Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 104 Do You Still Want To See Uncle Qian One Last Time?

Say goodbye to Li Junfei and the others at school.

Zhang Wei drove overnight, and according to the information provided by the squad leader Lu Lianxue, he drove overnight to the village where Qian Chengping lived in Wenling City.

Unlike big cities.

Although with the development of construction, the houses in the countryside are not as dilapidated as the previous movie impressions, but small buildings built on the ground.

However, the houses in the countryside have different shapes and are located in scattered locations. Even if they have addresses, it is difficult to tell which one is which.

I found it.

Zhang Wei saw a house.

Looking at the white silk and white lanterns used for funerals hanging on it, he knew that he had found it. This was Qian Chengping's home.


at this time.

Qian Chengping's family.

This is not a big house, although it is three or four o'clock in the middle of the night, there are still about ten people in the yard, they are Qian Chengping's wife, relatives, and villagers who volunteered to help, and they are stacking gold ingots over there.

In the Fumin area, the relatives will fold the longevity gold into gold ingots for the deceased, which means burning them to the deceased relatives, so that the other party can get the gold ingots.

Qian Chengping's wife was stacking gold ingots, tears rolling in her eyes.

Even though she had cried time and time again, when she thought of the person Jin Yuanbao was going to give to, her tears seemed to stop crying.

To this.

The surrounding people also expressed their comfort.

One of the middle-aged people spoke:

"Sister-in-law, don't be sad, brother Qian like you will feel bad if he sees it, and..."

As he spoke, he looked towards the hall behind the house.

In the hall, there is a coffin, and in front of the coffin, a man in filial piety kneels in front of the coffin.

The man seemed to have been petrified. He had been kneeling there for a long time. No matter how everyone persuaded him, he was unwilling to get up. That was Qian Wenbin, the son of Qian Chengping.


The middle-aged man continued:

"And if Wenbin sees it, he will feel even more uncomfortable, and he will feel even more guilty."

"Yeah, originally Wen Bin felt guilty about Cheng Ping."

"Hey, sister-in-law, why don't you go and persuade Wen Bin again, he has been kneeling for two days."

People around shouted out.

The sister-in-law looked at her son in the hall, wiped her tears and nodded, and got up again to persuade her son.

They know it.

Why did Qian Wenbin kneel there all the time.

Apart from Qian Chengping being his father, he also felt that he killed his father.

Because he talked to his dad on the phone and complained about work to his dad, which made his dad want to come to him to comfort him and make chicken soup for him.

Same time.

He was even more guilty. The last time he talked to his dad on the phone, he even took out his bad temper at work on his dad. That was the last time they talked.

Guilt, self-blame.

Qian Wenbin couldn't forget it.

at this time.

In the lobby.

Qian Wenbin knelt in front of Qian Chengping's coffin and remained silent for a long time, staring at the coffin like a piece of wood, as if he wanted to see Qian Chengping through the coffin.

Even if it's been two days.

He still feels like he's dreaming.

From time to time, my mind still comes to mind. When I received a call two days ago, my mother broke down and cried on the phone, telling him that his father had died.

That day I received a call from my mother.

Qian Wenbin was still at work. When he heard the content of the phone call, he couldn't hold back anymore. He was crying with his head in his arms in front of the entire company's employees.

It's been two days now.

Every time he thought of Qian Chengping's death, he couldn't accept it.


He shouted hoarsely towards the coffin again.

Words come out.

Qian Wenbin was trembling all over, guilt and self-blame welled up in his heart again.

Why are you losing your temper with Dad.

Why did you blame Dad for not knowing anything at that time, and even preached to him.

Why should I complain to my dad about my work, and let my dad listen to him for the last time, it's all negative.

Why is Dad a good man all his life, why is this so.


"Hello, are you Qian Wenbin?"

Qian Wenbin slowly raised his head until a voice came from beside him, only to find a young man standing beside him at some point.

Looking at the Qian Wenbin in front of him, who was somewhat similar to that Qian Chengping.

Zhang Wei stretched out his hand politely:

"Hi, my name is Zhang Wei."

"Are you my dad's friend too? Thank you for coming to my dad's funeral." Qian Wenbin thanked you leisurely while holding back his uncomfortable mood.

Words come out.

But he saw Zhang Wei shaking his head lightly:

"I'm not here for Uncle Chamber's funeral."

Zhang Wei's positive opening:

"Although I know that what I said next is a bit impolite and ridiculous, but I want to ask you, Mr. Qian Wenbin, do you still want to see Uncle Qian one last time?"


Luxia City, at the intersection of Chunhua Road.

at this time.

At 7:20 in the morning, the sky was already bright.

Sanitation workers have already started here, cleaning the roadside sanitation, and there are also people walking around in twos and threes at the bus platform.

for a moment.

Zhang Wei drove Qian Wenbin's mother and son to the intersection.

【Ding! Bless Qian Wenbin's mother and child's eyes and body with 10 system points]

The system prompt sounds.

The door opens.

Qian Wenbin's mother and son couldn't wait to get out of the car.

And get out of the car and look...

Qian Wenbin was stunned.

Qian Wenbin saw a middle-aged man in his fifties among the crowd in twos and threes at the bus stop at the intersection ahead.

Different from those around you.

The middle-aged man was dressed in old clothes, carrying a big hen and a bundle of vegetables in his hand.

He was asking passers-by:

"Hello, may I ask how to get to the spring community?"

However, the passers-by didn't seem to hear him and ignored him at all.

despite this.

Still smiling, he took the trouble to ask passers-by over and over again.

This scene.

Qian Wenbin's tense heart could no longer hold back the pain, and tears burst out of his eyes in an instant:


he yelled.

Ignore the strange eyes of the people around, and don't care about the strange eyes of the people around.

His emotions that had been suppressed for two days were vented at this moment.


Qian Chengping, who was in the middle of the road, was taken aback for a moment, and followed the sound:


Seeing Qian Wenbin rushing over, Qian Chengping's tanned old face beamed with joy:

"Son, why are you here, eh? What are you doing, why are you crying, what's the matter?"

Qian Wenbin hugged Qian Chengping.

Tears welled up in his eyes, and the man who was almost thirty years old was crying like a child at this moment.

He grabbed Qian Chengping's hand, knelt in front of him and cried loudly:

"Dad, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

"I shouldn't have complained to you, I shouldn't have said your..."

I'm sorry.

There was a cry.

Qian Chengping froze for a moment, as if awakened by something at this moment, fragments that he never remembered flashed through his mind.

next moment.

Qian Chengping suddenly smiled wryly, looked at his son who was crying bitterly, and looked at his own hands:

"So I'm already dead?"

Been wandering here for a few days.

Every day he was asking passers-by how to get to the spring community. He finally remembered today. He was dead. Two days ago, he was going to find his son when he was hit by a truck when he passed by here...

for a while.

Qian Chengping had all kinds of flavors, but he didn't complain about death at all.

Gently squatted down and hugged Qian Wenbin and his wife:

"Son, Xiulan, don't cry, I'm here, it's okay, it's okay, everything will pass."

than complaining about death now.

He cares more about the people in front of him.


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