Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 106 Triggering Special Rewards, The Contract Between The Old Willow Tree Ghost And Zhang Wei

Following Qian Chengping's words, he walked into the door.

【Ding! Qian Chengping is grateful, thank you. 】

[Host obtains system points +10]

[Trigger special rewards, get props - strong attribute experience card 'hair']

[Strong Attribute Experience Card 'Hair':

As the saying goes, the strong are so weird, as long as they are strong, they have special attributes.

For example, to determine whether the opponent is strong or not, if the opponent is balder, in fact, the strength must be stronger. For example, when dealing with squinting eyes, it is basically certain that the opponent is a strong person, belonging to the kind of strong person who does not show his mountains and dews.

The strong attribute experience card 'hair' has a similar function.

When the host uses the experience card, and within "half an hour" of the experience card time, the host's strength will increase exponentially, and the specific increase will be determined according to the length of the host's hair.

friendly reminder:

During the experience card time, as the host's hair gets shorter, the experience card powerhouse effect will be triggered, and the shorter the hair, the geometrical increase in strength. 】

Look at the introduction.

Zhang Wei was stunned for a while.

Isn't this the legendary 'becoming bald, but also becoming stronger'.

I thought about it.

Zhang Wei murmured, "It can be used as a life-saving card."

This prop can increase your strength exponentially.

You must know that your strength can reach Qilin Wei now, if you use this card, it seems a little exciting to think about it...

"Mr. Zhang, what did you say?"

Qian Wenbin didn't hear Zhang Wei muttering clearly, and asked curiously.


Zhang Wei waved his hand, looked at the time, and before he knew it, it was 7 o'clock in the evening:

"Mr. Qian, since Uncle Qian's work is over, I'll leave first."

The words fell.

Declining Qian Wenbin's invitation thanks, Zhang Wei left.

He has important things to do.

Now that the car accident ghost has been dealt with, he has to go back and report to Mr. Liu Shu.


Luxia City, Chunhua Road House of Horror.

"Hi... uh, it's you."

The clerk was playing the glory of the king, and when he looked up at the person entering the store, he immediately recognized him.

It's him!

The guest with the fertilizer.

Fortunately, I didn't bring any fertilizer this time.

The clerk glanced at Zhang Wei's hands and found that he came empty-handed.

"Hi, I'm booking."

As Zhang Wei said, he scanned the QR code with ease, paid for the reservation fee, and then walked into the horror house by himself. The whole process was smooth and smooth, without the guidance of the store staff, just like his own home.

Wait until the clerk recovers.

Zhang Wei has already entered the horror house.

for a moment.

Inside the horror house.

Zhang Wei walked all the way to the lounge of the horror house.

He made an agreement with the old willow tree ghost, if Zhang Wei fulfills the agreement, he can come here to find him.


Followed into the lounge.

A gust of wind blows.

An old man on crutches appeared in front of Zhang Wei. It was the old willow tree ghost.

"Mr. Liushu, luckily, I have exorcised the ghost at the crossroads."

Zhang Wei grinned, revealing a mouthful of snow-white teeth.

The old willow tree ghost bowed his hands to Zhang Wei:

"Zhang Wei, thank you for eliminating harm for the people."

Zhang Wei waved his hand:

"Mr. Liu Shu is being polite, this is what I should do."

The words did not fall.

Zhang Wei stared at the old willow tree ghost:

"Mr. Willow, can I ask you a question?"

"Ask." The old willow tree ghost did not refuse.

"You asked me to go to the crossroads to drive out ghosts, but the real purpose is not to let me drive out want me to help that Uncle Qian."

Zhang Wei's eyes sparkled.

This is not his random guess.

A contract is a major matter related to oneself, which is equivalent to handing over one's life to the other party. For such a major matter, if the exorcist's ghost is a powerful one, Zhang Wei will not feel anything.

after all.

A powerful ghost that is difficult for ordinary ghost exorcists to deal with.

However, allowing the ghosts to cause chaos there will definitely cause a large number of casualties. The old willow tree ghost is kind-hearted, so he sacrificed himself for the sake of righteousness, and exchanged his own contract for others to get rid of this ghost.

Can be critical.

The car accident ghost wasn't very powerful, at most it was an ordinary red-clothed ghost, and he couldn't do anything wrong with the old willow tree ghost giving up his life for righteousness.


This time the incident also involved the old willow tree ghost testing himself.

No matter how you think about it, it is impossible to simply kill the car accident ghost.

think carefully.

The only thing that can be related to the crossroads is Qian Chengping.

Think about it, with the strength of the old willow tree ghost, even if he can't get out of the horror house, he can still feel the situation at the crossroads, and he can know about Qian Chengping.

Facing Zhang Wei for questioning.

The old willow tree ghost stood in front of the window and looked towards the direction of the intersection, his eyes were gentle and he said slowly:

"That Mr. Qian, the ancestor of his family, was a person who once planted old people."

It's not loud.

But Zhang Wei heard it clearly, and couldn't help being stunned.

"Back then, the old willow was just a small willow sapling. It was his ancestors who planted the old willow and took good care of it, so that the old willow grew into a heavenly willow tree."

The old willow tree ghost's words came to his ears.

Zhang Wei finally understood.

Why did the old willow tree ghost help Qian Chengping even if he risked his own life and contracted himself to others.

It turned out to be for gratitude.

The old willow tree ghost is a kind-hearted ghost. For those like it, the kindness of a drop of water must be repaid by a spring. Not to mention the grace of planting.

Qian Chengping's ancestor planted the old willow tree ghost.

This kind of planting grace, even after three hundred years, the old willow tree ghost never forgot.

Today's planters are in trouble for future generations.

The old willow tree ghost repays his kindness at all costs.

"I see." Zhang Wei murmured

He was not surprised, because the old willow tree ghost had hinted at him before.

When talking with the old willow tree ghost before, the old willow tree ghost told Zhang Wei that he was planted by others, and that he became what he is today, so he is grateful and fond of people. .

Think about it.

Zhang Wei muttered:

"Sow other causes today, and reap other fruits in the future, the karma of three hundred years ago."

He recalled Qian Chengping's simple smile, it was the simple kindness of their ancestors from generation to generation, which brought about today's good results.

"Is this the reward for a good man?"

Zhang Wei raised his smile and smiled happily.


He cupped his hands towards the old willow tree ghost:

"Mr. Liushu's actions today have been taught. A kindness will be engraved for three hundred years. I admire you. I would like to thank you on behalf of Uncle Qian."

The old willow tree ghost Jianlang smiled:

"There is nothing to teach, but the old man can only stay here alone, and the only thing left to do is to memorize things."

in words.

The old willow tree ghost came to Zhang Wei:

"According to the agreement, Zhang Wei, this old man makes a contract with you."

"Don't Mr. Willow think about it?" Zhang Wei said.

The old willow tree ghost shook his head and smiled kindly:

"Don't think about it, Zhang Wei, what you have done to Mr. Qian, I have seen it from my side. I feel that following you will not kill me."

It said and looked at Zhang Wei.

After hearing this, Zhang Wei and the old willow tree ghost looked at each other, and they both smiled heartily.


Zhang Wei bit his finger to make a contract with the old willow tree ghost.


The light of the contract bloomed, dazzling and eye-catching.

A tattoo appeared on Zhang Wei's back.

It was a big willow tree in the sky, and on the branch of the willow tree lay a lazy cat that looked like it was basking in the sun.

After the light faded, the tattoo on his back also disappeared.

Zhang Wei made a contract with the old willow tree ghost!


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