Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 105 Don't Want A Son Who Wants To Raise Him But Refuses To Be Loved

Watching Qian Chengping and his family embrace each other.

Zhang Wei didn't disturb them, and quietly waited for their conversation to finish.

Sometimes people's collapse is just a moment.

Even the older ones are the same.

Zhang Wei didn't find it funny when Qian Wenbin burst into tears, but remained silent.

He understands.

Why did Qian Wenbin do this.

Because after today, there is no "adult" bigger than him in his family, except for his mother, he has no one who can hug and act like a baby or scold them.

for a long time.

The more we talked, the more Qian Wenbin was reluctant to part with Qian Chengping, and Zhang Wei couldn't help but look at him.

With a plop, he knelt down in front of him.

"Mr. Zhang, can you save my dad? I don't want my dad to leave like this. I want to honor my dad, but I haven't been able to honor my dad."

The son wants to support but the relative does not wait.

People are like this, they don't realize until later, when they spend less time with their relatives and have less filial piety, when they really want to be filial piety, it's already too late.

Qian Wenbin regretted not being able to honor his father more.

Zhang Wei supported Qian Wenbin and shook his head:

"Life and death are different, and cause and effect follow each other. Uncle Qian and you have been separated."

"Although I have a way to make Uncle Qian stay by your side, doing so is not good for Uncle Qian, it will only delay Uncle Qian's reincarnation."

"Besides, if Uncle Qian stays by your side, he is Yin and you are Yang. Staying for a long time will also harm you."

Qian Wenbin wanted to say something else.

Qian Chengping interrupted his words, and shook his head lightly to signal:

"Son, it's alright, isn't Xiulan here with you, brat, be more filial to Xiulan in the future."

He patted Qian Wenbin on the head:

"And what do you say, you brat, how little do you respect me? You built the house at home, and I have a lot of glory in front of Lao Li and the others. People in the village envy me for having a good son like you. Woolen cloth."

in words.

Qian Chengping's old face raised a smile: "I am very proud of having you as a son, haha."


Qian Wenbin burst into tears again, and his mother Xiulan next to him cried into tears again.

Qian Chengping patted them and comforted them: "It's all right."

for a moment.

After comforting him for a while, Qian Chengping looked at Zhang Wei:

"Boy...Mr. Zhang, thank you."

He didn't expect that the young man he met yesterday not only showed him the way, but also helped his family meet for the last time.

Zhang Wei smiled:

"Uncle Qian, you can continue to call me a young man. Uncle Qian, you don't have to thank me. I will help because Uncle Qian is a nice person. Am I right, Mr. Qian, is Uncle Qian a nice person?"

Qian Wenbin nodded heavily:

"My father is very good. Uncle Zhang in the village is disabled. He visits Uncle Zhang every day, and every year..."

He talked endlessly about Qian Chengping's goodness, and at the end his eyes became sour again.

Never recalled it before.

Now after Zhang Wei said it, he remembered how kind his father was to others and to himself.

"Silly boy." Qian Chengping rubbed Qian Wenbin's head.


He thanked Zhang Wei again.

Zhang Wei smiled: "Uncle Qian, I don't know if you still have a wish, you can tell me, as long as I can do it, I will try my best to help you."

His words come out.

Qian Wenbin's mother and son looked over. This was what they cared about most, and they didn't want their father (husband) to leave.

Qian Chengping took a soft look at Qian Wenbin's mother and son.

Then sincerely request to Zhang Wei:

"I want to make another chicken soup for them. Wenbin Xiulan likes to drink my chicken soup."

to death.

Qian Chengping was still thinking about making chicken soup for his son and the others.

"Dad, you want something else."

"Old man, don't just think about us, think about yourself, for example, how much paper money do you want, I'll burn it for you."

Qian Wenbin's mother and son's eyes were red, and they spoke eagerly.

Qian Chengping grinned honestly and smiled:

"I'm just thinking about myself. I haven't made chicken soup for you for a long time. I want to cook it again. And... this is the last time. You can't miss it, haha."

Zhang Wei was stunned for a while.

