"Don't be so polite, let's talk about business."

The old willow tree ghost changed the topic.

【Ding! The old willow tree ghost feels that if he doesn't change the subject, he feels that the tea leaves are going to turn yellow]

[Host obtains system points +50]


Zhang Wei sat on the chair and took a sip of tea: "Good tea~"

Old Willow Tree Ghost: "..."

With what Zhang Wei said earlier, it couldn't bear to look at the word "good tea" for a while.

He coughed lightly.

After pouring another cup of tea for Zhang Wei, the old willow ghost said:

"Young man, you said that you knew about old age from your friends, but there is a female Taoist priest from Longhu Mountain who is about the same age as you."


After Zhang Wei nodded, he was a little surprised:

"Old man Liu Shu still remembers the monitor, oh, it's my friend, Lu Lianxue."

The ghostly eyes of the old willow tree smiled:

"I can't do anything else, but I have a good memory. I remember that a Taoist girl came to my place a few years ago."

"Furthermore, this old man has also met a head teacher of Longhushan for a few times, so he will have a deep impression on the people of Longhushan."

That's all for words.

The old willow tree ghost looked at Zhang Wei:

"Young man, don't you also come from Longhu Mountain, the Zhang family of Tianshi Mansion?"

Zhang Wei's surname, plus Zhang Wei also said that he can help him release the shackles of the guardian spirit. With this kind of means, it can't help but associate it with the Zhang family of the Tianshi Mansion. There is a way to help him release the shackles of such a powerful Taoist inheritance. of.

"Master Liushu, I am not from the Zhang family of Tianshi Mansion."

Zhang Wei explained that his surname just happened to be Zhang, and he also explained that he debuted halfway.

for a moment.

The old willow tree ghost bowed his head lightly: "So that's it. It seems that the young man has a lot of good luck, but it's also true. I see you with a lucky face."

"Hey, does Mr. Liu Shu know how to look at faces?"

"I understand a little bit. I once met a physiognomist and learned a little bit."

Knowing that Zhang Wei became a monk on the way, he was afraid that Zhang Wei would not know what a fortune-teller is, so the old willow tree ghost kindly introduced Zhang Wei.

A fortune teller, also known as a fortune teller.

They can infer people's longevity, prosperity, good and bad, and good or bad according to their facial features, complexion, bones, and fingerprints.

Those fortune-tellers who bluff and swindle among the people use the profession of a fortune teller to make money. It is conceivable how powerful a fortune teller is. His name alone is enough to make people awe-inspiring and make money.

Zhang Wei couldn't help admiring:

"I didn't expect Mr. Liu Shu to hide his secrets."

"The lad won the prize."

The old willow tree ghost waved his hand:

"The superficiality of this old man can't be put on the table, it's not worth mentioning, let's get down to business."

"Young man, you said before that you wanted to make a contract with me, but it's not impossible. To be honest, I have stayed here for more than three hundred years, and I am eager to go out and have a look."

"But the contract matter is important, and it is related to your fate."

"A contract is equivalent to entrusting my life to your hands. I have to think carefully about it."

Zhang Wei expressed his understanding.

It was the first time he met the old willow tree ghost. He knew that the old willow tree ghost had a good nature and a kind heart for ghosts, and he followed the path of yin and virtue.

But the old willow tree ghost doesn't know how he behaves in the world.

in its view.

That's what the old willow tree ghost was worried about, he was afraid of following the wrong master, what if he liked to kill, what if Zhang Wei was a treacherous and evil person.

Also at this time.

The old willow tree ghost continued, holding out a finger:

"If the young man can help the old man complete one thing, the old man can consider making a contract with you."

To this.

Zhang Wei was not surprised, he readily accepted and said:

"That's fine, as long as it doesn't make me do something unethical."

"I don't know what old man Liu Shu wants me to do."

If you want to see a person's nature, you can't see it in a day or two, but mostly you can see it when you get along with many parties.

But they don't have so much time to get along, the best way is to judge each other's nature through their own 'test'. The old willow tree ghost wants to see his own nature and make observations from it.

"Of course the young man would not be allowed to do such a thing. After all, although the old man is a ghost, he is walking the path of Yin De."

The old willow tree ghost is smiling


He stood up and signaled: "Young man, please follow me."

Under the leadership of the old willow tree ghost.

The two came to the staff lounge at the back of the horror house.

At this time during work.

The staff are all at the front desk and there is no one in the lounge.

The old willow tree ghost came to the window and pointed to the road ahead:

"Have you seen this road, lad?"

"I see, isn't this the Chunhua Road leading to the outskirts of the city? Mr. Liushu, don't you want me to build the road?" Zhang Wei said.

The old willow tree ghost laughed when he heard this.

Then shook his head and said:

"The old man is not that wicked, and you need to spend money to make a contract with you."

"I want to ask you to help me exorcise ghosts. You are not a ghost exorcist, young man. I think this will not trouble you."

"Huh? Exorcising ghosts? It's that simple?" Zhang Wei looked over.

The old willow tree ghost smiled and nodded:

"Yes, it's that simple."

"Not long ago, this road went straight for about 100 meters, and there was a crossroad there."

"As the saying goes, crossroads lead to yin and yang, and crossroads are the intersection of roads leading in all directions, including the road of life and death, so there is a lot of yin and ghosts often appear."

"However, the Ching Ming Festival has just passed, and even though the ghost gates are closed, there is still yin energy remaining, so ghosts are attracted to the crossroads."

"At the intersection of this highway, there was a car accident a few days ago. The old man sensed that there was a ghost haunting it. The car accident was not accidental, but a ghost was harming people."

in words.

The old willow tree ghost looked at Zhang Wei:

"The old willow is just a dead old willow, but people planted the old, it is people's love for the old, so that the old can grow into a hundred-year-old tree, the old is very grateful, and I like people, and I don't want to see innocent people. People die because of the selfishness of ghosts."

"Now that there are ghosts harming people, I don't want to sit idly by, so I can't get out of here."

"So I hope you can help me exorcise the ghosts, young man, so that no more innocent people will be persecuted."

Zhang Wei agreed to the old willow tree ghost's request.

"Master Liushu, this matter is on my shoulders."

"Okay, then thank you young man."

The old willow tree ghost responded with a smile.

Zhang Wei continued.

"Master Willow, are you sure you don't need to do anything else besides this matter?"

"No need, just help the old man deal with the ghosts on the road."

"That's fine."


Not long.

After chatting with the old willow tree ghost, Zhang Wei left the horror house.

"Sir, wait, you forgot to take your organic fertilizer."

The clerk stopped Zhang Wei and found that Zhang Wei was empty-handed, thinking that Zhang Wei forgot to take the bag of organic fertilizer

"That, no need, I don't want it anymore."

"Ah? Are you sure?" The clerk was confused, what's going on, you brought fertilizer to play in the horror house, why didn't you bring it back when you went out, did you come to the horror house to fertilize?

"Yes, no more."

Zhang Wei left this sentence with a smile, and went straight out of the store, looking at the intersection that the old willow tree ghost said.

Although it is morning.

It is impossible for ghosts to appear at this time.

But it didn't stop him from looking it up, he was going to check the situation at that intersection.


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