered in blood and flesh, and from the white hair of the other party, it could be judged that he was a middle-aged man who was about to enter old age, an uncle.

The opponent was bloody and bloody.

Holding a bloody, mutilated, decapitated hen in one hand.

In the other hand was a bundle of blood-stained vegetables.

The most penetrating thing is those legs.

The two legs were twisted irregularly, and the bones were broken and exposed to the air. Those legs... normal people, let alone walking, have already screamed to death in pain.


The figure was walking away with a limp on those legs.

Watch it go.

Fatty's eyes flickered: "I don't know if I'm dead, but I'm still a ghost who continues to do things in my life."

Whispering words fall.

There was also a message from Li Junfei.

Li Junfei seemed to have thought of something, and hurriedly said:

"Brother Wei, when you said that, I suddenly remembered something. When I came here by taxi, I was chatting and spanking with the driver. He told me that there was a car accident a few days ago."

"He said it was an accident caused by a truck driver driving at night."

"But he said it was probably not an accident."

"He said that because he was also a driver, there were a lot of gossip. He heard that after the truck driver hit someone, he explained to the police that he was not driving fatigued, nor was his car malfunctioning."

"It was because he saw someone suddenly appearing on the road, and he turned the steering wheel to avoid that person."

"However, the police think that he is hallucinating due to fatigue driving."

"Brother Wei, you don't think so, the truck driver must have seen hell."

Li Junfei couldn't help but think too much.

You must know that there was an evil car accident here a few days ago, and now Zhang Wei is seeing the devil again, so it's hard not to think about it.

Can't help it.

Li Junfei lowered his voice and said:

"Brother Wei, you said that the ghost you met was probably the ghost that the driver saw."

its out.

Zhang Wei slanted towards Li Junfei, and said leisurely: "I don't know, but if it is a ghost that the driver encountered, maybe we will find out at night."


That night.

Luxia City, at the intersection of Chunhua Road.

After having dinner with Li Junfei and Fatty, Zhang Wei returned to the intersection.

He picked up his phone and checked the time.

at this time.

It was 8:11 p.m.

Looking at the passing vehicles and looking up at the night, Zhang Wei took a sip of the Nutrition Express in his hand:

"The moon is dark and the wind is high, and the night is quite cloudy. It is a night suitable for killing people."


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