Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 95 Can I Ask, How To Get To The Spring District

Luxia City, Chunhua Road.

After attending university in Luxia City for a year, Zhang Wei often goes out to play and is very familiar with Luxia City.

at this time.

Zhang Wei on his way to the intersection:

"I remember that intersection. There seems to be a bus stop. It seems that I went out with Junfei and the others before, and I took a bus there."

talking to himself.

Zhang Wei picked up his mobile phone to check the news of Luxia City.

as predicted.

He found news about the car accident on Chunhua Road.

News content reports:

Recently, an accident occurred at the intersection of Chunhua Road, Luxia City, Fujian Province. At 8:13 p.m., a truck driver drove improperly and slammed into a bus stop, causing a traffic accident and killing a fifty-nine-year-old middle-aged man. The young man died at the scene.

According to the police investigation.

The case ruled out the possibility of homicide, and it was a traffic accident. As for the specific reason, the case is under further investigation.

Click on the link below to view photos of the news event.

Friendly reminder, the photos of the incident contain bloody elements. If the viewer is under the age of 18, please watch it with the company of parents.

Zhang Wei clicked the link below.


Photos of news events popped up.

It was a photo of a car accident when a truck hit a bus platform. The truck knocked off most of the platform panel, leaving glass shards all over the floor.

Look closely.

A large amount of blood was spattered on the platform panel that was hit.

And where the truck collided with the platform, a pair of irregularly bent legs were exposed, and a lot of blood flowed on the ground.


That should be the middle-aged man who was hit to death. The truck hit him on the platform panel, and he was crushed to death by the collision between the truck and the panel. Judging from the large amount of blood in the photo and the broken arm scattered beside him, he had already been hit. Bloody.

looking at the photo.

Zhang Wei frowned, and his eyes flashed fiercely.

Although he was mentally prepared, for some reason, he still became angry when he looked at the photo.

This is a living human life, it just disappeared, and because of the ghost, if no one finds out, their family members will not know who the murderer is until they die, they will only think it is the truck driver.

As for the truck driver, he will live with the reputation of killing people for the rest of his life.

Jingle Bell.

The phone rang.

Zhang Wei was interrupted.

Caller ID - Li Junfei.

"Hey, brother Wei, are you still drinking tea with the old man you mentioned? Fat brother and I will finish shopping in the handicraft store in a while. Do you want to come out for dinner early, haha."

Li Junfei's loud voice came from the phone.

Wiping away his previous anger, Zhang Wei responded:

"I finished drinking tea with the old man."

"Ah? So fast? I thought you guys would drink it for a long time. Is it because the tea is not good to drink? It's okay. Brother Wei, I suggest you drink milk tea with the old man. Milk tea is much better than other teas." gone."

Listen to Li Junfei's words.

Zhang Wei suddenly remembered the chat with Mr. Liushu before, and couldn't help laughing out:

"That's not it. The old man's tea is delicious, but your suggestion is good. If there is a chance, I will invite the old man to drink milk tea."

Li Junfei smiled:

"Then wait until Fatty and I finish shopping at the handicraft store to find you, Brother Wei, where is the horror house? Brother Wei, please send me the address, and I will take a taxi there."

"No address, Junfei, take a taxi and come to the bus station at the intersection of Chunhua Road. We were on vacation before, and we went out to play scripts and killed the bus stop. Don't you remember?"

Zhang Wei's words fell.

Li Junfei's blunt voice came from the phone:

"Of course I remember. I was so impressed by the script killing. The plot of that script killing was too bad, but the girls who came to play were very good. I want to pull weeping willows with each of them."


Li Junfei asked curiously:

"By the way, Brother Wei, why are you going there? You wouldn't go behind my back and Fat Brother to cheat, and play script killing with the girl."

"What do you think, I'm just here for something, and you can come here to find me later."

After Zhang Wei hung up the phone, he arrived at the bus stop.

can be seen.

The bus platform has been replaced with a new one, and at first glance it seems that there has never been a tragedy here.

But look at the ground on the bus stop platform.

Even after washing it with water, there were still blood marks left, and one can imagine how tragic it was at that time.

at this time.

It's just over 1 o'clock, and it's time to go to work.

Maybe there was a car accident here, others thought it was unlucky, and there were not many people waiting on the bus platform.

This is not Zhang Wei's random thinking.

I saw a female office worker dressed in professional attire.

She stood at the bus stop, while waiting for the bus, she said to the colleague beside her:

"Xiao Li, do you know that the place where you are standing is very dangerous."

"Huh? What does that mean."

"Don't you know, there was a car accident here five or six days ago, and a person was killed where you were standing."

The colleague was frightened by the female office worker's words, and leaned away in fright.

Similar conversations.

It was only ten minutes since Zhang Wei sat on the seat of the bus platform, and he had already listened to it several times.

Listening to these people talking, Zhang Wei looked around and observed the situation at the intersection.

for a moment.

Zhang Wei looked in one direction, with doubts flashing in his eyes.


Qian Chengping, an old farmer from Fumin Province.

Like other old farmers, due to working in the field all year round, their skin is tanned, and their skin is not as well-maintained as the young people in big cities. It looks rough. Although they are only middle-aged, they look very old

In addition, the older generation has always been thrifty, and they will never change the clothes they buy unless they are worn out.

For this reason, with his old clothes and outfit, if he hadn't held a big hen in his hand and a bundle of vegetables in the other hand, he would definitely be regarded as an old beggar.

at this time.

It was a hot summer day, and it was still at 1:00, when the sun was very hot.

Already old and carrying heavy loads, Qian Chengping was sweating profusely as he walked on the road, and from time to time he raised his head and wiped the sweat off his forehead with his sleeves.

despite this.

He didn't cry tired, he walked all the way, walking towards other passers-by from time to time.

"Hello, may I ask how to get to the spring community?"

Qian Chengping asked a young passerby for directions.

However, several inquiries were made one after another.

Maybe it's because his old outfit doesn't look clean enough, or maybe it's because he looks like a countryman holding a hen.

No one wanted to answer his questions at all.

Qian Chengping was ignored.

It made Qian Chengping a little embarrassed for a while, but he still asked patiently.

no way.

He didn't come to Luxia City to hang out.

I called my son a few days ago and heard that my son was not doing well at work recently and his daughter-in-law was sick, so I came all the way to find my son to see if I could help and make some chicken soup for my son and daughter-in-law.

I asked a few more questions in a row.

Seeing that no one paid any attention to him, when Qian Chengping asked, he was about to shut himself off.

He came to the platform.

Thinking that there are so many people here, he should be able to ask the way, so he asked a young man sitting on the platform seat:

"Hello, may I ask how to get to the spring community?"

this time.

Finally got a response.

When asked by Qian Chengping, Zhang Wei raised a smile:

"Uncle, are you going to the spring community?"


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