Some did not expect Qian Chengping's request to be so low.

Finally nodded.



Luxia City, Qian Wenbin's apartment.

at this time.

Qian Chengping's family, including Qian Wenbin's wife and son, sat around the dinner table.

"Grandpa, how long does it take for chicken soup to be good? I want to drink chicken soup."

Qian Chengping's grandson yelled that he was still young and didn't know about Qian Chengping, and he only had good food in his eyes.

"What's your name, kid? My dad made soup for me, not for you kid. He's yelling not to eat tonight."

"Hey, brat, what are you doing with the kids?"

Qian Chengping patted Qian Wenbin on the head, then picked up a large pot of chicken soup, and walked out of the kitchen:

"Here comes the chicken soup."

"Dad, I'll do it."

"No, I'll do it, you go get the bowls and chopsticks."

"Okay, okay, let's go."

Seeing Qian Wenbin carelessly handling the bowls and chopsticks, Qian Chengping smiled, and couldn't help but glance gratefully at Zhang Wei who was sitting in the living room playing games with his grandson.

With the help of Zhang Wei.

Zhang Wei used tens of thousands of yellow talismans to condense into a yellow talisman man, which turned into Qian Chengping's appearance, giving Qian Chengping a body to move temporarily.

"It's easy to do." Zhang Wei smiled and nodded in response.

this meal.

Qian Chengping's family ate happily, talking and laughing at the dinner table.

Same time.

The meal was eaten very slowly.

Qian Wenbin and the others were very reluctant to finish the meal so quickly, because this was the last meal and there would be no more chances.

However, there is always a banquet in the world.

After all, no matter how slow the meal is, it will be finished.

"Dad... the food is delicious, and the chicken soup is delicious."

"Old man, wait for me below when I am old"

Watching Qian Chengping get up.

They knew the time was up, and they didn't know what to say, so they could only talk nonsense in a hurry.

Qian Chengping, on the other hand, smiled, and looked at the clean dining table with not a single drop of food left, with a smile on his face:

"Stinky boy, remember to take care of Xiulan, do you know that, Xiulan, your legs and feet are inconvenient, remember not to walk around, you know, okay, I'm leaving now"

"Goodbye, Grandpa~ Remember to visit me more often and buy something delicious."

Qian Chengping's grandson spoke innocently

"Hey~ Goodbye Xiaobao, grandpa may not be able to see you when he's busy, but grandma will come to see you if it's okay."

Qian Chengping rubbed his grandson's head.


In a family watching.

Qian Chengping walked out of the house and went to Zhang Wei to thank him: "I'm sorry to trouble you, young man."

"Don't bother."

Zhang Wei shook his head, and then recited the Taoist scriptures on the past.

The voice of the past life echoed.

A light appeared in front of Qian Chengping, as if a door was opening to it, secretly asking Qian Chengping to enter.

He waved his hand reluctantly towards his family.

Qian Chengping walked to the door.

When he was about to step into the door, as if thinking of something, Qian Chengping smiled at Zhang Wei:

"Almost forgot, lad, thanks for teaching me how to use a smartphone."

The words fell.

Qian Chengping walked into the door.



decades later.

Qian Wenbin died of old age in the hospital bed. Just like his father expected him back then, his son Xiaobao also became a talent and lived a happy life.


He closed his eyes with happiness.


He turned into a soul and stepped into a portal.

he knows.

That is the gateway to reincarnation.


When he stepped into the portal, he was just about to walk on the Huangquan road inside the portal.

He froze.

Tears welled up in my eyes.

On Huangquan Road ahead, a middle-aged man and woman stood there, waving and smiling:


"Wen Bin."

The man's skin is tanned and his old face is wrinkled, while the woman's face is full of the kindness of a typical rural woman.

"Dad! Mom!!"

Qian Wenbin shouted.

Those were Qian Chengping and his wife. It turned out that they had been waiting for Qian Wenbin here.

Qian Wenbin ran towards them, and while running, his aged figure changed into that of a child when he was a child.


with a smile.

Qian Chengping and his wife led Qian Wenbin to the underworld to reincarnate.


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